
Seasonal changes, stress, adverse environmental conditions can adversely affect the human body, which leads to a decrease in the functioning of the protective system. Nutrition does not always cover the lack of nutrients. The timely use of balanced in composition of vitamin complexes is an effective means of preventing the development of destructive processes and recuperation. Which of them should pay attention in the first place, you will learn from our review.



Vitamins for immunity for adults

The best vitamins for immunity to someone under 50 years old

Supradin: strength and beauty

Supradin: strength and beauty

Multivitamin complex is universal due to the harmoniously selected composition and is designed for both women and men of any age.

Inexpensive for the price of the tool is available in the form of conventional or effervescent tablets. Its composition includes 12 beneficial vitamins: A, B, C, B3, E, H, Su, PP - and a number of minerals that have a positive effect on the entire body.

With their help, the activity of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal systems is normalized, tissue regeneration, energy metabolism, and metabolic processes are improved. Take vitamins should be 1 tablet daily courses.


  • convenient for oral administration round shape tablets;
  • suitable for independent and complex maintenance of the body;
  • consists of 12 vitamins and 8 microelements;
  • brand manufacturer;
  • the cost of tablets number 10 from 350 rubles.


  • allergic reactions with individual intolerance;
  • can not be taken with hypervitaminosis A, D, hypercalcemia, renal failure.

Leader of demand "AlfaVit"

AlfaVit demand leader

The secret of popularity among the population of this drug is quite simple. Multivitamin means not only prevents the occurrence of pathological abnormalities in the body, but also perfectly helps to fight colds, flu and other diseases.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that when developing the ideal composition of the complex, scientific recommendations on the sequence of ingestion of useful substances were taken into account as much as possible.

Daily you need to take 3 tablets in accordance with the attached instructions. The complex is easily digested and almost never causes allergic manifestations.


  • compared with peers, the efficiency is 30-50% higher;
  • includes 10 minerals and 13 vitamins;
  • available in several preparative forms;
  • there are variations for people of different ages, taking into account the physiological state;
  • indicated for diabetics;
  • allowed for pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • the average cost of tablets number 60 from 250 rubles.


  • contraindicated in thyroid dysfunction;
  • in very rare cases, individual intolerance.

Vitrum - for the treatment of beriberi

Vitrum - for the treatment of beriberi

The feature of the tool is that it is mainly used not for preventive purposes, but for medical purposes. It is usually prescribed to be taken after serious diseases, surgeries, unbalanced nutrition, when using antibiotics, etc.

Such a vitamin-mineral complex actively acts as a regulator of metabolic processes. At reception of tablets, convenient by the sizes, the condition of skin, visual organs, reproductive system improves.

Useful substances have a good effect on the work of the heart muscle, nervous system, and contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels. However, “Vitrum” is not shown to everyone, both in age and for a number of other reasons.


  • powerful composition - 11 essential vitamins and 16 minerals;
  • easy accessibility in pharmacies;
  • Different packaging of tablets - from 30 to 130 pieces in a bottle or carton box.


  • contraindicated for children under 12 years old;
  • a large list of diseases for which admission is prohibited (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, peptic ulcer, etc.);
  • poor compatibility with a number of drugs;
  • caution, only on the prescription of a doctor for pregnant women and during breastfeeding;
  • there is a risk of side effects;
  • average cost of 900 rubles.

The best vitamins for immunity who for 50 years

Classic "Complivit": availability and long-term use

Classic complite: accessibility and long-term use

The Russian manufacturer offers the optimal composition of vitamins and mineral components that support the natural metabolism, water-alkaline, lipid, carbohydrate balance throughout the year.

One tablet contains a balanced set of useful substances, so the complex can be consumed throughout the year without fear of overdose. However, most often it is prescribed by doctors courses with a few breaks between them.

It reliably manifests itself in the prevention of hypo-and beriberi, and in the treatment of such conditions.


  • well-known Russian manufacturer;
  • balanced formulation of each tablet;
  • 11 especially useful vitamins and 8 minerals;
  • lipoic acid, which reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, protects liver cells;
  • tablets are convenient to receive inside;
  • the cost of tablets number 60 from 140 rubles.


  • contraindicated in some pathologies (pulmonary tuberculosis, myeloma, etc.), as indicated in the instructions.

Undevit - for the prevention and control of aging

Undevit - for the prevention and control of aging

With age, the absorption of nutrients slows down, so when choosing a vitamin complex, you have to take into account this factor.

A balanced composition of the drug, which is quickly and productively processed by the body, increasing its efficiency and giving additional energy, is especially recommended for people over 60 years.

It has everything you need to maintain vital processes. However, in any case, before starting the course is recommended to consult with your doctor.


  • the complex includes vitamins A, E, C, P, group B, folic acid;
  • appointed for the prevention and treatment of hypo-avitaminosis of various origin (long-term antibiotics, diet, use of chemotherapy drugs, bad habits, etc.);
  • easy accessibility in pharmacies;
  • minimum number of contraindications;
  • the cost of dragees number 50 12 - 60 rubles.


  • overdose should be avoided;
  • in very rare cases, minor side effects.

The best women's special complexes for immunity

Health for many years with "Duovit"

Health for many years with Duovit

At any age, a woman needs to care for her body, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. A multivitamin remedy that has received numerous positive reviews and can be easily found on the market contains vitamins A, E, C, D, H, which provide metabolic processes, and B, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, and calcium.

This composition reliably protects tissue cells from the effects of oxidative processes and prevents the appearance of signs of aging.


  • 12 vitamins and 5 micronutrients;
  • special technology of combining components in the tablet;
  • packing in plastic jars of 30 and 60 pcs. convenient for carrying in a handbag;
  • the drug does not contain sugar;
  • after consultation with the doctor may be prescribed for pregnant women;
  • the cost of tablets number 30 from 350 rubles.


  • individual hypersensitivity to the components.

The best special male complexes for immunity

Effex: increase of working capacity and sexual activity

Effex: increase of working capacity and sexual activity

Vitamins A, E, C, B groups and others along with minerals, biotin, have a great effect on the central nervous system, help to avoid insomnia, stop headaches and manifestations of mental overstrain.


  • high-quality Russian drug;
  • 12 vitamins and 7 minerals;
  • additionally in the formula extracts levzey and miners;
  • high concentration of vitamin C to provide a tonic effect;
  • ability to maintain prostate health for men over 40;
  • improvement in sexual function.


  • sometimes an individual reaction to the components.

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