
At any pharmacy presents a huge selection of laxatives. Looking at this range, it is very difficult to determine the necessary drug. A distinctive feature of this group of medicines is a one-time symptomatic treatment, that is, the remedy helps to cope with constipation, but does not eliminate the cause of its occurrence. When buying a laxative, it is important to consider the characteristics of a particular drug: its mechanism of action on the intestines, the rate of onset of the laxative effect and its duration, as well as all sorts of contraindications. In this article, you will learn what laxatives are, and the advantages and disadvantages of each drug will help you make the right choice.




Laxative means which company choose

Before buying a laxative, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the drug. It is on the pharmaceutical company that the efficacy and safety of the products produced depend.

Below is a ranking of the best manufacturers of laxatives:

1. Ipsen pharma

2. Hemofarm

3. Boehringer ingelheim

4. Beaufour ipsen

5. Abbott laboratories


7. GlaxoSmithKline

8. Losan pharma

9. Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory

The best laxatives with osmotic effect

The principle of action of drugs of this group is aimed at retaining fluid in the intestines, thus the contents soften and increase in volume. Medicines have a safe and effective action.



The active substance, macrogol, increases the volume of feces by fluid retention in chyme. The drug is recommended for the symptomatic treatment of constipation in adults and children. Form release: bags of powder.


  • there is no addiction, so after the end of the course the work of the intestine will not be disturbed;
  • no burning sensation during bowel movements, bloating;
  • does not weaken the intestinal tone;
  • the line contains a dosage for use by children from 6 months, as well as pregnant women;
  • restores normal peristalsis;
  • no need to increase dosage;
  • allowed long-term use.


  • the effect of the drug may occur after two days;
  • it contains flavors with grapefruit and orange flavor, therefore it is not advisable to add the agent to food;
  • prolonged use leads to disruption of water-salt balance.



Regular use improves the bowels, even after taking the medication. The active substance, macrogol, increases the water content in the intestine, which facilitates defecation. Recommended to eliminate constipation before research of the lower GI tract, before surgery. Form release: powder.


  • the drug does not cause flatulence, pain or burning sensation in the anus;
  • improves intestinal activity;
  • can be taken regularly for up to 3 months;
  • low cost;
  • virtually no side effects, so the drug is considered safe.


  • sometimes the effect appears two days after application;
  • many contraindications;
  • unpleasant salty taste;
  • the following undesirable reactions after use are rarely encountered: nausea, feeling of heaviness, emetic urge.

The best laxatives with irritant effect

This group of laxatives is the most effective, because different fast action, but less safe than osmotic laxatives.The principle of work of drugs is aimed at irritating the receptors of the colon, which leads to the contraction of the walls of hollow organs and the promotion of their contents.



The drug irritates the nerve endings of the mucous membrane of the colon, which increases the secretion of mucus and the promotion of intestinal contents. The active ingredient is bisacodyl. Indications: constipation caused by hypotension and weak peristalsis (especially in bedridden patients, the elderly, after childbirth), bowel cleansing before surgery. Form release: pills, candles, pills.


  • affordable cost;
  • quick action - the effect appears 5-8 hours after application;
  • allowed to accept children from 2 years;
  • increases peristalsis;
  • laxative effect occurs after taking 1 tablet, so there is no need to increase the dosage.


  • prolonged use is not recommended;
  • there are contraindications: peritonitis, cystitis, intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoids or proctitis, appendicitis;
  • addictiveness develops;
  • take with caution nursing and pregnant women, people with diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • sometimes there is pain in the intestines;
  • increasing dosage may cause diarrhea.



Laxative only works in the colon. The active ingredient, sodium picosulfate, stimulates the mucous membrane of the colon, improving peristalsis. Indications: constipation caused by medication, dysbiosis, colon hypotension; normalization of stool with hemorrhoids. Release form: drops.


  • You can add medicine to food, because it has no foreign taste;
  • convenient release form;
  • no flavors;
  • children are allowed to receive, but as prescribed by a doctor;
  • rapid effect from the intake - a laxative effect appears 5-8 hours after application.


  • many contraindications;
  • possible side effects: dizziness, fainting, vomiting, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, allergies, the appearance of hypersensitivity;
  • addictive;
  • use of the drug for more than 2 weeks is likely to lead to laxative disease.

The best prebiotic laxatives

This group of laxatives is more persistent, but less rapid. Medications are considered the safest among laxatives, so the use is allowed during pregnancy, during lactation, after childbirth.



The active ingredient, lactulose, helps to attract fluid into the intestinal lumen, stimulate the receptors of the colon and stimulate the intestinal muscles. Applied for the treatment of constipation, dysbacteriosis, besides the drug is used for hepatic encephalopathy. Release form: drops.


  • mild laxative effect;
  • improves the absorption of phosphorus and calcium salts;
  • inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • restores intestinal function;
  • children welcome;
  • almost no contraindications;
  • promotes the excretion of nitrogen-containing toxins;
  • virtually no side effects.


  • slow effect from use;
  • increased dosage may cause diarrhea;
  • should not be taken for lactulose allergy;
  • the medicine is not potent;
  • take with caution in diabetes;
  • rarely bloating, abdominal distention.



The active substance, lactulose, enters the intestine unchanged, increases the pressure in its lumen and contributes to the accumulation of fluid in it. So fecal masses increase in volume and soften. It is recommended to take in the treatment of chronic, acute constipation, after antibiotic therapy, with dysbiosis, with hepatic encephalopathy. Release form: drops.


  • mild laxative effect occurs after a day;
  • inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • has detoxification properties;
  • improves peristalsis;
  • children welcome;
  • reduces ammonia levels;
  • can be taken off the shelf or diluted with water.


  • seldom after taking nausea, abdominal pain, more often - flatulence;
  • the use of more than 3 weeks leads to electrolyte imbalance;
  • in the presence of hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the drug from the reception should be abandoned.

The best laxatives-fillers

Preparations are dietary fibers, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at absorbing water, swelling, an increase in the intestinal walls, and, as a result, the promotion of its contents. Medicines are considered natural remedies for constipation with a mild laxative effect.



Belongs to herbal laxatives. The active ingredient, psyllium seed, is an indigestible component that acts as an adsorbent that absorbs fluid and creates pressure on the intestinal walls. This action causes a reflex reaction of the intestine and the promotion of its contents. Application is recommended for people with mild constipation. Release form: orange granules for suspension.


  • improves peristalsis;
  • soft action;
  • allowed long-term reception;
  • compatible with other drugs;
  • admission is allowed during lactation;
  • no addiction.


  • the action of the agent may not appear immediately, but after a few days;
  • not recommended for children under 12;
  • in order for the drug to act, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, otherwise congestion may appear in the intestine;
  • causes bloating, rumbling and flatulence;
  • not recommended for use with weak intestinal tone.



The action is aimed at absorbing water, swelling and stretching of the intestinal walls, which leads to its contractile reflex reaction and promotion of the contents. The active substance is methylcellulose. It is recommended to take with primary signs of constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. Dosage form: tablets, powder.


  • maintains and restores the regularity of the chair;
  • contributes to the normalization of the bowel after a day after use;
  • stimulates motility;
  • It has a mild laxative effect.


  • stretching of the walls leads to the appearance of flatulence;
  • contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain, pregnancy, neurological disorders, bed rest;
  • after taking it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids so that the active substance is swollen and the drug begins to act faster;
  • it is necessary to refuse reception if there is an allergy to components of laxative;
  • The remedy is not effective for sluggish bowel function.

What laxative to buy

1. Effective drugs with the fastest action: Bisacodyl, Guttalaks. They are perfect for short-term symptomatic treatment.

2. If you need an effective, and most importantly, safe drug with a relatively fast action, the reception of which is allowed even for children, then you need to purchase Forlax.

3. If you need a mild laxative with a slow, but persistent and lasting effect, it is better to buy Duphalac or Normase. These drugs have the same active ingredient, which is safe even during pregnancy and lactation.

4. A natural remedy that has a mild laxative effect - Mukolfak. In addition, this drug can be used for proctological diseases of nature (hemorrhoids, fissures).

5. Laxative with a mild action that is perfect for adults and the elderly - Citrucel.

6. If you need a safe and effective medication, the action of which is manifested on average in a day, then you need to purchase Lavacol. This drug is intended to eliminate constipation in adults.

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