
Hemorrhoids are diseases of the rectal vessels. The disease often occurs in pregnant women, people with a sedentary lifestyle, who have sedentary or, conversely, hard physical work. Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity leads to impaired outflow and blood flow in the anorectal region. Congestive processes provoke overflow and expansion of the venous walls, and, as a consequence, the development of hemorrhoids. This pathology is chronic and if once you have heard this diagnosis, then sooner or later the disease recurs. In such cases, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. In this article, you will learn which drugs are used to treat and which for the prevention of hemorrhoids, and tips on choosing a medication will help you get the right medication.




Hemorrhoid remedy of which company to choose

The ranking of the best pharmaceutical companies that produce high-quality hemorrhoid drugs will help determine the choice of drug:

1. Nizhpharm

2. Novartis Pharma

3. Bayer

4. a red star

5. Pharmstandard

6. VIS Ltd.

7. Hemofarm

The best remedies for hemorrhoids

Heparin ointment

Geparinovaya maz

The drug belongs to anticoagulants. It is recommended to use with uncomplicated hemorrhoids. The active ingredient, heparin, inhibits blood clotting and prevents blood clots. Indications: external use for the treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, external hemorrhoids, superficial polyfrebitis, thrombosis of the extremities, ulcers of the extremities, injuries and bruises. Apply daily until the symptoms disappear.


  • affordable cost;
  • prevents blood clots;
  • eliminates puffiness;
  • has a local anesthetic effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • restores connective tissue.


  • low absorbability;
  • can not be used for children during pregnancy, during lactation;
  • after application there may be a slight itching and redness of the skin;
  • contraindications: reduced blood clotting, necrotic processes of tissues, hypersensitivity.

Relief Advance

Relif Advans.jpg1

The drug belongs to the anesthetic. It is recommended to use with severe pain syndrome. The active ingredient, benzocaine, has a localizing effect, while auxiliary components relieve inflammation. Indications: internal, external hemorrhoids, fissures, anesthesia before diagnosis, erosion, burning, itching in the anorectal region, the period after the performed proctologic operations. Dosage form: candles, ointment. Apply up to 4 times a day after bowel movements and hygiene procedures until the symptoms disappear.


  • activates the protective functions of the body;
  • has an antimicrobial effect and prevents the development of infection;
  • promotes healing of damaged tissues;
  • relieves itching;
  • softens the mucous membrane;
  • Phenylephrine narrows blood vessels, thereby reducing edema;
  • allowed to use during pregnancy, during lactation, in adolescence.


  • high price;
  • side effects: rarely allergic reactions, contact dermatitis, methemoglobinemia;
  • contraindications: granulocytopenia, thromboembolic disease, hypersensitivity.


Prokto glivenol

The drug belongs to the angioprotectors, anesthetics, microcirculation correctors. It is recommended to use when bleeding occurs. Active ingredients: tribenoside, lidocaine - have a veno-tonic, hemostatic, vasoconstrictor action.Due to its combined composition, the drug affects the cause of hemorrhoids and has a powerful healing effect. Indications: local treatment of hemorrhoids (internal, combined and external), fissures. Apply twice daily until symptoms disappear. Dosage form: candles, ointment.


  • relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation, well-being;
  • quickly relieves pain;
  • restores the tone and elasticity of the venous plexuses;
  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • reduces discomfort;
  • convenient forms of release allow you to choose the appropriate treatment option that matches the individual characteristics of the disease.


  • side effects: anaphylactic reactions of the immune system, allergies, increased peristalsis;
  • contraindications: individual intolerance to the active components of Procto-Glevenol, liver failure, pregnancy.



Treats drugs of the levomycin group. It is recommended to use when attaching the inflammatory process (pus, dead tissue) on the skin of the anorectal region. Active ingredients: chloramphenicol (antibiotic) - have antibacterial action by inhibiting protein synthesis in the cell of the microorganism, methyluracil has an immunostimulating effect. Indications: boils, burns 2, 3 degrees, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, the period after surgery to remove hemorrhoids, weeping hemorrhoids. Apply externally for 4 days. Dosage form: ointment.


  • positive effect on tissue regeneration in wounds;
  • effective against anaerobic and aerobic positive bacteria;
  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • removes puffiness, painful sensations;
  • effective not only at the initial stage of the disease, but also when complications appear;
  • penetrates tissue quickly;
  • there is no negative effect on the cell membrane;
  • speeds up the healing process.


  • prolonged use is not recommended;
  • prohibited for use in children under 3 years;
  • side effects: allergies;
  • contraindications: hypersensitivity.



Refers to angioprotectors. It is recommended to use with severe pain, swelling. The active substance, troxerutin, has antioxidant, cytoprotective effects. Indications: venous insufficiency, pain and swelling with varicose veins, complex treatment of hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, etc. Recommended to apply twice a day for 2 weeks. Dosage form: capsules, gel.


  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • prevents damage to cell membranes;
  • increases the tone of the veins;
  • increases the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids, which contributes to their resorption;
  • reduces the risk of thrombosis, trophic ulcers;
  • fights stagnation;
  • protects cells from damage by various agents;
  • quickly relieves inflammation, itching and burning in the anal area;
  • allowed to use in children.


  • not suitable for treatment of eczematous areas, in the presence of wounds;
  • contraindications: hypersensitivity;
  • rarely after application, the following adverse reactions may occur: allergy, angioedema.



Treats hemostatic drugs. Recommended for use in bleeding. The drug is an analogue of water-soluble vitamin K. If there is a shortage of this vitamin in the body, an increased bleeding appears, the medicine compensates for this deficiency and has a hemostatic effect. Indications: hemorrhagic disease, bleeding in duodenal ulcers, stomach, parenchymal and capillary bleeding, etc. Dosage form: solution for injection, tablets.


  • allowed use during pregnancy, during lactation;
  • quickly and easily absorbed;
  • low price;
  • supports hemostasis;
  • normalizes blood coagulation;
  • prevents blood clots;
  • suitable for bleeding of various origins.


  • contraindications: impaired absorption of vitamin K, liver disease, increased blood clotting, thromboembolism;
  • side effects: hemolytic anemia, allergies, dizziness, jaundice, changes in taste;
  • prescription;
  • tends to accumulate in tissues (spleen, liver, myocardium).



Refers to dietary supplements. Apply with mild hemorrhoids. Due to its natural composition, the drug has a mild veno-tonic effect, reduces inflammation and prevents the formation of hemorrhoids. Indications: prevention of hemorrhoids, treatment of mild forms of the disease, cracks, itching and inflammation in the anorectal region. Apply three times a day for 3 weeks. Dosage form: capsules and cream.


  • prevents the expansion of the walls of hemorrhoidal veins, strengthens them;
  • regulates the bowels, relieves constipation, flatulence;
  • relieves itching and inflammation;
  • helps to prevent the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the rapid healing of cracks in the anus;
  • reduces pain;
  • cleans the intestines;
  • prevents bleeding;
  • has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, healing effects;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • restores the mucous membrane.


  • contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, diarrhea, hypersensitivity;
  • not suitable for the treatment of acute forms of the disease.

Hepatrombin G

Gepatrombin G

The drug is one of the best among the drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It has a combined composition. The active components (heparin, prednisone, polidocanol) improve the blood microcirculation, which leads to a decrease and resorption of hemorrhoids. The drug is often used in proctology (the period after and before the operation). Indications: all types of hemorrhoids, burning, eczema, pruritus, cracks in the perianal area. Apply up to 3 times per day until the symptoms disappear. Dosage form: candles, ointment.


  • eliminates painful symptoms and inflammations;
  • prevents blood clots;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • reduces swelling and inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • well tolerated;
  • accelerates the regeneration and healing of tissues;
  • low price.


  • in case of overdose, burns of the intestinal mucosa may occur;
  • unwanted reactions such as redness or allergies may occur;
  • contraindications: pregnancy, oncology, syphilis, tuberculosis, severe bleeding, skin lesions in the anorectal region with fungi or bacteria.

What is the cure for hemorrhoids buy

1. If hemorrhoids uncomplicated form and is accompanied by a slight discomfort, it is better to buy a hepargin ointment. It helps to reduce blood clotting and blood clots.

2. If hemorrhoids are accompanied by disturbing itching, burning and pain, then it is necessary to choose an anesthetic drug - Relief Advance.

3. Prokto-glevenol and Vikasol will quickly get rid of bleeding and painful hemorrhoids.

4. If the disease is complicated by the addition of infection or purulent inflammation, it is better to use Levomekol.

5. A drug that improves venous blood flow, strengthens blood vessels, relieves inflammation and eliminates hemorrhage - Troxevasin.

6. An excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of mild hemorrhoids is proctonis. This supplement is particularly relevant for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, has bad habits, sedentary work, and other factors contributing to hemorrhoids.

7. A drug that is suitable for all types of hemorrhoids - Hepatrombin G. The drug effectively relieves inflammation and promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids.

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