
Diuretics are widely used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases. The main purpose of these drugs is the elimination from the body of excess fluid, chemicals, salts that have accumulated in the walls of blood vessels or tissues. The drugs are classified into several main groups, which are different among themselves by the mechanism, speed, strength and duration of action. This article discusses the best drugs of each group, their scope, advantages and disadvantages of a single medicine.




Diuretic which firm to choose

As a rule, high-quality medicines are produced by the largest pharmaceutical companies. Leaders in the production of high-quality medical products have large-scale production, a powerful scientific and technical potential, and, of course, consumer confidence, which leads to high sales.

To purchase a safe and effective diuretic drug, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer.

The ranking of the best pharmaceutical companies producing high-quality diuretics will help you choose the right medicine:

1. Europharm

2. Biosynthesis

3. Organics

4. Hemofarm

5. Sandoz

Medicines from these brands are widely distributed and you can easily find them in almost every pharmacy.

The best diuretics of the saluretic group

Saluretics are thiazide derivatives. These synthetic diuretics have a long-lasting antihypertensive effect. The main feature of saluretics is the increased elimination of sodium ions from the body and, to a lesser extent, potassium ions.



This is a potent diuretic. Used to accelerate the elimination of swelling of various origins, to reduce pressure. The drug is used as needed. For long-term use of the drug is not suitable. The active ingredient, furosemide, reduces the tone of the venous vessels, reduces the volume of intercellular fluid and circulating blood, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. After intravenous administration, the effect occurs within a few minutes, after taking the pill - an hour later. Form release: granules for suspensions, tablets, solution.


  • has a pronounced natriuretic, chloruretic action;
  • reduces the load on the heart;
  • low cost;
  • effect duration up to 6 hours;
  • helps to quickly get rid of excess fluid that causes swelling.


  • undesirable reactions of the body after administration: allergies, disturbance of the nervous system, cardiovascular, sensory organs, etc .;
  • reduces the amount of potassium in the body;
  • contraindications: diabetes, gout, kidney failure, glomerulonephritis, pancreatitis, hypersensitivity, etc.



This is a potent diuretic. It is used for puffiness of various genesis, late toxicosis, cirrhosis of the liver, arterial hypertension. It is recommended to apply to people for whom high doses of furosemide do not bring the expected medicinal result. The active substance, bumetamide, interferes with the reabsorption of chlorine and sodium ions; increases the excretion of ions of magnesium, calcium, potassium. It is appointed in injections or inside.


  • unlike Furosemide, it is absorbed much faster and almost completely, this causes the more powerful effect of Bumetanide;
  • the maximum effect of diuretic develops after a quarter of an hour;
  • effectively reduces puffiness.


  • short action;
  • the drug lowers blood pressure, so it is not recommended for people with hypotension;
  • long reception is forbidden;
  • removes with urine calcium, potassium, magnesium;
  • adverse reactions: dizziness, fatigue, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, dehydration, abdominal pain, nausea, etc .;
  • contraindications: hypersensitivity, age after 60 years, renal coma, acute hepatitis, gout, etc.



It has an average strength of hypotensive and diuretic action. The main component, indapamide, is a sulfonylurea derivative. It acts in the vessels and tissues of the kidneys: alters the permeability of the membrane to calcium, expands the arterioles, reduces the contractility of vascular smooth muscle cells. In the tissues of the kidneys, the drug reduces the reabsorption of sodium, increases the excretion of potassium, magnesium, chlorine with urine, which contributes to the formation of a larger volume of urine. Available in capsules and tablets.


  • reduces total heart load;
  • effect duration up to 24 hours;
  • allowed long-term reception;
  • helps to reduce edema of various origins;
  • low price.


  • adverse reactions: dehydration, constipation, abdominal discomfort, blurred vision, cough, allergies;
  • removes magnesium and potassium from the body;
  • contributes to a moderate decrease in blood pressure, therefore it is not recommended for people suffering from hypotension;
  • contraindications: hypokalemia, decompensated liver function, anuria, pregnancy, lactation.



This is a moderate diuretic. Used for swelling caused by heart failure, increased blood pressure. The active ingredient is torasemide. The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease. The maximum diuretic effect occurs a few hours after application. Dosage form: tablets.


  • increases diuresis;
  • has a moderate anti-edema effect;
  • duration of action up to 18 hours;
  • the drug is allowed to take until the complete disappearance of swelling;
  • well absorbed in the digestive tract;
  • gradually eliminates fluid retention in the body.


  • the drug has some hypotensive effect, therefore it is not recommended for persons suffering from low blood pressure;
  • reduces the amount of potassium in the blood, but to a lesser extent than furosemide;
  • adverse reactions: an increase in certain enzymes of the liver, urea, creatine in the blood; violation of the digestive tract; nervous system disorders;
  • contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the diuretic, precoma or coma of the liver, arrhythmia.

The best diuretics of the potassium-sparing diuretic group

Drugs provoke accelerated excretion of sodium, but at the same time block the excretion of potassium. A distinctive feature - the toxicity is practically absent. This group of drugs is often prescribed to patients with puffiness caused by heart failure.



This diuretic mild action. It is used for edema of various origins, increased blood pressure, signs of liver cirrhosis. The active ingredient, triamterene, inhibits the secretion of potassium, which is formed in the distal tubule. The maximum effect from reception comes 2 hours after application. Dosage form: powder, capsules.


  • allowed children to take, according to the dosing regimen;
  • increases the excretion of sodium, without affecting the potassium content;
  • allowed long-term reception;
  • if necessary, allowed to increase the dosage, but not to exceed the daily rate of 30 g;
  • increases the concentration of potassium in the blood;
  • action duration up to 12 hours;
  • effectively removes excess fluid from the body, which helps to reduce edema.


  • undesirable reactions of the body: dehydration, hyponatremia, dyspeptic symptoms, etc .;
  • contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity, renal or hepatic failure;
  • the drug is poorly soluble, sometimes precipitates in the urine, it can lead to the appearance of kidney stones.



This drug is a diuretic of weak but long lasting effect. Used with increased blood pressure as a diuretic; with swelling caused by heart failure or nephrotic pathology. The active ingredient, amiloride, acts on the distal region of the renal tubules, increases the excretion of sodium, chlorine. The effect of the application comes in a few hours. Dosage form: tablets.


  • the effect of the drug can last up to 24 hours;
  • in combination with other diuretics, reduces the risk of hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia;
  • reduces the excretion of potassium;
  • well absorbed by the liver and kidneys;
  • mild hypotensive effect contributes to the normalization of pressure in people suffering from hypertension;
  • allowed a long reception.


  • rarely receive the following adverse reactions from the reception: a violation of the digestive tract, fatigue;
  • the drug can lead to excessive accumulation of potassium, so with long-term use it is necessary to periodically donate blood and check the amount of mineral matter in the body;
  • contraindications: elevated levels of potassium in the body, hypersensitivity, impaired kidney function.

The best diuretic of the osmotic diuretic group

Drugs in this group increase the osmotic pressure in the blood plasma, increase its circulation and prevent the reabsorption of fluid. Osmotic diuretics are potent drugs and are prescribed as part of complex therapy for acute conditions.



It has a strong diuretic effect. Apply with acute edematous conditions. The active ingredient, mannitol, increases plasma pressure, inhibits reabsorption, retains fluid and increases the amount of urine. Water moves from the tissues into the bloodstream, which leads to increased diuretic action. Dosage form: solution in ampoules.


  • strong diuretic effect;
  • low cost;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • removes a large volume of fluid with a high sodium content and a small amount of potassium
  • does not increase the performance of residual nitrogen in the blood.


  • contraindications: hypochloremia, hypersensitivity, hyponatremia, hemorrhagic stroke, etc .;
  • need a doctor's prescription;
  • adverse effects at high dosage: dehydration, dyspeptic disorders, hallucinations.

What diuretic buy

1. If you need a drug that will help quickly get rid of edema and excess fluid in the body, it is better to get Furosemide.

2. If Furosemide did not produce the expected result, Bumetanide will do, the latter is almost 2 times more powerful, but it is worth remembering that the medicine washes away minerals from the bone tissue.

3. If you need a drug with a moderate diuretic effect, it is better to get Triamteren. In addition, the drug does not reduce the content of potassium in the body.

4. In acute and critical conditions, accompanied by edema of various origins, an osmotic diuretic is necessary - Mannitol.

5. In the presence of chronic diseases, as well as for the prevention of crises, diuretics of weak and moderate actions are necessary: ​​Indapamide, Torasemide.

6. If you need a potassium-saving diuretic with a soft, long-lasting effect, it is better to choose Amiloride.

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