
Some mistakenly believe that you can replace the toaster with a frying pan, on which are delicious fried bread. But these people usually do not think that drying and frying are two different things. Yes, delicious. Yes, crunches. This is where all the similarities end. For the preparation of toasts, as it is properly called a loaf that has been roasted, it takes at least ten minutes, or even fifteen. Namely, this time may not be enough for people who are always late for work. The toaster is able to dry and heat the pieces without a single drop of oil in just two minutes. Such product turns out more soft and useful. Choosing a toaster will not be difficult, since there are few types and characteristics of the device. Despite this, they need to know in order to correctly navigate during the acquisition.




The best producers of toasters - which company to choose

Manufacturers of small household appliances and produce various toasters. Among the range there are inexpensive and premium class models that have advanced functionality. Products are sold in most domestic specialty stores.

Among the companies there are mainly European, because their products have already gained the confidence of Russian consumers. Things are a bit worse with domestic firms, most of them are simply unable to compete with foreign brands.

We offer everyone who cannot read the material presented to the end to get acquainted with the list of the most sought-after brands:

1. Bosch

2. Bork

3. Delonghi

4. Philips

5. Bugatti volo

Toasters of these manufacturers are most popular. Their quality is at a very high level, even if we talk about options from the initial price category. All products undergo strict control at the factory, have the necessary certificates and are carried out in compliance with established standards and norms.

Looking for a specific model, we recommend to contact our rated best toasters.

The principle of operation and the device toaster

ystroistvo tostera

A toaster is an electric kitchen appliance made for a quick, hearty and tasty breakfast made from slices of bread or rolls. Toasts are very useful because they are not fried, but only dried. The device is an indispensable assistant for people who have a limited amount of time in the morning for fees.

Inside the toaster is a special heating chamber, arranged by type of stove. It works due to the spirals through which electricity is conducted. With their help, produced infrared radiation, through which the slices are heated to the desired temperature, thereby forming a crisp.

Externally, the toaster resembles a rectangular box, at the top of which there are openings for bread. In depth, they usually reach 12–14 cm. Modern models have acquired advanced cameras, for example, convection cameras. The products of the expensive price segment have functions of defrosting and automatic frying combined into a single cycle, as well as the buttons for warming up and completion of the started process at any moment. Devices with non-stick or porcelain inner coating are much easier to maintain and work.

Kinds of toasters


toster mehanicheskii

Such toasters have to be fully controlled in the process. They do not have a timer and the function of "throwing out" slices at the end of cooking. The user needs to turn the bread on his own using a special handle to fry on both sides.

It is necessary to determine the time experimentally, not going anywhere and watching the result. To do this, set the maximum value, after which the desired level of drying is expected. In all subsequent times, it will be sufficient to note the optimal time for obtaining the required roasting.


  • low cost;
  • ease of care.


  • no timer and sensors;
  • self-turning and taking out slices;
  • the need for constant monitoring;
  • lack of any functionality.

Semi automatic

toster polyavtomat jpg

Almost completely coincide in the device with mechanical toasters, but have a thermostatic switch that can protect the device from overheating, if the work is not normalized.

At the same time, semi-automatic products are able to control the drying of bread slices by measuring their temperature. At the moment when it reaches a certain value, the toaster is turned off automatically, as the device considers the product ready. True, you need to turn and remove the chunks all the same manually, which is not very convenient.


  • inexpensive;
  • easy to clean;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • temperature control.


  • independent turning and taking out of toasts;
  • lack of extended functionality.


toster avtomat jpg

Automatic device toasters are the most modern and convenient to use. The price of such devices is much higher, but in terms of quality and functionality, they are worth every penny spent.

Products are often equipped with an electronic type of control, with the possibility of installing not only time, but also the necessary degree of drying. The toaster will fry all the pieces on both sides, so the user will not have to turn them over. Switching off is also automatic, while at the end of the operation the device beeps. All models have the function of "throwing" slices out.


  • fully automated process;
  • easy operation;
  • ease of care;
  • timer;
  • sound notification;
  • advanced functionality.


  • high price.

Toaster selection options

parametri vibora tostera


Most toasters, whatever the power, work approximately equally in time. The range ranges from 600 to 1700 watts. You should choose models with a maximum value only if you purchase a device for the simultaneous preparation of three or more toasts. In general, overpaying is not worth it if time suffers.

Remember that products with increased power spend much more electric energy, but on the taste and quality of toast it is not displayed. It is best to prefer the average, for example, from 700 to 1 thousand watts.

Number of toasts

This parameter is very important when choosing a toaster. It shows how many pieces in one cycle can cook the device. There are models that have slits for bread of extremely classic width. In such products at the same time you can make as many slices as, respectively, branches. Usually they are from 2 (classic version) to 4 (advanced version).

Along with these devices, there are those in which the width of the holes is non-standard, so two standard size pieces are loosely incorporated into one. Such a toaster can be equipped with just a couple of slits, but drying them will result in four bread slices. In assessing this parameter, proceed from your own and family appetites, acquiring the copy that is most suitable.

Body material

The toaster cabinets are made of either plastic or metal, there are rare specimens made of glass:

1. Plastic

Pretty cheap and light weight products. On the shelves of shops there is a diverse range of devices from the plastic case. Its significant disadvantage is that when heated, if there are no internal protective coatings, an unpleasant chemical smell of plastic appears.Most often this happens with toasters from low-quality material.

2. Metal

It makes the device heavier, but makes it stronger and more durable. It requires constant care, as stains and other dirt are very quickly formed on the glittering surface. To avoid this, you should prefer a matte polished surface.

3. Glass

The most expensive models are made of glass. In retail outlets to meet their great rarity. The glass case gives the toaster grace and unusualness. Of the shortcomings, in addition to the high price, note the fragility. Even tempered glass with a sharp temperature drops can crack. Care for the device should be carefully, not rubbing it with abrasives.


Mechanical and semi-automatic models of toasters are the simplest. From the control there is only a lever for turning and taking out, as well as round knobs with a shaded scale without numbers and symbols. Fully automated products are more complex. They can be equipped with a display, where information about user settings is displayed, time is indicated, problems and malfunctions are indicated. Touch electronic surfaces are still popular, with which it is easy to produce all the necessary manipulations.


Manufacturers offer a number of useful features:

1. One side grilling

It is useful for those who want to dry a piece only on one side, and on the other to cover it with jam, butter, honey, melted cheese, etc.

2. Toasting control

The toaster automatically maintains the desired temperature. This is useful if you like varying degrees of drying from light to strong.

3. Automatic centering

It gives you the opportunity not to worry that slices are roasted unevenly and will burn somewhere.

4. Defrosting

Allows you to simultaneously defrost the bread from the refrigerator and cook it.

5. Heating

With such a function, you can reheat the already completed toast. For this, the model is equipped with a special built-in shelf on which products are placed.

6. Extra lift

It will be needed when the slices suddenly get stuck or dried into very small pieces.

7. Sound alert

Recall that the kitchen has already prepared toast.

Which toaster to choose

kakoi vibrat toster

1. For those looking for a simple and inexpensive model, we recommend buying mechanical toasters or with a semi-automatic system.

2. Fully automated appliances are suitable for lovers not to spin in the kitchen, doing their own thing.

3. Determining the power, stop focusing on the average indicators for the products, since you will hardly need more than 1 thousand W.

4. If you live and have breakfast most often alone, then choose a device with a minimum amount of simultaneous preparation of toast. Large families, on the contrary, should purchase an extended version.

5. We recommend to buy durable and durable products with a metal body.

6. Choosing the functionality of the toaster, consider your needs. If some options are not used often enough, then you should not overpay for them.

How much does a toaster cost

stoimost tostera

1. Low-cost models are mechanical products with a plastic housing. You can buy them for 600 - 1 thousand rubles.

2. The average price category starts with semi-automatic and automatic products without increased functionality. It will be necessary to give for such devices from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

3. The most expensive versions of toasters are equipped with the first word of technology, have an excellent design and the best materials. They cost around 8 - 13 thousand rubles.

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