
Do you dream to learn how to bake homemade bread? The most convenient tool for this is the Panasonic bread maker. With it, you will get rid of the tedious work with dough and oven. The device is fully automated - mixes products, bakes loaves, sweet muffins and even bread with filling. Our review presents the latest 6 models of bread makers from Panasonic. After examining their pros and cons, you can easily choose a model for yourself.



Panasonic Bread Maker

SD-2510 - simple and reliable

SD-2510 - simple and reliable

The device with a removable lid is made of high quality plastic. The list of programs is located above the control panel, and includes 26 modes for kneading dough, baking bread and muffins.

There are programs for making pastry with filling, cooking jams and confiture. To control are 6 buttons and a digital display. Each stage of work is accompanied by a sound signal.

You can adjust the weight of the loaf and the degree of zazharki crust, and in the "baking" - to set the time. Capacities of the car are protected by an antiprigarny covering.


  • Heating function. After completing the program, the furnace maintains heat for 1 h, so that the product does not cool.
  • Delayed start. The launch of the machine is appointed with a delay of up to 13 hours.
  • Three-phase batch. Each portion of the test is heated and stirred three times.


  • The smell of plastic when you first turn. The smell does not pass to products.
  • Long baking period - from 4 to 6 h.
  • Silent signal at the end of work.

SD-2511WTS - fast and economical

SD-2511WTS - fast and economical

The second model of the SD-25 line is suitable for making 5 types of bread, including rye and low-yielding bread. In addition, there are programs for kneading dough, baking sweet products, cooking jam.

The included recipe book helps to accurately select the dosage of products. Baking dishes are protected from burning by a teflon coating. The dispenser injects solid fillers into the dough in a timely manner - raisins, nuts, olives.

The timer allows you to control the cooking time. Thanks to the “delayed start” function, the launch can be carried out at night when electricity tariffs are cheaper. The machine is equipped with child protection.


  • High speed work. The dough is kneaded in 20 minutes, the bread is baked on an accelerated mode in 2 hours.
  • Silent work. The sound during kneading is insignificant.
  • Energy saving. The power of the device is only 550 watts.


  • High price. In online stores the device costs from 13,500 to 14,000 rubles.
  • Strong body heat during operation.
  • Short power cord. Its length is only 1 m.

SD-2501 WTS - quiet and functional

SD-2501 WTS - quiet and functional

The body of the device is entirely made of white plastic. Rubber feet provide stability during operation.

The machine has 22 programs: 12 - for baking, 10 - for kneading dough. There is a rare rye bread cooking program. The device is equipped with a dispenser that automatically adds additional products.

Express modes make it possible to bake bread for 2 hours. The finished product is automatically heated for 1 hour. A timer with a sound signal allows you to control the operation time. In case of a sudden power failure, the current program is stored for up to 10 minutes.


  • Dessert programs. The machine prepares jam from 8 varieties of fruits and berries, as well as fruit in syrup.
  • Ease of Management. The electronic unit consists of a display and 7 sensor buttons with inscriptions in Russian.
  • Low noise when mixing.


  • Large size. The width of the device is 25.6 cm, height is 38.2 cm.
  • Restrictions on the choice of weight and color of the crust. In many recipes, these modes are not available.
  • Silent timer signal.

SD-ZB2512 - durable and technological

SD-ZB2512 - durable and technological

The model has a completely steel case with double cover. The second feature is the presence of 2 dispensers for yeast and solid additives.

Yeast is served from a special compartment in the desired cooking phase, which makes dough proofing more effective. The second dispenser automatically brings raisins, candied fruits, nuts.

The electronic unit contains 14 programs for kneading dough, baking bread and pastry. Using the 6 touch buttons, you can assign the weight of the loaf and the degree of browning. At the end of the program, the breadmaker beeps. The quality of the device is confirmed by a 2-year warranty.


  • New programs. They allow you to cook products with filling and a small amount of yeast.
  • Fast baking. Using it, you can bake a loaf for 2 hours.
  • Quality dough mixer. There is no flour at the bottom of the tank after kneading.


  • The height of the device. It is 38.2 cm, so the bread maker is inconvenient to use on the table.
  • Short power cord. Its length is only 1 m.
  • High engine heat.

SD-ZB2502 - roomy and hygienic

SD-ZB2502 - roomy and hygienic

The second sample of the ZB series is equipped with 12 programs. The preparation of classic and dietary bread, baguettes, muffins is provided.

The machine is equipped with a dispenser, which automatically adds yeast to the dough at the right stage of work. The second dispenser introduces solid products before the end of the batch.

Using the electronic panel selects the weight of the product and the degree zazharki. The system of autoheating keeps the finished product warm for 1 hour. The book attached to the device offers illustrated recipes with an accurate dosage of products.


  • Programs for fruit desserts. In the bread machine you can cook jam, jam, fruit in syrup.
  • Large amount of baking. You can adjust the weight of the loaf to 1.25 kg.
  • Uncomplicated care. It is enough to wipe a capacity and trays of dispensers with a damp rag.


  • Fragile plastic covers. The detail can fail in 2-3 years.
  • Loud noise. The machine makes sounds when mixing and loud pops when dispensers work.
  • Smell of plastic at the beginning of use.

SD-ZX2522 - stylish and multi-tasking

SD-ZX2522 - stylish and multi-tasking

The latest development of Panasonic draws attention to the metal body in high-tech style. The machine is capable of kneading 17 varieties of dough. It is suitable for making diet bread without yeast and gluten, sweet pastries and French baguettes.

Programmed functions for choosing the weight of the loaf and the level of roasting of the crust. The dispenser automatically adds solid foods - candied fruits, nuts, raisins.


  • Functionality. The electronic unit contains 20 programs for working with pastries, dough and fruit.
  • Accelerated baking program. It allows you to bake a loaf for 2 hours.
  • The presence of a timer. The device starts at the appointed time and beeps the end of work.


  • Large size. The height of the device is 38.2 cm, so it is inconvenient to place it on the table.
  • Small baking volume. The maximum weight of a loaf is 600 g.
  • No reviews. The model is not sufficiently tested by Russian buyers.

The principles of operation of all Panasonic bread makers are about the same. The difference is in the material and dimensions of the case, the availability of dispensers and diet programs. Be sure to consider these factors before buying - the price and durability of the device depends on them!

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