
The most popular appliance in the bathroom is the sink. Each of us comes to her several times a day: wash, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Of course I want the wash basin to be beautiful and comfortable, and also effectively complement the design of the entire room. But this is not a complete list of requirements that plumbing must meet.



Bathroom sink

The best sink manufacturers - which company to choose

It is not easy to choose a good washbasin manufacturer, and much depends on the sink material.

Composite models succeed well with the Japanese from TOTO, Gessi Italians and the international brand AM.PM. But the products of irregular shape for their size is better to purchase from local companies that can send a measurer.

The best ceramic sinks are made mainly by European companies:

  • Roca;
  • Serel;
  • Gustavsberg;
  • Laufen;
  • Cezares.

Cheaper options can be found at domestic manufacturers (Santek, Kirovsky Stroyfarfor).

As for glass products, it is better to give preference to the brands Glass Design, Kraus or Boheme. Although the Chinese models from Frap or Ledem will be quite good - especially since they are easier to find on sale.

More information about the range of washbasins from different manufacturers can be found in our ranking of the best sinks for the bathroom. Just to start, let's see what options should be considered in each case.

Types of bathroom sinks



Ceramics - the most common material for sanitary equipment. Such sinks are often made of earthenware, but there are more expensive models made of porcelain.

The difference between them lies in the quality of the raw material and the resulting structure (it is denser in porcelain). But the production technology is about the same: the molded product made of a clay mixture with additives is pressed, fired and covered with a layer of smooth enamel.


  • Hygiene;
  • Ease of care;
  • Large selection of models of all shapes and sizes;
  • Affordable cost - true, this applies only to faience products.


  • The fragility inherent in even the best ceramics;
  • Enamel, too, may eventually become covered with a mesh of cracks.

Stone and composite

Stone and composite

Of course, you can order a chic sink made of natural stone (granite, marble or even opal). But this is not the most common and affordable options.

Today, washbasins made of artificial stone are much more popular. It is produced by mixing mineral chips with thermoplastic resins or acrylics. This mass can be given any shape and color to create a truly original plumbing.


  • The richness of colors and textures;
  • The ability to create complex designs of any size, combining them with table tops and shelves;
  • Durability and durability;
  • A good maintainability - at least, minor scratches and chips can be zashdifovat.


  • Not the highest hygiene due to the rough and porous surface;
  • The cost of even an artificial stone is rather big, and the natural one is simply exorbitant.



Very spectacular shells are made of thick colored or clear glass, complementing them with the same table tops and shelves.

As a rule, such products come in the form of a structure ready for installation and connection, since each model requires its own method of fastening and special siphons of suitable shape.


  • Original appearance;
  • Variety of sizes and shapes;
  • 100% hygiene;
  • High durability as hot glass is used in production;
  • Resistant to most chemicals as well as scratches;
  • Even if the shell is broken, its fragments can not be cut.


  • On a transparent and glossy surface, stains from dried water constantly appear;
  • High cost, although often lower than stone.

There are also metal washbasins (brass, copper, bronze, stainless or enameled steel) and even wooden sinks. But some of them belong to exclusive products, others are simply morally obsolete, so we will not recommend them for purchase. Well, and you are free to take what you like. Just do not forget that in addition to the material of manufacture, there are other selection criteria.

Bathroom sink selection options

Bathroom sink selection options


Sinks for bathrooms are classified according to the method of installation and some features of the bowl itself:

1. Cantilever or mounted mounted on the corner stops (along the way, "zashiv" in the wall all wiring). To such a sink will have to carefully pick up the siphon, because it will be in sight.

2. Overhead set on a special cabinet, which is often already included. This option is suitable if you need a place to store household chemicals and small things like napkins, or simply there is nothing to fasten the sink.

3. Tulip - minimalistic option. The sink comes with a ceramic foot-pedestal, in the cavity of which you can easily hide the siphon and hoses.

4. Bowl - fashionable type of shells today. These are installed on top of a thick tabletop or simply crash inward. Such sinks look neat and at the same time original, if you pick up an unusual color or shape of the bowl. But there are no holes for mounting the mixer on them - it is installed separately.

5. “Waterlily” is a special case of a cantilever shell with a sink that is offset from the wall and has a minimum depth. These flat sinks have a sufficiently large area and a special siphon with a reverse knee, which allows you to place washing machines of suitable "height" under them.

On sale there are corner and double sinks, as well as models with side wings or table tops. Which option to choose depends on the availability of free space in the bathroom.

Bowl sizes

In fact, there are no strict requirements for the dimensions of the sinks - everyone chooses the plumbing that best fits into the bathroom. But there are some averaged numbers - it’s worth being guided by:

1. For a washbasin, a 40-70 cm indicator is considered sufficiently wide. No more is needed (unless you choose the option with a tabletop or an additional bowl), but if you take the model smaller, during washing the water will scatter in all directions.

2. The normal depth of the shell is 30–60 cm, although this rule does not apply to “water lilies”.
The optimal length of the plumbing you choose yourself - depending on what you plan to install under the sink (cabinet, washing machine). But it is most convenient to use a washbasin of 50-60 cm.


Additional drain hole will keep your good relations with the neighbors below, and along with the flooring, if it is a laminate or, God forbid, electric flooring.

Overflow is mandatory for small sinks and products with a horizontal siphon. Here, the bowl under a good pressure quickly overflows, and an additional hole at the very edge will not allow the water to “overflow”.

What sink to choose for the bathroom

What sink to choose for the bathroom

1. If you have a tiny room, choose a small tulip shell (about 40 cm wide) or a compact corner model - you can even with a pedestal. You shouldn't chase after expensive plumbing equipment - in close bathrooms there is always a risk of accidentally breaking a fragile product. Stop at the faience sink with overflow or buy a Chinese device of tempered glass.

2. In a medium-sized room where you need to place additional lockers, a laundry basket and a washing machine, it is better to use a flat “water-lily” sink or a patch model with a pedestal. Alternatively, you can order a product of artificial stone in size.

3. The spacious bathroom has space for a stylish worktop with a cup mounted on top. Since it will always be in sight, choose a product with a spectacular decor or simply beautiful shape. Here it is important that it is in harmony with the general interior of the room. And also try to find a sink at least medium in size (not less than 50 cm), since there is usually no overflow in such models.

How much is a bathroom sink?

How much is a bathroom sink?

1. Ceramic shells start from 600 rubles and reach 300 thousand if you are looking for a designer model made from high-quality porcelain.

2. Glass bowls are priced from 4 to 40 thousand rubles.

3. Wash basins made of artificial stone can be purchased from 2500 rubles, the ceiling for finished products - 150 thousand.

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