
Problems with traffic jams in many large cities are forcing an increasing number of people in Russia to look for alternative methods of movement. One of the best options for solving this problem is a bicycle, which has such positive qualities as low purchase and maintenance costs, compactness and mobility. Moreover, many cycling enthusiasts prefer to buy mountain models that have a higher cross compared to a city or road bike. But the ride comfort on such a bike depends largely on its fitness for the needs of the owner. That is why this article is devoted to the rating of mountain bikes, distributed by style of driving.



Mountain bike

Mountain bike which company to choose

There are dozens of popular brands of mountain bikes on the Russian market, so an inexperienced buyer is quite difficult to choose among them. However, in this market segment, as in all others, there are recognized leaders who supply quality products at very affordable prices.



This manufacturer has extensive experience in the domestic market, in which it appeared as early as the 90s. The main feature of the brand - careful attention to the quality of all components of the bike, most of which are made in the Netherlands. The company also pays considerable attention to the design of its products, for which voting is often held among cycling enthusiasts.



The Taiwanese firm, which every year more and more actively conquers the Russian market. It has a rather narrow specialization - it produces bicycles only for extreme driving, which made it possible to create an extensive range of this type of transport. Many cyclists say that Giant was able to achieve the impossible: with the high quality of their products, the price for them remains completely democratic.



Stark is a common Russian-German project, but the main production facilities are located in Taiwan. Her area of ​​interest extends only to the space of the former USSR. Domestic developers and cheap production in Asia made it possible to create very cheap bicycles, possessing, however, all the necessary properties of a modern mountain bike. The company is engaged in the production of all types of bicycles, but its main developments are mountain models.

Gary turner

Gary turner

The main advantage of the products is their high manufacturability. Gary Turner launches ultra-light bikes from a carbon frame, but such pleasure will be expensive. Also, all models of this brand have a unique carriage fastening system, created by a patented technology.

Top Mountain Bikes Rating

Analysis of various types of transport, even bicycles, is not easy, since in this case one has to take into account the properties of many technological elements.

Therefore, in our rating, we paid attention only to the main technical nodes:

  • The specifics of the frame design;
  • Efficiency and features of the transmission;
  • The design of the wheels and their suitability for certain tasks;
  • Additional important technological solutions;
  • Overall versatility and adaptability to different types of riding.

Analysis of a large amount of information allowed us to identify several models, which, thanks to their properties, collected the maximum number of positive reviews in various categories.

The best mountain bike for cross country

STELS Navigator 900

Bicycles of this type were originally designed for high-speed driving over rough terrain, which required a radical reduction in weight. However, it was soon noticed that such a design makes models for cross-country quite suitable for other conditions, in the first place it is a city and a highway. Therefore, these bikes at the moment are the most unique, and if we talk about a specific model, the Russian cyclists definitely choose STELS Navigator 900.

It has the following advantages:

  • Damping fork, which significantly reduces the load on the legs on flat sections of the road;
  • High-quality disc brakes, well-manifested in dry and rainy weather;
  • Comfortable saddle with gel inserts, providing high comfort even with long bike rides over a distance of more than 100 km;
  • The design of the transmission is very close to highway models, which contributes to facilitating control at medium and high speeds.

But the hybrid essence gives rise to some disadvantages:

  • Too thin tires, bad for off-road driving;
  • Wide wheel that reduces maneuverability in urban traffic;
  • Long, in comparison with other models of mountain bikes, a frame that requires some adaptation;
  • Too "inelastic" transmission system 24/34/44, adversely affecting the speed of driving over rough terrain.

Avid cyclists say that this model is good for its versatility, for which they had to sacrifice a number of important elements for mountain driving. But now, few people use a separate bike exclusively for country travel.

The best mountain bike for downhill

Giant Glory 27.5 2

Downhill - downhill on a bike from the mountain. It was for these purposes that the first mountain bikes were created. Such an intensive mode of use requires increased durability of all elements, first of all, the frame, transmission and amortization. And the best choice for such an extreme pastime can be Giant Glory 27.5 2.

This bike has everything necessary for a downhill, namely:

  • Large 27-inch wheels and a very low carriage give this model a very high stability, which is crucial for downhill from the mountains;
  • A number of technological innovations (an increase in the landing length and the addition of a bearing to the upper damping mount) significantly increased the sensitivity of the suspension;
  • External laying of cables, which allows for prompt repair of these elements without contacting the bicycle workshop;
  • Low total weight: even aluminum variations of the Giant Glory 27.5.2 frame. superior to competing carbon models.

However, this high-tech transport is still not perfect:

  • The increase in wheels led to an increase in their weight, which, in turn, led to some reduction in bike control;
  • The overall design is not adapted for slow driving over rough terrain, especially for sharp turns.

In reviews of fans of cycling are unanimous: Giant Glory 27.5.2. is a good professional downhill model that many amateur athletes dream of. But the deep specialization of this bike can be a serious disadvantage for a wide audience.

The best mountain bike for freeride

STARK Beat Pro

Freeride is usually meant when talking about driving over rough terrain. Since such a bike must cope with a variety of conditions, whether it be sharp turns, a sharp rise / descent or a hilly surface, the main requirement in this happens to be good handling. STARK Beat Pro is best suited for this purpose.

Combining such positive qualities:

  • Two-wheel shock absorption with a large stroke of 180 mm, provides good adaptation to almost any surface;
  • The system of speed control and rebound stiffness allows for maximum control over the bike;
  • Disk-type hydraulic brakes are a good addition to any bike for freeride;
  • Professional gearshift system, made by technology SRAM X5, increasing the flexibility of changing the speed limit.

But there are no perfect bikes, and STARK Beat Pro is no exception to this rule:

  • A total of 9 gears is a rather controversial decision, while the standard for this type of bike is a 24- or even 27-speed transmission. Obviously, this factor adversely affects the speed characteristics of the model.
  • General inability to drive on flat surfaces, which makes it difficult to use this bike in a city or highway.

Many reviews on the Internet in most cases come to the only conclusion: this model just perfectly copes with its functions as a mountain bike, but its versatility leaves much to be desired.

Which mountain bike to buy

1. Acquiring such a vehicle as a mountain bike, it is necessary to clearly define its tasks. As our review shows, the best models that have a large number of positive characteristics, often have a very narrow specialization.

2. Too specific bike is not suitable for most amateur athletes, who often use it not only for extreme rest, but also for commuting, driving around the track, etc. So if we talk about a universal solution, then it will be STELS Navigator 900 and other models of the STELS Navigator line, which despite their “mountain” nature, do well with any other types of terrain.

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