
Tile gradually, day by day, is becoming more popular. The time is long past when it was glued only in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Now the tile is used in swimming pools, steam rooms, catering points and many other institutions. What can I say, even on the sidewalks are increasingly laid tile! Did you pay attention to the platforms of large railway stations? Tiles can also be placed there. But working with this material is impossible to imagine without circumcision. For this, among others, tile cutters are used, which we describe in today's compilation.




Which firm tile to choose

The tile cutter is a serious tool, most often powered by electricity. He has not only a saw blade, but also a workbench. In this regard, only large companies undertake the production of tile cutters. They do their job efficiently and have no problems with the delivery of goods to the respective stores.

We recommend that you do not pay attention to the products of lesser-known companies. It often breaks and sometimes even injures the worker. Yes, and with the delivery of such a tool under warranty may be a problem, whereas the service centers of major manufacturers are even in not the largest cities.

In our country, the most popular tile cutters of the following companies:

1. Husqvarna

2. Matrix

3. Elitech

4. Fubag


This, of course, does not end the list of major manufacturers of tile cutters.

Top electric tile cutters

Husqvarna TS 66 R

Husqvarna TS 66 R

This tool can be safely called professional. For its installation in the room are used reliable legs. If necessary, you can make various improvements to this tile cutter. But in the standard form, the device has almost everything you need.

For example, it includes a pump that supplies water to a circular saw. At the same time adjustment of a stream up to its full stop is possible. The saw itself is moving along the rail, which is located above the bed. This suggests that the cutting process is controlled without any problems.

Some lack of rulers can cause some disappointment for the buyer, because of which it is necessary to cut the tile "by eye". But we must not forget that the rulers can be easily installed on their own - for this purpose there are factory stops. But the problem of the high cost of the tile cutter can not be solved. But how can a professional tool be cheap?


  • Circular saw is supplied with water;
  • Reliable and stable legs;
  • Easy maneuvering of the saw;
  • Water supply is adjustable;
  • The minimum number of chips.


  • Water may spray a little while working;
  • Included no rulers;
  • Many will not afford.



Great tool with unlimited cut length. He performs his work with the help of a 180-millimeter disk and an electric motor, whose power reaches 0.6 kW. The disk is diamond, it perfectly copes with the processing of porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. Also tile-free water-free cooling is part of the tile cutter.

By the way, the machine is not at all afraid of contact with water, as it is made of high-strength plastic - there’s really nothing to rust. The desktop is additionally coated with zinc, for more beauty it is powder painted.


  • There are no restrictions in terms of the maximum length of the cut;
  • Comfortable work;
  • Reliable diamond disc included;
  • High power motor;
  • Implemented water cooling.


  • Not the most beautiful appearance;
  • It may seem overwhelming.

DIAM SP-200 / 0.8 600030

DIAM SP 200 0.8 600030

One of the most advanced electric tile cutters. The tool costs on reliable legs. If necessary, it can provide a 500 mm cut length. The diameter of the saw blade mounted here is 200 mm. As for the bore, its diameter is 25.4 mm.

The diamond wheel can be rotated here, which is extremely atypical for tile cutters. At the same time the angle of rotation can reach 45 degrees. The operation of this device provides the engine capacity of 0.8 kW. He spins the disc up to 3000 rpm.

In short, the tool does not have any serious flaws. You only need to ensure that the water in the pan was clean. Also, it does not hurt to stock up on headphones, as cutting tiles is a noisy business.


  • Cool implemented water cooling;
  • The kit comes very good disc;
  • High speed of rotation of equipment;
  • It is impossible to find fault with engine power;
  • Diamond turning available;
  • Sustainable design.


  • Work is noisy;
  • Very high cost.

Rubi ND-180-BL

Rubi ND 180 BL

This device belongs to the family of inexpensive tile cutters. However, even such a tool is quite suitable for professional use. The main advantage of this model is easy transportation. When assembled, it is placed in a relatively small suitcase! At the same time, the device does a great job with the “gres” and tile. Importantly, the tool works without too much noise, and it consumes water very carefully - it does not spray around at all.

Unfortunately, the tile cutter Rubi ND-180-BL is far from the title of the ideal. First, the buyer may not like the complete discs. Secondly, the ideal appearance of the desktop is lost after the first operation. But with all these problems it is quite possible to accept.


  • Very easy transportation;
  • High reliability;
  • Relatively low noise level;
  • The powerful electric motor is built in;
  • Does not spray water on the sides.


  • Some types of tiles are not amenable to the device;
  • Complete discs should be changed immediately.

Fubag PK 30 M

Fubag PK 30 M

One of the most expensive electric tile cutters. It has a very large size, and for cutting it uses a 300-mm disc. All this allows you to cut tiles of almost any size. The manufacturer himself declares that the length of the cut is not limited here.

Looking at the design of the device, it is difficult to doubt these words. Separately, the engine should be noted - its power reaches an impressive 2.2 kW. Forces of this motor will be enough even so that the rigging is not stuck in the finishing stone. And we will keep silent about the usual tile, as the disk goes along it, as if smoothly.


  • The desk has a zinc coating;
  • Manufacturer's warranty is two years;
  • Incredibly powerful engine;
  • The tool copes with any material;
  • You can work with tiles of any size;
  • Water cooling greatly reduces the amount of dust;
  • The disc has a 300-mm diameter.


  • The cost may seem prohibitive.

Practice 1872

Praktika 1872

The simplest tile cutter from the Russian manufacturer. This is the worst option for professional use. But if you encounter tile cutting very rarely, then such a tool may well suit you. You only need to prepare for the fact that from time to time the structure will have to be refined, since minor damage will necessarily occur here.

As for the capabilities of the device, then you could easily guess about them yourself. The tool cuts ceramics, dipping the disc into a container of water. The work surface is made very well - it is smooth, which ensures a good stroke of the tile.


  • Minimum price for electric tile cutter;
  • A smooth work surface is used;
  • There is a tray where the water is poured;
  • Very small size and weight.


  • Minor breakdowns occur regularly;
  • A perfectly even cut is rarely achieved.

Best hand tile cutter



This tile cutter is different from many analogs in that it is manual. However, it is much more expensive than a variety of electric tools! High cost due to the fact that the quality of the cut, he is not inferior to electrical products. At the same time, he doesn’t need an outlet, which allows him to work even somewhere on the street, equipping the facade of the building, public transport or a fountain.

The maximum tool provides a cut length of 1030 mm, which in most cases will be quite enough. He can cope with both traditional ceramics and porcelain stoneware. The weight of the tile cutter is 14.7 kg - it cannot be called easy. The maximum cutting depth reaches 15 mm.


  • The extender is included in the package;
  • The cutting roller is of excellent quality;
  • The monorail was made of hard and durable metal;
  • Does not require an electrical connection;
  • Copes with both ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware.


  • The effort of the worker is required;
  • Astronomical price tag.

Which tile cutter to buy

1. Many professionals call Husqvarna TS 66 R the best choice. This tool cuts a tile precisely, practically avoiding chipping. To facilitate the process, water flows into the saw - its flow is regulated by the worker. Everything is in order here and with the legs, which are fastened very reliably (and when transporting the tile cutter, they are easily unscrewed).

2. ELITECH PE 600 can also be a good choice. This tile cutter is quite massive, but precisely because of this, the unlimited length of the cut is realized here. Also, the instrument received water cooling. The diamond cutter included in the tile cutter is 180 mm in diameter.

3. DIAM SP-200 / 0.8 600030 is more expensive than many competitors. But it works without any complaints. The device has a 200-millimeter circle and water cooling. Practically any tile is cut by this tool smoothly and quickly, chips if it happens, it is extremely rare. In short, this is the best choice if you are processing tiles almost every day!

4. If you regularly work with tiles on the road, then Rubi ND-180-BL can be useful to you. This tool can be taken with you even in confined spaces. The tile cutter fits easily in the trunk, since when folded it turns into a relatively compact suitcase. However, it is recommended that customers purchase third-party equipment, as the supplied discs are of dubious quality.

5. When working in the absence of electricity, it is necessary to look towards the manual tile cutters. One of the best tools of this kind is the BATTIPAV PROFI 100 ALU. It can cut diagonally a tile of 720 × 720 mm in size, which means that the product is ideally suited for facade cladding.

6. The ideal tile cutter is Fubag PK 30 M. This device quickly cuts not only ceramics with porcelain stoneware, but also facing stone! As befits such a tool, it has water cooling, which reduces the temperature of the disk and reduces the amount of dust that occurs. The size of the processed tiles here is practically unlimited. Only the amount asked by the sellers is capable of confusing.

7. If you do not consider yourself to be professionals, then we advise you to buy Practice 1872. This Russian tool may well please you with its simplicity. The device is inexpensive, while it copes with any ceramics. The problem is that the tool cannot provide an even cut-up - precisely because of this, the professional will not even look towards this model.

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