
Vitamin D is produced under the influence of UV rays in the human body. But it should be remembered that UV radiation can be both beneficial and harmful. Sunscreens help prevent burns, photoaging of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles. How to choose a sunscreen, you will learn in this article.



How to choose a sunblock for sunburn

The best manufacturers of sunscreens - which company to choose

Sunscreens should provide effective protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Before choosing a tool, pay attention to the manufacturer, because Not all companies produce quality products.

The most stringent requirements for the quality of products are made by the following companies:

  • Vichy
  • Nivea
  • Hikari

Products of these brands are distributed throughout the world, because long ago won the trust of buyers. This is not surprising, because the products are developed by health professionals: dermatologists, nutritionists, and other specialists.

Thanks to cooperation with doctors and pharmacists, brands apply technology from the field of medicine. Before sale, goods undergo multiple clinical trials to confirm safety and quality.

In our ranking of the best sunscreens, you can find out which products are of excellent quality.

The principle of operation and structure of sunscreen

The principle of operation and structure of sunscreen for sunburn

Ultraviolet radiation is of 3 types: UVA, UVB, UVC. The last rays are very harmful to people, fortunately, they are absorbed by the atmosphere and do not reach the surface of the Earth. But the rays A and B affect the body, but in different concentrations.

Only 5% of UVB rays reach Earth, however, with prolonged exposure to the sun, this amount may be sufficient for the appearance of serious skin damage (up to tissue mutation and, as a result, oncology).

95% of UV rays are UVA rays. They surround us constantly, create a tan on the skin, with prolonged exposure lead to hypersensitivity, photo-aging of the skin (wrinkles, loss of elasticity).

Given the effect of the rays on the skin, dermatologists strongly recommend the use of sunscreen that protect the skin from burns. The presence of sunscreen does not prevent the skin from acquiring a dark shade. The tanning process will be less intensive than without the use of a cream, but safer.

As part of the means usually there are special substances that neutralize the action of the ultraviolet rays of the spectrum A and B - UV filters.

The following types of UV filters are distinguished:

1. Physical create a screen, not allowing rays to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin (titaniumdioxide, zincoxide, various siloxanes).

2. Chemicals penetrate the skin and convert solar energy into heat (benzoquinones, salicylic acid esters, etc.).

On the packaging of any sunscreen always indicate the rate of sunscreen (SPF). Values ​​can be from 4 to 50. They indicate the level of protection of the cream from exposure to harmful sunlight: the higher the value, the higher the protection. You can find products on which the SPF is above 50 - this is nothing more than an advertising move.

Types of sunscreens for sunburn

For very fair skin

For very fair skin

Such creams provide intensive protection from the sun.These include funds with SPF 35-50. They are suitable for people who sunbathe with difficulty and do not tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun, because skin quickly burns and blisters. Usually such people have light or red hair, pale skin color, sometimes freckles, and an extended capillary network.


  • instant protection of the skin against premature aging and burns;
  • creams prevent dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • preserve patches of skin with pigment and birthmarks.


  • after 2 hours, the cream must be re-applied, because it tends to rub off on contact with water, sand or a towel;
  • agents sometimes leave white bloom, because have a thick texture, which is not absorbed immediately;
  • repeated application does not prolong the duration of the protective effect.

For fair skin

For fair skin

This category should include cream with SPF 25-35. The products are suitable for people whose skin burns slowly and quickly burns during a long stay in the sun, the hair has a light shade: light-brown, golden, wheat, etc.


  • prevention of early aging of the skin;
  • creams stimulate natural tanning;
  • even out skin tone;
  • provide light-tightness, high prevention of photo-aging.


  • large amounts of cream may cause irritation to the skin;
  • funds usually have a dense texture.

For normal skin

For normal skin

This category includes products with an SPF of 15-25. They have an average degree of protection and have tonic and regenerating properties. The cream is suitable for people with dark hair color, slightly dark skin, which tans well.


  • funds contribute to the acquisition of a tan without burns;
  • provide an optimal level of protection when sunbathing;
  • usually the texture of such creams is not thick, easily absorbed and leaves no residue;
  • neutralize the harm of ultraviolet radiation, prevent the entry of harmful radiation into the deeper layers of the skin.


  • cream must be washed off several hours after application.

For dark skin

For dark skin

The SPF in such creams is 4-15. Means have a slight degree of protection and maintain skin elasticity. The cream is perfect for swarthy people with dark hair, eyes and skin, which almost never burns even with a long stay in the sun.


  • creams stimulate natural tanning;
  • prevent drying of the skin, premature aging;
  • light texture;
  • protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


  • It is not recommended to use in the presence of individual intolerance of individual components of sunscreens.

Sunscreen selection options

Sunscreen Choice Parameters

UV protection level

This is the main parameter of the selection of sunscreens. The lighter and more sensitive the skin, the higher the level of protection should be. The same applies to mature skin, which is less tolerant of solar radiation than the young, so it is recommended to strengthen the protection in older children.

Choosing the level of SPF should be considered:

1. Duration of exposure to sunlight. People who are exposed to prolonged exposure to the sun require increased protection, so the SPF level should be at least 30;

2. UV index. The higher this parameter in your area, the more intensive protection is required. You can find out the value of this parameter in any smartphone when viewing the weather forecast.

Filter view

On the packaging manufacturer must indicate the type of sunlight that protects the cream. The most effective tool will be the one that protects simultaneously from several types of rays: UVA, UVB. Also, protection against UVA rays is sometimes labeled as IPD, PA + or PPD.

Additional substances

It is better to choose creams that contain vitamins B, C, A, F. They contribute to intensive moisturizing of the skin and have an antioxidant effect. Sometimes creams may contain alcohol to reduce the fat content of the texture.

It is known that alcohol dries the skin strongly, so after applying a feeling of tightness may appear, to prevent this from happening, choose a cream without alcohol or its minimum content.

In addition, creams may contain the following undesirable components that negatively affect skin cells:

1. Oxybenzone;

2. Retinylpalmitate;

3. Parabens.


The cream should be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy luster, so the tool should not be very thick and not very liquid.

Water resistance

With increased sweating or if swimming is planned it is better to choose a waterproof cream, so the effect of the agent will remain after exposure to water; it will not be necessary to reapply the cream after 15-20 minutes


The presence of this parameter indicates that the cream has passed multiple clinical trials for an allergic reaction and after applying it does not appear burning, dryness, irritation and rash on the skin.

Which sunscreen to choose

What kind of sunscreen to choose

1. Dermatologists recommend having several sunscreens. Until the skin is tanned, you should buy a cream with an SPF of at least 30. When sunburn appears, it is better to switch to a cream with SPF up to 15. Those who want to avoid premature aging of the skin should get a cream with an SPF of at least 30.

2. If the sun rays are contraindicated for any reason (undergoing aggressive cosmetic procedures, hormone therapy, hyperpigmentation, etc.), then in the summer period constant intensive protection is necessary, therefore you should choose a cream with SPF30-50.

3. For daily use before walking enough cream with SPF 5-20.

4. Children's skin requires more intensive protection than an adult, because it is especially prone to the negative effects of the sun. To prevent burns and preserve the health of the skin of the child should choose a cream with SPF 40-50.

5. As for filters, the more they will be present in sunscreen, the more skin will be protected. If a person wants to get a quick, intense tan, then you should choose a cream with protection against UVB rays. If the safety of sun exposure is in the first place, then it is better to purchase a cream with protection against UVB and UVA rays. The latter should also be purchased if the skin is tender and prone to irritation. However, it should be remembered that chemical filters become harmful after 2 hours after application, therefore, it is recommended to completely clean the skin and apply a new layer of cream.

6. For sensitive skin that is prone to allergies and dryness, it is better to buy allergy-free creams with various vitamins, which, in addition to the protective effect, have a calming, moisturizing effect.

7. So that the tool does not wash off in water, it is better to get a waterproof cream.

How much does sunscreen for sunburn

How much does sunscreen for sunburn

The cost of creams depends on several factors:

1. Components included in the tool.

2. Manufacturing firm.

Well-known brands often overestimate the cost of their products, but you can find funds from lesser-known companies, whose cream is not inferior in efficiency and much cheaper, but remember that a high-quality product will not be very cheap.

The cost of sunscreen for tanning ranges from 100-14000 p. If the composition of cosmetics is close to natural, does not contain harmful impurities, is enriched with vitamins, then the price will not be the lowest.

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