
Comfortable and functional mattress - not just an element of the organization of the bed. Not only the quality of sleep, comfort and convenience depend on the choice of this accessory. Mattress is a key element in the care of the health of the spine and the musculoskeletal system. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of orthopedic mattresses with different filling and performance characteristics.



How to choose an orthopedic mattress

The best manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses - which company to choose

The process of choosing and buying a mattress should begin with a study of the market of manufacturers. Today, dozens of manufacturers offer their products to the choice of the Russian consumer. Preference should be given to reliable and proven brands, whose products undergo strict quality control and are guaranteed. Diligent manufacturers give a warranty period for products from 6 months to 10 years.

The most famous brands in the domestic market are:

  • Ascona;
  • Toris;
  • Ormatek;
  • Dreamline;
  • Toris;
  • Mediflex;
  • Vegas;
  • Consul.

In the assortment of manufacturers are different lines of mattresses for children and adults. Mattresses of reputable brands are not products made “on the knees”. Production of both budget and elite models is carried out on modern high-tech equipment, using high-quality, reliable materials. Therefore, the preference of a well-known brand is not a tribute to fashion, but a worthy choice in favor of quality and reliability.

Types and device of orthopedic mattresses

With dependent spring unit

With dependent spring unit

Mattresses with a dependent spring block are made on the basis of blocks of double cones springs of the Bonnel type, for which they are sometimes called “bonnel” ones. High quality of such a spring unit can only provide the engine assembly on good equipment.

With manual assembly, there is a chance of loosening the springs soon and, as a result, the mattress will creak. It is impossible to determine the quality of the assembly “by eye”, therefore, when buying a mattress, preference should be given to a reliable and reputable manufacturer.


  • small weight;
  • affordable price;
  • good ventilation.


  • can creak from the contact of the metal surfaces of the springs;
  • when exposed to a load, it bends over the entire surface of the mattress, creating a bias towards the partner on double models;
  • fragility - quickly lose their shape;
  • they have the unpleasant property of accumulating static electricity and “beating” with current.

With independent spring assembly

With independent spring assembly

A mattress based on a block of independent springs is more expensive than models with a bonnel spring block, but it has significant advantages. The main feature of this type of products is the use of spring blocks, in which each spring of a cylindrical or barrel-shaped form is packed in a separate fabric cover.

The springs here have a smaller diameter, so the density of the block is much higher - from 250 to 1000 or more per square meter. In contrast to the bonnel-type blocks, the springs are not connected to each other, they bend only in places of loading, which allows to ensure the optimal position of the spine and distribute the load on several points.

Models of some manufacturers are mattresses with conventional blocks of independent springs with the amount of 250-1,200 per square meter. and the so-called "multi-packs" - a spring block with a maximum density, which can be up to 1500-1700 per square meter.

In some elite “multi-packs” springs of various degrees of elasticity can be used, which provides an increased orthopedic effect.


  • high anatomichnost - take the form of a body;
  • maintain the big loading;
  • durability - keep their shape for a long time.


  • high price.
  • There is a chance of squeaking, but not as fast as with bonnel mattresses.

Springless mattresses

Springless mattresses

In the manufacture of springless mattresses spring blocks are not used. The orthopedic effect and stiffness are provided and regulated by various layers of materials with different properties and degrees of elasticity.


  • noiseless - there is no likelihood of squeaking, even after prolonged use;
  • wear resistance - keeps its shape for a long time;
  • durability - the average lifetime of about 15 years;
  • evenly distribute the load;
  • Do not accumulate static electricity.


  • high cost - springless models are among the most expensive types of mattresses.

Parameters of choice of orthopedic mattress

Parameters for choosing orthopedic mattresses

The main parameters that determine the performance properties of the mattress are:

1. bed size;

2. human biological age;

3. anatomical features

4. lifestyle and level of physical activity;

5. height and weight;

6. individual preferences.


An important criterion for choosing a mattress is the degree of its rigidity. The use of layers of coconut coir, horsehair, and spring blocks with the maximum number of springs per square meter increases the rigidity and elasticity of the mattress. Latex, polyurethane foam, sintepon, modern synthetic materials periotek (artificial wool substitute), stratofiber (nonwoven fluffy synthetic material) give the mattress softness.

Memory effect

Special attention should be paid to modern high-tech material used by manufacturers in the manufacture of luxurious mattresses - a viscoelastic Memory Foarm foam that provides an increased anatomical effect.

A distinctive feature of this material is the ability to take shape of the body during sleep - the so-called "memory" effect. After applying the mattress acquires the initial form. Such models are characterized by an increased level of comfort, allowing muscles to relax during sleep.


The high quality of the cover fabric is an important factor determining the functionality and durability of the product. Today, in the manufacture of mattresses, manufacturers use both natural fabrics and synthetic substitutes. The latter are not the best option, since they electrify and “beat with current” during use.

Natural characteristics of jacquard type, which include about 70% of natural and 30% of artificial fibers, have optimal characteristics. The special weaving of the threads of such fabrics provides maximum strength and elasticity of the surface.

Lightning and quilting

When assessing the quality of the mattress, special attention should be paid to the stitch. It should be frequent, deep - capture all layers of fabric, and not have any gaps in the seams. Otherwise, the cover will quickly wear out and become unusable.

Lightning on the mattress is a convenient option that not all manufacturers offer. But its presence will greatly simplify the care of the product and facilitate the process of cleaning it.


Modern manufacturers use both natural and artificial synthetic materials as fillers:

1. polyurethane foam;

2. latex;

3. foam rubber;

4. coconut coir;

5. seaweed;

6. struttofiber;

7. felt;

8. wool.

These fillers are used in the manufacture of spring mattresses, giving the mattress additional performance characteristics.

When choosing a mattress, it should be noted that under rigid fillings, such as coconut coir, the orthopedic effect of the springs is minimized. Therefore, if you buy a mattress with a spring block, pay attention to the fact that the top layer is made of soft filler.

What orthopedic mattress to choose

What orthopedic mattress to choose

The first thing to remember when choosing a mattress is that the fashionable concept of "orthopedic" is, for the most part, an advertising gimmick. Orthopedic - that is, supporting and therapeutic effect - can only be provided by products made under the guidance or recommendations of an orthopedic doctor for a particular person, taking into account his physiological features.

The main task of modern orthopedic mattresses, manufactured in line, is to create the most comfortable conditions for sleep and rest, to ensure the correct body position and load distribution.

1. Children and adults of younger age are recommended to use more rigid mattresses. The older the person, the softer the mattress should be chosen.

2. For people leading an active lifestyle, athletes and those whose work is associated with high physical exertion, mattresses of increased rigidity are recommended.

3. Also, when buying a mattress, you must take into account anthropometric data - height, weight. If your weight ranges from 40 to 60 kg, the best option would be a soft mattress or a model of medium hardness.

4. For adults weighing from 60 to 90 kg, a mattress with medium rigidity will be a better choice, while with a weight of more than 90 kg, preference should be given to soft models.

5. Taking into account the growth, the mattress is selected as follows: height of a person + minimum 15 cm.

6. When diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pain in the spine, you should pay attention to the rigid model. However, in most cases, individual physiological features are taken into account.

How much is an orthopedic mattress

How much is an orthopedic mattress

1. The segment of the class "economy" includes mattresses with a spring block type Bonnel or springless products, which are based on polyurethane foam, batting or struttofiber. The price range of such models ranges from 2 500 to 10 000-15 000 rubles.

2. The average price segment is mattresses with an independent spring block, the number of springs in which ranges from 250 to 700. The cost of such products varies from 6,000 to 25,000-30,000 rubles.

3. The category of elite mattresses includes products with an independent spring block, where the number of springs exceeds 700 pieces per square meter, as well as springless mattresses, in which high-quality materials are used as filler. Prices for such products is more than 30 000 rubles.

4. There are models whose value can exceed this figure several times, and in some cases even several dozen times.

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