
Health and beauty go hand in hand, because one is impossible without the other. In addition to proper nutrition, physical exertion and regime, one should provide the diet with the necessary microelements and vitamins, so that the skin remains elastic and the hair, nails and bones - strong. Various pharmaceutical companies pay great attention to the development and production of vitamin complexes for women capable of maintaining the necessary balance of nutrients. If you still do not know on which drug to stop attention, then this selection will help you decide.



Vitamins for women

Alphabet Cosmetics - a universal complex

Alphabet Cosmetics - a universal complex

The complex contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and K. The preparation is universal and suitable for any age group. It stabilizes hormones, helping women to preserve beauty and youth. Directed to the overall improvement of the body.

Reception guarantees a noticeable result after the first month. In the package are tablets of three colors: green, yellow and red. This is done for convenience, because, following the instructions, you need to drink the first in the morning, the second in the afternoon, and the third in the evening.

Some of them contain vitamins of group B and iron, which favorably affects the skin, and also prevents the occurrence of anemia. Others include natural antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on skin cells.

In addition, these elements significantly reduce the risk of cancer. The remaining ones contain vitamins of groups A, C, E, calcium and biotin. The complex of these elements activates the regeneration process, allowing the skin to recover faster.


  • high efficiency;
  • visible result in a short time;
  • short course - 2 weeks (repeated twice a year);
  • acceptable price - up to 500 p.


  • not found.

Vitrum Beauty - nail restoration

Vitrum Beauty - nail restoration

Vitamins for women Vitrum Beauty include iodine, boron, calcium, selenium, iron. Although the manufacturer indicates that they are used for general body strengthening, the majority of users have noticed a visible improvement in the appearance of the nail plates.

They cease to exfoliate, become stronger, acquire a healthy color, grow faster, and irregularities smooth out on the surface.


  • fast result;
  • the package (30 tablets) is enough for a monthly course;
  • suitable for pregnant women and lactating mothers.


  • high cost - 900 r;
  • Allergic reactions such as urticaria and pruritus are extremely rare.

Centrum - support for beauty and health in the winter

Centrum - support for beauty and health in the winter

These vitamins are especially useful for winter. It is during the cold season that there is a shortage of energy with which the Centrum vitamin complex is designed to fight. In addition, it supports women's health, which, in turn, affects the appearance.

After two or three weeks, sleep is getting better, the nervous system returns to normal, dark bruises disappear under the eyes, a blush appears. The drug is also aimed at reducing the production of cholesterol, activating the production of new cells, reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors.


  • high efficiency;
  • few side effects;
  • noticeable result after the first course.


  • high cost - 700 p.

Revidoks - vitamin food supplement

Revidoks - vitamin food supplement

The drug was created by a famous Italian manufacturer. The composition contains only natural ingredients, for example, the squeeze of grains of grapes and pomegranate.

In addition, Revivoks is rich in antioxidants that can slow down the aging process, which favorably affects the skin, hair and nails of women.

Vitamins can be taken all year round. According to doctors, the complex nourishes the female body with the most valuable elements, so it is effective for any age groups.


  • noticeable effect after the first course;
  • stops hair loss;
  • improves nails and makes skin elastic.


  • high cost - 2300 p.

Laura (Evalar) - a dietary supplement with a complex of vitamins

Laura (Evalar) - a dietary supplement with a complex of vitamins

The drug is taken with meals to supplement the diet with essential micronutrients and vitamins.

The main feature is the content of hyaluronic acid, supplemented with vitamins of groups C and E. Thanks to the composition, the skin is moisturized from the inside, the production of collagen increases, the color becomes healthy and even, mimic wrinkles are reduced.


  • few side effects;
  • low cost - up to 300 p.


  • before taking consultation with a specialist.

Imedin - directed action to maintain the health of internal organs

Imedin - directed action to maintain the health of internal organs

The manufacturer claims that the vitamins and biologically active substances contained in the preparation have a healthy effect on the lungs, heart and nervous system.

Due to the improvement of the work of these bodies, the woman begins to feel better, her sleep is normalized, respectively, all this affects the appearance. Bruises and bags under the eyes disappear, hair falls out less, and nails become stronger.


  • improving overall well-being;
  • contains two patented formulas;
  • increases collagen production.


  • unpleasant smell in tablets;
  • the result is visible not earlier than after three months of use.

Famvital - anti-aging complex

Famvital - anti-aging complex

These vitamins are designed specifically for women over thirty. The active components of the capsules enter the female body taking into account the daily biorhythm, which ensures high efficiency.

The drug includes sixteen components: trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. They are perfectly combined with each other and contribute to improving the appearance of hair, skin, nails, and also prevent premature aging.


  • slows down the appearance of wrinkles;
  • enhances the burning of calories;
  • increases thermogenesis.


  • high cost - 2 thousand rubles.

Innov - the beauty of hair

Innov - the beauty of hair

These vitamins are among the best for strengthening hair. After their application, hair loss is reduced, new hairs begin to grow.

The structure becomes more dense, healthy, which affects the overall density of the hair. The first result is visible not earlier than in one and a half-two months. With a constant exchange rate for a long time, the hair significantly accelerates growth, brittleness goes away.

As part of vitamins have a powerful antioxidant that acts on the hair follicles. Innov also contains beneficial ingredients that activate blood flow to the scalp, thereby increasing growth.


  • does not affect the growth of vellus hair, only rod;
  • no side effects.


  • high cost - 1500 p.

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