
At one time, Panasonic was one of the first to enter the suddenly emerged multicooking market. The Japanese immediately relied on the quality of workmanship. As a result, their devices serve much longer than the products of some competitors. Also, the Japanese know a lot about software. It is easy for them to provide their creations with a large number of regimes, sharpened for a variety of dishes. And over time, the so-called pressure cookers began to leave the conveyor - the food in them is cooked under pressure, which significantly speeds up the process. But let's move on to listing the best devices.




The best Panasonic multicookers

Panasonic SR-TMZ540

Panasonic SR TMZ540

An elegant device, almost completely painted in coal-black colors. Inside it is a five-liter bowl. Even a very large family is enough for this amount of cooked soup. Importantly, the bowl is supplemented with handles, so that it can be easily pulled out of the appliance immediately after cooking. The capacity of the multicooker is 840 W, there are 22 automatic programs in it. If necessary, you can easily set the cooking time and temperature manually using the appropriate mode.


  • Elegant appearance;
  • The bowl is easy to remove;
  • There is a manual adjustment of cooking time and temperature;
  • A large number of automatic programs;
  • The maximum volume of the bowl;
  • There are functions "multi" and "heat maintenance".


  • Very high cost;
  • Not implemented 3D-heating.

Panasonic SR-TML510LTQ

Panasonic SR TML510LTQ

This is a great option for those who are looking for a relatively inexpensive multicooker. In this regard, the device has a simple appearance, and the number of its automatic programs is reduced to 18. At the same time, the device has a power of 670 W, which is not an insufficient parameter.

But simplified touched the bowl. She received a Teflon coating, but she was not endowed with handles. Because of this, you will need mittens or at least a towel to pull it out immediately after preparing the dish, so as not to burn your hands. Another simplification concerns electronics - here the user cannot manually select the temperature and cooking time.


  • There is a delayed start and maintain heat;
  • Spacious bowl;
  • High power device;
  • A large number of automatic programs;
  • High reliability;
  • The price tag can not be called extremely high.


  • There is no manual adjustment mode;
  • The bowl has no handles;
  • No 3D heating.

Panasonic SR-TMH18LTW

Panasonic SR TMH18LTW.jpg1

Quite easy to learn multicooker, the body of which is made of plastic, silver color. Inside the device is placed a bowl with a Teflon coating, having a volume of 4.5 liters. Unfortunately, the bowl is devoid of handles, which can cause problems with its pulling. A few more disappointing number of automatic programs. There are only six of them here! But in the global web, you can easily find many recipes that use a combination of these programs and the installation of a particular cooking time.

I am glad that the creators did not forget to implement the function of maintaining heat. This allows you to go to bed before you start cooking; when you wake up, you will surely find it warm.


  • Large Teflon-coated bowl;
  • Power reaches 670 W;
  • High reliability;
  • On sales is offered at a very low price.


  • Only six automatic programs;
  • There is no 3D heating;
  • A bowl would not hurt the pens;
  • No manual mode.

Panasonic SR-TMJ181

Panasonic SR TMJ181

This model is distinguished by its metal casing.He made the slow cooker rather heavy, but it will not spoil the interior of your kitchen. The device has a capacity of 670 W, which is enough to heat even a fully filled 4.5-liter bowl. The number of automatic programs here is increased to ten - this was a good result for 2014.

The slow cooker has a delayed start, it can and keep the dish warm. The rest is a typical Japanese device, which has a number of simplifications. For example, the manufacturer did not dare to introduce the technology of 3D heating here. But most disappointing is the lack of a cup of pens, which greatly simplifies taking out.


  • Pre-installed 10 programs;
  • Very large bowl;
  • Optimum power for such a device;
  • Heat maintenance is available;
  • Beautiful appearance.


  • The bowl has traditionally no handles;
  • Sometimes there is not enough 3D heating;
  • There is no manual mode in which it would be possible to set any temperature;
  • Too inflated price tag.

Panasonic SR-TMH181HTW

Panasonic SR TMH181HTW

Another multicooker, which should be bought only with a big discount. Yes, it is endowed with 670-watt power. Yes, the bowl has a volume of 4.5 liters, which is enough even for a very large family. Yes, the device can maintain the warmth of the dish. But certain characteristics of the device will still disappoint you. For example, the multicooker offers only five automatic programs, and this is very little by modern standards! Also, despite the high cost, the device does not know how to cook under pressure. Not implemented here and, as you might guess, 3D-heating. The appearance of the bowl is also disappointing - it does not have handles, so pulling it out immediately after preparing the dish is another task.


  • Large Teflon-coated bowl;
  • Power is abundant enough to quickly heat up the bowl;
  • There is a function of "keeping warm";
  • You can use the delayed start;
  • Low weight (2.8 kg);
  • Nice design.


  • The bowl is missing pens;
  • Extremely insufficient number of programs;
  • There is no manual mode;
  • No 3D heating;
  • Many will not afford.

Panasonic SR-TMS520KTQ

Panasonic SR TMS520KTQ

One of the few multicookers, which has a nice design. Its plastic case has a black or purple color. Such a device will surely impress your guests who have visited the kitchen. Inside the multicooker is a five-liter bowl. Even if it is completely filled with water - heating will occur very quickly, since the power of the device is 670 watts.

To please the device can and the abundance of all kinds of automatic programs. Some disappointment is caused only by the inability to manually enter not only the cooking time, but also the temperature. For the rest, it is extremely difficult to find fault with this model.


  • Ample power;
  • Huge bowl inside;
  • Very beautiful appearance;
  • There is a delayed start, and maintaining heat;
  • Not the highest price tag;
  • The preparation of any dishes help 18 automatic programs.


  • I would like to get a bowl with handles;
  • 3D heat technology not implemented;
  • You can not enter the desired parameters manually.

Panasonic SR-TMX530WTQ

Panasonic SR TMX530WTQ

This multicooker is the most expensive in the assortment of the Japanese manufacturer. It is also considered the most powerful, the water boils here almost instantly - faster than in some electric kettles! But inside this device is a very large bowl, the volume of which is equal to five liters! The device was released at the end of 2014, so you should not be surprised that the bowl does not have handles - this design was invented by some manufacturers only a year later. But the Japanese have introduced 20 electronic programs into their creation! And if you feel in yourself the skills of a real chef, then you should like a separate mode: in it, the temperature and cooking time are set manually.

Of course, the device has already familiar functions, consisting in a delayed start and maintaining heat. But the 3D-heating here is not implemented. This is also due to the fact that the device was designed for a long time, whereas this technology was developed around 2015.


  • Power reaches 840 W;
  • A five-liter bowl, to which nothing burns;
  • The number of programs should suit everyone;
  • You can manually set the cooking time and temperature;
  • All basic functions are available;
  • By design do not carp.


  • It is better not to recall 3D heating;
  • Bowl without handles;
  • Astronomical price tag.

What Panasonic multicooker to buy

1. Panasonic SR-TMZ540 is the best product of a Japanese company. The device has a well-thought-out design, it lacks here only 3D heating. The device has got a lot of automatic programs at its disposal, and in addition to this, the user can set some parameters manually. The volume of the bowl also does not cause any complaints - it is equal to five liters.

2. Panasonic SR-TML510LTQ is a simple multi-cooker with 18 programs. Manual adjustment of cooking parameters is not here, as well as no other advanced features. Inside the device is a five-liter bowl with a Teflon coating. She does not have pens.

3. Production of Panasonic SR-TMH18LTW was launched in 2012. Since then, the device had mercilessly become obsolete. There are only six automatic programs, the body is made of plastic, and the bowl has no handles. But all this does not confuse buyers at all - the slow cooker is still in noticeable demand. We recommend buying it during Black Friday and other sales, when the cost of the device is greatly reduced.

4. Panasonic SR-TMJ181 - this is one of the easiest multicooker among those that are endowed with a 4.5-liter bowl. At the same time, the creators provided the device with a metal case, thanks to which the multicooker fits perfectly into the interior of any kitchen. To embarrass the buyer can only be too high cost - for similar money, other manufacturers offer more functional devices.

5. Panasonic SR-TMH181HTW is also a rather expensive household appliance. But it is impossible not to note the excellent design of the product, as well as the durability of the multicooker. Many buyers note that at some moments they lack the number of automatic programs available here. But the device copes with its main task perfectly - otherwise it would not have got into our selection.

6. The best choice is the Panasonic SR-TMS520KTQ. This multicooker is not too expensive, but at the same time it has a huge number of automatic programs. It also looks great - such a device will definitely not spoil the interior of your kitchen. Although instead of a plastic case, I would like to get a metal one, which is more reliable.

7. The cosmic value has a Panasonic SR-TMX530WTQ. But during all kinds of actions, the device is sold at a discount - it is then that it is recommended to buy it. In this case, he will not disappoint you. There are all the necessary automatic programs, and if necessary, you can set the temperature and cooking time yourself. In short, this is one of the best multicookers from the Japanese company!

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