
Gainer is a product of the sports nutrition branch, aimed at accelerated growth of muscles, healing of micro injuries, and speedy recovery during the training period. Properly selected gainer allows you to quickly build muscle and maintain the body in a state of tone. The main aspect when choosing is the price, the amount of carbohydrate and protein components, as well as the percentage of sugar content.



best weight gainers

Gainer which company to buy

Power pro


A relatively young, Ukrainian sports nutrition campaign. I managed to gain a certain popularity among bodybuilders. Shows some availability in the price, has a good mineral and vitamin set. Used among novice athletes.



An excellent sportpita manufacturer hails from Poland. This campaign is engaged in the production of protein powder and gainers for the national team in strength sports. The quality of the products is excellent, which has been repeatedly proved by examinations and reviews of athletes. It has a wide range of similar product lines.



American manufacturer of sports nutrition. It has a long history and successfully established itself in the sportpit market. It has a huge line of products of a similar profile: from vitamins to geiners. There are branches in Europe.

Universal nutrition


Popular and reliable Japanese sportpit production campaign. Founded in the distant 70s and still works. It produces not only gainers and proteins, but also mineral, vitamin complexes, fat burners and BCAAs. Mark the high quality and safety of this product line.

Dymatize Nutrition


Campaign for the production of sports nutrition from the United States, Florida. The beginning of work in this field was opened in 1994. Only those who lived in this city could afford the products due to the small volume of production. Today the campaign covers the whole world and has branches in 40 countries.



American manufacturer of sportpit. Demonstrates an impressive range of various products: amino acids, BCAAs, minerals, protein, creatine and gainers. It is in great demand among bodybuilding adepts and sports professionals. It has a very attractive price for products.



French corporation for the manufacture of special nutrition for athletes. The roots go back to 1996, when the campaign began to produce large quantities of sportpit. A branch of goods is represented not only by sports nutrition, but also by means of preventing aging. It is famous for its high efficiency.



Founded in 2001 by one of the American campaigns. The initial production volume was very modest. After some time, the manufacturer was able to advance on the world arena of sports nutrition. Today it is one of the leading corporations with many branches around the world.

Ranking of the best weight gainers

In this article, the top rating is based not only on feedback from grateful customers using this product, but also on the following criteria:

  • the presence of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the composition;
  • the amount of sugar content in the geyner;
  • quality indicators \ prices \ mass of the product;
  • reputation of the manufacturer and reviews of bodybuilders.

Thus, the compilation of such a rating will be as unbiased and objective as possible. Ultimately, this affected the sorting and selection of the most favorable element of sports nutrition. For convenience of perception, the list will be located from the TOP 10 gainers that close to the leader.

The best weight gainers for gaining muscle mass

Gainer from Power Pro - №10

Gainer Power Pro

The tenth place in the list is taken by a gainer from a domestic Russian producer.Its price category is very attractive for most novice athletes, which causes its popularity. The composition contains 27 grams of glucose and maltodextrin, the protein level is 30% by weight. Serving size: 156 Kcal (40 g). If necessary, the dosage can be increased several times. It has some similarities with American counterparts.


  • low cost;
  • easy learning process;
  • good protein to mass ratio.


  • too small portion;
  • minimum amount of protein and carbohydrate component.

In addition to the pleasant taste, the composition has a powerful auxiliary complex of the anabolic component, which significantly affects the metabolic processes. It is very nutritious, easy to digest and safe. Passed all the necessary tests and quality control. Pack in the form of a pack with adhesive fixation. Good performance price / quality.

Mass Active by FitMax - №9

Mass Active FitMax

The number 9 in the list goes to this product. In the market of sports nutrition, controversial opinions about it. Most of all athletes, agree on the pricing policy - it is extremely affordable. It consists of 71% carbohydrates and 20% protein. Tastes do not differ sophistication - a classic formula without noticeable taste. Mixed with water and milk. Serving size: 50 g.


  • affordable price;
  • easy to learn;
  • good mass efficiencies.


  • packaging is too small;
  • sugary taste;
  • excess carbohydrates (sugar).

In general, a pretty good choice for the money. Enjoys success among novice athletes.

Mega Mass 2000 by Weider - №8

Mega Mass 2000 Weider

Eighth place gets an outsider gainer ranking. A campaign with more than 50 years of history has been manufacturing products in the USA to this day. Previously occupied honorable, leading place in the sale. Now it is significantly inferior to modern counterparts. There are only 3 components: serum concentrate, maltodextrin and of course, soy isolator. Serving Size: 90 g


  • security;
  • proven composition structure;
  • a good one-time portion.


  • a slightly outdated set of components;
  • low protein percentage.

Packaging is presented in the form of classic cans, weighing 3 and 5 kg. Blister packs are also available. Taste range is different: banana, chocolate and vanilla flavors. Adherents of the brand and now continue to use it. However, a good choice.

Gain Fast 3100 from Universal Nutrition - No. 7

Gain Fast 3100 Universal Nutrition

At number 7 there is a universal and recognizable gainer. Literally 10 years ago, he simply piled the shelves of sports nutrition stores. It has a very serious set of useful substances in the composition and reasonable price. The positive side is the presence of a high-quality complex of vitamins and minerals. Percentage of sugar: 76 g per serving, measuring 70 grams.


  • high quality product;
  • loyal value;
  • effective mass structure.


  • high glycemic index.

Sales turnover fell due to the lack of updates in the product line, in particular, the composition remained unchanged. Who knows, maybe the old tool is the most reliable?

Mutant Mass from PVL - №6

Mutant Mass PVL

The sixth position is given to a very high carbohydrate Heiner with a good advertising campaign. Richie Piano himself gave fame to this product, and after all, Piano performed at international bodybuilding competitions. A distinctive feature of the branch of such funds is rather high protein content - 52 g. The composition contains fast carbohydrates, fats and sugar (38 grams).

The protein matrix is ​​as follows:

  • sodium and calcium caseinate;
  • whey concentrate;
  • milk concentrate and isolate;
  • mycelian protein;
  • soy lecithin;
  • hydrolysates.


  • acceptable price;
  • pleasant taste;
  • extraordinary efficiency on weight.


  • long-term responsiveness with muscle growth.

The size of the minimum portion: 60 g. Many athletes with the experience, take 3-4 tablespoons of the funds. Note its excellent taste and extreme efficiency. It really accelerates the growth of muscle fibers and has a prolonged effect. The price for it is very affordable and does not hit the wallet.

Super Mass Gainer from Dymatize Nutrition - No. 5

Super Mass Gainer Dymatize Nutrition

Half of the ranking is behind and its 5th place is captured by an inexpensive and effective gainer. In its composition contains about 17 grams of BCAA amino acids, there is a readily assimilable consistency. Thanks to a secret formula, it will also gain weight for athletes who are prone to thinness. The sugar and maltodextrin content is 19 grams.

There are compounds from 5 different forms of protein:

  • egg albumin;
  • whey concentrate;
  • milk concentrate;
  • serum isolate;
  • calcium caseinate.


  • high quality gainer;
  • affordable price among analogues;
  • ideal for ectomorphs.


  • often it is necessary to break a portion into several receptions.

A very substantial amount of Kcal - 1280 comes to one serving. However, the serving volume is 300 grams, which is also not at all small. In some cases, it is required to divide the portions into 2-3 doses. Popularity gained a gainer due to low price and high quality.

MASS-TECH from MuscleTech - №4

MASS TECH MuscleTech

The fourth item in our ranking, gained a gainer with a multi-set and a high content of protein component. The complex consists of: isomalt, complex carbohydrates, polymers of glucose, amaranth and oat bran. The Beck percentage is 37.5%.

This is primarily:

  • whey concentrate;
  • hydrolyzate and isolate;
  • calcium caseinate;
  • egg albumin.


  • excellent quality of a geyner;
  • safety and popularity;
  • efficiency in muscle growth.


  • high pricing policy.

The composition of this geyner, will be in itself fractions of fast and slow types. Experiments carried out in practice indicated its extraordinary effectiveness in mass acquisition. Pumped up only the price, which today is a bit overpriced. Tastes are excellent and not boring.

Up Your Mass by MHP - №3

Up Your Mass MHP

The bronze medal is a product from the MNR campaign. The protein form of a geyner is represented by three types: amino acids BCAA, soy isolate, whey and casein isolate. An amazing feature of a bronze geyner is a low sugar level - 1 gram per serving. This makes it more efficient and safer, and the percentage of subcutaneous fat will be extremely low.


  • minimum sugar level;
  • does not affect the reduction of fat cells;
  • very pleasant taste;
  • no negative symptoms in the stomach.


  • None.

Note and its taste, which is very pleasant and not cloying. The secret is in a balanced level of acid regulators, sweeteners and flavors. Gainer brand MNR has a high level of nutritional value, which contributes to a long feeling of satiety. It effectively reduces catabolism and controls insulin jumps in the blood.

True-Mass from BSN - №2

True Mass BSN

The second place on the podium is occupied by one of the best sports nutrition products of the gainers series. It's amazing how manufacturers managed to fit 165 grams of servings, 14 grams of sugar and 35% pure protein. Thanks to this composition, the action of the tool becomes the most effective.

Protein matrix is ​​represented from slow and fast types:

  • glutamine peptides;
  • egg white;
  • micellar casein;
  • whey isolate, hydrolyzate and concentrate;
  • milk protein (isolate).


  • good taste;
  • democratic price;
  • suitable for most body types;
  • high percentage of protein.


  • price is above average.

Among the serious amounts of protein and carbohydrate mass, maltodextrin is released. Tastes of this geyner deserve a separate praise. It is not boring, pleasant to the taste and suitable for use on an ongoing basis. Available in bright cans of their food grade plastic. There is a line of products for ectomorphs.

Serious Mass from Optimum Nutrition - # 1

Serious Mass Optimum Nutrition

Well, here is the full leader of our list. Winner of the gold award from the famous sports nutrition campaign Optimum Nutrition. According to the most modest estimates, a gainer is most effective as a stimulator of muscle fiber growth. Simply put - make the muscles grow. The protein matrix is ​​as follows: specialized whey concentrate, calcium caseinate and egg albumin.


  • excellent responsiveness in the growth of muscle fibers;
  • quite reasonable price;
  • minimum percentage of rollback;
  • safety and efficacy.


  • Not found.

The composition of the geyner is dominated by carbohydrates with an indicator of 75.4%, maltodextrin will be the main component. Extremely efficiently extinguishes insulin spikes, suppresses catabolism processes in the body and saturates the body with amino acids. An amazing fact, but gained weight with the help of this geyner, is "clean" and is subject to a minimum level of rollback. Does not leave fat under the skin.

Which gainer to choose

1. If you are a professional athlete and you need maximum results in a short period of time, you should give preference to a gainer numbered 1, 2 and 3. They are extremely effective, although a little expensive, among the general mass.

2. It is necessary to maintain physical fitness and rehabilitate after serious stress, then feel free to choose the numbers: 4.5 and 6. The price of similar products is in the middle category and affordable for most athletes. In stock - a list of the most affordable components for muscle growth and their recovery.

3. Closes the list of numbers: 7,8,9 and 10. Their goal is quite clear: you are new to sports nutrition and do not have sufficient experience in the application. This series allows, without harm to health, with the right approach, to get an athletic base for the subsequent transition to a new level. The price is extremely affordable.

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