
Problems with computer cooling can lead to work braking, data saving errors and complete system failure. To solve this situation, after the warranty period, it is necessary to disassemble the laptop and lubricate the key parts with thermal grease. The substance eliminates the air gap between the heating plate and the radiator, which helps to remove excess temperature. The thermal conductivity of the paste is higher than air, which immediately improves the operation of the device. Find out from the ranking of the best thermal paste for a laptop that you need to use for the processor, discrete graphics card, RAM and motherboard.



Thermal paste for laptop

The best thermal paste for laptop processors

The most heated element of the laptop is the processor, which serves all tasks and distributes commands from the user to the devices. To remove the air between the radiator and the CPU, thermal paste is used, the best of which are characterized by elasticity for application and good thermal conductivity.

Zalman ZM-STG2 - with a soft texture

Zalman ZM-STG2 - with a soft texture

Thermal grease is one of the best for a laptop because of the convenience of its application due to its soft texture. A practical form of a syringe with a cap allows you to squeeze the composition on the edges of the processor and distribute it with a plastic card evenly to the very edge of the board.

The packaging protects the product from drying out after opening, so the paste can be used on other laptops (relatives, friends), and not to throw it away after unpacking.


  • is dielectric and completely safe for metal parts of the processor and tracks on the boards;
  • made from environmentally friendly materials;
  • RoHS compliant;
  • gray color is easier to notice at the subsequent removal (after a year or two, when you have to change it);
  • tube in the form of a syringe that facilitates application;
  • Density at a temperature of 23 is 2.88, which is convenient for smearing;
  • resistance to heat transfer from the processor to the radiator is 8K / W;
  • the substance stably performs its functions at a temperature of -40 to +150 degrees;
  • conducts heat at a rate of 4.1 W / mK;
  • its consistency is reminiscent of sour cream (it does not spread on the board, but does not resist smearing);
  • tube capacity 3.5 g;
  • lowers the temperature by 12-22 degrees relative to the previous one;
  • one tube is enough for 5-6 processors.


  • narrowish sides on a tube syringe for extrusion;
  • cost 350 rubles.;
  • after a year, cleaning and re-lubrication is necessary.

Titan Nano Grease (TTG-G30015) - the most affordable laptop paste with high thermal conductivity

Titan Nano Grease (TTG-G30015) - the most affordable laptop paste with high thermal conductivity

The cost of this thermal paste is only 100 rubles, which makes it the leader in accessibility. The tube is made in the form of a syringe with rectangular body walls.

Spout closes comfortable wide cap. In the capacity of only 1.5 g, but this is enough for three processors. Thermal conductivity is one of the highest and amounts to 4.5 W / mK.


  • if before the application the CPU temperature values ​​were 90 degrees, then they go down to 50-60 (at peak load);
  • the syringe squeezes a thin layer, which is necessary for proper application;
  • cheap (100 rubles);
  • very high thermal conductivity of 4.5 W / mK.


  • in a tube of 1.5 g;
  • has a thicker consistency than other analogs, and there are heterogeneous parts (either watery or solid).

The best terpomasta for video card and laptop cooler

When users play a large number of video games, the graphics adapter works in enhanced mode and overheats no less than the processor. Coolers can not cope with long games.To speed up their cooling, they also use laptop thermal grease.

Coollaboratory Liquid Pro - for nickel-plated radiator enclosures

Coollaboratory Liquid Pro - for nickel-plated radiator enclosures

This product is often positioned as a liquid metal, demonstrating the high thermal conductivity of the paste. Despite this name, the substance does not conduct current, therefore it is completely safe for application to metal parts.

It is best suited for video card and cooler, but on condition that they are made of nickel-plated copper. Aluminum housings can cause oxidation and poor contact, which can worsen heat transfer or corrode metal.


  • convenient thin tube syringe;
  • a narrow spout allows accurate metering of thermal paste on the edges of the board;
  • the kit includes a kit for removing old pasta;
  • compatible with all Radeon video cards;
  • high thermal conductivity comparable to metal;
  • economical consumption.


  • very small capacity of 0.15 ml, which is enough for only one element;
  • in case of strong overheating, it can drain from the video card (the case is dirty)
  • cost of 700 rubles;
  • strongly hardens and poorly removed after the subsequent replacement;
  • Incompatible with aluminum surfaces.

Best thermal paste for laptop chipset

The motherboard is the link between the important components of the laptop, so it is subjected to heat during the transfer of numerous processes.

For its cooling use radiators that collect heat and take it to the coolers. To reduce the load on the board and to assist in the outflow of temperature, use the best thermal paste for the laptop's chipset.

Noctua NT-H1 - with instant effect

Noctua NT-H1 - with instant effect

This is the best laptop thermal grease due to its instant effect when applied to the radiator from the motherboard. The substance immediately begins to transmit the temperature, while still in its uncured state. Paste is supplied in a syringe with a thin nose, which facilitates application.


  • simple distribution over the surface of the tube;
  • cooling effect immediately after installation;
  • long work (up to 2-3 years);
  • does not conduct current;
  • compatible with all types of surface materials;
  • It works at temperatures up to -40 degrees.


  • 1.4 ml is enough for several units in a laptop (chipset, processor, video card) at a time;
  • very thick like cold clay.

Zalman ZM-STG1 - for multiple use

Zalman ZM-STG1 - for multiple use

The product is designed for repeated use due to a volume of 3.5 g and a container with a brush. Non-hardening composition allows the use of thermal grease on different laptops or one, but over time.

Suitable not only for private needs, but also for workshops. The substance is conveniently applied and smeared with a brush, so you do not need to look for a plastic card for additional manipulations.


  • the applicator is attached to the lid and is convenient for application and will not be lost;
  • a securely screwed cap on the bottle completely blocks access to the air and keeps the paste soft for future use;
  • 3.5 g is enough for many devices;
  • temperature stability at rates from -40 to +150 degrees;
  • thermal conductivity of 4 W / mK.


  • cost 400 rubles;
  • the brush does not reach the bottom of the keg and you have to tilt it strongly when the paste ends.

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