
Orthopedic knee pads are successfully used along with complex conservative therapy of arthrosis. Products create favorable conditions for the functioning of the damaged knee joint, which increases the efficiency of the whole therapy, contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the articular tissue and avoids complications. In addition, there are products that prevent tissue injury and act as an excellent prophylactic agent of arthrosis.




The best manufacturers of knee pads - which company to choose

The choice of knee pads for osteoarthritis is quite large, but there are several leading manufacturers in the market of orthopedic products that develop and produce quality knee pads.

These companies include:

1. Orliman

2. Maxar

3. Medi

4. Ortop

In the production of these brands use modern equipment. And thanks to the experience of highly qualified staff, companies continuously explore the market and constantly develop new models of orthopedic products.

To assess and analyze the quality of goods, corporations cooperate with prestigious laboratories of various universities. Most products have IBV, Oeko-tex 100 certificates, which guarantee the safety of goods and their compliance with a specific disease.

Learn more about what models of knee pads for osteoarthritis of the knee joint are considered the best, you can find out in this article.

The principle of operation and the device of the knee

princir ystroistva nakolenika pri artroze

Knee pads for arthrosis is an orthopedic product that provides the knee joint and ligaments with the correct anatomical position, slows down the development of pathology and facilitates walking.

According to medical research, the main causes of osteoarthritis are injuries, improper mechanical stress on the knee. Excessive stress causes degenerative-dystrophic changes, premature destruction of the structures of the articular tissue, so the latter requires auxiliary strengthening and fixation.

Knee pads for arthrosis is an excellent alternative to primary therapy. Their design sometimes includes locks that transfer the load to the supporting mechanism and evenly distribute it to all parts of the knee (cartilage, menisci, ligaments), normalize the correct position of the joint. Due to the tight fixation of a person, pain decreases.

Wearing a product contributes to:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • removal of edema;
  • reduce movement restrictions of the knee.

Knee pads have a distinct advantage over elastic bandages - there is no need for multiple dressings with the calculation of acceptable tension. Depending on the particular model, the product is allowed to wear from 2 to 8 hours per day. Wearing is recommended before active physical activity.

Types of knee pads

Knee pads have several varieties. Each model has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The main difference is the type of fixation.

Closed type

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The product provides semi-rigid or soft fixation. It covers a wide area of ​​the leg, providing high-quality fixation and heating effect. Kneecaps are sewn mainly from elastic material, sometimes with the addition of insulation. Assign with non-localized pain in the knee.


  • full comprehensive fixation;
  • helps to overcome pain in the knee;
  • improves blood circulation, has a micromassage effect;
  • easy to use.


  • closed type limits breathability, moisture permeability, which can cause excessive sweating of the skin.

Open type

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As a rule, the product provides a soft fixation. In the design there are special ribs, softening the load. In place of the patella, the bandage has a cutout. Knee pads prescribed, if the pain is non-intense and episodic, with discomfort under the patella.


  • supports the joint in the desired position;
  • has a warming effect;
  • prevents excessive mobility of the patella.


  • suitable only for the mild stage of the disease.

Hinge type

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Products come with semi-rigid, rigid fixation. In the area of ​​the side folds there are rigid metal bases that are placed in an elastic fabric. The hinges of such knee pads are free-moving (do not limit the forward / backward movement) and polycentric (restrict movement in all directions). There are belts for adjusting the tight fit. This type is considered to be quite universal, because It is prescribed for all forms of arthrosis.


  • excellent for the treatment of post-traumatic arthrosis, for everyday wear, for wearing at different stages of the disease;
  • retains the possibility of easy bending of the knee.


  • depending on the hinges, the knee pads hold down the movement of the knee joint to the right / left, and some also forward / backward.


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The device uses a heating element that raises the temperature in the area of ​​the knee, which contributes to an improved metabolism in the cartilage and normalization of the diffuse processes of the articular fluid. Kneepads with animal hair have a similar effect. These products are recommended for wearing if pains are continuous and occur with high intensity.


  • provides a quick decrease in pain;
  • deeply warms articular tissues;
  • stimulates blood flow;
  • accelerates the regeneration of the inter-articular fluid;
  • suitable for advanced stage of arthrosis.


  • high price.

The parameters of the choice of the kneecap for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

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You can feel the useful effect of the application, if the products are properly selected. It is worth acquiring them after passing an examination by a doctor and, on the basis of the results and recommendations received, choose the desired type of kneecap.

What to consider when choosing:

1. Type of

With external simplicity of the product, the choice of a particular model depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, location, intensity of pain and the general condition of the patient.

2. Material

Fabric may be different: with the addition of synthetics, natural. Sometimes for the heating effect a layer of animal hair is added, which creates an auxiliary therapeutic effect, accelerates the recovery of the affected tissue and improves blood flow.

3. The size

If the product does not squeeze the vessels and does not loose, but fits snugly to the skin, then the optimal size is chosen. Proper fixation helps reduce the load on the joint and slow the progression of the disease.

Also, before buying, you should decide on the purpose of wearing a kneecap and its degree of fixation. Products can be preventive and curative, depending on this there are 3 types of fixation: hard, semi-rigid, soft.

Products with a hard type are used for therapeutic purposes. They provide complete or partial stiffness of the joints. Excellent for the later stages of arthrosis, when destructive processes develop in the cartilage tissue. Unlike a plaster cast, using a stiff knee pad does not result in muscle atrophy, since the design provides the ability to remove the product at any time, and also provides the amplitude of movement that is safe for the joint. Also, this type is suitable for the postoperative period, with traumatic lesions of the knee, with advanced stage of arthrosis.

Products with semi-rigid fixation are durable and elastic. They are additionally equipped with straps to enhance the fit, stiffening ribs of different widths, due to which they take a part of the load on themselves and limit pathological movements. These knee pads are suitable for the appearance of pain and exacerbations of arthrosis.

Products with soft fixation provide little support for the knee joint. Typically, these knee pads are created from natural materials with the addition of synthetics to preserve the strength and elasticity of the fabric. Products are allowed to wear for a long time, because they do not cause irritation on the skin, despite the tight fit. Their main purpose is to improve blood flow in the knee joint, reduce puffiness, provide a mild compression action, support the joints in the correct anatomical position, prevent diseases of the knee joint. The products are great for the initial stage of arthrosis.

What knee pads for osteoarthritis of the knee to choose

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You need to carefully consider the purchase of the product, because An improper knee pad can squeeze blood vessels, impair blood flow to the affected area, or weaken muscle tone.

Choosing the type of kneecap, you should pay attention to the nature of the pain syndrome:

1. If the pain is strong enough and occurs when you raise the legs, then you should choose a product with enhanced fixation.

2. If the pain is of uncertain localization, then a closed type knee pad will do.

3. With a little pain or in the period after injuries it is better to choose an open type kneecap.

4. If you need a universal knee at any stage of arthrosis, it is better to choose the hinge type.

The fabric must be pleasant and breathable, otherwise the natural circulation of moisture and air will be disturbed. If natural materials are necessary, it is better to choose a product made of cotton or wool, but they have several drawbacks: fast wear and wet processing is acceptable at a temperature not higher than 40. If you need a more wear-resistant material, it is better to choose synthetic knee pads (with the addition of lycra, elastane, nylon, polyester, etc.). Such products have lower air permeability, but a greater warming effect and convenient operation.

To choose the right size, you need to feel a tight uniform fit. A loosely worn knee pad, as well as an overly squeezing one, will not bring the useful expected effect.

To understand what size is needed, measure the knee girth:

1. XL - 45-50 cm.

2. L - 40-45 cm.

3. M - 35-40 cm.

4. S - up to 35 cm.

The tool should secure the articular area. Bleeding at the point of fixation should not be broken. It is advisable to purchase the product with a preliminary fitting, so You can evaluate how convenient it will be to use it for several hours a day.

To choose a kneecap according to the degree of fixation, it is necessary based on the stage of the disease: at the initial stage (stiffness in the joints, especially in the morning), a soft fixation will do; on the middle one (crunch in the joints, aggravated pain, limitation in flexion / extension) - semi-rigid; on severe (almost lost mobility, constant pain) - hard.

Athletes who are subject to regular training, or people with heavy physical work, need additional protection of the knee joint. It is therefore recommended to purchase prophylactic closed knee pads that prevent damage to the knee cap and joints.

How much is a knee pad

stoimost nakolenika pri artroze

The cost depends on the presence of the locking mechanisms, fabric and company producing knee pads:

1. Conventional prophylactic models are in the range of 1500 p.

2. Products for the treatment of the knee area are more expensive, their average price is 5000 rubles.

3. Knee pads with a heating effect or hinges, depending on the configuration, can cost 8000-20000 p.

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