
You are at a very crucial stage of life - breastfeed your crumbs. But troubles are mixed with joy - weakness, insomnia, problems with hair and skin ... Vitamins for nursing mothers will help improve the situation. They will not only improve mommy, but also increase the production of milk, saturated with nutrients. We have compiled a selection of 10 drugs that enjoy an excellent reputation in nursing women. Read, and choose an option for yourself!



Vitamins for nursing mothers

Solgar Prenatal Nutrient - firming and soothing

Solgar Prenatal Nutrient - firming and soothing

The basis of the product are vitamins that the female body loses during lactation - A, B1, C, D3. Alpha-tocopherol and folic acid stimulate the production of breast milk. The complex contains 11 minerals that normalize the digestion of a woman, increase her immunity.


  • Prevention of anemia. The complex maintains a normal level of hemoglobin.
  • Strengthening connective tissue. After 1 month of treatment, hair loss and peeling of the skin stops.
  • Stabilization of the nervous system. The drug eliminates insomnia and irritability.


  • Inconvenient reception. According to the instructions you need to drink 4 tablets per day.
  • Strong smell.

Nature's Bounty Prenatal Multi Healthy Mom - with fatty acids

Natures Bounty Prenatal Multi Healthy Mom - with fatty acids

The complex contains 19 vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The daily dose of 100% satisfies the need for women in iodine and folic acid. Omega-3 fatty acids improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Ginger extract speeds up the metabolism.


  • Comfortable reception. Gelatin capsules are easily swallowed.
  • Normal lactation. The drug maintains the volume of milk at a level of 700-1300 ml per day.
  • Prevention of anemia. Vitamin C and iron provide hemoglobin in the mother and child.


  • Heartburn and nausea. Occur in women with a weak stomach.
  • Difficulty in acquiring. The product is available only in online stores.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One - with prebiotics

Rainbow Light Prenatal One - with prebiotics

The supplement is designed for the period from pregnancy planning to the end of lactation. It contains 6 vitamins of group B, including folic acid, and also vitamins A, C, K, E and D2.

Minerals are represented in the form of cerates and chelates, which increases digestibility. Spirulina algae extract strengthens the immune system.


  • Stimulation of digestion. Prebiotics eliminate constipation and heartburn.
  • Prevention of iodine deficiency. Iodine supports the health of the mother’s nervous system and the development of the baby’s brain.
  • The possibility of taking on an empty stomach.


  • When moisture enters the vial, the tablets turn black.
  • The need to order online.

Fairhaven Health Nursing Postnatal Breastfeeding Multivitamin - for feeding period

Fairhaven Health Nursing Postnatal Breastfeeding Multivitamin - for feeding period

The product is designed specifically for lactating women, therefore it contains substances necessary during lactation - vitamins B6, B12, D3, folic acid.

Niacin, which is part of it, stimulates the synthesis of female hormones, and as a result, milk production. Iron and ascorbic acid contribute to the production of hemoglobin, preventing the development of anemia.


  • Maintain healthy skin and hair. Biotin prevents dry skin and hair loss after childbirth.
  • Lack of herbal ingredients. The composition without plants excludes an allergy at the child.
  • Childproof packaging.


  • Insufficient amount of calcium in the composition.
  • High cost - from 2500 rubles. for 60 capsules.

Fairhaven Health Milkies Nursing Blend Breastfeeding Supplement - with herbal extracts

Fairhaven Health Milkies Nursing Blend Breastfeeding Supplement - with herbal extracts

The second supplement from Fairhaven is based on B vitamins, as well as A, C and D3. Folic acid and niacin increase the amount of hormones that produce breast milk.

The effect is enhanced by the extract of fenugreek seeds, a natural stimulant of lactation. Dill seed extract prevents colic in a child.


  • Impact on the nervous system. Herbal supplements relieve insomnia and depression.
  • Good hair condition. The drug accelerates hair growth in the mother and baby.
  • A sufficient amount of milk, even after 6 months. feeding


  • Vegetable odor from the body after a long reception.
  • Large capsule size.

Complivit "Mom" - for women of Russia

Complivit Mom - for women of Russia

The supplement is designed to meet the characteristics of the Russian diet and cold climate. It consists of 11 vitamins, including the most important in lactation A, C, B1, B2, B6.

Iron eliminates the development of anemia in the mother and baby. Calcium supports the health of the mother’s teeth, accelerates the growth of the child’s bone tissue.


  • Improving blood quality. The drug increases hemoglobin levels, prevents the accumulation of lipoproteins in the blood.
  • Support the nervous system. When using the means, a woman is provided with a healthy sleep and a rise in physical strength.
  • Reception 1 time per day.


  • The possibility of allergic reactions.
  • Unpleasant smell of pills.

Multitabs Peritital - for health and beauty

Multitabs Peritital - for health and beauty

The drug contains 7 vitamins of group B, providing a healthy blood composition during lactation. In addition, the composition included vitamins A, C, D3, E, necessary to support immunity, healthy skin and bones.

Folic acid and zinc support normal hormone levels. Selenium helps to maintain energy and stamina.


  • Convenient reception. Tablets should be taken 1 time per day. The oval shape is convenient for swallowing.
  • Prevention of hypovitaminosis. The drug eliminates tooth decay, cramps, hair loss.
  • No allergies in children.


  • Not suitable for women with stomach disorders.
  • Low in calcium.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte - effective and safe

Vitrum Prenatal Forte - effective and safe

As part of the drug used 13 essential vitamins with a predominance of D3 and beta-carotene. Folic acid restores the female body after childbirth and improves blood composition.

Iron and iodine prevent the development of anemia in mom and baby. Calcium prevents tooth decay of women.


  • High-quality packaging. The jar is equipped with a metal membrane and child protection.
  • Improve overall well-being. The complex improves immunity, endurance, gives a healthy sleep.
  • Rapid hair growth in mother and baby.


  • Mild nausea shortly after taking the pill.
  • In the composition there is a dye.

Elevit Pronatal - for long duration

Elevit Pronatal - for long duration

The complex of 12 vitamins is designed to support the functions of the heart, nervous system and immunity of pregnant and lactating women.

B vitamins provide a normal condition of the skin, teeth and gums. Colecalciferol (D3) prevents the development of rickets in infants. Iron, calcium and copper improve blood composition.


  • Protection against microbes and viruses. Due to the strengthening of immunity, the drug reduces the risk of influenza and ARVI.
  • Neuropsychic stability. Insomnia, irritability, uncontrolled appetite are eliminated.
  • Long lasting effect. Results from the reception of the complex are saved for 2-3 months. after cancellation.


  • Lack of iodine in the composition.
  • Large pills. You can drink it only with a whole glass of water.

Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus - c fish oil

Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus - c fish oil

The product is presented immediately in 2 forms - vitamin pills and fish oil capsules. The basis of the tablets - vitamins of group B, necessary for normal metabolism during lactation.

Thanks to vitamin PP, blood flow and tissue nutrition are accelerated.Omega-3 fatty acids activate the brain.


  • Lack of calcium. This provides better iron absorption.
  • Improvement of skin, hair, nails. Biotin prevents dry and fragile connective tissues.
  • Improve mother's memory.


  • Gastric disorders. Some women complain of nausea, heartburn.
  • Insufficient amount of the drug. The package contains 28 tablets and capsules, although the course requires 30 pcs.

If you are looking for a vitamin complex to start lactation - choose a product without vegetable and fat supplements. A few months later, when the baby's digestive system is stronger, it is better to purchase the drug with healing herbs and fish oil.

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