
Very few people need mega-advanced webcams that can shoot in the dark and “watch the face” - unless you are looking for a model for outdoor surveillance, do not plan to participate in large-scale video conferences or do streaming. For the majority of Internet users, it’s enough just to have a good webcam without any frills. How to choose a camera that meets this or that usage scenario, we will explain in this article.




The best webcam manufacturers - which company to choose

Excellent web-cameras are produced by well-known companies specializing in the production of computer peripherals:

  • Logitech;
  • Sven;
  • Genius;
  • A4Tech;
  • Qumo.

We have already talked about the best products of these brands in our article. But if before you could not buy a camera for a computer, it will be difficult to make a choice. So let's begin to understand how these gadgets work, and what their characteristics are really important.

The principle of operation and the device webcam

The principle of operation and the device webcam

From the web-camera is required not only to catch the picture, but also as quickly as possible to forward it over the network.

It happens like this:

1. The lens captures the light reflected from objects and transmits it to the sensitive matrix, where the image is converted into electrical signals.

2. The obtained information is digitized on the video capture card, and then compressed in the compression block.

3. Further, the central processor processes the prepared frames according to a given program and redirects them to the appropriate output (Ethernet or USB).

In addition to the listed blocks, you can also find fast and RAM chips inside the webcam. Flash is used to store basic programs, and RAM only records temporary data and a small reserve of captured frames.

Outside the camera, you can also connect alarm sensors that trigger video recording on a signal - they are used to create home security systems.

Webcam selection options

Webcam selection options


There are two types of matrices in webcams:

1. CMOS (CMOS) is a low-cost option with good speed, energy saving and an outstanding image of average quality. For simple communication, it is enough.

2. CCD (CCD) - these sensors create less "noise" in the picture and are more accurate color reproduction. They are more commonly used in surveillance systems, for high-level online conferences and video broadcasts.

Having determined the type of matrix, it is necessary to study its main characteristics that directly affect the image quality.

Video resolution

There are webcams with a resolution of matrices from 352x288 px to 4096x2160, but all this is extreme. In most cases, a good picture can be obtained at 1280x720 (HD) and even make a photo of it with sufficient detail.

There are other options for permissions:

1. From 640x480 to 800x600 - optimal for video chat, although photographic detail with so many pixels can not be obtained. On the other hand, with a slow Internet, it is the low resolution that is preferable.

2. From 1280x960 to 1920x1080 - such cameras are more expensive, but their video quality is excellent, and the pictures are a little worse than those of digital cameras.

When choosing a video resolution, remember: the higher it is, the faster your Internet should be.


Indicated in the characteristics of the matrix in the suites and determines the conditions under which the webcam can transmit a picture without interference. At low sensitivity, the broadcast from the darkened room will be replete with electronic "noise".

Typically, the manufacturer indicates the minimum sensitivity value, but you need to determine whether the specified threshold corresponds to the specific lighting conditions at the location:

1. 500 lux - office with large windows in the daytime;

2. 100 - a room with a weak light source.

The problem of insufficient sensitivity can be solved by additional illumination built in near the lens. Ideally, its brightness will be adjustable. But keep in mind: the very existence of such an addition indirectly indicates that the inside is not the best matrix.

Sweep technology

In principle, webcam can shoot video as interlaced and progressive. But if the image is displayed on a computer monitor, a high-quality image can be obtained only in the second case.

This technology can be implemented on any type of matrix - the main thing is that the selected camera model supports it.

The number of frames filming

FPS is important for comfortable communication in video chat, and for streaming broadcasting it is completely decisive. The shooting speed is considered sufficient at 30 frames per second, however, for this, the Internet connection must be fast.

For unpretentious users, ready to put up with the lag of the picture from the sound and jerking, 15 FPS is enough. If this is not an option, take a model that captures 25 fps.


The presence of a microphone in a webcam is a convenient function, but not all manufacturers have yet perfected it. Combined in one case, two devices often interfere with each other in work (at least in low-cost and medium-priced models). Because of this, the broadcast comes with "stuttering."

The microphone level, although not dependent on the resolution of the shooting, still has a certain relationship with it. Thank you for this is necessary for the manufacturers themselves, who are trying to stick to the balance of the characteristics of video and audio devices in the same package.

As a reference point, you can use a small cheat sheet:

1. When HD resolution in a webcam, a medium-sized microphone is installed that recognizes a speech at a distance of 3-4 m.

2. Full HD assumes a higher quality speaker. In addition, there is already a separate track for the audio signal, therefore the picture does not suffer when simultaneously transmitting data.

If you need the perfect quality of shooting and sound without compromise, the microphone is better to buy separately. Well, and for those who still decide to take a hybrid, we advise you to check the presence of noise reduction and the sensitivity of the speaker so that the voice “at the other end” is clearly audible and does not get hammered by other noise.

Connection type

Classics of the genre - a wired connection to a computer via USB. As in the case of any other peripherals, the port generation will be determining here:

1. USB 1.1 is the oldest and slowest type of connection. It hardly supports the resolution of 640x480 and transmits no more than 15 frames per second.

2. USB 2.0 is a popular and widely used port with enough bandwidth to stream video from 25-30 FPS.

3. USB 3.0 is a modern connection option, the fastest of all available on the market, but this is not yet relevant for WebCovers.

Wireless cameras with a built-in transmitter are now becoming popular. Included with them is usually a receiver, which is installed in the same USB port of the computer, and the signal is transmitted to it via Wi-Fi.

Such models are suitable for video surveillance systems, but they can also be used for communication if the SAT is located far away, or you plan to shoot in motion.


In most inexpensive webcam focusing is manual. That is, you install the camera, twist the ring on the lens to catch the sharpness, and try to sit quietly while recording.

Autofocus allows you to completely get away from the manual settings - the web-camera itself adjusts the clarity of the picture and will control it. Webcams with tracking function are also on sale - these “concentrate” on the face, constantly keeping it in focus.As a result, even photographs from such broadcasts are clear, without blurring.

Design features

Small nuances remain - the parameters listed here are not decisive, but the usability of the webcam depends on them in each particular case.

Mounting features:

1. Clothespin is a great option for laptops and flat PC monitors.

2. Stand - suitable for those who have an old or very wide monoblock monitor, for which the clip does not hook.

3. A universal mount is a special type of clamp that can perform both the function of a stand and work as a clothespin.

Cord length

Generally unprincipled, if you have a laptop - even a short wire will reach the USB port here. But for a personal computer with a system unit under the table you will need a really long cord to connect to the PC. But if the keyboard provides a suitable connector, and this problem is easily solved.

Closing lens

This option will help protect yourself from tracking through a video camera, which can be provoked by individual viruses. Manufacturers offer models with simple curtains, closed manually, as well as fully automated devices that work when the webcam is turned off.

Which webcam to choose

Which webcam to choose

1. For regular Skype communication with friends and relatives, an inexpensive camera with a built-in microphone and a CMOS matrix will suffice. The resolution of 600x800 pixels is enough, but if you want a good Internet connection speed, you can take the webcam more advanced. The sensitivity margin in the range of 100-500 does not hurt, although with a small budget it will be necessary to compromise. But the focus will be able to save by limiting the manual setting.

2. If the camera will be used for business videoconferencing, you should not be greedy. Get a model with autofocus and a good FHD resolution. A built-in microphone is also allowed here, since audio and video streams do not interfere with each other in cameras of this class. There are no special requirements for the type of matrix, and the sensitivity of 300-500 units will be sufficient.

3. Video bloggers, streamers and everyone whose activity is tightly connected to broadcasting video over the Web, we need really good cameras with maximum resolution (1920x1080), mandatory autofocus and high sensitivity of the matrix up to 100. The webcam should support the transmission of video stream at 30 FPS, but the microphone better still purchased separately.

How much does a webcam

How much does a webcam

1. The very simple webcam with a resolution of up to 800x600 px can be purchased at prices ranging from 400 to 2000 rubles.

2. An average hand HD version will cost between 600 and 6000.

3. Good Full HD camera can take from 2.5-3 thousand (there are models and cheaper, but their work leaves much to be desired). The very cool webcam of this format sometimes reach 15-30 thousand rubles.

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