
Maintain beauty and health in excellent condition through the use of modern multivitamin complexes with different sets and a combination of active ingredients. Proper selection of funds, following the advice of doctors and instructions accompanying the drug, taking into account the peculiarities of individual tolerance - the best way to get the maximum effect from vitamin therapy. We offer to familiarize yourself with proven face care complexes that have received positive feedback from users.



Vitamins for skin

Aevit - tender skin at any age

Aevit - tender skin at any age

Despite the fact that the composition of each capsule contains only two vitamins A and E, their amount is enough to turn dry skin into smooth and elastic.

The complex helps to fight the effects of adverse weather conditions, especially during the cold season, and also reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation in the summer.

The tool, which is easy to find in every pharmacy, is great primarily for dry and burnt skin. Moreover, it can be taken both inside and used as an additional component for the cream.


  • capsular dosage;
  • soft gelatin capsules are convenient to take and dissolve easily in the stomach;
  • minimal chance of side effects;
  • low cost of capsules number 10 - from 15 rubles.


  • not taken for violations of the heart;
  • contraindicated in pregnant women.

AlfaVit Cosmetic - maximum absorption and results

AlfaVit Cosmetic - maximum absorption and results

Based on scientific data, the manufacturer has developed its own technology of combining the vitamins and minerals that make up, thanks to which the tablets are divided into three types and differ in color.

Folic acid, calcium, chromium and vitamin K1 are the most abundant among the greens, iodine, selenium, magnesium and vitamin C are in yellow, and folic acid and inulin are present in orange.

Consistent, after a few hours the reception of different components of the tablets improves the final effect.


  • powerful antioxidant effect;
  • as part of coenzyme Q10;
  • appearance not only improves the skin of the face, but also hair, tooth enamel, nails;
  • efficiency of application is 30 - 50% higher, than at analogs;
  • price from 400 rubles.


  • incompatibility while taking with other vitamin complexes;
  • It is forbidden to use with hyperthyroidism.

Komplivit Radiance - an ordinary miracle

Komplivit Radiance - an ordinary miracle

A large amount of vitamins and minerals, the entry into the recipe of green tea extract, lipoic acid has a beneficial effect on the skin, preserving its youth, eliminating wrinkles, forcing you to forget about acne and other irritations.

Course application of the drug allows you to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as desquamation or swelling. At the same time collagen is well synthesized, weight is reduced, toxins and heavy metals are removed from the body.

The basis of the drug are vitamins C and PP, calcium, magnesium compounds, due to which redox processes are regulated, skin breathing is provided.


  • the complex has a positive effect on almost all body systems;
  • shortage of useful substances is prevented;
  • consisting of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals;
  • high-quality Russian remedy for the prevention, additional treatment and restoration of the skin;
  • there are different packaging options;
  • the cost of tablets number 30 from 300 rubles.


  • cannot be taken by children;
  • not assigned to pregnant and lactating women.

Vitrum Beauty - for young women

Vitrum Beauty - for young women

Beautiful smooth skin without problems guaranteed by a well-known brand, which recommends for use by a number of specialists in women's health.

A rich set of vital vitamins, minerals has an antioxidant effect, ensures the integrity of epithelial tissues, participates in the creation of collagen, elastic fibers of connective tissue, catalyzes the processes of cellular respiration.

Additionally, the extract of horsetail is part of the composition contributes to effective wound healing and toning of the facial muscles.


  • balanced composition that includes the plant component;
  • can be used for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis;
  • reduces the effects of environmental exposure;
  • long shelf life - 5 years.


  • the cost of tablets number 30 from 800 rubles .;
  • restriction of use to women up to 30 years;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • do not take for anemia;
  • different compatibility with drugs.

Healing cocktail "Revivona"

Revivona healing cocktail

The multivitamin remedy keeps the skin in good condition not only of the face, but also of the whole body, and also has a positive effect on the joints and connective tissue.

This drug gives a rejuvenating effect, making dry, fading skin becomes a natural color, filled with strength and becomes smooth.


  • the formula contains vitamins A, E, C, PP, well represented group B;
  • after consultation with the doctor, we allow pregnant and lactating women to take it;
  • additionally prescribed for reduction diets;
  • the cost of capsules number 30 from 400 rubles.


  • hypersensitivity to the components;
  • can not be combined with other vitamin complexes.

Natural moisturizing skin with "Laura"

Natural skin moisturizing with Laura

Dietary supplement includes a whole range of useful ingredients: vitamins, plant extract, hyaluronic acid.

The application has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, since wrinkles are reduced and smoothed, the epithelial tissue of the face smoothes out and becomes elastic, the production of collagen and elastin increases. Visually, the observed result appears in 72% of women after 1 month of taking the drug.


  • produced by a famous manufacturer;
  • fast achievement of recovery result;
  • well thought-out combination of vitamins C, E and wild yam extract;
  • well suited for women after 40 years;
  • enhanced anti-aging effect in combination with the cream "Laura";
  • the cost of tablets number 36 from 370 rubles.


  • use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Perfectil - no dryness and dermatitis

Perfectil - no dryness and dermatitis

This drug has everything you need to combat injuries, dryness, skin diseases, as well as increased fragility of the nails, dullness, deterioration of the hair.

Entering into the vitamin-mineral complex of extracts of medicinal plants accelerates the processes of regeneration, has a wound-healing effect.


  • the formula consists of 9 vitamins, 14 minerals and trace elements, extracts of echinacea and burdock;
  • reliable protection from free radicals, sunlight;
  • used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of skin diseases;
  • shown during pregnancy and feeding;
  • the contents of the package is designed for 1 course of admission;
  • the cost of capsules number 30 from 570 rubles.


  • contraindicated in hypervitaminosis.

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