
Many women still prefer to do styling on curlers. Curls with them are more natural, and it is much easier to handle the bright spiked cylinders than with a bulky hair dryer or a scalding styler. However, curlers can not be called universal. To get the curls of the desired shape on its hair length, you will have to try many different options. We suggest not to waste time and money, but immediately choose your type of hair curlers by using our tips.




The best manufacturers of curlers - which company to choose

There are more than a dozen of different types of curlers, and among the manufacturers in each niche has its own leaders. For example, excellent electric curlers for fast curling are produced by companies:

  • BaByliss;
  • Valera;
  • Remington.

Curlers for cold curling (plastic, foam, etc.) generally release all and sundry. But if you want them to serve for a long time, it is better to turn to products of proven companies that produce professional styling rulers as well.

We have the most widely represented brands:

  • Dewal;
  • Comair;
  • Wella;
  • Sibel;
  • Hairway.

Types of curlers

The cock

The cock

These are the simplest hair curlers designed for cold curling wet hair. As a rule, they are small or medium in diameter up to 2.5-3 cm. They are made of plastic, wood, PVC or thin aluminum, and for fixing the strands use different clips or just elastic bands.


  • By themselves, do not harm the hair;
  • They allow you to get small and well-structured curls - on thin cylinders you can even achieve the effect of "chemistry";
  • Cost inexpensive.


  • Because of the small diameter and length of the bobbins, perm takes a lot of time;
  • Clamps leave on the curls characteristic creases.

Papilotki (boomerangs)

Papilotki (boomerangs)

Convenient to use flexible curlers in the form of a bending rod in a dense foam rubber sheeting on the hair without any clips. They are soft enough to sleep on, and in the morning to get completely natural curls. "Boomerangs" are used to curl strands of medium or long length.


  • Ease of use;
  • The absence of obvious creases on the curls;
  • Almost do not interfere with sleep;
  • Do not spoil the hair.


  • On dense files without internal holes, the curls dry for a very long time;
  • The strands at the base may take on an irregular shape;
  • Short hair cheat on "boomerangs" will not work.

Velcro or "hedgehogs"

Velcro or hedgehogs

These curlers are designed for styling short haircuts. They are large plastic cylinders wrapped with textile velcro (as on Velcro tape). Tiny hooks cling tightly to the hair, not allowing the curlers to fall off the head, so they do not need clamps.


  • It is very easy to twist strands on “hedgehogs”;
  • Hair dries faster, moreover, drying by a hair dryer is already allowed here;
  • You can create a basal volume even on short hair;
  • Large selection of cylinders of different diameters;
  • Affordable cost.


  • Long strands on such curlers without clips do not hold.
  • Velcro with plastic hooks are often confused and tearing hair.

Velvet hair curlers (Magic Leverage)

Velvet hair curlers (Magic Leverage)

A relatively new type of curler is especially popular today. They are flexible tubular ribbons of different lengths, twisted into a spiral.

The strands are tucked inside with a special wand with a hook at the end, after which the Magic Leverage rolls themselves in serpentine, fixing the hair and giving the curls the desired shape.


  • Gentle effect on hair;
  • The absence of clips per se - only soft silicone gum at the ends of the tapes;
  • Form fashionable spiral curls of the correct form;
  • Ready curls for a long time hold even without fixation.


  • For laying at first, you may need the help of a friend;
  • Bad hold on short hair;
  • Do not give volume at the roots;
  • The price is too high.

Thermo curlers

Thermo curlers

With these heavy cylinders, our mothers made a perm. The curlers in a small saucepan were boiled over the fire, and they had to be fished out from there almost by hand, and then quickly twisted the strands and snapped them in with a wide clip.

However, many women (and stylists) still use such hair rollers, because with them you can quickly make a resistant styling on any hair.


  • Keep the heat for a long time (10-15 minutes);
  • Even thick and unruly hairs curl with tight rings;
  • Do not require a lot of time for laying;
  • Virtually eternal, if you do not break or lose the latches.


  • No precautions will save hands from burns.

Electric rollers

Electric rollers

These are the same hair rollers, only heating up in a special container, and ready to use in a few minutes. With their help, you can create a fairly stable styling, although the heat still harms the hair.

Manufacturers of such devices do their best to neutralize their negative impact on curls, offering curlers with a ceramic, teflon or velvet coating.


  • Convenient to use;
  • Heat up quickly
  • Suitable for styling hairstyles of different lengths;
  • Give persistent curls;
  • In order for the hair to take the desired shape, it is enough to walk in curlers for 10-20 minutes;
  • There are models with non-heating ends, for which you can safely take, without fear of getting burned.


  • Requires the use of clamps that can leave creases;
  • Are more expensive than other types of curlers.

Curler Selection Parameters

Curler Selection Parameters

Hair condition

First of all, you need to focus on the structure and health of your hair. The type of curlers that can be used for curling depends on it. If there are no problems with native strands, they are strong and “live”, feel free to take electric rollers, velcro or ordinary cylinders with clips to do a quick styling using a hair dryer.

Owners of weak and brittle hair who have experienced more than one coloring or even bleaching will have to limit their choice to cold styling products: “boomerangs” or velvet hair curlers. With a short and medium length haircut (up to 30 cm), you can venture to buy “hedgehogs”.


Here a lot depends on the desired size and shape of curls. If you want to get big waves or a good amount of hair, curlers should be very large. And in order to make the hair curly with a “small demon”, you need to take thin bobbins or boomerangs.

The length of the haircut also affects the choice of diameter curlers. For short and medium hair it is better to use cylinders of small size (up to 25 mm). They will give the correct and persistent curls. However, it is more convenient to add a volume to a bob or a square just with large curlers - about 70-80 mm in diameter.

Long hair, it would seem, does not impose such restrictions on the choice, but there may be problems with curling on small papilotki. It will be possible to twist up to the roots only very thin strands, and it will take a lot of effort, time and curlers themselves.

Manufacturing materials

The health of the hair and the result of the curl depends on the material from which the surface of the curler is made.

If you choose among ordinary cylinders and bobbins, the options may be as follows:

1. Plastic

Plastic is a hygienic material that is easy to care for. Such curlers do not provide for heating, which is why they are considered the most benign, but it is not necessary to count on the resistance of the wave when using them.

2. Rubber

Also not intended for hot curling. In addition, thin tubes can take a long time to lay.But curls on such curlers are quite interesting shape.

3. Foam rubber

Even softer than rubber and perfectly suitable for those who, in the name of beauty, are ready to sleep with them on their heads all night. Alas, in the morning the resulting curls may not please - in some places bends or curls will have an unequal shape due to the fact that the foam pads were pressed during sleep. The curlers themselves, too, will not last long - break or begin to crumble after a few months of use.

4. Wood

The case when the environmentally friendly material more harm than good. The problem is that wooden curlers are short-lived, and besides, they quickly accumulate dirt. After several uses, they simply have to be thrown away.

5. Ceramic

The best material for curlers not to think. The ceramics heats up for a long time, but it does not cool down immediately, slowly and evenly giving away its heat to the hair. As a result, the styling is quite stable, and the curls do not experience thermal shock and retain their beauty longer.

6. Metallic

These curlers can be used hot to quickly make a perm even on dry hair. But here the type of coating plays an important role - purely metallic cylinders heat up unevenly, which is why the styling is not ideal, and the hair itself is electrified and split. But protective spraying eliminates these shortcomings and protect curls during curling.

The coating of electric rollers can be:

1. Ceramic;

2. Teflon;

3. Textile.

The first option is considered the best - we actually get all the properties of a ceramic cylinder on a metal base. Yes, the heat capacity of such curlers will be lower than full-bodied ceramics, but they will also heat up faster.

Teflon coating has non-stick properties and does not burn through hair like an open metal. However, it is short-lived and may fade over time, which means it will no longer be as effective.

A good option is considered velor coating - it does not hurt the hair at all, but its service life is approximately comparable to that of teflon.

Additional functions (for electric rollers)

If you decide to buy electric curlers, pay attention to their additional features. It is desirable that the list of functions present:

1. Thermostat - with it you can set the desired heating temperature in accordance with the type of hair, so as not to burn too weak strands.

2. Ionization - partially neutralizes the effect of high temperature on curls, removes static electricity, makes curls elastic and shiny.

3. The indicator of heating - will inform that the curlers are ready to work, saving you a lot of time.

The electrical box should also have at least basic protection that turns off the device when overheated.

What kind of curlers to choose

What kind of curlers to choose

1. To curl curls with small spirals, as after chemistry, they need to be screwed on wooden, plastic or rubber bobbins no thicker than 1 cm in diameter. For such styling curlers will need a lot (especially if you have thick and long hair), so buying one package is not enough.

2. Those who have every minute counts every minute, fit heated hair rollers. If the hair is weak or brittle, it is better to take an electric model with a heat regulator and a mandatory non-stick coating of the cylinders. Everyone else can try to save money and buy the usual curlers "for boiling."

3. Lovers sleep a little longer fit papilotki- "boomerangs" or velvet curlers. Wind the hair on them in the evening, and in the morning just take them off your head - and you will get beautiful, persistent curls.

4. Need to twist thick bangs or give volume to a short haircut? Take plastic "hedgehogs" with a diameter of 5-8 cm. To speed up the curl, wet strands can be dried directly on them with a hair dryer.

5. If you have thin hair, try to avoid too hard hair rollers and grip on them. Also, do not buy cylinders of small diameter.Too small perm, though it gives a sparse head of hair a rich look, leads to the fact that hair is simply torn when combing.

Choose "boomerangs" or foam products with a diameter of at least 2-2.5 cm or use electric rollers with velor coating.

How much are curlers

How much are curlers

1. Velcro can be purchased at a price of 50 rubles for a set of 12 pieces up to 550 rubles. per package is less than half - it all depends on the fame of the manufacturer.

2. Foam rubber and soft rubber rollers start from 55 rubles. for 8 pieces and reach 270 for a set of 4 items.

3. "Boomerangs" can be bought at prices ranging from 100 to 1000 rubles for a dozen.

4. Ordinary heated hair rollers with clips cost from 20 to 400 rubles apiece.

5. The sticks are sold at a price of 7-10 rubles / pcs. The most expensive devices for non-standard types of curling reach 170.

6. Velvet hair curlers cost from 200 to 2400 rubles for a set of 18 ribbons.

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