
Pre-training complexes are indispensable for athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters and other athletes who are actively engaged in power types of load. Stimulants allow you to get an effective result from a workout, even when there is almost no power left for it. A multi-component supplement makes it possible to achieve maximum endurance from the body and, as a result, to accelerate the process of achieving the desired result in sports. Consider the ranking of the best pre-training complexes that can make the workout as productive as possible.




What company pre-training complex to choose

The quality of sports nutrition depends on the company that manufactures it.

Below is a ranking of world brands that maintain the high quality of manufactured additives over the years:

1. Musclepharm

2. Cobra labs

3. BSN

4. BPI Sports

5. Rich piana

6. Universal nutrition

7. Weider

8. Optimum Nutrition

The best pre-training complexes

Assault from the manufacturer MusclePharm

Assault MusclePharm

In 2011, this complex is recognized as the best of stimulants. Packages are 290, 435 and 725 grams. Each serving (14.5 g) contains several times more anabolic components than any other supplement. The effectiveness of the product is due to the unique composition: creatine, arginine, beta-alanine, BCAA, citrulline malate, taurine, caffeine, glutamine, minerals, vitamins and other components. Take the recommended 20 minutes before a workout, stirring 1 scoop of the drug in a glass of water.


  • increases endurance and strength of the body, so training becomes longer and more productive;
  • increases blood flow to the muscles, contributes to their growth;
  • promotes rapid recovery after exercise;
  • fills the blood with oxygen;
  • allows you to lift heavy weight;
  • improves metabolic processes.


  • the drug is considered to be potent, therefore it is not recommended for athletes with kidney, liver or heart disease, or diabetes;
  • pregnant women, nursing women, minors from the use of a stimulant should be abandoned.

THE CURSE from Cobra Labs

THE CURSE Cobra Labs

Supplement is considered one of the best among pre-workout stimulants. Packaging (250 g) is designed for 50 receptions. Each serving contains 3 g of energy drinks; 1 g: AAKG, L-citrulline, caffeine, dyes, olive leaf extract, flavors and other components. To prepare, you need 1 scoop of the additive to stir in a glass of water. Take recommended half an hour before a workout.


  • a large burst of energy allows you to train longer and more intensely;
  • pleasant taste;
  • reduces fatigue after exercise;
  • dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, thereby accelerating the flow of nutrients and oxygen in the muscle tissue;
  • contributes to increased strength, accelerated muscle growth, rapid recovery;
  • increases mental alertness


  • composed of dyes and flavors;
  • due to the large number of neurostimulators, it is better to refuse admission to persons under 21 and after 40;
  • can not be taken during pregnancy, lactation.

N.O. Xplode 3.0 from BSN manufacturer

N.O. Xplode 3.0 BSN

The additive is based on N.O. Xplode, but unlike the previous product, has become highly concentrated, because of this, the portion volume has decreased by as much as 17%. Packages are 555 g and 1110 g. The first one is designed for 30 receptions, the second for 60. Each portion (or measuring spoon - 18.5 g) contains more than 30 chemical compounds, the basis is made up of neurostimulants, vitamins, energy agents, minerals, and plant components.Take the recommended half an hour before a workout, stir a portion of the drug in half a glass of water.


  • with proper use of the stimulator does not give side effects;
  • pleasant taste, dissolves quickly;
  • instant effect from taking;
  • has a vasodilating effect, which contributes to the flow of blood and accelerated transportation of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles;
  • significantly increases stamina and strength indicators of the body;
  • not addictive.


  • in rare cases, headache, pressure problems, and sleep may occur;
  • stimulant is contraindicated for people with unstable mentality, with liver and heart diseases, pregnant, lactating women.

1.M.R Vortex from BPI Sports

1.M.R Vortex BPI Sports

At the heart of this stimulant is caffeine. A package of 150 g is designed for 50 servings of 3 g. It is recommended to take it only on training days, mixing 1 portion of the supplement in a glass of water.


  • increases energy, endurance, strength;
  • stimulates the central nervous system;
  • fast acting;
  • large selection of flavors: watermelon, blueberry with lemon, fruit punch, cherry lime, frozen juice;
  • makes training more productive, increases athletic performance;
  • restores energy exchange;
  • economical consumption;
  • stimulates intellectual activity;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, promotes fat burning;
  • reduces pain threshold, helps reduce recovery;
  • The stimulator is suitable for both security officials and athletes performing aerobic exercise.


  • as part of flavors;
  • can not exceed the portion;
  • after taking a heart palpitations, so contraindicated patients with arrhythmia;
  • after the first intakes in rare cases, it may cause an upset stomach;
  • If you are allergic to the components of the drug, you should refuse from taking it.

5150 from the manufacturer Rich Piana

5150 Rich Piana

The drug allows you to achieve high results in sports without the use of prohibited doping and potent stimulants. In the composition there are components such as taurine, caffeine, synephrine, which in the complex gives a pronounced energy effect. The additive is produced in the package of 375 g. It is recommended to take 5-10 g for half an hour before training.


  • gives strength, improves body tone;
  • can be used as a prevention of blood stasis;
  • increases endurance;
  • activates mental activity, increases concentration and mental performance;
  • reduces fatigue, improves mood;
  • pronounced muscle pamping;
  • allows you to achieve maximum results from training.


  • in the composition there are sweeteners, flavors, dyes;
  • You can not combine the drug with the use of coffee, analgesics, stimulants, energy drinks;
  • contraindicated for admission to minors, pregnant, lactating women, people with heart disease, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system.

Animal Rage XL from the manufacturer Universal Nutrition

Animal Rage XL Universal Nutrition

Highly effective stimulant in the composition contains creatine, caffeine, amino acids and plant extracts. Each component in its own way affects the body, so that the additive has a multi-level effect. Packing 145 g is designed for 30 receptions. To prepare it is necessary to stir a portion in a glass of water.


  • normalizes blood circulation, by dilating blood vessels, so stagnation is neutralized;
  • increases energy tone, performance;
  • activates the work of the central nervous system;
  • pronounced anabolic effect;
  • removes the onset of fatigue, allows you to train more productively and longer;
  • shortens the recovery period after training;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • promotes the growth of strength, muscle mass;
  • improves well-being.


  • composed of dyes, flavors;
  • with non-compliance with the rules of admission, you may get addicted to the additive, so the athlete has to increase the dosage or take a break in taking the drug;
  • stimulant is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating women, minors, as well as persons with heart disease or suffering from hypertension.

Beta-Alanine from the manufacturer Weider

Beta Alanine Weider

The basis of the additive is beta-alanine. In the package 120 capsules, designed for 30 servings of 4 pieces. It is recommended to take 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 capsules after dinner or half an hour before the load on training days. Suitable for reception for men and women.


  • the amino acid in the stimulant prevents the oxidation of muscle fibers, which contributes to the rapid recovery after exercise;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • helps to increase strength, muscle gain;
  • regular intake leads to an increase in the level of carnosine in the body, which leads to intensive muscle work and an increase in endurance;
  • promotes the accelerated removal of lactic acid;
  • reduces pain after exercise;
  • improves workout performance;
  • supplement safe with regular use;
  • has an antioxidant effect.


  • may cause tingling of the skin, burning sensation after taking;
  • uneconomical expense.

Gold Standard Pre-Workout from Optimum Nutrition

Gold Standard Pre Workout Optimum Nutrition

The basis of the supplement contains: caffeine, beta-alanine, creatine, astragine and other compounds. A package of 300 g is designed for 30 receptions of 10 g. For preparation, it is necessary to mix a portion of the powder in a glass of water. Suitable for reception for men and women.


  • the additive has many flavors: green apple, pineapple, watermelon, fruit punch and blueberry lemonade;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes lipid and protein-carbohydrate exchanges;
  • raises the threshold of muscle fatigue;
  • eliminates the by-product of muscle oxidation;
  • suppresses catabolism;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • accelerates recovery after a load;
  • while adhering to the rules of admission, there is no addiction to the stimulator;
  • promotes an accelerated set of muscle mass;
  • improves well-being.


  • as part of flavorings, flavors, dyes;
  • banned reception in conjunction with fat burners, coffee, energy and other products containing caffeine;
  • has many contraindications: not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, minors, people with heart disease, autoimmune disorders, asthma or high blood pressure.

What pre-training complex to buy

1. If you need to buy an additive that would be compatible with different groups of sports nutrition, then you need to choose a caffeine-free stimulant - N.O. Xplode 3.0 from the manufacturer BSN.

2. Additive THE CURSE from the manufacturer Cobra Labs will not cause habituation when used intermittently.

3. A drug that would be great for taking exclusively on training days - 1.M.R Vortex from the manufacturer BPI Sports. In addition, this stimulant has a large selection of tastes.

4. A powerful stimulator 5150 from the manufacturer Rich Piana will help to maximize the internal reserves of the body. This drug due to its composition, has the effect of increasing efficiency and endurance, similar to the prohibited doping.

5. Animal Rage XL from the manufacturer Universal Nutrition, Gold Standard Pre-Workout from the manufacturer Optimum Nutrition, Assault from the manufacturer MusclePharm are supplements that have a complex effect on the body and have a balanced composition. Acceptance of stimulants contributes not only to an increase in the energy potential, but also to a decrease in the pain threshold and voltage of the central nervous system, and promote the breakdown of fatty acids.

6. Those who wish to purchase a stimulant in capsules, not in powder form, but in capsules, can use Beta-Alanine from the manufacturer Weider. In addition, this supplement is suitable for both men and women.

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