
It seems to you that your hair has lost its shine and cut at the tips? Nails also look unimportant - they break, stratify ... There is only one way out - to find good vitamins for hair and nails! An effective vitamin complex can compensate for the lack of retinol, ɑ-tocopherol, as well as calcium, iron and zinc in 1 month. Our review will tell you which brands of vitamins are popular with Russian buyers. Learn all the pros and cons of the top 10 drugs!



Vitamins for hair and nails

Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair - efficient and fast-acting

Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair - efficient and fast-acting

The main ingredient of the complex is a compound MSM containing sulfur. It enhances the production of keratin, which strengthens the hair and nails.

Ascorbic acid slows down the premature aging of cells. Preparations of copper and zinc accelerate tissue renewal.


  • Fast hair growth. After 1 month of use, new hairs grow abundantly, including on the eyebrows.
  • Improving the condition of the nails. The delamination of the plates stops.
  • Durable packaging. Tablets are contained in a glass jar with a metal lid.


  • Large pill size, making it hard to swallow.
  • High price - from 1300 rubles.

Lady's formula for hair, skin and nails - with natural ingredients

Ladys formula for hair, skin and nails - with natural ingredients

The preparation contains 15 vitamins, 10 minerals, as well as amino acids, accelerating the production of keratin. The tool contains extracts of herbs, algae and citrus. Vitamin D, produced from fish liver, improves the nutrition of the scalp and accelerates hair growth.


  • Strengthen nails. White stripes and bumps disappear, nail plates become hard.
  • Cessation of hair loss. The problem is fixed after 20 days of admission.
  • Bonus Packing attached calendar of women's cycles.


  • Invalid volume. The package contains 60 tablets, while the course requires 90 pieces.
  • Slow hair growth - less than 20% per month.

Doppelherz Active for healthy nails and hair - with cereal extracts

Doppelherz Active for healthy nails and hair - with cereal extracts

The tool is represented by capsules with liquid contents. The composition, in addition to the vitamins of group B, includes calcium, zinc and iron preparations. Millet extract saturates the body with amino acids. The effect is enhanced by wheat germ oil, which stimulates cell division.


  • Convenient form of admission. The capsule should be taken 1 time per day.
  • The exact number of capsules. Packaging is designed exactly for the 30-day course.
  • Quick effect. After 2 weeks, hair and nails are significantly strengthened.


  • The possibility of allergies. The complex is contraindicated for people with cereal allergies.
  • Limited number of vitamins. There are no vitamins C and D in the product.

Nature's Bounty Extra Strength Hair, Skin & Nails - with an accumulation effect

Nature's Bounty Extra Strength Hair, Skin & Nails - with an accumulation effect

The key substance of the complex is biotin, which actively strengthens the hair follicles. Due to the antioxidant properties of vitamins A, E and C, cell death is slowed down. Hyaluronic acid nourishes and repairs damaged tissue.


  • Long exposure. Properties of the drug appear within 3 months. The effect persists after 2-3 months. after the end of the reception.
  • Aesthetic look. The shiny pink capsules look like candy.
  • Stimulation of growth. Hair and nails grow 2.5 times faster.


  • The possibility of gaining weight.Due to biotin, some people get better by 1.5 to 3 kg.
  • The appearance of acne on oily and problem skin.

Merz Spezial Dragees - with iron and dietary supplements

Merz Spezial Dragees - with iron and dietary supplements

The drug contains all the vitamins necessary for the strength of connective tissue - A, C, B2, B6, B12, D3.

Iron improves breathing and nourishing the hair follicles. Yeast extract restores and tones cells, slows the appearance of gray hair. Amino acid L-cystine promotes the formation of keratin.


  • Regeneration of tissues. The complex quickly revives dried hair, restores nails after shellac.
  • The overall impact on the body. As a result of the reception increases immunity and tone.
  • Comfortable perception. Capsules are easily swallowed, no odor.


  • The absence of a protective membrane on the bottle.
  • High price - from 550 to 900 rubles.

21st Century Health Care Hair, Skin & Nails - to strengthen and rejuvenate

21st Century Health Care Hair, Skin & Nails - to strengthen and rejuvenate

The basic ingredients of the product are the triad “A + C + E”, which prevents early cell aging. Biotin stimulates protein metabolism, restoring keratin reserves in hair and nails. Rutin activates blood supply and respiration of tissues, enriching hair follicles with nutrition.


  • Improving the texture of connective tissue. The nail plates are renewed from the base, the hair becomes elastic.
  • Increase the tone. The drug affects the body as a whole, giving vivacity and activity.
  • Pleasant fruity smell.


  • Large pill size making it hard to swallow.
  • The need to take thrice a day.

Evalar for skin, hair and nails - with organic sulfur

Evalar for skin, hair and nails - with organic sulfur

The basis of the complex is a sulfur compound that strengthens the keratin layer. Amino acids lysine and cystine restore collagen reserves in tissues, providing the strength of connective tissue. The extract of brown algae, saturated with calcium, iron and magnesium, accelerates the metabolism.


  • Full volume on a wellness course. The package contains 60 tablets - exactly 1 month intake.
  • Improving hair condition. Dandruff disappears, greasiness decreases, loss stops.
  • Strengthening the nail plate.


  • Slow effect. The effects of exposure are noticeable after 1-2 months of admission.
  • The supplement does not accelerate hair growth.

Unipharm Vitrum Beauty - healing and toning

Unipharm Vitrum Beauty - healing and toning

The complex contains 10 vitamins, including the most important for nails and hair - B1, B2, B6, E and D3. Beta-carotene protects cells from oxidative stress and maintains tissue elasticity.

Biotin provides proper nutrition to the hair roots. Horsetail extract restores damage and accelerates hair growth.


  • Rich composition. In addition to vitamins, it includes amino acids, bioflavonoids and 10 minerals.
  • Improving the quality of connective tissue. Hair and nails thicken, gain a healthy shine.
  • The effect on overall well-being. The drug gives vitality, eliminates depression.


  • Large pill size - almost 2 cm.
  • Unpleasant smell.

Shine Complite - for long duration

Shine Complite - for long duration

The drug includes 11 vitamins, among which are dominated by substances of group B and tocopherol. Green tea extract strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff, normalizes sebaceous excretions. Vitamin C and lipoic acid inhibit cell aging and accelerate cell renewal.


  • Comfortable reception. Tablets of streamlined shape and optimal size easily swallow.
  • Long lasting effect. After stopping the reception, hair, nails and skin retain a healthy appearance for up to 2 months.
  • Lack of smell and taste.


  • Chance to gain excess weight. Some people report weight gain while taking the drug.
  • Insufficient amount of biotin in the composition.

Fitoval - for treatment and prevention

Fitoval - for treatment and prevention

The action of the complex is based on the properties of vitamins of group B, which strengthen connective tissues. Included in the dry yeast accelerate hair growth, give them shine and elasticity.

Biotin, which regulates fat metabolism, improves the nutrition of the hair follicles and nail bed. Copper, zinc and iron accelerate the production of keratin.


  • Big pack. It contains 60 capsules - for a 2-month course.
  • Growth effectAfter 1 month of admission, the nails and hair begin to grow 37% faster.
  • Restoration of tissues damaged by chemical exposure.


  • Side effects. Capsules taken after a leaking meal cause nausea.
  • Enhanced body hair growth.

Before buying vitamins for hair and nails, carefully read the instructions to the drug. Give preference to products containing many vitamins B, E, A, as well as biotin and organic sulfur.

Pay attention to herbal ingredients - they can cause allergic reactions. Any doubts? Check with your therapist!

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