
BCAA is a complex of three essential amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), which are not produced by the human body, but are necessary for proper muscle growth. These amino acids are present in the composition of the protein, which can be obtained from food of animal and vegetable origin. It takes 1.5 hours for the body to get them out of food, which is long enough for athletes who have a higher need for BCAAs during exercise. A deficiency of these amino acids leads to the destruction of muscle fibers. To replenish it, sports nutrition manufacturers offer to take the already processed BCAA protein and almost instantly compensate for the body's needs. Consider which BCAA supplements increase strength and endurance of the body and are considered the most effective.




VSAA complex of which company to choose

When choosing sports nutrition, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer of the supplement. The company must be widely known and have the confidence of professional athletes around the world. The products of the following manufacturers are distinguished by high demand not only because of the affordable and reasonable prices.

Due to the original composition, high quality and excellent working properties of manufactured sports nutrition, the following companies occupy leading positions among the manufacturers of BCAA supplements:

1. Optimum Nutrition

2. Olimp

3. BSN

4. Biotech

5. Musclepharm

6. Nutrend

7. Fitmax

Best VSAA in tablets and capsules

BCAA 1000 caps from the manufacturer Optimum Nutrition

BCAA 1000 caps Optimum Nutrition

Each capsule of the anabolic supplement contains 3 substances: L-valine (0.25 g), L-leucine (0.5 mg) and L-isoleucine (0.25 g), which protect the muscles from oxidation and promote their rapid growth. Available in 60, 200 and 400 capsules. It is necessary to accept from 2 to 8 capsules between meals in the morning and after training.


  • fast absorption;
  • normalizes nitrogen balance;
  • promotes the accelerated growth of muscles;
  • has a balanced composition;
  • slows down the synthesis of cortisol;
  • accelerates protein synthesis;
  • reduces the amount of fat mass of the body;
  • does not contain harmful chemical compounds;
  • no contraindications;
  • quick recovery after a load;
  • protects muscles from oxidation and destruction;
  • low price.


  • It is not recommended to use on an empty stomach, because taking supplements provokes juice secretion and intestinal motility, otherwise heartburn may occur;
  • The supplement increases stamina and strength, which is why some athletes perform excessive loads, which can lead to tears, muscle strain, joint damage, and therefore it is not recommended to exceed the daily dosage.

BCAA 3: 1: 2 from the manufacturer MusclePharm

BCAA 3 1 2 MusclePharm

This complex contains 240 capsules with a unique ratio of essential amino acids: leucine (3 g), isoleucine (1 g), valine (2 g). With regular use of the drug improves the results of training. Take recommended up to 2 times a day, 4-8 capsules before and after exercise.


  • promotes fast protein feed of muscles - in 15 minutes after the use it is acquired by an organism;
  • prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers;
  • restores positive nitrogen levels;
  • improves well-being;
  • burns fat in combination with physical exertion;
  • due to the high content of leucine, the additive promotes rapid muscle growth, because stimulates protein synthesis in them;
  • metabolized in the muscles, bypassing the liver;
  • pushes the moment of onset of fatigue.


  • reception is contraindicated in chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, biliary tract and kidneys;
  • Do not exceed the daily dosage.

Best VSAA in liquid form

BCAA EXTREME SHOT 4000 from manufacturer Olimp


The complex differs in almost instant effect from reception and fast digestibility. Contains 20 ampoules of 60 mg each. The composition contains valine (1 g), isoleucine (1 g), glutamine (1 g), leucine (2 g). It is recommended to take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule before training.


  • pleasant taste of orange;
  • convenient form of admission;
  • reduces muscle pain;
  • helps to get rid of problematic fat deposits;
  • blocks the action and release of cortisol;
  • counteracts the splitting of muscle fibers;
  • maintains nitrogen levels;
  • increases endurance of the body during exercise, reduces fatigue;
  • is a wonderful source of energy and strength;
  • promotes the accelerated growth of dry muscles.


  • do not exceed the daily rate, because it will not bring a heightened effect from the intake;
  • composed of flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and dyes.

Amino BCAA Mega Strong from the manufacturer Nutrend

Amino BCAA Mega Strong Nutrend

The complex is produced in the form of a liquid syrup (1 l and 0.5 l - 25 and 13 portions). The basis of the composition: leucine (0.56 g), valine (1.8 g), isoleucine (0.8 mg), vitamin B (0.016 g). It is not a potent anabolic drug, and therefore has no contraindications for use. It is recommended to consume 2 servings per day, 40 ml. This is a concentrated product, it must be diluted in one glass of water.


  • pleasant taste of orange;
  • suitable for reception, regardless of training;
  • compensates for the BCAA deficiency during exercise;
  • activates protein synthesis;
  • there is no sugar in the composition;
  • quickly absorbed in the muscles, saturating and nourishing them;
  • in combination with physical exertion helps to burn subcutaneous fat;
  • prevents muscle cell breakdown and muscle loss;
  • quick recovery after exercise;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes fatigue;
  • affordable price.


  • in addition there are many extraneous components: sweeteners, flavors, dyes, etc .;
  • must be diluted in water.

BCAA SHOT from BioTech manufacturer


Anabolic complex contains 20 ampoules. Each has 60 mg of supplement, which consists of: liquid BCAA (3 g), arginine (0.5 g), vitamins of group B. You need to take 1 serving per day.


  • increases the energy and endurance of the body during exercise;
  • for the use it is not required to count a dosage and to stir in water;
  • affordable cost;
  • almost instantly absorbed;
  • restores muscle fibers after exercise;
  • no side effects after taking from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • arginine has a vasodilating effect, which improves blood flow and promotes the accelerated supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles;
  • stabilizes the work of the central nervous system, heart;
  • normalizes metabolism, accelerates muscle protein synthesis, nitrogen balance;
  • Supplement can be taken in conjunction with complexes for weight loss, weight gain;
  • promotes accelerated fat burning.


  • not taken with severe diseases of the liver or kidneys, pregnant and during lactation;
  • in the composition there are flavors, stabilizers, dyes.

Best VSAA in powder form

Amino X from BSN manufacturer

Amino X BSN

Powerful BCAA-complex is 435 g and 1015 g. In the composition of each portion there are 10 g of amino acids: leucine, citrulline, isoleucine, valine, taurine. It is recommended to take 14.5 g for half an hour before and half an hour after training. Before use, it is necessary to dissolve the portion of the additive (measuring spoon) in a glass of water.


  • does not leave a bitter taste;
  • high degree of assimilation - 10 minutes after consumption;
  • increases endurance, delays the onset of feelings of fatigue;
  • promotes the growth of strength;
  • restores stocks of ATP;
  • promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles;
  • increases body tone;
  • prevents the splitting of muscle fibers;
  • stimulates the production of leptin - a hormone that regulates weight, appetite, fat accumulation and consumption;
  • increases the body's energy for both aerobic and anaerobic loads;
  • promotes protein production in muscles.


  • in the composition there are flavors;
  • water is necessary for reception, which is not always convenient.

Amino Essentials from the manufacturer BioTech

Amino Essentials BioTech

This anabolic complex is perfect for athletes who need an effective protein load. 300 g of supplement for 27 servings. Each serving contains 4 g of BCAA amino acids. It is necessary to take half an hour before the workout and immediately after it.


  • faster removes lactic acid from the body;
  • normalizes nitrogenous balance;
  • 90% of the amino acids of this complex is absorbed in the muscles, restoring and nourishing them;
  • interferes with catabolism;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • increases the level of nutrients and oxygen in the muscles;
  • optimizes metabolic processes, causes the body to use body fat as energy;
  • reduces fatigue and fatigue during exercise;
  • improves well-being;
  • strengthens the vascular and cardiac systems;
  • promotes increased strength.


  • uneconomical expense;
  • high price.

BCAA + Citrulline from FitMax manufacturer

BCAA Citrulline FitMax

The additive is suitable for physically active people in various sports: running, martial arts, powerlifting, swimming, etc. The complex is based on leucine (3 g), valine (1.5 g), isoleucine (1.5 g) and citrulline (1 g). 600 g of supplement for 60 servings. It is necessary to accept 10 g in the morning and after training. To prepare stir in one glass of water.


  • activates lipid metabolism;
  • helps to achieve high results in many sports;
  • facilitates training, increasing the body’s energy resources and endurance;
  • stabilizes metabolic processes;
  • citrulline activates the accelerated output of lactic acid;
  • excellent remedy for overwork;
  • reduces catabolism;
  • Supplement reduces the level of lactate in the blood.


  • high price;
  • hypersensitivity is a contraindication to use.

Which BCAA complex to buy

1. If you need an additive in capsules, with low cost and relatively economical consumption, then you need to pay attention to the BCAA 1000 caps from the manufacturer Optimum Nutrition. Supplements support muscle growth and suppress catabolism.

2. An additive that is instantly absorbed by the body - BCAA 4000 Extreme. It has a balanced composition and a pleasant orange flavor.

3. An additive that can be taken both with aerobic and anaerobic exercise - Amino X from the manufacturer BSN. In addition, this drug can be combined with protein complexes, carbohydrate drinks.

4. The complex, which is perfect during intensive workouts, as well as during drying - Amino Essentials from the manufacturer BioTech.

5. If you need a premium supplement, you need to pay attention to the BCAA 3: 1: 2 from the manufacturer MusclePharm. The complex has a unique ratio of essential amino acids, which provides muscle growth (without losing weight) and prevents its destruction.

6. Additive that is suitable for amateur athletes and professional athletes - Amino BCAA Mega Strong from the manufacturer Nutrend. It can be taken after, during training and before it.

7. BCAA + Citrulline from the manufacturer FitMax is perfect for those athletes who are engaged in physical activity 3 or more times a week.

8. If you need an effective supplement with a maximum absorption rate and a convenient form of release, then you need to purchase BCAA SHOT from the manufacturer BioTech. In addition, the complex can be combined with other dietary supplements for a set of muscles, weight loss.

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