
The upper layers of the skin eventually die. In order for dead cells not to clog pores and do not interfere with proper breathing of the epidermis, it must be properly cleaned. Scrubs will help in this. Such products have a good peeling and massage effect. In modern stores a wide range of such compositions. Rating the most popular tools will help you make the right choice.




Facial scrub which company choose

Many modern companies specialize in the production of products for skin care of the face, and in particular scrubs.

Not to get lost in such a variety will help the ranking of the best manufacturers, ranked in descending order of popularity:


2. Lumene

3. L’Oreal

4. Garnier

5. Natura Siberica

6. Nivea

7. Clean line

8. Avon

9. Bio

The assortment of each of these brands includes facial scrubs based on various components. Each girl will be able to choose a tool that fits her skin.

If you prefer domestically produced goods, then pay attention to the Pure Line brands and Natura Suberica. Cosmetics of these brands are made on the basis of decoctions and extracts of medicinal plants.

The best gel-based scrubs

Gel scrub is a tool that is suitable for daily use. They do not dry the skin and effectively combat impurities. Such tools are perfect for women with a combined or oily skin type. As an abrasive, they used tiny polymer balls. The manufacturer can adjust the density and size of such a ball. Thanks to this tool becomes softer or, conversely, has an impressive abrasive effect.

Gel Scrub Nivea Pure Effect Clean Deeper

Nivea Pure Effect Clean Deeper

This tool perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles and helps to fight black spots. It contains tiny blue granules that are able to penetrate deep into the pores. After several weeks of using such a product, the skin becomes smooth and silky.

Users note the following advantages of this tool:

  • Relieves skin inflammation in the area of ​​black spots.
  • It quickly turns into a pleasant foam.
  • Fully washed off.
  • After applying it, the skin becomes dull.
  • It has a pleasant smell.
  • Consumed economically.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.

Scrub has several disadvantages:

  • Excessively dries the skin.
  • Does not have the ability to even out the complexion.
  • Too few pellets, so the peeling effect is weak.

This tool is more suitable for young girls who do not have serious skin problems. It can be used for cleansing and light peeling.

Gel Clean Line Perfect Skin 5 in 1

Chistaa linia 5 1

This tool not only exfoliates, but also nourishes the skin, evens the complexion, fights inflammation, gives haze. The composition includes zinc, eucalyptus and white clay. Suitable for all skin types. Can be used as a mask.

The following advantages of this product are noted:

  • Low price.
  • Effectively cleans.
  • It has a refined aroma.
  • Does not dry the skin.
  • Tones up.

There are several disadvantages:

  • Copes poorly with oily skin.
  • Does not eliminate black dots.
  • Bad foams.

This tool provides comprehensive care. You do not have to spend money on several types of cosmetics.

Gel Scrub Vichy Normaderm Unclogging Exfoliating Gel

Vichy Normaderm Unclogging Exfoliating Gel

Gentle gel that gently exfoliates the skin. Its composition contains salicylic acid, so that the tool is able to effectively combat inflammatory processes. It does not contain alcohol and parabens. His hypoallergenic dermatologists tested.

Women note the following benefits of the remedy:

  • Perfectly cleanses and smoothes the skin.
  • It has a pleasant aroma.
  • It quickly turns into a light foam.
  • Abrasive particles do not injure the epidermis.
  • Visibly shrinks pores.
  • Indispensable for oily and combination skin.
  • Spent sparingly.
  • It gives freshness and dullness.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • Dries the skin.
  • After applying it, a feeling of tightness appears.
  • It copes poorly with black dots.

This tool is suitable for women of all ages. It will not be the best option for those who have dry skin type.

Scrub Garnier Clean Skin 3 in 1

Garnier 3 1

Combined tool. It can be used as a scrub, mask and gel for washing. It effectively fights pollution, black spots and skin blemishes. The exfoliating effect is achieved thanks to pumice particles. This natural material perfectly removes dead skin cells.

Among the advantages can be identified:

  • It has a slight cooling effect.
  • After applying it, the skin becomes smooth and silky.
  • Not only cleans the skin, but evens out the complexion.
  • Cleans and tightens pores.
  • Helps fight acne.

Among the disadvantages of funds noted:

  • High price.
  • After application, dry skin is felt.

This tool is not suitable for daily use. It is better to use women with dry skin.

Cream-based scrubs

Such products are suitable for any type of skin. They are not able to cause microtrauma to the skin. The texture of such a scrub is light and airy. It allows you to effectively work out every area of ​​the face. In addition to exfoliating, have a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Therefore, they are especially recommended for women with dry skin. Natural materials such as apricot kernels or pumice stone are used as abrasive in such products. Manufacturers control the size of the granules due to the fineness of their grinding. It is necessary to pay attention when choosing a means.

Scrub Clean Line Cleansing with apricot pits

Chistaa linia abrikos

The composition of this tool includes milled natural apricot seeds. They have a great peeling effect. Due to the presence of chamomile extract, it is able to relieve inflammation of the epidermis and tone it up. After several weeks of use, the skin becomes smooth, the complexion evens out.

Women noted the following benefits:

  • Nice smell.
  • Easy application.
  • Means is spent economically.
  • Large scrub particles effectively eliminate contamination.
  • Attractive price.
  • Does not make skin dry.

Of the negative points are distinguished:

  • Careless use leads to microtraumas of the skin.
  • Not suitable for daily use.

This tool must be used carefully and not too often. Then the effect of it will be amazing.

Scrub for deep cleansing Lumene Matt Touch

Lumene Matt Touch

This cosmetic is designed to remove pollution from the deepest layers of the skin. It effectively cleans the pores and helps protect the skin from inflammatory processes. The composition of the scrub includes minerals, due to which the peeling effect is achieved. Starts the process of rapid cell regeneration. Part of the tool metol gives a feeling of freshness and purity.

Among the positive qualities of scrub note:

  • 80% consists of natural ingredients.
  • Completely eliminates the problem of black dots.
  • Delicately cleanses without damaging the epidermis.
  • Makes skin smooth and matte.
  • It has a pleasant texture and aroma.
  • Economical to use.

The disadvantages of this tool is small:

  • If you close the lid tightly, it dries quickly.
  • Not suitable for excessively dry skin, as it has a drying effect.

This product copes with its purpose. Its price is fully justified by high quality and safety.

Natura Siberica Gentle Face Peeling

Natura Siberica

The composition of this tool includes extracts of meadowsweet and Aralia Manchu. In addition, it contains vitamin F and AHA-acids. Due to this, the scrub has a gentle exfoliating effect and nourishes the skin.It will be ideal for women with a dry type of epidermis.

The following positive features are noted:

  • Does not damage the surface of the epidermis.
  • Large volume bottle.
  • It has a pleasant smell.
  • Eliminates black dots.
  • Consists of natural ingredients.
  • It is inexpensive.

There are several drawbacks:

  • Does not give the effect of deep cleansing.
  • Inconvenient cover on the tube.
  • In one procedure, you have to spend a lot of money.

You can use this tool as a preparatory stage before other procedures. It will help enhance their effectiveness.

Garnier Scrub Cream Basic Care


The composition includes natural grape extract. It helps remove toxins from the epidermis. Due to the content of vitamin E and the remedy has a nourishing effect. Exfoliating microparticles effectively eliminate dead skin cells and pollution.

Users emphasize the following positive aspects of the product:

  • Effectively cleans and tones the epidermis.
  • It has a pleasant aroma.
  • After application, the skin becomes smooth and velvety.
  • Does not dry.
  • Pleasant consistency.
  • Can be used for sensitive skin.

I also highlight a few drawbacks:

  • Too sharp peeling granules, the probability of skin microtraumas is high.
  • May cause reddening of the skin.
  • It takes a long time to flush.

This tool is suitable for frequent use. Low price makes it affordable.

What face scrub to buy

A specific tool is selected based on their skin characteristics. It should adhere to the following recommendations:

1. If there are many imperfections on the skin, then it is better to choose products from manufacturers of medical cosmetics. In this case, stop your choice on scrub Vichy Normaderm.

2. For owners of oily skin, drying tools are more suitable. Try Nivea Pure Effect or Garnier Clean Skin 3 in 1.

3. If your skin is too dry, then get a gentle peeling from Natura Siberica.

4. For those who want to achieve not only cleansing, but also mattifying effect, Lumene Matt Touch is ideal.

5. For people with sensitive skin, it is better to choose products that include as many natural ingredients as possible. In this case, the perfect scrub for deep cleansing Lumene Matt Touch or Clean Line Cleansing with apricot pits.

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