
Overeating of spicy, acidic, fatty, or salty foods, pregnancy, overweight, side effects of certain medications, and ulcers. All this can cause heartburn. Few people tolerate an attack, as the sensations are, to put it mildly, unpleasant. For quick relief from heartburn, there are many drugs, but not all of them are effective. In order to not be helpless at the right time before another attack, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the proposed rating of remedies that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms.



heartburn remedies

Top Heartburn Drug Ratings

The choice of medications is always worth taking seriously and with caution. Therefore, before making a rating, all the necessary information was collected in detail. The main selection criteria were price, reviews, as well as the minimum number of side effects.

The best antacids for heartburn

Antacids are drugs that are designed to eliminate heartburn. They neutralize the acid in the gastric juice. The main advantage is that the antacid quickly begins to act and after a few minutes the heartburn feels much weaker. In addition, these drugs are inexpensive and are sold in every pharmacy.

The most famous antacid is ordinary baking soda. Admit it, you also tried to get rid of heartburn with this product? If so, in the future we recommend to refrain from repeated procedures. If not - better and do not start. Soda can effectively deal with heartburn, but various side effects can occur, one of which is a recurrent heartburn attack.

Medical antacids are much safer than soda, but also have their drawbacks, for example:

  • Short term action. The main task of the drug is to get rid of heartburn as soon as possible, but you should not wait for a lasting effect;
  • Side effects can often occur;
  • Frequent use has a negative effect on mineral metabolism;
  • Eliminate the symptoms, but leave the cause.

Next, we consider the most effective and popular antacids.



Maalox - medicine in the form of a gel. The main ingredients are magnesium and aluminum hydroxide. Individually, they can cause diarrhea and constipation, respectively. But when combined, neutralize each other.


  • Almost instant action. Heartburn and stomach pain disappear after a few minutes;
  • Release tablets and gel;
  • The almost complete absence of side effects. No, they are, but if not exceeded with the dosage and the recommended period of use, occur extremely rarely.


  • Children under 15 years old, as well as kidney failure, sucrose deficiency, fructose intolerance and certain components of the drug - it is forbidden to use Maalox.
  • You should also first consult with a doctor for pregnant women and mothers during lactation, Alzheimer's patients, and those who do not eat enough phosphates with food.



This white suspension also belongs to antacids. The main elements of the composition are aluminum hydroxide gel and magnesium hydroxide paste. On 1 measured spoon (5 ml) the first contains 2.18 g, the second - 350 mg.
The properties of the drug, both positive and negative, are similar to maalox, but there are some changes.


  • Quick action After 3-5 minutes, you will forget about heartburn;
  • The drug is allowed to use in children, except for early age (up to 1 month).But before giving Almagel to the child, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, as the dosage in these cases is different;
  • It is allowed to use pregnant women, but not more than 3 days.

The drug has contraindications, but they are not so much. Therefore, we will not attribute to the shortcomings, but simply recall. The use of Almagel should be abandoned: breastfeeding, Alzheimer's patients or with severe kidney impairment, as well as those suffering from individual intolerance to individual components.

The main drawback is a more frequent manifestation of side effects compared with the previous drug, namely:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Change in taste;
  • Constipation;
  • Spasm of the stomach.

And although such problems occur more often than the side effects of Maalox, they are also rare. In addition, with a decrease in dose, they pass.


  • Short term effectiveness. 70 minutes - this is exactly how Almagel acts;
  • The deterioration of the properties of other drugs. If antibiotics are taken along with the antacid, the effectiveness of the latter worsens. Therefore, it is recommended to drink tablets 2 hours after taking Almagel.

And finally. If the daily dose of medication exceeds 16 scoops, the course should last no more than 2 weeks. It is also recommended to change the diet and add as many foods with a high content of phosphorus.



Phosphalugel is a liquid antacid preparation. But unlike previous drugs, the basis of its composition is aluminum phosphate gel, without magnesium. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of constipation, you should increase your daily fluid intake.

Drug advantages:

  • Efficiency. It has an effect from the first minute, muffling the symptoms of heartburn. Completely relieves pain in 5–10 minutes;
  • Convenient packaging. Each dose is available in a separate bag, which can be drunk immediately or diluted with water;
  • Pleasant taste and aroma of orange;
  • Allowed to use even children up to 6 months, as well as pregnant and lactating in the indicated doses;
  • The almost complete absence of contraindications, with the exception of personal intolerance and marked renal impairment.

The only and minor drawback is a side effect that usually occurs in older people or overdose - this is constipation. Treatment occurs with laxatives.

The best antisecretory medicine for heartburn

These drugs are potent and are usually prescribed by a doctor if antacids have not had the desired effect. They no longer simply reduce the acidity of gastric juice, but completely stop the production of hydrochloric acid, which in turn can adversely affect the digestive process.

The advantages of antisecretory agents are:

  • Long lasting effect that lasts more than 8 hours;
  • With regular use, repeated bouts of heartburn do not bother;
  • Free purchase without a prescription (with the exception of some drugs).

But they also have disadvantages, for example:

  • The effect comes much later than when taking antacids;
  • There may be side effects, and quite serious - severe diarrhea, hepatitis, etc .;
  • If during the period of treatment to take other drugs, their effectiveness is significantly reduced;
  • During pregnancy and lactation, these drugs are prohibited to use.



The drug, which is several times cheaper than its counterparts, but at the same time is quite effective. It is taken for gastropathy, an ulcer of the ventricle and duodenum, reflux esophagitis.

Drug benefits:

  • Long lasting effect up to 24 hours;
  • You need to take only 1 time per day;
  • The drug reaches a maximum on the 4th day of admission.


  • Capsules after administration gradually begin to release their active substances. Therefore, the effect occurs after 1–2 hours. But you should not expect more from antisecretory agents;
  • Side effects of overdose: nausea, headache, tachycardia, dryness in the mouth, blurred consciousness and vision, drowsiness, meteorism. There is no universal remedy in the fight against all possible effects, therefore the treatment in this case is symptomatic.

Also in some cases it can be observed: increased activity of liver enzymes, skin rash or itching, alopecia, malaise, peripheral edema, etc.



One of the analogues of Rabeprozole, which has an even more pronounced effect compared with omeprazole and similar means. Often prescribed for ulcers and saved from heartburn.

The main drawback of the drug is its high cost. But it justifies itself with maximum efficiency. Patients begin to feel relief after taking the first capsules, and after completing the course, they completely forget about the problem.


  • Efficiency;
  • Rare cases of side effects.

Side effects that occur more often than once per 100 cases include:

  • Cough, rhinitis;
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;
  • Headache, insomnia;
  • Backache;
  • A flu-like illness.

However, most patients do not feel any side effects. The only changes relate to the disease. She passes. So, Zulbeks must be in this ranking.

What a remedy for heartburn buy

Antacids and antisecretory drugs have their own characteristics, so replace one with another will not succeed. If you suffer from periodic bouts of heartburn, it is better to choose Almagel, Maalox or Fosfalyugel. But in case of peptic ulcers, which are accompanied by pain in the abdomen and the same heartburn, it is better to focus on the antisecretory preparations Suhlbex, Omeprazole or their analogues.

Each drug from the proposed rating will help to deal with the main problem. But before going to the pharmacy, you should definitely consult with your doctor, who will help you make the right choice and will minimize the possibility of side effects.

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