
L-carnitine should be present in the daily diet of each athlete. This natural substance in high concentration is found in raw meat, fish and dairy products. But during heat treatment it is lost and it is very difficult to provide the body with the necessary amount of carnitine with food alone without accumulating excess fats and carbohydrates. The ranking of the best L-carnitines, made up, considering the manufacturer, composition, feedback from trainers and sportsmen, prices, concentration, will help you choose the best supplement that suits you.




L-carnitine which company to choose

There is a huge variety of manufacturers of sports nutrition. But not everyone supplies efficient and safe products to the market. High-quality sports nutrition is usually produced by companies with a wide distribution network throughout the world; quality certificates confirming long-term inspections, the use of the best raw materials and technologies for its preparation; wide range and, of course, many years of customer confidence.

Below is a ranking of the best manufacturers of L-carnitines:

1. Optimum Nutrition

2. Muscletech

3. Universal nutrition

4. SAN

5. Musclepharm

6. Nutrabolics

7. Power pro

8. Biotech

9. Myprotein

10. GNC

Top L-carnitines in liquid form

Ultra-Pure Carnitin MuscleTech

Ultra Pure Carnitin MuscleTech

The packaging of this drug is designed for 16 receptions. Each serving contains 1 g of the active substance. The supplement is great for men and women who want to increase fat metabolism under intense loads.


  • increases the energy potential of the body;
  • promotes fast recovery after intense workouts, preventing muscle tissue damage;
  • pleasant orange taste;
  • high rate of absorption;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • convenient reception - you can drink it in pure form or mix it with water or juice.


  • you need to take only half an hour before training;
  • in the preparation there are flavoring additives and flavors;
  • uneconomical expense.

CarniTech Universal Nutrition

CarniTech Universal Nutrition

The product, which in addition to the main component of L-carnitine also contains natural supplements that have a tonic effect. One serving of 20 mg (total of 16 servings) contains 1.3 g of L-carnitine, 0.05 g of guarana, 0.075 g of green tea extract, 0.1 g of ginseng extract, 0.05 g of white willow extract.


  • promotes intensive breakdown of fats;
  • normalizes weight, promotes weight loss;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • instant action, maximum absorption;
  • helps to eliminate toxins from organisms;
  • Supplements helps to normalize pressure, heart function.


  • taking the drug depends on the workout. It is necessary to consume 1 hour before the workout;
  • If you are hypersensitive to any component of the supplement, you may experience nausea, impaired stool, and headache.

Carnitine Core MusclePharm

Carnitine Core MusclePharm

The dietary supplement contains 4 forms of left carnitine: L-carnitine, tatrat, acetyl, propionyl. Even at small loads the effect will be noticeable. The use of this drug is recommended with a special diet (it is desirable to reduce the amount of carbohydrate foods) and cardiovascular. The drug is designed for 30 servings, each contains 0.15 g of the active substance.


  • helps to burn fat, faster weight return to normal;
  • normalizes energy exchange processes;
  • contraindications and side effects are absent as with a one-time, and with regular use;
  • balanced composition;
  • unlike tablets and powder form of release, the liquid form is absorbed faster by the body and, as a result, the effect of taking is faster;
  • improves the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates physical and mental activity.


  • in the composition there are dyes, flavors and flavorings;
  • increases appetite.

The best L-carnitines in tablets or capsules

Optimum Nutrition L-carnitine 500

Optimum Nutrition L carnitine 500

A pack of high-quality L-carnitine contains 60 servings of 0.5 g of the active ingredient each. In the composition there is a combination: phosphorus, calcium and L-carnitine. The additive is considered universal, because Suitable for men and women.


  • speeds up the process of losing weight without a threat to health;
  • additive safe and effective;
  • the manufacturer does not use synthetic substances;
  • minimizes stress on the heart;
  • increases endurance of the body during active physical exertion due to improved energy exchange in the muscles;
  • due to its composition, it is quickly absorbed by the body, so you can take it independently of training


  • after taking significant doses, it is extremely rare to develop insomnia, therefore, it is recommended to take it in the morning;
  • in case of individual intolerance to any component of the drug, the reception is not recommended.

SAN L-Carnitine Power

SAN L Carnitine Power

In the composition of the drug is one active ingredient, its concentration in each capsule is 0.5 g. The drug is free from impurities. One pack is designed for 60 receptions.


  • the drug increases the endurance of the body;
  • capsule release form in its composition has a minimum of foreign components;
  • convenient reception and packing;
  • helps to avoid a decrease in testosterone after intense workouts;
  • in comparison with analogs, it has a low price, but it does not yield to the effect of reception;
  • strengthens the immune system.


  • unlike the liquid form, it is longer absorbed;
  • large capsules.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Acetyl L-Carnitine 60

Alpha Lipoic Acid Acetyl L Carnitine 60

The basis of the additive contains 2 main substances: acetylcarnitine (0.5 g) and alpha-lipoic acid (0.2 g). It comes in the form of capsules and is great for stimulating metabolism, obtaining increased energy and burning fat. Packaging is designed for 60 receptions. On the day it is recommended to take 2 capsules.


  • as a result of the intake, fatty acids are converted to clean energy required for aerobic exercise;
  • helps to slow the aging process in the body;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration and recovery and reduces oxidative stress;
  • stimulates the production of growth hormone;
  • does not contain sugar, preservatives, dyes;
  • there are no adverse reactions, even with a large dose;
  • helps to increase power performance.


  • absorbed longer than the liquid form;
  • with individual intolerance to any substance in the composition, it is better to refuse.

Top L-Carnitine Powder

Carnibolic nutrabolics

Carnibolic nutrabolics

The drug contains L-carnitine, hydrochloride, tatrate, fumarate. Packaging 150 g, designed for 30 receptions (5 g). Each serving contains 2 g of the active substance, the remaining components: apple, citric, tartaric acids and other reagents. Admission is allowed for women, men, minors, overweight. You can take the additive as a complex therapy to improve the cardiovascular system.


  • increases energy tone, strength and endurance;
  • characterized by high efficiency;
  • great for drying muscles;
  • helps to utilize faster subcutaneous fat.


  • the disadvantage of the intake is that the powder must be diluted;
  • high price;
  • more than 50% of the composition in each portion is occupied by inactive components.



The additive is produced in a package of 250 g and is designed for 500 servings, and a package for 500 g is designed for 1000 servings.For consumption, it is recommended to take 0.5 g of the drug from 1 to 3 times a day, previously diluted in water or a glass of juice. To accept it is necessary immediately after stirring, it is desirable during food.


  • additive highly effective;
  • increases endurance during intense workouts;
  • increases mental alertness;
  • the product does not contain extraneous additives, has almost no taste (when dissolved in water, a slightly lemon flavor is felt), can be diluted in juice or tea - you can experiment and create your favorite flavors;
  • dissolves quickly;
  • packaging is consumed sparingly;
  • helps to normalize weight without debilitating diets;
  • high concentration in the tissues;
  • contributes to the normalization of the heart.


  • liquid is needed for consumption.

Best ampoule-shaped L-carnitines

BioTech L-Carnitine ampule 2000

BioTech L Carnitine ampule 2000

Supplement refers to sports fat burners mild action. Packaging is designed for 20 receptions. Each vial contains 2 g of the active ingredient. Reception is recommended for half an hour before training.


  • carnitine has a high degree of purification;
  • convenient reception, for use, you must open the ampoule and drink its contents;
  • well absorbed by the body;
  • increases power performance;
  • maximum results even with low doses;
  • increases endurance;
  • normalizes the heart;
  • optimizes fatty acid metabolism.


  • high price;
  • contains foreign components: flavoring agents, preservatives, etc.

Carnitine 2000 Power Pro

Carnitine 2000 Power Pro

The supplement is full of vitamins, available in convenient disposable sticks. Each of 20 ml. The drug contains: L-carnitine (2 g), vitamins (1.5 mg), ascorbic acid (3 mg), etc. It is recommended to take before exercise, but no later than 5 hours before bedtime.


  • no need to dilute with water or drink, which is very convenient;
  • accelerates the rate of fat splitting;
  • increases body tone;
  • increases the amount of energy produced;
  • improves the functioning of the heart, the liver, by reducing the level of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
    affordable price;
  • does not cause irritation in the stomach.


  • in case of individual intolerance of any component of the drug, it is better to cancel the reception;
  • The composition contains flavors and flavorings.

Which L-carnitine to buy

Choosing L-carnitine is necessary considering the following factors:

1. It is necessary to relate the price, the number of servings and the concentration of the active component per each portion. Acceptable, at first glance, the price may be due to a small amount of the active substance and, as a result, there will be a less pronounced effect. In this case, there is a need to increase the number of receptions (the daily need for L-carnitine is 2 g).

2. Among the sports nutrition from the best manufacturers there are many fakes, so you need to buy on the official websites or pre-consult with a coach. The low price of the same drug, but sold on a little-known resource, most likely speaks of a fake.

3. The presence of additional components in the composition. Before buying, it is necessary to decide which form of release will be more convenient for use: liquid, ampoules are assimilated faster, but often there are additional inactive components in the composition; tablets and powder are longer absorbed, but in the composition there are practically no foreign substances.

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