
Protein is a dietary supplement that is almost 100% protein. Protein supplements restore muscle fibers, which are destroyed during workouts and are the building blocks for muscle growth. It is quite difficult for beginners to choose the best prothen for themselves. We will help you to figure this out by talking about which protein is better.



which protein is better

Without protein blends, it is almost impossible to get a positive result in the formation of relief for those who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding. You can not overdo it with protein. It is proved that protein does not bring harm, if your diet is varied and you exercise.

Types of sports supplements - advice for beginners

Protein is divided into additives of plant and animal origin. Vegetable protein can be wheat, rice or soy. Animal origin - dairy, meat or egg. The main difference between them is the speed and degree of absorption in the human body.

It is believed that the most suitable protein for a beginner is a simple protein. But the statement is not entirely correct, since different types of protein affect the body differently. Therefore, to obtain the best result, it will be more efficient to develop an individual diet.

Which protein is better absorbed

There is a so-called "fast" protein - it is easily digestible proteins, which are taken throughout the day. The best protein for human absorption is recognized whey supplement, which is divided into concentrate and isolate. These types of additives differ in the amount of protein, therefore, cost. The best whey protein is undoubtedly an isolate, it is 95% protein.

what protein is better to buy

The rapidly digesting proteins include:

ISOFLEX Allmax is a highly digestible and portable supplement that contains approximately 90% protein. This whey isolate does not contain carbohydrates, fat or lactose. Option for those who stick to a diet.

Optimum nutrition's 100% Whey Gold Standard contains concentrates and isolates. It will be an excellent combination of price and quality.

Zero Carb Protein VPX - stimulates the production of its own growth hormone muscles.

Platinum Isolate Supreme SAN is a protein that easily dissolves in the body and is absorbed in it. Contains peptides.

The above sports supplements are among the best for muscle growth.

Badly digestible supplements. Casein is a slow protein that is extracted from cow's milk. This protein thickens rather quickly, which helps to slow down its breakdown in the body. When you use casein for a long time you will not leave a feeling of fullness. This type of sports supplement is usually taken at bedtime.

Slow Squirrels:

Dymatize's Elite Casein is a high-quality product, with up to 7 hours of absorption by the body. Super price and super taste.

100% Casein Gold Standart will be an excellent protein option for daily intake.

100% Casein Protein Optimum Nutrition is good due to its high content of trace elements.

For vegetarians invented soy protein. And although it is well balanced with amino acids, it is still more suitable for women, as soy reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. And for men, the reception of a significant amount of soy protein is fraught with disruptions in the endocrine system.

In order not to think for a long time which protein is better to buy: soy or whey, you should know that the best choice would be a combination, which consists of different types of proteins. It will provide the body with a constant supply for a long time.

Complex Additive Rating:

Monster Milk CytoSport - the leader among mixes, contains 5 different proteins. No analogues.

Syntha-6 BSN is a distinctive feature of this protein - it nourishes the muscles with amino acids for as long as possible, providing them with good growth.

Matrix 5 Syntrax does not contain dyes, an effective protein at an affordable price.

Iso Sensation Ultimate Nutrition - a unique protein with the addition of Colostrum (a product that a person gets with mother's milk). The only negative is the cost.

ALLWhey ALLMAX Nutrition contains flaxseed oil, lowers cholesterol. Great for weight gain.

How to take squirrels

Athletes who aspire to a perfectly pumped body, are advised to take protein throughout the day and not only before and after workouts, but also before bedtime, since we should not forget that muscles recover when their owner is sleeping.

the best protein

The daily rate of protein should be 2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight, that is, an average of 200 grams. But since at one time the human body absorbs no more than 25 grams of powdered protein, and there can be only two servings per day (50g). This means that the remaining missing grams should be recruited with ordinary foods (fish, eggs, chicken fillet).

Which protein is better

The difference between firms is only in the amount of protein per 100 grams of supplement and in taste. The name of the brand, the beauty of packaging and advertising does not affect the growth of muscle mass. Prices for all proteins are about the same. The only exceptions are sports supplements advertised brands that are much more expensive.

It is worth remembering that the main goal of protein is replenishment of protein deficiency, which a person does not receive in the basic diet.

Let the price does not slow you down on the way to the perfect body relief, buy sports nutrition in specialized stores. The production of sports supplements keeps pace with the times, and today one of the best proteins is the products of the company Multipower - a protein, for the absorption of which the body almost does not expend energy. This is an important aspect during heavy physical exertion.

When buying protein, carefully read the composition on the label, because the right choice of high-quality supplements is the first step to your athletic figure!

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