
If you think about it, then the devices we are considering today are atypical. The fact is that many PC owners also have a webcam or computer headphones. And these devices most often already incorporate a good microphone. Therefore, a separate gadget is required only for people with a particular profession or hobby. For example, those who regularly record podcasts cannot do without a microphone. Also, such a device will not prevent fans to shoot videos for publication on YouTube. But let's get down to business.




Microphone for computer which company choose

As we wrote above, such a device is atypical. In this regard, and high sales microphones for the computer can not boast. From this it follows that large companies do not want to engage in their production. And the production of unknown or completely nameless firms is not of high quality. It turns out that the best products of this kind are produced by two or three companies.

The funny thing is that they don’t have high popularity. The fact is that the most high-quality microphones cost a lot of money, and it is extremely difficult to find them in our country. Do I have to say that a person who records podcasts would better buy a budget product sold in the nearest store?

Now in Russia, the most popular microphones for a computer under the following brands:


2. Defender

3. Plantronics

4. Genius

5. Sven

The products of other companies do not have much popularity for a variety of very different reasons.

The best budget microphones for a computer

Defender MIC-112

Defender MIC 112

One of the easiest microphones you can imagine. Most often it is painted white, which is extremely unusual for modern electronic devices. But this is his only significant feature. The rest is a typical microphone for talking on Skype.

Its head is located on a flexible leg, which allows you to adjust its location in relation to the person sitting at the table. The leg ends with a wide stand, complemented by a weighting agent. This allows the microphone to stand firmly on the table. At the same time, one cannot say that it occupies a lot of space on it.

The microphone is dynamic, the sound he writes in mono. To record podcasts, it is better not to use it, as the final result will definitely not please you. Why, then, was created Defender MIC-112? Perhaps this product will be a great help in online games, especially if you for some reason do not want to wear headphones.

Also, using this microphone, you can talk on Skype - the interlocutors will not complain much about the sound. As for more serious use, this is interfered with a slight hiss, superimposed on the voice. And it is impossible to say that the speech being written is 100% legible.


  • Comfortable flexible foot;
  • Very good sound, especially for such a price tag;
  • The stand has a load that makes it stable;
  • The price can not be called high;
  • There is a system for filtering ambient noise.


  • The sound is accompanied by a slight hiss.

Hama H-57152

Hama H 57152

This product also has a flexible leg. But there is no stand here. The fact is that this model is designed exclusively for laptops. The leg ends here with an L-shaped 3.5 mm jack. It is inserted into the connector, after which it remains only to raise the microphone.

This design makes the microphone very miniature - in theory you can even carry it in your pocket. But she also has certain limitations. The leg turned out to be not very long, because of what you will sometimes bend over the keyboard to hear you louder. However, this is a purely psychological habit - in fact, the microphone captures well even the sound source located within two meters of it.

The product is painted black almost completely. Only the bezel under the head turned out to be silver. The device weighs only 50 grams - this is taking into account the packaging! The sound is written, of course, in the "mono" mode. Like other budget microphones, Hama H-57152 is not recommended for any serious purposes, where a lot depends on the sound quality. Stores provide a 6-month warranty for this microphone. But there is no doubt that it will work much longer - there is nothing to break here.


  • There is a leg bent in different directions;
  • Special design designed for a laptop;
  • Minimum price tag;
  • Hard to break;
  • Decent sound quality.


  • With a desktop PC it is impossible to use;
  • The sound is written with a slight hiss.

Hama 57151

Hama 57151

Another microphone for a laptop. But he no longer has a flexible leg. At the same time he writes great sound, despite the distance from the human head. How did the creators manage to achieve this? Good sensitivity is due to the fact that the microphone belongs to the condenser type.

It is these microphones that are used by musicians, singers and radio presenters - only those products have a much larger “head”, which is even more susceptible to surrounding sounds. Opportunities for Hama 57151, of course, smaller. But this accessory does not require additional power, which is usually necessary for more powerful condenser microphones.

The product has dimensions of 23 × 32 mm. It can easily be thrown into a shirt pocket. The microphone works on any laptop, no matter what sound card it is equipped with. If you believe the manufacturer, the device comes off the assembly line of a German factory. And everyone knows that they strictly monitor the quality. However, it is possible that only some copies are made in Germany, because in China it is easier and cheaper to deal with this business.

Such a tiny design allows you to connect the product not only to a laptop and a PC (in the second case, an extension cable is required), but also to a voice recorder. You will definitely hear the increased sound quality, because inexpensive voice recorders have only a membrane microphone. In general, this model, though not perfect, is already quite suitable for recording podcasts and a voice-over. Not satisfied with its capabilities only professionals who need the best sound quality.


  • Minimum size;
  • Works on condenser technology;
  • Acceptable price tag;
  • High level of sensitivity;
  • Attempts to weed out extraneous sound sources;
  • Suitable not only for laptops, but also for voice recorders.


  • The sound is still not clear.

The best microphones for the computer at a high price

Shure PG27USB

Shure PG27USB

This microphone is used not only by ordinary PC owners, but also by real professionals. No wonder it is called studio. The device is sold at a very high price, which is due to excellent performance.

The device is connected to the computer via a USB-connector. This suggests that he himself is engaged in sound processing, and the finished material in digital form is delivered to the PC. As it should be, the microphone is condenser, and it also boasts a cardioid directional characteristic. Unnecessary sounds will be excluded almost completely - only your voice will be recorded.

The Shure PG27USB Studio Microphone features a built-in preamp. This suggests that the sound will be not only clear, but also loud. Another part of the device includes a switch attenuator. The manufacturer claims that his creation has a high overload capacity.Buyers also note that the product has a natural sound transmission.

Interestingly, the case has a 1/8 ″ headphone output - this can help in monitoring the signal. Another feature of the product is the easy mixing of the microphone signal and the reproduced audio material. In short, this is ideal for multitrack recording. But it is also the most expensive - the average user just does not want to spend that kind of money.


  • Stable position on the table;
  • Condenser type;
  • Wonderfully cuts off background noise;
  • Direct signal monitoring without any delay;
  • Perfect sound transmission;
  • There is a microphone preamp;
  • High overload capacity;
  • Built-in large diaphragm.


  • The price tag may seem astronomical;
  • Included no stand.

Blue yeti

Blue yeti

This microphone can be called a real hit among podcasters. Yes, it is quite expensive. But on the other hand, he perfectly writes his voice, and his appearance is quite elegant. It should be noted and the fact that there are several colors of Blue Yeti - you can easily buy a microphone, painted in white, black or even some metallic colors. The product has a reliable stand - you will not have to take care of its purchase.

The device is connected to the USB-connector. The sound here is captured with the help of three condenser caps. As a result, it is written in the correct stereo mode. Also, the user has a unique opportunity to change the radiation pattern.

There are three options to choose from: omnidirectional, cardioid and bidirectional diagrams. Even under the body of the microphone is a powerful DAC, which converts the signal for subsequent processing on a computer. Not forgotten here and headphone jack, through which you can control the sound in real time.


  • Grade pleases the presence of the stand;
  • You can connect headphones;
  • Consists of three condenser caps;
  • Excellent sensitivity;
  • Several options for coloring the case;
  • You can change the pattern.


  • Very high price tag.

Which microphone for a computer to buy

1. If you need a cheap microphone on a flexible leg, then consider buying the Defender MIC-112. This is a budget solution, perfect for use on Skype and other similar services. Your speech will be legible enough, if not enough, to write quality podcasts.

2. If you use only a laptop, then buy yourself a Hama H-57152. This product, though not capable of boasting the maximum quality of the recorded sound, is still better than what a webcam built into cheap laptops give out. But when switching to a desktop computer, the accessory will have to be sold or thrown away - with such a design it will become useless.

3. Hama 57151 is a little thing that, in theory, can be lost in a jacket pocket, not to mention a woman’s purse. This microphone is a condenser, so you can count on, if not perfect, then at least a very good sound quality. At the same time, the price of the device remains very small.

4. Do you want to write sound in perfect quality? Then your choice should be Shure PG27USB. This condenser studio microphone is regularly used to record music and vocals - this alone indicates a perfect sound transmission. The product has a preamplifier, which slightly simplifies the processing of the received signal, and the output under the headphones - it is necessary to monitor the process. If you can afford such a purchase, you will definitely not be disappointed!

5. Blue Yeti will replace at least two microphones. The fact is that there are three capacitor caps at once. They allow you to implement absolutely any radiation pattern! But do not consider this microphone perfect. No, it is extremely rarely used to record vocal compositions. But the leading podcasts after such a purchase remain in a kind of delight!

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