
We all know the consequence of a bruise - hematoma, in other words, a bruise. Pain and unpresentable type of education forced to apply measures to eliminate them. From a wide variety of bruising products, we have chosen the most effective for you. The following rating of drugs includes the most worthy options that justify the confidence of most consumers.



best bruise remedies

The remedy for the bruises of which company to buy

Berlin-Chemie / A. Menarini

berlin chemei

Representation of pharmacology of Italy in Russia. The company is the world leader in the production of new drugs. The company works in two directions: in the field of innovative research and internationalization of the market in the health care system. The history of the Menarini Group began in 1890 with the development and merger of two European companies.



Pharmacological company, located on the third position in the production of generic drugs. The company owns 32 factories. Actavis has developed in 60 countries. About 750 names of medicines belong to the developers of the company. The company has established itself as a reliable partner, known for its professionalism, non-standard approach and responsibility in work.



One of the Russian leaders in the field of pharmacology. The company was founded in 1919. For more than 10 years, the company has been part of STADA, an international pharmaceutical leader. The company specializes in the production of exclusively drugs.



The status enterprise, whose history began 55 years ago. The initial goal of the company formation is the manufacture of antibiotic substances. The company is currently engaged in the manufacture of various forms of drugs.

Best Bruise Rating

In compiling the ranking of the best bruises, consumer reviews were analyzed. The key selection criteria were:

  • the composition of the drug;
  • pharmacology;
  • side effects;
  • interaction with other drugs;
  • restrictions on use;
  • price;
  • consumption;
  • availability of online pharmacies;
  • packing convenience;
  • consistency of medication.

The best remedies with heparin - simple composition and quick effect.

Heparin promotes the resorption of blood clots, slows down the process of blood clotting, therefore, prevents the formation of hematomas and accelerates the process of their disappearance. In the composition of these drugs for bruises are additional elements: antiseptic, pain reliever, etc.

Heparin ointment - the most popular remedy for bruises

geparinovaya maz

The spectrum of the drug is very wide. It is used to treat thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, edema, etc. Medical ointment is released in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug is often used for preventive purposes. The cost of funds in Russia starts from 60 rubles.

Among the advantages of heparin ointment:

  • effective;
  • inexpensive;
  • rarely causes side effects;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • has a wide spectrum of action: helps with bruises, swelling, joint pain, hemorrhoids;
  • convenient to use;
  • it smells good.

Of the drawbacks of the drug should be noted:

  • can not be used in the presence of open wounds near the hematoma;
  • may cause allergic reactions.

The opinion of consumers about the drug more than 85% positive.Many buyers prefer this particular ointment from hematomas.

Lioton - an expert in the fight against swelling and pain


The active component of the drug is sodium heparin. A feature of Lioton is its ability to eliminate not only external bruises, but subcutaneous hematomas. It is applied only 1-2 times a day. The cost of the drug is about 600 rubles. Recognition Lioton mainly won due to the possibility of its use during pregnancy and lactation.

Based on customer feedback, the following positive aspects of the gel were highlighted:

  • efficiency;
  • nice smell;
  • attractive packaging;
  • usability;
  • the ability to use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • fast absorption.

Some buyers have noted the following flaws in Lyoton:

  • high price;
  • high consumption;
  • the clear color of the medicine;
  • opportunity only course admission.

Most users advise using Lioton. However, about 20% of consumers believe the cost of the drug is somewhat too high, since they note only a temporary effect from the use of the gel.

The best vascular drugs will prevent bruising

Vascular medicinal ointments and gels strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate tissue swelling, inhibit inflammatory processes. One of the main active elements of these drugs can be troxerutin.

Troxevasin - the best way to strengthen blood vessels


The effect of the drug extends to the capillary and venous system. The gel must be applied to the body twice a day - in the morning and evening. The effectiveness of the drug increases with the regular use for a long time.

Customer reviews helped highlight a number of Troxevazin merits:

  • high efficiency;
  • usability;
  • reasonable price - about 170 rubles;
  • fast absorption;
  • no smell.

Of the disadvantages of the gel should be noted:

  • sticky texture;
  • skin becomes yellow after application;
  • possible manifestation of an allergic reaction (urticaria, rash).

About 88% of consumers speak positively of Troxevasin. The drug justifies its cost and for quite a long time is among the best remedies for hematomas.

The best natural remedies for bruises - natural care for human health

The composition of natural remedies for hematomas include medicinal herbs or other natural ingredients. The drugs anesthetize and promote the resorption of bruises. The advantage of these drugs is a small number of contraindications to their use and a rare manifestation of side effects after the use of funds.

Badyag - the most famous and budget remedy for bruises


Bodyaga is a freshwater skeleton powder - a sponge. On the basis of this component are made ointments and gels from hematomas. For 30 g of funds in Russia will have to pay only 40 rubles. The price is very different and depends on the manufacturer. The main element of this drug has a slight irritant effect. After rubbing the skinage into the skin, it stimulates the blood circulation of the damaged area, improving metabolism.

Among the undeniable advantages of bodyagi:

  • quick effect;
  • affordable price;
  • large volume of tuba;
  • usability;
  • availability in pharmacies;
  • efficacy in skin pigmentation.

Some users identified a number of shortcomings in the tool:

  • slight odor;
  • burning sensation after application;
  • the manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • gel consistency.

The main part of the feedback on bodage is composed in a positive way. Some users note the effectiveness of the tool in the fight against acne on the face.

Bruise off - best disguise remedy

sinyak off

The main active ingredient in the composition of the preparation described is leech extract. It is contained in the body's saliva and is called hirudin.The component does not allow blood to clot, which contributes to the rapid resorption of hematoma. In addition to the main element in the composition of the drug is pentoxifylline, which stimulates the process of microcirculation and cell regeneration.

Analysis of reviews of the drug will make the following list of advantages of the drug:

  • resolves bruises;
  • effective in edema;
  • masks bruise;
  • inexpensive - costs about 120 rubles per tube;
  • well absorbed;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • convenient packaging;
  • unsharp smell;
  • economical to use.

The bruise off also has several drawbacks:

  • dries the skin;
  • skin redness, allergic reaction;
  • the need for long-term use to achieve the expected result.

About 70% of all consumers responded positively to the drug. The rest of the buyers consider the cream an ineffective remedy for bruises and prefer analogous products to it.

What remedy for bruises to choose

1. If you periodically need an additional tool to eliminate small bruises, the skin on the bruised area is intact, the most popular and low-cost drug options are right for you - heparin ointment and bodyaga.

2. For owners of sensitive skin and those suffering from vascular diseases, troxevasin will be indispensable.

3. An edema, but a vaunted drug, Lioton, can do a great job with swelling and fatigue in the legs, as well as the formed hematomas. The same drug is suitable for pregnant and lactating. Before using the medication, women “in position” should consult a doctor.

4. Heal off the hematoma on the body and make the bruise invisible.

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