
Music from the earliest times is an integral part of human life. With the advent of mobility, modern society has been able to listen to it anywhere, be it a street, ground transportation, subway or plane. And in order to avoid any interference, headphones were invented. With them the most comfortable to enjoy your favorite songs. Buying a standing model, especially for beginners, is a difficult job. It is very difficult to understand all the types presented on the store shelves and their characteristics. Orient in the features of the headphones and choose those that meet your requirements, our article will help.




The best manufacturers of headphones - which company to choose

Almost all manufacturers offer dozens of products. But all of them, one way or another, are similar in sound. Each well-known brand has its own distinctive sound, therefore, having understood the basic parameters, it will be easy for you to choose the necessary option among this wide range.

There are certain well-known brands in the domestic and international markets that have long earned a reputation and are in great demand among experts in this field:

1. Sennheiser

2. Beyerdynamics


4. AKG

5. Sony

The range of firms is diverse. In order for people not to be confused, it was decided to use a special principle of labeling goods. For example, the company Sennheiser applies the so-called “smart” marking, adding a letter prefix. It is an information source that can tell the consumer about the design and other distinctive parameters of the product. The products of such large manufacturers are trustworthy.

Those wishing to find any particular model, we invite you to read our top headphone rating.

The principle of operation and device headphones

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Headphones are a special device designed for listening to speech and other sounds by one person. Externally, it consists of two emitters of small sound. It is usually put on the head or inserted directly into the ears. Products are used not only in everyday life, but also in professional activities, for example, musicians, sound engineers, etc.

Headphones provide mobility and sound insulation from ambient noise. The main elements are the cups (can be with ear pads), the connection bracket (headband, headband), if we are talking about full-size models, and a cable with a connector that connects to any equipment. The handle can be mounted on the back of the head or on the crown of the head, it all depends on the design. Embouchures touch directly to the ears, so they are always made of soft and pleasant materials: velor, foam rubber, leather. At the same time, the thinner the layer, the clearer the bass is transmitted, and the sound goes faster. Consider this information when choosing.

Types of headphones


vkladishi nayshniki

One of the most common types of headphones. Despite the shortcomings, such models are popular to this day. Very often, liners are supplied with smartphones and players. They sit comfortably in the auricle, do not create discomfort for the user. But in very noisy places due to insufficient isolation, the audibility of sounds will fall. These headphones are not very suitable for athletes, as they can easily fall out.


  • do not cause inconvenience;
  • compact;
  • affordable.


  • loosely attached to the ear opening;
  • low noise insulation;
  • drop out with active movement.

Intra channel (vacuum)

vakyymnii nayshniki

Now it is the vacuum models that are increasingly replacing liners when listening to music from players and smartphones. They are devoid of the shortcomings that the previous type of headphones have. They are not just put in the ear, but inserted into the canal. This allows them to firmly consolidate. The sound quality is higher, as insulation improves. True, such models poorly transmit the upper frequency range.


  • compact;
  • sit tight in the auricle;
  • do not fall out;
  • inexpensive.


  • stronger load on the hearing aid;
  • do not allow air to flow freely into the ear;
  • may cause discomfort;
  • often need to be cleaned from earwax.


nakladnie nayshniki

This type of headphones are considered classics. Their history goes back a hundred years, but so far their popularity has not fallen. The product has a handle that fixes the headphones on the head. The speakers are located in the earbuds, which seem to be superimposed on the ear from above, hence the corresponding name. Despite the good volume of sound, this type of model is unable to provide high-quality sound insulation, especially in crowded places.


  • do not cause discomfort;
  • sound louder than vacuum and liners;
  • transmit low and high frequencies.


  • large dimensions;
  • inconvenient to wear with a hat;
  • relatively high price.

Full size

polnarazmernie nayshniki

Full-size headphones give the highest sound quality. They differ from the previous ones in that they completely cover the ear with the aid of ear cushions, which improves sound insulation.

There are three types of full-size headphones: open - characterized by the presence of wide holes that allow external noise to pass; closed - provide maximum isolation from extraneous sounds; half-open (half-closed) - the outer holes are small, so this type combines the advantages of the two previous ones.


  • medium to high sound insulation;
  • best sound quality;
  • comfortable fit.


  • massive construction;
  • uncomfortable to wear outdoors;
  • high cost.

Studio (monitor)

studiinie nayshniki

This is also a full-size headphones, but designed for professionals (sound engineers, sound engineers, musicians). With their help, you can work with audio materials in special studios, solving complex sound problems, for example, mastering, mixing and recording sound. Models of this type are distinguished by a wide frequency range, high resistance, low distortion and other characteristics.


  • good sound insulation;
  • balanced sound;
  • high clarity.


  • not suitable for listening to poor quality recordings;
  • large size and weight;
  • impressive price.

Headphone selection options

parametri vibora nayshnikov


Headphones can have one of several types of emitters:

1. Dynamic

Due to the constructional features, the sound of either low or high frequencies sags. Low response rate to changes in sound, its unevenness and unpredictability.

2. Anchor

This type is characterized by better sensitivity, volume and clarity of sound. Of the minuses can be noted a lower frequency range.

3. Electrostatic

It is characterized by excellent sound with high sensitivity and minimum distortion. Work requires connection through a special docking station. The cost of new models of headphones with this type of emitter sometimes comes to unrealistic amounts.

4. Planar

This type gives excellent sound detail, but with a good amplifier that can unlock all the possibilities.

Noise reduction system

There are two types of noise reduction:

1. Passive

Used in cheap devices. Isolation is achieved at the expense of ear cushions, tight to the head and around the ears. This system allows you to suppress from 30 to 40 dB, which refers to the average values.

2. Active

In addition to the use of ear cushions enhances the effect of waves with the opposite phase. A special microphone that picks up vibrations is built into the headphones, after which they are processed by the electronic unit. This reduces the noise level to 90 percent. But here there is a drawback - limiting the dynamic range of the model.


There are many characteristics, but first of all you should pay attention to these three:

1. Frequency range

The width of the range directly has an effect on the sound quality. The best sound will be at wider, the worst - at narrow. The common range is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

2. Sensitivity

Usually, users perceive this characteristic as loudness, although professionals will never agree with such a designation, considering it amateurish. Strong performance provides strong sound. A value of 100 dB or more is considered a sign of the excellent sensitivity of the headphones.

3. Resistance

This characteristic is rarely paid attention, but in vain. Choosing headphones, it is important to check the resistance. Usually portable audio devices are designed to use low-impedance models with a rating of approximately 30 ohms. By connecting headphones with 350 Ohms to them, you will hear the sound, but it will be much quieter.

Wired or wireless

The convenience of listening often depends on this parameter:

1. Symmetric and asymmetrical

Asymmetrical is much more comfortable, since one of the cables is longer than the other. This allows you to throw it on the neck at a time when the headphones are not used. Symmetric wires of the same length and are Y-shaped.

2. Flat

In addition to the usual round, there are flat cables, similar to telephone. The advantage is that they never get confused, which means that they rarely break and last longer.

3. Twisted (Spiral)

These cables are often equipped with full-size semi-professional and professional models. Visually resemble the wire of the old Soviet phone with a disk. They are convenient in that they give the user the opportunity to move in space, as when tightening the helix spins up, thus increasing the length.

4. Wireless

Differ in lower sound quality due to signal loss. Although the lack of cables is sometimes an absolute plus, you need to consider how long the headphones can work without recharging.

Which headphones to choose

kakie nayshniki vibrat

1. It is better to choose headphones with an anchor or planar type of radiator. If there are no financial restrictions, you can purchase a model with an electrostatic.

2. Deciding on the type of sound insulation, consider how often you are in noisy places. If yes, then prefer products with active noise cancellation, and if not, with passive.

3. Buy a product with a wide range and high sensitivity.

4. Unbalanced cable is more convenient than symmetrical.

5. Flat wire models will not get tangled.

6. Twisted cable should be selected when buying a full-size headphones for work in the studio.

7. Wireless is suitable for domestic listening, if there are no special requirements for sound quality.

How much are the headphones

skolko stoat nayshniki

1. Inserts and vacuum can be purchased for 500 - 1 thousand rubles.

2. Overhead will be a little more expensive - from 1.500 to 2.500 p.

3. The cost for full-size ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

4. Full-size professional and monitor have the highest price - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

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