
During physical activity, creatine supplies muscle tissue with energy. Increasing the amount of this substance in the body with the help of fast-absorbing additives allows you to withstand the ultimate loads longer and increase the productivity of training by 20%. In addition, creatine helps achieve substantial muscle growth in a short amount of time. You will learn about which drugs quickly and effectively increase the level of energy in the body in this article.




Creatine which firm to choose

In order to choose an effective and safe supplement, it is necessary to purchase products from well-known and positively reputable manufacturers.

We have prepared a list of companies that produce sports nutrition in accordance with European standards and requirements:

1. BPI Sports

2. Olimp

3. Optimum Nutrition

4. Biotech

5. Scitec Nutrition

These brands demonstrate stability in terms of quality. In the production companies use their many years of experience, only the best raw materials and modern technologies. Finished products undergo continuous laboratory testing, so it is absolutely safe for the health of consumers.

Best Creatines

Creatine Xplode Powder from Olimp

Creatine Xplode Powder Olimp

This powerful supplement contains 6 types of creatine and taurine. In the composition there are no carbohydrates, fats, third-party impurities. The drug fully compensates for the body's need for creatine during and after intense strength, helps to increase strength, endurance, as well as accelerated muscle mass gain. Recommended for powerlifters, bodybuilders, athletes. It is necessary to accept 1 portion (5g) in the morning and after training. 500 g of the powder form of creatine are calculated on 100 receptions.


  • a combination of several creatine provides maximum results;
  • contributes to the real growth of mass when performing strength exercises;
  • slows down the feeling of tiredness due to the powerful energy effect of taurine;
  • increases power indicators;
  • accelerates recovery processes after intense workouts;
  • ensures maximum performance of the body, even with minimal dosages;
  • completely absorbed.


  • large doses can cause indigestion;
  • increases fluid retention in the body.

Creatine Powder from Optimum Nutrition

Creatine Powder Optimum Nutrition

The supplement is a micronized creatine with the smallest structure, which indicates a better absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and rapid transport to muscle tissue. Each serving (5 g) contains pure creatine monohydrate and nothing else. After 15 minutes after use, creatine is absorbed into the blood, and the body receives an additional energy charge, which significantly improves workout performance. To prepare you need to stir the drug in a glass of juice or water. Take in the morning, before bedtime, at lunch and dinner during the week, then reduce the daily rate by 2 times. Available in powder form, in packs of 300, 600, 1200, 2000.


  • heals microtraumas and breaks after intense strength training;
  • accelerates protein synthesis;
  • contributes to the accumulation of glycogen, water, which leads to a visual increase in muscle and strength;
  • pushes the moment of breakdown;
  • simplifies the hard training process.


  • it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed during the intake of creatine;
  • not recommended to exceed the daily rate of supplementation, otherwise the drug may cause gastrointestinal distress.

100% Creatine Monohydrate from BioTech

100 Creatine Monohydrate BioTech

The preparation contains pure creatine monohydrate. The additive increases the hydration of the muscles, which leads to their visual increase.Even small dosages contribute to a significant increase in strength and endurance. Creatine powder form is available in packages of 100, 300, 500, 1000 g. The additive has no taste, so it can be mixed with your favorite drinks.


  • normalizes ATP synthesis, improves energy metabolism;
  • promotes rapid muscle growth, accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue;
  • allows you to quickly achieve the desired results in strength sports;
  • helps to recover from physical exertion;
  • affordable price.


  • very rarely, the intake can cause acne or acne, it is associated with an increase in testosterone production, but at the same time, this indicator is positive in terms of gaining muscle mass.

100% Creatine Monohydrate from Scitec Nutrition

100 Creatine Monohydrate Scitec Nutrition

The additive increases the effectiveness of high-intensity and short-term physical exercises, contributes to the development of physical strength. It has no taste, because consists exclusively of creatine monohydrate, so you can mix with your favorite drinks. The drug is easily absorbed and has no side effects. Anabolic action and optimization of energy metabolism occurs half an hour after admission. The powder form of the additive is available in volumes of 300, 500 and 1000 g.


  • improves muscle nutrition due to hydration;
  • increases energy and as a result, the performance of strength training;
  • provides pumping of muscles during intense workouts, makes them more voluminous;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • inhibits the breakdown of proteins;
  • increases the threshold of physical endurance;
  • affordable price.


  • the powder does not completely dissolve, so an unpleasant powder residue remains in the mouth.



In addition to creatine, the drug contains taurine, antioxidants and aspartic acid. Creatine enters the muscle cells, causes them to expand due to hydration and to increase significantly in size. The remaining components act as catalysts - they stimulate the production of testosterone, protect muscles from oxidation, increase energy. The effect is noticeable after several uses. It is recommended to use in all power sports. The package contains 165 g of creatine in powder form.


  • pleasant taste, easily soluble in water;
  • has anti-catabolic effect, inhibits free radicals;
  • promotes the active development of muscles and increase of power indicators;
  • restores glycogen stores in muscle tissue;
  • mild stimulating action without CNS depression;
  • increases the overall volume and productivity of the training.


  • high price;
  • uneconomical expense;
  • after the end of the supplement, the volume of the muscles may slightly decrease in volume.

CREATINE capsules 720 from Weider

CREATINE capsules 720 Weider

The basis of the drug contains creatine monohydrate, in small quantities there are fats, carbohydrates, protein. The additive allows you to replenish the expended ATP level, which contributes to an increase in endurance, strength and rapid recovery after intense exertion. The drug helps to train longer and more efficiently, and therefore, to quickly achieve the desired sporting achievements. Reception of an additive is actual in those sports where the increased force is required. Pack of 150 capsules.


  • maximum digestibility;
  • convenient form of admission;
  • improves performance in sports;
  • compensates for creatine deficiency after intensive training;
  • makes muscles elastic, increases their volume by an average of 15% of the initial state;
  • increases the flow of nutrients to the muscle tissue;
  • increases the performance of the body;
  • accelerates protein synthesis, which contributes to rapid recovery.


  • the drug is not suitable for admission during the period of development of muscle relief, because saturates the muscle cells with water and causes their swelling;
  • not recommended for minors and pregnant women.

Kre-Alkalyn 1500 from Olimp Labs

Kre Alkalyn 1500 Olimp Labs

At the heart of the supplement is creataline creatine. By its effectiveness, the additive exceeds the usual creatine by 20%, because does not split in the gastric juice, saturates the muscle cells with phosphocreatine and provides the body with powerful energy replenishment. The effect of the application occurs after 20 minutes and persists for several hours. Great for power athletes who want to achieve impressive pumping and increase muscle volume. Pack of 120 gelatin capsules.


  • the supplement is directly transported to the muscles without overloading the liver, therefore it is absorbed faster and more efficiently;
  • makes the muscles bulky and dense;
  • accelerates the excretion of lactic acid;
  • preserves the integrity and structure of muscle tissue;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • high quality, favorable price;
  • The effect comes from the first day of the course.


  • It is recommended to use an increased amount of fluid while taking the drug.

Creatine Matrix from OstroVit

Creatine Matrix OstroVit

This anabolic complex contains 4 types of creatine. Due to its balanced composition, the drug is suitable for use in various sports. The tool perfectly stimulates the growth of strength and muscle mass due to increased levels of creatine phosphate in the muscles. The high concentration of this substance in muscle cells enhances the resynthesis of ATP and increases the energy potential of the muscles. The package contains 300 g of powder form of creatine.


  • perfectly soluble in water;
  • has a pronounced energy effect;
  • helps maximize muscle growth and reduce subcutaneous fat;
  • increases physical performance, allows you to train more intensively;
  • delays the moment of onset of fatigue;
  • supports the regeneration of muscle tissue after exercise;
  • protects the cardiovascular system.


  • not recommended to take in case of hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • in rare cases, causes digestive upset.

Creatine from MusclePharm

Creatine MusclePharm

This anabolic complex contains 5 forms of creatine. Each has its own characteristics, but their pharmacological properties are similar. The mechanism of action of the drug is to optimize energy exchange processes that are associated with the production of ATP. The balanced chemical formula is almost completely absorbed by the body. The package contains 300 g of powder form of creatine and is designed for 60 receptions.


  • activates anabolic processes that take place in soft tissues;
  • helps increase pumping;
  • promotes the growth of power indicators;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • increases endurance and performance;
  • protects muscles from destruction, accelerates recovery after intensive training;
  • improves metabolism, general well-being, normalizes blood pressure.


  • the drug stimulates the production of testosterone, it can cause acne;
  • during the intake, the daily fluid intake should be increased by at least 1.5 liters.

What creatine to buy

1. If you need a drug that contains a combination of several creatines, it is better to purchase an additive from Olimp, OstroVit or MusclePharm.

2. Products that contain 100% creatine monohydrate in powder form: Creatine Powder from Optimum Nutrition, 100% Creatine Monohydrate from BioTech, 100% Creatine Monohydrate from Scitec Nutrition.

3. If you need an additive with a complex action and a pleasant taste, it is better to choose BUILD-HD from BPI Sports.

4. Supplement, with a more convenient form of admission - creatine capsules from the company Weider.

5. The drug that is directly transported to the muscles is Kre-Alkalyn 1500 from the company Olimp Labs.

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