
Acoustics allows you to enjoy beautiful music, watch movies with sufficient volume, etc. Such systems process the incoming electrical signal and convert it into sound waves. Depending on the room and the number of listeners, as well as the material being played, the type of acoustics is chosen. How not to make a mistake here and provide everything described below.




The best acoustic manufacturers - which company to choose

If a speaker system is urgently needed, then the following companies have reliable products:

1. Yamaha

2. Sven

3. Bowers & wilkin

4. Canton

5. Pioneer

See also:

The principle of operation and device acoustics

ystroistvo akystiki

Acoustics consists of several key nodes, allowing to achieve reproduction and high quality sound. Important elements are: speakers, chassis and audio amplifier. It can be sold either as an assembly or separately. Acoustics are connected to a computer, mp3 player, radio, television or other device.

The ability to convert electrical signals into sound waves is possible thanks to a specific set of speakers, which include:

  • diffuse holder;
  • suspension;
  • diffuser;
  • centering washer;
  • cap;
  • voice coil;
  • magnetic system;
  • core;
  • lead wires with leads.

This system works as follows: a coil with coils and a magnet forms a constant electromagnetic field, into which, through the two wires of the input, electrical oscillations flow. Here they are transformed into mechanical ones due to a highly sensitive diffuser, so that the output produces sound vibrations distinguishable by the human ear.

The smaller the frequency of the electrical signals, the lower the sound on the membrane. A high frequency is recognized by a person as squeak or high notes.

Acoustics can be completed with only one speaker, and maybe two or three, which allows you to separate the reproduction by range and increase the expressiveness of the sound.

The body, by its size, contributes to increasing the volume and depth of sound waves, which do not go directly to the listener, but are repeatedly reflected from the inner walls. This allows you to give a more complete sound.

To enhance the volume, additional equipment is used, which can be produced together with acoustics or separately. This technique contains semiconductors, which increase the signal power due to resistance. This allows you to interact with powerful speakers, even with a weak source, such as an FM receiver or radio.

Acoustics are used very widely:

  • to listen to your favorite music at home;
  • when connected to a TV;
  • for dubbing games on the computer;
  • upon notification and evacuation;
  • scrolling ad units in the shopping center;
  • to broadcast speeches in the conference room;
  • to serve major concerts and other public events.

Types of acoustics

The speakers and accompanying equipment are divided into several categories, allowing their use in certain conditions.

For home theater, listening to music

akystika dla domashnego kinoteatra

This type of equipment is characterized by high power and impressive size of cases. To serve as long as possible, they are made of durable materials. The devices contain from 2 to 3 bands and have high sensitivity. They enjoy watching movies and listening to music at home.


  • average power;
  • high-quality body materials;
  • high frequency signal processing;
  • beautiful body;
  • pure sound;
  • various accommodation options.


  • system dimensions are not always easy to install in a small room;
  • high price;
  • open membranes can damage children or animals.

For auto

akystika dla avtomobila

This is a separate type of acoustics, since the machines do not have the ability to accommodate large speakers, but there is a lot of extraneous noise (engine operation, noise from the tires touching the road surface, driving neighboring vehicles), which requires high power and sufficient loudness.

Models differ in compact size and good sensitivity. On them you can listen to songs from the radio, FM-receiver.


  • small sizes;
  • There are coaxial designs that save space without reducing the sound quality;
  • powerful;
  • cheap;
  • easy installation method;
  • variety in shape;
  • clear sound.


  • mixing frequencies in coaxial versions;
  • component elements harder to install in the cabin.

For computers, warning systems

akystika dla komputera

This is another type of acoustics with a narrow application, especially to the sounds of a PC. Since they are designed for one listener sitting in front of the monitor, they do not require high power and large sizes.

Such acoustics is equipped with a built-in amplifier, which makes it an active participant in the playback process. It features the ability to connect headphones. It can be powered from the energy of the PC itself or have a separate power supply. These models are inexpensive and are designed to play system sounds or watching videos.


  • compact;
  • cheap;
  • low electricity consumption;
  • easy placement near the monitor or on the shelf;
  • built-in amplifier;
  • there are models with a subwoofer;
  • durable plastic case.


  • often single band;
  • thin;
  • bass almost inaudible.

For concerts

akystika dla koncerta

These are the most powerful models from all existing acoustics. Their performance can reach 1200-1600 W, which allows you to bring the sound at an acceptable volume to thousands of those present.

The equipment has large dimensions and large mass. Often the speakers are stacked on each other at the edges of the stage or suspended. They are used on performances of musical groups in a recreation center, philharmonic societies and stadiums.


  • tremendous power;
  • multiband;
  • clearly defined high and low sounds;
  • large range of fluctuations;
  • good sensitivity and purity;
  • passive design.


  • huge sizes;
  • big weight;
  • high price;
  • cases from a chipboard;
  • besides mass events there is no place to use

Acoustic selection options

parametri vibora akystiki

In order not to get lost in a wide variety of equipment, it is important to know the basic parameters of the acoustics and their effect on reproduction. This will help you choose the device that best meets the required goals.


One of the important indicators of the speakers is power. This value is responsible for issuing sound of a certain volume. Even when applying oscillations passed through an amplifier, a low-power device will not be able to reach a large audience and simply tear the membrane. Conversely, a weak radio receiver connected to powerful speakers will not be able to fully interact. Therefore, the characteristic of the dynamics must coincide with the capabilities of the connected source of sound waves.

More power must match the size of the room. The calculated value is 60 watts per 20 square meters. The larger the room, the higher the rate required. From this we can conclude that to watch movies with a more comfortable sound than standard speakers on a TV, 60-80 watts will be required. The area of ​​the car is small, but there are a lot of extraneous noise, so the speakers are set to 150-200 watts.

PC speakers are located very close to the user, and 2–10 W is enough here. But concert equipment requires very large values ​​from 500 to 1600 watts. To enhance the lecturer's voice in the audience will be enough 80-100 watts.

But choosing power, it should be remembered that the manufacturer can specify two values: normal and maximum. At the first, the equipment can work for a long time, and at the second only 5-10 minutes, so for large concerts it is necessary to make sure that the device can withstand the increased oscillation force during the whole event.

Number of lanes

This is the number of individual speakers in a speaker device. It can vary from 1 to 5.

The essence of the difference is as follows: one speaker reproduces at once the sounds of all frequencies (guitar bass, violin squeak, medium vibrations from the cello, etc.), which cannot but affect the quality - they are all mixed up and “smeared”.

In a two-way system, this task is distributed between two membranes: LF has a large size and sensitive structure, which is ideal for reproducing bass, and HF, having a small size, squeaks well on high notes. The three-way system includes a midrange membrane for medium sounds. This separation of devices is perceived by the human ear as a more expressive sound.

For a PC, one of two lanes is enough to watch a video from the network or voice the work of computer commands. Three-band models are required to watch movies, and high and low frequencies are needed for a car. Concerts are serviced using five-lane speakers.

Active or passive

Acoustics can only reproduce the signal entering it within its own power range (passive) or amplify it thanks to the built-in unit (active).

The signal power is increased due to semiconductors and built-in resistance, which makes it possible to obtain an acceptable volume from low-powered sound sources (laptop, phone).

When working on a PC or in a small office, you will need several speakers with an amplifier, which will simplify the method of connection and provide sufficient volume. For home use near the TV or at large concerts, the passive speaker version is more suitable, since the amplifier is installed separately.

Subwoofer availability

To achieve the reproduction of the lowest oscillations, use an additional woofer speaker in a special case that enhances reflection. This design allows you to distinguish the frequency of 20-40 Hz. It will be practical when watching modern films with special effects or listening to music in the style of rock, electro. Some people prefer to put a subwoofer at home, in the car or at small concerts. For PCs, presentations and conference rooms it is not required.

Type of construction

There are two most common types of speaker design: coaxial and component.

The first is compact and easy placement. This is achieved by arranging several speakers (HF + LF + MF) on the same line. The device is capable of reproducing all types of vibrations and separating them into channels by the built-in filter. This is convenient for arranging small car salons, where there is no space for a separate sidebar of each speaker.

Component type has separate membranes for each frequency, but they are not mounted on the same line, but separately. This gives a cleaner, more expressive sound. Such acoustics put on the rear shelf and in the car door.

Standard size

A value that describes the size of the speakers and is measured in inches or centimeters. The larger the diffuser, the lower the waves it can capture and reproduce so that these vibrations are audible to the human ear.

The smallest sizes from 25 mm to 80 mm display high frequencies and almost do not have low ones. That's enough for PC speakers. In the car get the size of the speakers 90-170 mm. Indicators of 100-160 mm are suitable for home cinema and listening to music in the apartment, if you have a separate subwoofer to highlight the low frequencies. Large events require membrane sizes up to 20-30 cm.

Frequency range

The columns distinguish electrical oscillations measured in Hz and translate them into mechanical ones. The range of sounds distinguishable to man is 20-50000 Hz.The wider the acoustics, the more sounds they transmit.

For example, lovers of special effects in movies or music with bass drums and a guitar, you will need a column with an indicator from 40 to 21,000 Hz. For those who are not so important rustling or fluttering in the film, enough values ​​100-2000 Hz. The figure of 60-16000 Hz is enough for a car, and 40-36000 Hz and more for servicing a big concert.

Body material

The speakers can be sold separately, but there are also in the case. This makes it easier to start up the equipment. But the body material affects the duration of the use of the equipment.

The cheapest is a chipboard, which is often used to create a concert or home speakers. Plastic suitable for PCs that outlast the system unit and monitor. For home theater is better to buy acoustics from MDF. There are models of aluminum, which are more suitable for a warning system in buildings or conference rooms.


If the Hz index corresponds to the range of reproduced sounds, then the purity and strength of their display depends on the maximum dB level. The higher this indicator, the better, but this is directly related to the power of the device.

Values ​​between 75 and 84 are considered weak and suitable for PCs. 85-91 dB loudspeakers are average and suitable for home theater. Indicators from 92 to 108 dB provide good loudness and clarity, therefore they are used both at home on expensive equipment and at large concerts. The same type of purchase for cars.

Placement method

Acoustics can be installed in various ways:

1. On the floor - suitable for home theater and stand-alone subwoofer.

2. On the table - a good option for compact speakers PC.

3. On the wall - practical for the warning system in an office building, a large concert hall.

4. On the ceiling it is convenient for small rooms (at home, in beauty salons, shops).

5. Embedded - used in recording studios or when installed in a car.


To transfer electrical vibrations to the device, connectors are required.

A USB or 3.5 mm plug, called a mini jack, is required for use with a computer. The same method is implemented in the auto tape recorder. Some home theaters can communicate with the TV through a “tulip” or standard jack. The latter is often used in concert equipment. Other modern models are easy to connect “over the air” via Bluetooth, which is convenient because it eliminates the need for wiring to the rear speakers.

Headphone Out

In addition to connectors, some speakers are equipped with a 3.5 mm input for headphones. This is convenient, so as not to distract colleagues or family members, if they are now engaged in an important task and the music or film may distract them.

Open or closed form

The speaker can be placed in boxes to create surround sound and expand the reproduced wave range. This type is called closed and suitable for lovers of bass. Case acoustics are issued for home theaters, the personal computer, discos and concerts.

But placing the speakers on the panel without the back box and the front grille allows you to get more pronounced mid and high frequencies, which is reflected in the acoustics for stereos, studios, cars and warning systems. Such acoustics helps to reveal classical and pop music. For PC, both options are permissible.

Built-in FM tuner

In addition to the amplifier, some speakers have a built-in radio. This allows you to use the device autonomously without a radio, phone or TV. Such acoustics are taken with you to the sea, on a trip or to the country.

The presence of a crossover

The beauty of the sound depends not only on the number of bands, but also on the ability of acoustics to distribute the waves of different frequencies. For this, a crossover is provided.

The device is a unit with capacitors and inductors, which take the incoming signal and divide it into a frequency spectrum. This is a kind of filter. Low frequencies are sent to the subwoofer and woofer, MF is fed to medium-sized membranes, and high vibrations are distributed to the tweeter (tweeters).

This greatly enriches the sounding atmosphere and makes each zone more expressive. Crossover is useful for home theater and large concerts.

What acoustics to choose

kakyu vibrat akystiky

Having considered the key parameters of the acoustics, it is possible to group the characteristics for certain conditions:

1. Speakers for home theater should have three bands in the front devices and two in the rear. The diameter of the high frequency is sufficient for 25 mm, and the low frequency is not less than 165 mm, although 100 mm can be used in the rear. Membranes for MF within 120-130 mm. The frequency of the processed signals from 48 to 50,000 Hz. To enjoy different sounds: from the ocean breeze to the roar of the engine, 86 dB sensitivity is required. The power of each unit is 150 watts. Corps desirable from MDF. Type of accommodation - outdoor. Possible open type.

2. To enjoy your favorite music in the car, you will need a coaxial design in two bands (HF and LF), measuring 10-17 cm, 220 W and a sensitivity of 92 dB. The type of speakers - closed, so as not to damage the membrane.

3. Speakers for PCs need an integrated amplifier, one lane with a 3 W speaker, 5-7 cm in size, a frequency range of 70-20000 Hz, a plastic or MDF package and a headphone jack.

4. To serve the speech in the conference room (lecture, report, ceremonial event), you need acoustics at 80-100 W, with a sensitivity of 108 dB, range 80-20000 Hz, two bands, the size of the woofer is 145 mm, HF 25 mm. Fastening method - wall. Enough passive speakers. Body material - plastic.

5. For service concerts in the DC or under the open sky buy acoustics with a capacity of 600-1200 W, five bands, a range of 85-36000 Hz, 125 dB sensitivity, a chipboard case, a built-in amplifier of 8 Ohms, LF - 30 cm, HF - 7.5 cm .

So much is the acoustics

skolko stoit akystika

On the world market acoustics is presented in the following price ranges:

1. Home theater acoustics for sale from 6,000 to 35,000 rubles.

2. Speakers for cars will cost 600-2000 rubles. for two units.

3. Computer speakers cost 500-5000 rubles. for a couple.

4. Equipment for conference rooms is estimated at 5000-10000 rubles.

5. The system for concerts has a price of 40000-150000 rubles.

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