
Poor power supply is an urgent problem that requires a speedy resolution. After all, insufficient or high voltage in the network creates problems with the use of electrical appliances and can even bring expensive hardware out of order. To protect home appliances from power surges and fully use it, regardless of the quality of energy, you need a stabilizer.

The article will help you choose a device that ensures uninterrupted operation of the computer, or protects the entire arsenal of electrical appliances in a country house.



how to choose a voltage regulator

The best manufacturers of voltage regulators - which company to choose

High-quality, reliable equipment for voltage regulation offer domestic and foreign manufacturers of brands:

1. APC


3. Defender

4. Lider

5. Resanta

You can get acquainted with the features, brief characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the most popular models of stabilizers, produced by top manufacturers, ranking of the best voltage regulators.

The principle of operation of the voltage stabilizer and its design

ystroistvo stabilizatora naprazhenia

At the heart of the design of most devices is a powerful transformer. Stabilizers, whose action is based on its application, depending on the method of voltage regulation and other design features, are divided into two groups.

The device can be:

  • Electromechanical;
  • Electronic.

The first group includes devices with a servomotor. The control board analyzes the input signal. Depending on its size it changes, and the servo makes a turn at a certain angle. When changing the position of the drive, the carriage mounted on it moves the carbon brush along the winding of the power transformer. As a result, the output voltage changes.

A slightly different principle of operation of electronic devices. Depending on the value of the input signal received on the control board, the secondary section of the transformer is turned on or off. Switching is carried out using relays (in relay stabilizers) or using semiconductor switches, which are assembled on thyristors or triacs.

The transformerless voltage conversion circuit features inverter stabilizers. The alternating current entering the device passes through a frequency filter. Then using a rectifier and a corrector is converted to a constant and accumulated in capacitors. In the next stage, the electricity goes to the inverter and generator, which again convert to alternating current with parameters close to ideal.

Types of voltage regulators

The type of device determines the principle of its operation and the complexity of the design. The stabilizer used in everyday life can be of the following types.

Electromechanical stabilizer

elektromehanicheskii stabilizator naprazhenia

This type of device is recommended to use in the network, which is not characterized by abrupt voltage surges, but it is constantly overestimated or underestimated. The use of equipment optimally affects the operation of lighting devices with unstable voltage. The high precision of the stabilizer makes it possible to use it in networks for the protection of audio equipment and measuring instruments.

Some manufacturers include two graphite brushes in their equipment.Increasing the contact area of ​​the brush with the transformer winding accelerates voltage stabilization to the desired level.


  • Low error (2-3%);
  • Resistance to high loads - the equipment is able to withstand an abrupt voltage surge (for 2-3 seconds) with a 2-fold excess of the nominal value;
  • Ability to work with large loads;
  • Smooth voltage adjustment;
  • Ability to work with any input voltages;
  • Minor noise level in the absence of differences in the network.


  • The speed of the brush, limited by the engine's capabilities, affects the speed of the device's response (approximately 10-15 V / sec.);
  • Wear of moving parts over time requires their replacement (graphite brushes will have to be replaced with new ones approximately in 3-5 years of use, the servo drive in 5-7 years);
  • High power devices are heavy and bulky;
  • Operating temperature range from -5 ° C to +40 ° C;
  • The need for annual maintenance to maintain the device in working condition;
  • In moments of voltage stabilization produces a characteristic noise.

Relay stabilizer

releiniii stabilizator naprazhenia

This species has gained the most popularity due to the combination of low cost and good performance. The use of a relay stabilizer is recommended to protect individual devices of low power (heating boiler, computer) in relatively “calm” power grids.

The peculiarity of this type of stabilizers is a step change in the voltage at the output with a step of 5-20 V, which can affect the operation of lighting devices (flickering of lamps). It is not advisable to use in lighting systems, since, with an error of 3%, the change in the filament of the lamps during the alignment of voltage surges is perceived by the eyes.

The number of relays included in the device depends on the accuracy of the adjustment. But with the increase in the number of relays, the frequency of their operation increases, which is accompanied by small voltage surges. Usually 4 relays are included in the stabilizer design, with an error of 8%. To reduce the rate to 5-6%, 6 relays are included in the device.


  • High speed response (about 100-200 B per second);
  • The big reloading ability giving the chance of work with the devices having high starting currents;
  • Work in a wide range of temperatures (from -30 ° C to + 40 ° C);
  • Compact and light weight.


  • Gradual mechanical wear of the relay (average service life of the relay is 10 years, depending on the quality of the relay and the mode of operation of the equipment);
  • The speed is directly proportional to the error - the smaller it is, the smaller the step of the voltage addition step. The greater the number of steps necessary to switch the device, which will take more time;
  • In the design of a greater number of switching nodes, which reduces the reliability of the equipment as a whole.

Thyristor (triac) stabilizer

simistirnii stabilizator naprazhenia

This type of device has similar units and a similar principle of operation with relay stabilizers. But he surpasses them in performance and speed of reaction.

The accuracy of regulation from this type of equipment varies from 4 to 10%, which determines the number of transformer windings. Stabilizers are used to connect electrical appliances with electric motors or heating elements (refrigerators, washing machines, electric stoves, etc.). For a home theater or computer, it is required to select equipment with a smaller adjustment error.

Devices have digital control. All elements are included in one chip. The digital display on the case indicates the input and output voltages.


  • The absence of moving elements in the design eliminates the problem of wear parts;
  • Durability and high reliability;
  • Some models can be used at -20 ° C;
  • Large operating range: the ability to work with low and high input voltages;
  • Do not create electrical interference when working.


  • The accuracy of the adjustment requires a large number of steps, which adversely affects the speed;
  • Low ability to carry overloads.Large overloads, short circuits can disable electronic keys;
  • The complexity of the repair work;
  • High price.

Inverter converter

invertornii preobrazovatel naprazhenia

This is an innovative device with optimal characteristics that are not available to all other stabilizers. The converter can be used to protect any household electrical equipment: boiler automation, pumps, home office equipment. The equipment produces voltage with high accuracy, without time delays.


  • Compactness due to the absence of a transformer in the device;
  • Suppresses pulse interference completely;
  • Excellent output characteristics with voltage fluctuations at the input from 115 to 300 B. The deviation from the nominal value of 220 V is not more than 1%, and the frequency not more than 0.5%.


  • High price;
  • Electronic components need cooling during operation. For this purpose, compact fans are used, the work of which is accompanied by a low noise level.

Combined stabilizer

kombinirovahhii stabilizator naprazhenia

Can be used for any household appliances. The device combines electromechanical and relay part of the converter. Adjustment of the current voltage value is carried out by smooth or stepwise regulation depending on the input parameters. If there is a strong voltage drop or its jump, the relay part is switched on, as speed is necessary. When voltage is closer to the norm, a servomotor comes into action.


  • Accuracy of stabilization (2-3%);
  • Ability to work with significant loads;
  • Smooth adjustment;
  • High response speed.


  • The need to replace the brushes, mechanical wear of the relay;
  • High price.

The main parameters of the choice of voltage regulator

paramitri vibora stabilizatora naprazhenia

Many types of stabilizers are suitable for use in everyday life. To determine which device to choose to serve the electricity consumers used at home or in the country, you need to take into account the basic characteristics of the converter.


Conventional stabilizers designed for household electrical appliances are rated for 220 B. A three-phase network can be used to power a country house, and some cottage electrical installations can also be three-phase (pumps, boiler equipment). It is important to take into account the phase of the devices that will be fed to the stabilizer.


Calculated starting power of all devices that will serve the stabilizer. It can exceed the total power by 3-5 times. Information about the power of the electrical device is listed in his passport.

Stabilized voltage range

Each stabilizer can only be used to convert voltage to a specific range. For home appliances, this is a gap from 130 to 270 V. If the mains voltage is outside these limits, all appliances will be turned off.

To accurately determine the voltage range in the network, you need to take a voltage reading for several days in a row during peak hours. On their basis, a calculation is prepared and equipment is selected with satisfactory parameters.

Installation method

It can be wall or floor. Selecting the installation site, you must consider the availability of free space in the area of ​​the equipment. It is necessary for the effective operation of the fans that cool the device.

What voltage regulator to choose

kakoi vibrat stabilizator naprazhenia

Depending on the tasks that the device will perform, stabilizers are recommended:

1. Relay or inverter with a power of 0.5 kVA - to protect against power surges TV or a computer of average power.

2. Electromechanical (power is calculated on the connected consumers) - with minor voltage drops in the country, where there is no valuable equipment.

3. Combined with a power of 10 kVA - for powering electrical appliances of an apartment or a comfortable summer house.

4. Electromechanical with a capacity of more than 15 kVA, three-phase - for a country cottage with a network of 380 B.

5. Thyristor or relay with a capacity of up to 1 kVA - for a gas heating boiler.

It is important to note that electromechanical stabilizers are not used for heating boilers.Since the brushes, in contact with the transformer, they spark, which can provoke a fire and fire.

Cost of voltage regulators

stoimost stabilizatora naprazhenia

The cost of the voltage generator depends on the brand, country of manufacture, technical characteristics.

Prices for single-phase stabilizers with capacity from 0.5 to 15 kVA:

1. Electromechanical - from up to 2 to 52 thousand rubles.

2. Relay - from 1.6 to 54 thousand rubles.

3. Inverter - from 6.5 to 150 thousand rubles.

4. Thyristor - from 1.6 to 65 thousand rubles.

5. Combined - from 2.6 to 71 thousand rubles.

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