
Fat burners help to quickly and effectively say goodbye to extra pounds. If you exercise, stick to a balanced diet and want to speed up the process of losing weight, then this group of sports nutrition is for you. We will help you figure out which drugs will quickly help you achieve the long-awaited result and how to choose the right supplement.




What kind of fat burner company?

Buy fat burners today is not difficult, but to choose quality products is not always possible. Many manufacturers of sports nutrition use inexpensive raw materials and do not comply with the cleaning technology, and, as a result, the buyer receives a low-quality product, which may be not only ineffective, but also unsafe.

We have prepared a rating of the leading sports nutrition brands that produce time-tested drugs for weight loss and weight loss:

1. Cloma pharma

2. Muscletech

3. BPI Sports

4. Universal nutrition

5. Innovative labs

The products of these companies have long won the trust of customers around the world. The product meets European and international quality standards, so the cost of drugs is often high.

The best fat burners

Black Spider 25 Ephedra

Black Spider 25 Ephedra

It is one of the most powerful thermogenic fat burners from Cloma Pharma. The black widow is a product of natural origin. The drug contains ephedra, caffeine, aspirin, thanks to which it tones and stimulates the central nervous system. The additive contributes to the breakdown of fats up to 12% faster than without its use. The package contains 100 capsules. The maximum daily dosage is 2 capsules.


  • has only positive reviews;
  • in a complex with intensive loadings it contributes to the “drawing” of the muscle relief;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • increases body temperature, which leads to more intense fat burning;
  • reduces appetite, excess weight and cellulite;
  • accelerates metabolism, incl. fat metabolism.


  • need to drink an increased amount of fluid than usual;
  • It is forbidden to combine with other fat burners; stimulants that contain caffeine (coffee, tea);
  • contraindications: age up to 18 years; problems with the thyroid gland, heart; pregnancy; lactation; sleep disorders; hyperexcitability; hypersensitivity.

Hydroxycut hardcore elite

Hydroxycut hardcore elite

The mechanism of action of this fat burner is aimed at a moderate increase in body temperature, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism and ultimately to weight loss. In combination with intensive loads and diet, this drug is very effective for fast weight loss. Herbal extracts and caffeine are based on the supplement. The package contains 100 capsules and is designed for 50 receptions.


  • stimulates lipolysis, i.e. promotes the breakdown of stored fat;
  • accelerates cell metabolism;
  • activates the work of the central nervous system;
  • helps to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, even with minor nutritional adjustments;
  • increases strength, endurance, energy tone;
  • improves memory;
  • the result is noticeable after one application.


  • after application, excessive excitability appears, so do not take 6 hours before bedtime;
  • when the daily dosage is exceeded, tachycardia, sweating, tremor, irritability and nervous system overload appear;
  • not recommended for persons under 18 years of age, during pregnancy, in the presence of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, with lactation.

B4 from BPI Sports

B4 BPI Sports

The basis of this highly effective fat burner contains caffeine, herbal extras, vitamins.The drug is a universal supplement that is suitable for men and women, as well as for experienced athletes and for fans. Supplement contains 30 capsules. Take recommended 1 capsule (in the morning) per day.


  • prolonged action;
  • normalizes the synthesis of lipids and proteins;
  • minimum load on the heart;
  • quickly absorbed, the effect of the use comes after a quarter of an hour;
  • stimulates the central nervous system and improves body tone;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • delays the onset of fatigue;
  • reduces weight, cellulite;
  • improves the condition of the skin.


  • high price;
  • after taking the following reactions may occur: abdominal pain, heartburn, increased heart rate, overexcitation of the central nervous system;
  • additive increases blood, intraocular pressure, therefore not suitable for hypertensive patients;
  • contraindications: lactation, pregnancy, heart, autoimmune diseases;
  • You can not combine the drug with the use of caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea).

Lipo-6 Black Ultra concentrate

Lipo 6 Black Ultra concentrate

The additive is a thermogenic with a moderate effect. The basis contains: caffeine, plant extracts, synephrine, etc. The drug accelerates lipolysis, which helps to normalize the metabolism. The result becomes noticeable after the application of the additive during the week. Average indicators in weight loss per month - 5-7 kg, depending on the load and nutrition. The package contains 60 capsules and is designed for 30-60 receptions.


  • burns fat through moderate thermogenic effects;
  • increases endurance;
  • quickly absorbed by the body;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • stimulates adrenaline production;
  • reduces appetite;
  • promotes rapid muscle building.


  • after application, undesirable reactions may appear in the form of dizziness, tachycardia;
  • it is impossible to combine reception of a zhiroszhigatel with the use of coffee, tea, other thermogenics;
  • contraindications: adolescence, heart disease, hypertension, asthma, mental disorders;
  • The drug reduces the amount of fluid in the body.



The additive has a triple effect on the body: increasing energy tone, normalizing the balance of nitrogen in muscle tissue, burning fat. Contains vitamins, energy, plant extracts, nitric oxide boosters. The drug has an effective action with minimal physical exertion. Even after 2-3 one-time workouts per week, the athlete will notice muscle relief and a decrease in subcutaneous fat. Packaging is 112 and 224 capsules, designed for 28 and 56 receptions (4 capsules = 1 portion).


  • pronounced pamp effect;
  • the formation of a clear relief of the muscles;
  • increases blood flow and, as a consequence, the supply of muscle tissue;
  • increases the performance and productivity of training;
  • allows you to maintain muscle tone for a long time without harm to health;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • reduces subcutaneous fat and cellulite, corrects the figure;
  • activates the metabolism.


  • high price;
  • take no later than 6 hours before bedtime, otherwise insomnia may appear;
  • The supplement is not compatible with analgesics and caffeinated products;
  • contraindications: adolescence, pregnancy, diabetes, lactation, hypertension, heart disease.

Fat Burners For Women

Fat Burners For Women

This powerful thermogenic supplement is designed for women. The composition contains: inositol, plant extracts, levocarnitine, choline, betaine, etc. The drug has a mild effect and does not cause unwanted reactions. The effect of the application becomes noticeable after 4 days of regular intake in combination with aerobic exercise and a balanced diet. The average weight loss per month is 5-10 kg. Packaging contains 120 capsules. The maximum daily dosage is 3 tablets.


  • contributes to the activation and acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • restores the water-salt balance of the body;
  • prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat, cellulite, promotes its splitting;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevents muscle oxidation;
  • increases energy and performance;
  • reduces appetite;
  • protects the liver from intoxication.


  • contraindications: hypertension, pregnancy, lactation, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • reception should be combined with increased water intake (not less than 3 liters per day), because additive removes fluid from the body;
  • after application, the following reactions may appear: nausea, gastrointestinal upset, dizziness, in this case, the daily dosage should be reduced.

HellFire from the manufacturer Innovative labs

HellFire Innovative labs

The drug is one of the most powerful thermoburners. On efficiency surpasses the Black widow from Cloma Pharma. Due to the high concentration of EPH and potent thermogenic agents, the result is noticeable after the first use. Additive uses all the resources of the central nervous system and allows you to achieve high results in sports, even with relatively low loads. Packaging contains 100 capsules. The maximum daily dosage is 2 capsules.


  • activates the work of the central nervous system, increases energy tone;
  • reduces subcutaneous fat, cellulite without loss of muscle mass;
  • improves concentration and memory;
  • increases the growth of power indicators;
  • delays the onset of fatigue;
  • suppresses excessive appetite.


  • additive is not compatible with aspirin-based drugs, other fat burners, caffeine-containing beverages;
  • Supplement increases heart rate, and therefore is not recommended for people with weak hearts.
  • contraindications: minor children, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure, thyroid disease.

KETO-XT from BPI Sports


The drug does not contain potent neurostimulators. The supplement contains: CLA, levocarnitine, raspberry ketones, green coffee, so the fat burner is more suitable for non-professional athletes. The drug is a general tonic that helps to gain muscle mass and get rid of subcutaneous fat. Packages come in 60 and 90 capsules. The maximum daily dosage is 3 capsules.


  • the additive has a combined effect: it stimulates lipolysis, increases the energy potential of the body, helps to increase muscle volume;
  • does not create load on the heart;
  • improves health, blood circulation;
  • prevents fat accumulation;
  • tightens joints and bones;
  • boosts immunity.


  • contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, diabetes, asthma;
  • adverse reactions: tingling, redness of the skin;
  • The supplement is not compatible with caffeine containing beverages.

What fat burner to buy

1. If you need a powerful drug that stimulates weight loss by increasing body temperature and speeding up the metabolism, then you must purchase Black Spider 25 Ephedra.

2. If you need an additive that has a moderate energy effect on the body, then it is better to choose Lipo-6 Black Ultra concentrate.

3. If you need a drug with a combined effect on the body: drying the muscles, reducing weight, increasing the energy potential, pamp effect, normalization of metabolism, then it is better to get ANADROX PUMP BURN. The additive allows you to achieve the effect even with moderate physical exertion.

4. The drug that is most suitable for women is Fat Burners For Women.

5. The most effective supplement is HellFire from the manufacturer Innovative labs. This drug currently occupies a leading position among fat burners, because allows you to feel the result after 1 reception.

6. Fat burner, which is perfect for novice amateurs - KETO-XT from the manufacturer BPI Sports.

7. If you need powerful supplements that are suitable for both men and women, you must purchase Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite or B4 from the manufacturer BPI Sports.

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