
Vision is an amazing gift of nature, thanks to which a person is able to receive up to 90% of information from the surrounding world. However, many people by virtue of their activity neglect eye health, overstressing them and not giving any rest, which gradually spoils the eyesight. And the surrounding unfavorable situation: UV radiation, dust, the glare of the sun, wind, smoke, and other factors only aggravate the situation. Help in such a situation will be useful vitamin complexes for the eyes. These drugs are designed to maintain and improve vision, reduce eye fatigue and normalize their work. Rating the best vitamins for the eyes, which we compiled based on their feedback from doctors and patients, will help you choose the necessary remedy.




Vitamins for the eyes of which company to choose

To choose effective and safe vitamins, pay attention to the manufacturer. Below is a ranking of companies producing high-quality vitamin complexes for the eyes:

1. Queisser pharma


3. Medana Pharma

4. Alcon

5. Moscow Endocrine Plant

6. Pharmstandard

7. Tubilix pharma

8. Ecomir FC

9. Novartis Pharma AG

The best vitamins for the eyes

Vitalux Plus

Bitalux Plus

The drug belongs to dietary supplements. It is prescribed to people who spend a lot of time behind the monitor, as well as with insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, necessary for the normal work of the eyeball; with increased fatigue of the organs of vision. The main active ingredients of the supplement are: fish oil, DHA, lutein, zeaxanthin. It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day during the month.


  • the drug replenishes the deficiency of minerals and vitamins necessary for normal functioning of the eyes;
  • increases receptor activity;
  • improves eyesight, prevents its decline and the development of eye diseases;
  • suitable for people over 50 years old to preserve vision and improve eye health;
  • facilitates or eliminates the state of fatigue of the organs of vision, protects against harmful external factors;
  • restores the retina after conjunctivitis.


  • not recommended during lactation during pregnancy;
  • with individual intolerance to the following components: vitamins C, E, carotenoids, copper, zinc - should be refused, otherwise an allergic reaction may occur.

Lutein Complex

Lutein komplex

The drug belongs to dietary supplements, it is used at high visual loads, with age-related deterioration of vision, to normalize the work of the eye organs. It is a strong and effective additive, because contains a large amount of lutein, which neutralizes the negative effects of aggressive light rays and enhances adaptation to different levels of illumination. Available in tablets. It is recommended to accept 2 times a year, two-month courses, on 1-3 tablets daily.


  • prevents clouding of the lens and retinal destruction;
  • enhances visual acuity;
  • can be used for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the retina, myopia, after eye surgery, as well as for the prevention of eye diseases;
  • restores the photosensitivity of the visual pigment - rhodopsin, which helps to quickly adapt to different light;
  • improves color perception;
  • reduces eye fatigue.


  • not recommended during pregnancy and lactation;
  • The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to any substances from the supplement.

Doppelgerts Active

Dopelgerc Activ

This dietary supplement is suitable for people with impaired vision, with increased eye fatigue, as a preventive measure against eye diseases. It provides antioxidant protection due to the high content of zeaxanthin and lutein - natural carotenoids that can penetrate into the retina and protect against aggressive external influence of light. Take for a month (1 capsule).


  • prevents vision loss;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels of the organs of vision;
  • improves vision at night;
  • reduces the likelihood of the development of money-generating processes of the lens and the retina;
  • accelerates recovery after surgery on the eyes;
  • reduces fatigue after prolonged visual load;
  • protects against aggressive external influences.


  • high price;
  • contraindications: hypersensitivity to the substances in the composition.



These drops are perfect for removing redness, inflammation, tearing and restoring the cornea. According to the characteristics of the drug is close to a person's tear, therefore, it copes remarkably well with moisturizing the surface of the organs of vision. Take as needed, 1-2 drops.


  • eliminates the symptom of a dry eye;
  • normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • hyaluronic acid in the preparation contributes to the healing of microdamages on the cornea;
  • does not cause allergies and irritation;
  • eliminates itching and burning caused by factors such as smoke, dust, lenses, monitor, etc .;
  • reduces fatigue.


  • short effect;
  • if you are allergic to substances that are part of the drug, the use should be abandoned.



The drug is perfect for quick fatigue of the organs of vision, it should also be taken with iritis, conjunctivitis, hemeralopia, ulcers or wounds on the cornea, reducing vision. The drug is based on vitamin B2 - riboflavin, which enriches the eye tissue with oxygen and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in it. The drug is useful not only for the eyes, but also in diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, with reduced hemoglobin. Available in drops, tablets, in powder form.


  • in case of damage to the mucous membrane, the drug contributes to the rapid healing and restoration of corneal tissue;
  • allowed for children from 6 months;
  • normalizes the retina;
  • supports the visual function of the eye;
  • improves conductivity of nerve impulses in the retina.


  • an overdose of the drug leads to itching, tingling and numbness of the eye;
  • if you are allergic to vitamin B2, you should refuse from taking it;
  • unwanted reaction after application may be a temporary deterioration in visual acuity;
  • not recommended for patients with diabetes.



Treats preparations from amino acids. Taufon is especially important for people who begin to develop "night blindness", and it should also be taken for corneal injuries, when vision is impaired, and for cataracts. In patients with glaucoma, the drug reduces intraocular pressure. The active ingredient is taurine. Application and dosage depends on the individual symptoms.


  • effectively and quickly neutralizes dry eye symptoms, inflammation and redness;
  • delays the onset of fatigue during long-term work behind the monitor;
  • Taurine helps to stimulate recovery processes in case of malnutrition or traumatic tissue tissue damage;
  • normalizes cell membrane function.


  • use with caution during pregnancy;
  • not suitable for children;
  • seldom after application, itching, pain, burning in the eyes;
  • in the presence of an allergy to taurine, the use should be abandoned.


Super optik

The drug belongs to dietary supplements. It is recommended to take persons whose activities are associated with increased visual load.It has a combined composition (carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, B, etc.), which performs a protective function on the structure of the eye and improves eyesight. Available in drops.


  • protects from harmful ultraviolet and sunlight, acting on the retina as a light filter;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • improves vision in low light;
  • prevents drying of the mucous membrane;
  • improves the sensitivity of the retina, the work of its vessels;
  • improves visual acuity.


  • in case of hypersensitivity to the additive substances, it is better to refuse the use;
  • not recommended for use by pregnant women, children under 12 years.

Sistaine ultra

Systane ultra

This drug is perfect for moisturizing the cornea, reducing itching, burning and discomfort. After application, a thin film is formed on the cornea, which protects and moisturizes the mucous membrane. It is necessary to use during the day, as necessary, 2 drops. The drug is washed off with tear fluid when a person blinks.


  • affordable price;
  • moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • reduces inflammation and redness;
  • protects from adverse external influences (dust, fluff, wool, smoke, bright light, cold wind; prolonged visual load at the computer, books, TV, etc.);
  • does not cause irritation;
  • eliminates the feeling of "sand in the eyes";
  • allowed to use during pregnancy;
  • can be used to lubricate the lenses and remove deposits from their surfaces, which often cause irritation and discomfort.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of Cysteine ​​Ultra is a contraindication to use;
  • after application, there may be increased tearing;
  • not recommended for use with other eye drops.

What vitamins for eyes to buy

1. The drug that is suitable for the rehabilitation and prevention of various eye diseases - Vitalux Plus.

2. If you need an effective drug that will protect against the aggressive effects of light, then it is better to choose Lutein Complex. The supplement is perfect for those whose activity is associated with high visual loads.

3. If you need a drug that will improve vision at night and reduce eye fatigue, then it is better to purchase Doppelgerz Active Eye Drops.

4. A drug that perfectly copes with moisturizing the surface of the eye - Oxial. The tool quickly relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as a great fit for rehabilitation after laser surgery on the eyes.

5. In case of dystrophy, corneal inflammation, presence of nonhealing wounds or ulcers on it, it is necessary to purchase Riboflavin.

6. If there were any injuries or impaired metabolism of the eye tissue, then Taufon should be purchased. The drug stimulates the regeneration processes in the cornea.

7. An additive that protects the lens, retina and macula (the center of the retina) from adverse external factors (UV radiation, the bright light of the sun) - SuperOptik.

8. A drug that quickly removes redness, a feeling of pain and dryness in the eyes - Sistayn ultra. It is especially recommended to apply to owners of contact lenses.

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