
Siding is an effective way to finish the outer surface of a building, private house or garage. It does not require pre-plastering and leveling the walls, hides imperfections and serves as additional insulation. The material protects the masonry from the effects of precipitation, sun and wind. On the aesthetic side, it gives a well-groomed look to the building, and there are many options for design and form. We have prepared a ranking of the best siding of steel, aluminum, vinyl, fiber cement and acrylic, which will prompt the novice repairmen and craftsmen the best options for exterior decoration of various types of buildings.




Top Steel Siding

This type is used in the decoration of industrial buildings and warehouses, because it has a simple form and low cost. The panels effectively protect the walls from weathering, but they have the disadvantage that there are dents with hard objects.

Grand Line Optima Ship Board Pe 0.45 mm Ral 5005 - for the garage

Grand Line Optima Ship Board Pe 0.45 mm Ral 5005 - for the garage

This is the best siding for finishing the walls of the garage, because it has a price of 358 rubles per 1 m2. The appearance of the assembled part resembles ship boards protruding high above the surface, which makes the wall massive.

Powder coating for a long time protects against corrosion. Due to the high protrusions under the material, an air gap is retained, which serves as additional warming.


  • stylish look, visually increasing the size of the garage;
  • smooth surface easier to clean;
  • locking system with a latch serves as an additional fixture except for staple fixing;
  • can be operated in regions with temperatures from -50 to +60 degrees;
  • the element is cut without damage to the design or docking;
  • profile height 12 mm;
  • cutting pitch every 10 mm;
  • panels are available in lengths from 500 to 6000 mm, which is convenient for the complete closure of the integral elements of long buildings;
  • lining does not burn and does not melt.


  • a mass of 4.8 kg of one slab creates hanging pressure on the foundation;
  • color on one side only (if moisture enters inside, corrosion is possible);
  • due to the protrusions of the board dust accumulates on the hollows.

Top vinyl siding

This type of material is also called PVC, because this type of plastic is 80% of its composition. Siding has the highest popularity among all other types due to the diverse design and lighter weight. The price of 1 m2 is about 1000 rubles.

Grand Line Tundra Natural-S7 Maple Beam - for the facade of a private house

Grand Line Tundra Natural-S7 Maple Beam - for the facade of a private house

This is the best PVC siding for finishing a private house of brick or foam concrete, because the vinyl part contains a sealed pattern in the form of natural wood with a maple structure. Non-symmetrical fiber lines and a light brown hue create the effect of a building with wooden walls.

The innovative look is combined with reliable protection from precipitation and long service life, because PVC does not absorb water and does not rot.


  • lightweight 1.29 kg long panel;
  • Ecobrus that does not emit harmful substances;
  • Easy-fit latch lock with strong hold;
  • interesting drawing of glued timber;
  • visual increase in wall thickness due to the relief surface;
  • moisture resistant coating;
  • Available in stripes 219x3000 mm, which is optimal for installation;
  • a small thickness of 1.025 mm is easy to cut;
  • resistant to fading;
  • the facade is easy to wash;
  • mount without gaps.


  • belongs to moderately combustible group of materials;
  • inclined to smoke 2 categories with arson.

Docke Burg Sandenburg Natural Stone Sandy - fashionable and strictly

Docke Burg Sandenburg Natural Stone Sandy - fashionable and strictly

This is the best type of vinyl siding for decorating cottages and houses, as it mimics the masonry of large blocks in combination with ordinary bricks. The picture looks technically challenging, and therefore is quite fashionable for those who want to impress with the facade of their house.

Smooth lines of masonry with relief type give rigor and solidity to the walls. Siding is realized by panels with a length of 1072 mm and a width of 472 mm, which allows you to choose the right amount with maximum accuracy.


  • a small weight of 2.14 kg will not create an excessive load on the foundation;
  • two merging shades (beige and sandy) give the pattern naturalness;
  • moisture resistant coating protects from snow and rain;
  • compact panel dimensions easier to transport;
  • patented quick-fastening system with rigid structure placement;
  • service life of 50 years;
  • manual finishing decoration during production;
  • resistance to UV rays due to the three-step color.


  • the cost of one panel is from 500 rubles;
  • the form of the panel is not symmetrical, therefore the design of the edges of the building requires more trimming;
  • refers to group 4 flammability (quickly burns);
  • high smoke-forming ability of 3 groups.

Best Acrylic Siding

It is similar in type to PVC material, but differs in more saturated color and resistance to ultraviolet rays. The siding is designed for a significant temperature drop and is suitable for residents of various regions.

Tecos Ardennes Double rounded Arabica beams - with original shape

Tecos Ardennes Double rounded Arabica beams - with original shape

This is the best acrylic siding for finishing a small house, because its original shape has a double timber imitating the upholstery with a thin horizontal fence. The dark color is very expressive, and the proximity of the elements to each other leaves no room for the accumulation of dust.

Acrylic siding is resistant to decay and swelling, and therefore tolerates a long rainy season.


  • does not require subsequent repair work (only wash);
  • biologically pure;
  • condensate does not accumulate under the beat due to the air gap and the “breathing” part;
  • resistant to mechanical stress and elastic when pressed, which prevents dents and cracks;
  • simple installation;
  • designed for temperature - 50 degrees;
  • does not conduct electricity, so the wiring can be freely positioned under its layer;
  • resistant to solvents and other chemicals;
  • lightweight 1.83 kg;
  • stylish relief surface;
  • 1.2 mm thickness is convenient for cutting and optimal for durability;
  • dimensions are 3660х230 mm;
  • color on both sides.


  • the cost of one band is 322 rubles;
  • prone to active smoke during arson.

Best Aluminum Siding

These materials are used for exterior trim, but only on the gables and cornices, to beat the inside of the eaves.

The material is set in strips and may have a perforation or a solid coating. When choosing the important bandwidth.

Full perforation Aquasystem Pe Ral 8017 - for protection against dampness

Full perforation Aquasystem Pe Ral 8017 - for protection against dampness

This is the best aluminum siding to cover the gable and filing the eaves due to the presence of perforations in its structure, which will “breathe” the roof and remove excess moisture. The material effectively aligns the contours of the roof.

The triple system of strips in one frame helps to quickly cover a large area. Far protruding grooves provide reliable retention siding, which does not pull out a strong wind.


  • powder coating has a rich color;
  • triple kink makes the shape of the eaves more multifaceted;
  • hollow perforation helps to remove moisture;
  • 2400x303 mm stripes will help to immediately close 0.73 m2;
  • material does not burn;
  • resistant to sunlight and moisture;
  • does not emit smoke when heated.


  • cost from 781 rubles per lane;
  • weight 6 kg;
  • can only be used in a horizontal position.

The best fiber cement siding

Such material is obtained from a mixture of water, sand, cellulose fibers and cement.At certain proportions, fiber cement is produced, which has the strength of concrete and the beauty of wood.

Cellulose fibers serve as reinforcement, which increases the strength of the plates. This siding is resistant to different temperatures and burning.

Cedral Wood C50 Dark Mineral - for an expressive design

Cedral Wood C50 Dark Mineral - for an expressive design

This is the best fiber cement siding, because it has a rich black color corresponding to certain mineral rocks.

In combination with bright edging or window frames, you can get an unusual, eye-catching design that is suitable for various entertainment centers, cinemas, hotels or office buildings.

The surface is covered with relief stains with imitation of wood fibers. The picture is versatile, in which there are both wide and narrow lines, which gives it naturalness.


  • the material shimmers slightly in the sun, making it even more expensive;
  • Siding is a Christmas tree, which gives an increased thickness to the walls and contributes to heat and sound insulation;
  • can be operated at temperatures from - 50 to +60 degrees, which is suitable for all regions;
  • plates do not absorb moisture and tolerate heavy rains;
  • siding belongs to the group of flammability G1, which makes it the safest of all kinds;
  • comes in stripes 3600x190 mm, which are suitable for quick laying of a large area (up to 0.576 m2 at a time);
  • 10 mm thick withstands mechanical shocks, and it is harder to tear off with a strong gust of wind;
  • does not emit harmful fumes when heated;
  • protective coating on the second side;
  • up to 10 years color retention guarantee.


  • heavy plates of 11.2 kg each;
  • color on one side only.

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