

The sink in the bathroom is not just a sanitary fixture, but also part of the overall interior. That is why manufacturers today are not limited to practical earthenware sinks, and offer spectacular models of glass, stone and even metal. The variety of forms and designs is also amazing - and in all of this we have to figure out today.

Thermal underwear (or thermo underwear) was originally created for climbers, skiers and other active citizens involved in sports at sub-zero temperatures. Now it has moved into the closets of ordinary people. This is the first layer of clothing, which retains maximum heat near the body. Moreover, the layer is very thin and not constraining movements. Choose it, depending on the degree of activity of the owner on the street: one is quite simple insulation, the other is also important for the abstraction of excess moisture.

Modern steamers can cook quickly and tasty several dishes at once. With them you will be able to put on the table a crumbly porridge, warm vegetable side dish, steam cutlets and sweet pudding for dessert in 20-30 minutes. But in order to fully enjoy all the possibilities of this miracle of technology, you need to choose the right model. When choosing, one should pay attention to the volume and number of cups, the power of the device, the type of control, and the presence of additional functions.

Dozens of types of powder are presented on the shelves of cosmetic stores: matting for oily skin and nourishing for dry, masking and finishing, in balls and traditional cases. But to make the right choice, you need to know the difference between crumbly, pressed and cream powder, be able to choose a shade to your skin color type and carefully read the composition on the box.

Webcams do not have an internal division into views. Yes, some of them give a higher resolution, while others are better removed in the dark, some models come with a built-in microphone or autofocus. But all this - only the characteristics of compact devices, which can be chosen to fit your requirements.

There are a lot of types of curlers, but for home use women of the whole world need only a few - proven and most convenient options. These are thin bobbins for small curls and flexible “boomerangs”, thermal rollers for quick styling and new-fashioned Magic Leverage ribbon spirals. And which ones will suit you?

There are a lot of types of football boots today - and each has its own label. But if you simplify the accepted classification, it turns out that there are only three main options. These are professional shoes with high spikes for playing on grass (natural or artificial), amateur centipedes and mini-football bumps.

The stick is the main “weapon” of the hockey player, and it should be chosen very carefully. Everything is important here: the rigidity and weight of the material from which it is made, the length of the handle and the shape of the hook. Moreover, all these characteristics must simultaneously take into account growth, experience, impact force and even the position of the player on the field.

Punching bags have long ceased to resemble simple sandbags, which were used in antiquity. Among them appeared a lot of interesting projectiles: upperkotnye, chasers and floor pnevmogrushi. Classic bags, too, have not gone away, but their range has expanded significantly - mainly due to the use of modern materials for covers and stuffing.

Before buying gloves for boxing, decide on their purpose - who or what you are going to beat them with. For training on a pear or bag, light and thin “pancakes” will be needed, for sparring in the gym, it is better to take a softer pair in order not to injure either yourself or your opponent. Also, when choosing equipment, you will have to take into account other features of boxing gloves: weight, type of filler, method of fixation.


