
Everyone at the end of the day dreams of one thing - to comfortably sit on his bed and fall asleep. Instead, it takes a long time to pack and spin from side to side in search of a comfortable posture. Here are the first symptoms of having the wrong mattress. How to choose it to calmly fall asleep, and wake up awake and rested, read our article.



choose a mattress

The best mattress manufacturers - which company to choose

When buying a bed and a mattress to it, few pay attention to the label with the name of the manufacturer. And in vain - it often depends on how long your purchase will last and whether it will cause health problems.

The best and safest mattresses are produced by companies engaged in their own development and collaborating with orthopedic doctors:

1. Askona

2. Ormatek

3. Dreamline

4. Sealy

5. Serta

Excellent models of these and other decent manufacturers, we have already considered in our article. And now let's talk about how to choose the perfect mattress for yourself.

Device mattresses

Ystroistvo matrasa

Gone are the days when the mattress was a regular mattress - a quilted bag, stuffed with cotton just austerely. Today's models have not only become more attractive in appearance, their internal structure has also undergone major changes. Even in springless products, the packing is not randomly pushed into the cover, but glued together from several layers of different materials. Usually at least two blocks of foam with a certain level of rigidity are sewn into the shell. Some models also complement the “memory” layers - foam materials that remember the contours of the body.

In frame mattresses, the filling is much more complicated: here, under the flooring, there is a block of metal springs - dependent or independent. An additional hard layer is additionally placed over the steel core, protecting the cover from being pushed through, and the wearer from the metal that rests against the side.

Types of mattresses

Spring with dependent block

matrasa s zavisimimi rpuzhinamijpg

These types of mattresses are the most popular and therefore the market is particularly well represented. The inner spring block here consists of steel wire spirals interlaced with each other. This design is called bonnel.


  • Good air circulation in the mattress;
  • Spring ligaments withstand increased loads;
  • Relatively affordable price, although with increasing levels of comfort, it increases.


  • Creaking of wire ligaments rubbing against each other;
  • With insufficient rigidity, the body takes the wrong position - as in a hammock.

With independent springs

matrasa s nezavisimimi rpuzhinamijpg

Mattresses on independent spring blocks provide maximum comfort and last a really long time. Here the spirals are located separately from each other and work independently, without affecting the neighboring turns. Each spring is additionally placed in an individual fabric cover.

Usually in mattresses with an independent block per square meter of area goes 256 standard spirals. But for greater softness, their number may increase. For example, the average degree of convenience is provided by 550 springs per 1 square meter, and increased comfort gives a multi-pack with a capacity of at least 1000–1200 thin spirals on the same area.


  • Springs do not contact with each other and therefore do not creak;
  • There is no "hammock effect" and the mattress subsides at one point;
  • Excellent orthopedic properties - improved with increasing spring density.


  • Big weight and complexity in transportation;
  • Rather big price;
  • Smaller "loading capacity", than at dependent models.

Spring mattresses are perfect for all family members, including babies.They calmly perceive high loads from 45 to 150 kg / sq. M and at the same time easily restore their original shape. The metal frame provides reliable support for the spine, allowing the muscles to relax and the body to relax.


matras bezpruzhinnii

Mattresses without an internal elastic frame are less popular, but more affordable. However, it all depends on the selected filler.

Natural latex or coconut coir are more expensive than other spring models with an independent unit. They provide a fairly high stiffness of the whole structure. But the foam and synthetic fillers are too soft and short-lived. They are responsible for the nationwide dislike for springless mattresses. It is good that there are enough intermediate options on the market - combined ones, as well as those filled with polyurethane foam or artificial latex.


  • Low weight;
  • Complete lack of squeak;
  • Some items can be rolled up for storage or transportation;
  • Latex models give a good orthopedic effect;
  • Do not accumulate dust;
  • Adequate price.


  • Poor spring;
  • Over time, they lose their shape - they are forced.

Mattress selection options

Parametri vibora matrasa

Size and shape

The easiest way to determine the type of mattress and its dimensions. Standard models for sleeping are single, double and one and a half. A separate line are children's copies. However, the size table for different manufacturers may vary significantly, so before buying a sleeping mattress it is necessary to measure the bed in length and width (on the inside).

The most popular options for standard mattresses:

  • 120x60 and 140x70 cm - for cots;
  • 80x190 and 90x200 cm - for a single bed;
  • 120x190 (200) cm - one and a half;
  • 140x190 and 160x200 cm - double;
  • from 180x190 to 200x200 cm - family mattresses for couples, to which growing children often come to bed in the morning.

There are also round and semicircular mattresses for non-standard beds. Usually they go with a diameter of 200 to 240 cm. Experts also recommend choosing a berth whose length exceeds your height by at least 15 cm.


All people are different, they have personal preferences, and if their body is used to a soft mattress, the orthopedic model at first may seem very uncomfortable.

However, besides your own preferences in matters of healthy sleep, you should also listen to the advice of doctors:

1. Soft models give a feeling of comfort, literally enveloping the body. They do not exert pressure on blood vessels and are ideal for people over 50, pregnant women and anyone with a problem with the loins and circulation in the limbs. Also on them it will be quite comfortable for a subtle person weighing up to 55 kg.

2. Moderately soft models are suitable for middle-aged people from 25 years and older, especially if they have sedentary work and need to give the spine a natural position.

3. Medium-hard mattresses are the best choice for teenagers and young people, as well as adults whose weight does not exceed 90 kg.

4. Hard products perfectly fix the spine. Recommended for children aged 3+, athletes and large people weighing under 100 kg. Also, doctors advise those who suffer from intervertebral hernia, pain in the cervical region or have an incorrect posture to sleep on a hard mattress.

5. Mattresses of high rigidity are allowed to be used for small children not older than 3 years, as well as adults whose weight exceeds 100 kg. All other people can buy such a product only on the recommendation of the orthopedic surgeon.

Spring type

Spring blocks used in mattresses have different shapes and their own weaving characteristics, which affects the overall rigidity and service life of the product:

1. Bonnel

They can be connected with coils of wire of different thickness - these bundles largely determine the carrying capacity and rigidity of the mattress. The thinner they are, the stronger the main spirals will bend. In modern models, the springs can have a biconic (barrel-shaped) shape or an hourglass silhouette.This reduces the creak of the mattress under load and provides sufficient support for the body of the sleeper.

2. Pocket spring

Independent spring blocks with standard spiral density (256 pcs / sq. M). They give an average orthopedic effect and moderate comfort. They do not turn the mattress into a hammock, because each spring bends only where pressure occurs. As a result, the surface actually takes the shape of the body of a person lying down, giving the opportunity to relax the muscles.

3. Interactive

The technology of creating springs of various diameters, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. This is one of the varieties of independent blocks, where each spiral is sewn into an individual case. The effect of such a mattress is maximum anatomical adaptation, noiselessness, durability and resistance to stress. The number of springs per 1 square. m. - 255 pieces.

4. Mikropocket

The most expensive independent unit is used in superior mattresses. It has the best orthopedic properties, responsive to any change in body position. The number of springs is 1000-1500 pieces per 1 sq. M. Multipocket is used only in premium products.


This parameter is important for springless mattresses, as they practically consist of one gasket. The rigidity and comfort of such models will depend on the selected material:

1. Latex

It is considered an ideal filler - one of the few that can provide an orthopedic effect without a spring frame.

It can be of two types:

  • Natural latex. Really good. Its porous surface breathes and removes excess moisture, and thanks to its elastic properties, it also perfectly absorbs. It is a hypoallergenic material that retains its shape for a long time and provides the best support to the body. The service life of such a mattress reaches 10-15 years, but even after that you can still use the mattress.
  • Artificial latex. It is cheaper, but initially has the same properties as the natural one. The only difference is that it is not so durable and perceives heavy loads worse. Over time, artificial latex is not just pressed, but crumbled.

2. Coconut coir

Natural filler with antibacterial properties. It does not cause allergic reactions and is tough enough, therefore, mattresses with such a pad have an excellent orthopedic effect. This dense and elastic material is recommended for children for the prevention of scoliosis.

3. Seaweed

Another type of natural filler with healing properties. Exotic material does not retain moisture, perfectly adapts to the shape of the body, contains iodine and a number of other volatile substances that are useful for the body (including growing).

4. Wool

Sheep is mainly used for stuffing springless mattresses. It is hypoallergenic, hygienic, well controls body temperature. In winter, it is warm to sleep on it, and in summer it is not hot.

5. Polyurethane foam and foam rubber

Two related materials made of polyurethane foam. But the first one has greater elasticity, thanks to which it retains its shape longer. The second one comes into disrepair after 3-5 years of intensive exploitation, and it is pushed even earlier.


Regardless of the internal structure of the mattress, it needs a durable and pleasant to the touch fabric cover. Ideally, it will be sewn from natural or close to such materials (cotton, jacquard, calico, linen, wool, velor). However, the use of blended and synthetic fabrics. However, here we must remember that artificial materials absorb moisture poorly and make it difficult to "breathe" the skin.

Which mattress to choose

kak vibrat matras

1. For those who prefer to sleep on a soft, springless latex mattresses, Memoriform products or models with a large number of independent Multipocket springs are ideal.

2. If you need moderate softness, it is better that the structure of the mattress is complemented by a layer of coconut coir.

3. Medium stiffness is provided by polyurethane foam filler, as well as dependent and independent spring blocks with combined latex and coir flooring.

4. For those who need maximum support, it is better to choose a mattress with independent springs and coconut flooring or a super-rigid frameless version, completely molded from coconut or cactus coir.

How much are the mattresses

stoimost matrasa

1. Single products Bonnel can cost from 1900 rubles to 24 thousand. For dvuhalku have to pay at least 2,700 rubles, and the cost of premium models up to 115 thousand rubles.

2. Mattresses on independent spring blocks for a single bed cost from 1.5 to 270 thousand, for a double bed the price will be 1.5-2 times higher.

3. The cheapest single springless mattress with artificial filler will cost 1200 rubles, the most expensive (with a combined layered padding and memory effect) - no less than 260 thousand. Double models in these categories cost, respectively, from 2.2 to 600 thousand rubles.

4. On children's mattresses, prices are lower on average:

  • Springless and bonnel 400-50000 rub .;
  • With dependent springs 1400-25000 rubles.

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