
To date, computer technology provides almost unlimited possibilities. These devices are very firmly entrenched in human life, because of which in any home you can find stationary PCs or laptops. With their help, users not only receive and share information, they work and study, virtually travel and relax. However, such electronic devices need timely care and prevention, because without due attention often enough problems arise with their use. Applying thermal paste to the processor is one of the most important procedures in order to maintain the technical condition of the computer in proper form. Unfortunately, not all people understand the types and characteristics of thermal grease, but with the help of our selection you can figure out how to properly choose the means for your device.




Thermal paste which company to choose

The modern market of thermal grease includes a large number of companies whose funds are quite different from each other in their appearance and characteristics. The composition of the thermal interface strongly influences its thermal conductivity and plasticity.

The following firms are listed in descending order of popularity and popularity:


2. Arctic Cooling

3. Noctua

4. Thermalright

5. Zalman

You should not buy low-quality and cheap thermal paste, because the life of your PC or laptop depends on them.

The best budgetary thermal paste

Arctic Cooling MX-4

Arctic Cooling MX 4.jpg1

This product is available in two types of packaging. The best option is to find under this name a small syringe in which 4 grams of fluid are placed. The second option is a large twenty-gram syringe. It is suitable for employees of service centers or service shops who regularly practice the collection of computers and laptops.

This thermal grease for its value has a better consistency, which is ideal for cooling equipment. The mixture is a medium thick liquid, which, moreover, is not particularly viscous. The thermal interface can lose its cooling properties in the event that the chipset heats up to + 150-160 degrees. The lower limit of the temperature reaches -50. Thermal grease has a fairly high thermal conductivity - about 8.5 W / mK.

Based on feedback from satisfied customers, this tool has the following positive aspects:

  • Excellent thermal conductivity;
  • Multiple packaging options;
  • Used to overclock processors;
  • Excellent consistency and viscosity.


  • High price.



DEEPCOOL manufactures coolers and fans for computers at various levels. In order for them to be comfortable and long to use, you need a thermal interface. This thermopaste can often be found in a set with some kind of purchase from this company. The most important feature of the fluid, judging by the feedback from users, is the full functioning even in the situation when the chipset heats up to its limit.

Manufacturers said that this thermal interface can withstand temperatures up to +200 degrees Celsius. However, the fact that the thermal conductivity of this fluid is one level lower is somewhat depressing - the upper limit of the characteristic is at the level of 4 W / mK. For experienced users, this may indicate that in the event of overclocking a chipset or video card, it will take several times more coolers or fans.

This tool has the following advantages:

  • Maintains impressive temperature up to 200 degrees;
  • Average cost;
  • High-quality packaging.


  • The consistency is too sticky;
  • Not suitable for extremely overclocking the chipset.

Arctic Silver Ceramique

Arctic Silver Ceramique

This paste has been developed by a fairly well-known Bencher from Ukraine - MaJ0r, but it is quite difficult to find in the free market. This thermal interface is very fond of overclockers who use it to disperse the technical parts of the computer. They liked the paste because of their property - maintaining thermal conductivity at very low temperatures.

The thermal interface is supplied in a two-gram syringe. The color is thick, viscous and sticky consistency - white. Thermal grease is quite plastic, so it is well applied to a cold surface, but because of its properties to stick to everything, it is quite difficult to remove from the surface. The peak operating temperature is 185 degrees, but it functions best up to 150 degrees.

Based on the numerous consumer reviews of this thermal interface, we formulated its following positive aspects:

  • The best tool for overclockers;
  • Functioning at extremely low temperatures;
  • Low heat resistance;
  • Low cost.


  • An overly viscous and sticky consistency.

Zalman ZM-STG2

Zalman ZM STG2

The company ZALMAN has received a fairly widespread reputation for its coolers, which are designed to cool the processor. This brand also produces thermal grease, which is necessary for the assembly and cleaning of technical devices. Although the tool costs a little more than other thermal interfaces of a similar class, it copes with its functions with a bang.

Many reviews say that after applying this paste the temperature of the processor may fall by several tens of degrees. Such figures allow the use of thermal grease in order to slightly overclock the chipset. However, it is not necessary to overdo it, because it’s still a budget-level tool.

Thermal grease changes its consistency at a maximum temperature of +150 degrees. Regular users are unlikely to be able to see such a temperature with their own eyes, but overclockers see such situations, so it’s not worth the risk. Thermal interface supplied in a syringe with a volume of 3.5 grams.

The main advantages of this thermal paste, based on user feedback, are as follows:

  • Excellent functionality for your money;
  • Large enough;
  • Convenient syringe.


  • Not suitable for overclockers;
  • Average cost;
  • High density.

The best thermopaste average

Noctua NT-H1

Noctua NT H1

This thermal interface is developed by scientists from the university in Austria, which is engaged in the study of heat transfer. Besides the fact that it can be found complete with Noctua coolers, it is possible to purchase this thermal grease as a separate product.

The thermal interface is located in a plastic shell with a cardboard insert. The paste is quite thick, but it does not lose its plasticity. It is very easy to apply and spread over the surface of the heat distributor.

It has an average thermal conductivity characteristic of 4.5 W / mK, and comes with a syringe, which is 3.5 grams. The thermal interface perfectly manifests itself in temperature drops from +110 to -50 degrees.

Based on various reviews, we have identified the following positive aspects of thermal paste:

  • Low cost;
  • Included is a special paddle;
  • Sufficient volume.


  • Average thermal conductivity;
  • A small temperature difference.

Glacialtech IceTherm II

Glacialtech IceTherm II

One of the main advantages of the thermal interface is immediately apparent - its packaging. The thermal conductivity of the paste is at a very high level - its value is 8.1 W / mK. Due to this, the cooling of the processor takes a few minutes, especially in the operating conditions of the connected fan.

The company producing this paste ensures that its properties are maintained up to a maximum temperature of only up to 100 degrees. Even to an inexperienced user it becomes clear that such thermal grease cannot be used by an overclocker to overclock a video chip or processor.The volume of paste is also insufficient, and is only enough to apply it once. But this is logical, because a few days after you open the syringe, the consistency of the thermal paste will thicken greatly.

We have identified the following advantages of the funds, formed on the basis of numerous reviews about it:

  • Suitable consistency;
  • High heat conductivity.


  • Low operating temperature;
  • High price.

The best expensive thermal paste

Coollaboratory Liquid PRO

Coollaboratory Liquid PRO1

The company from Germany produced this paste, deciding to focus its development on the basis of new ideas, since thermal paste, which contains zinc, aluminum and other substances with high thermal conductivity, has become obsolete. The idea of ​​replacing the composition with another low-temperature alloy of dozens of metals, which are normally in a liquid state, was an excellent solution.

Thermal grease resembles a drop of mercury, and has a huge indicator of thermal conductivity, which is an order of magnitude higher than that of classic pastes. It is 82 W / mK. The set includes cotton swabs with a sponge, documentation and a syringe, the volume of which is one gram. Such a thermal interface is suitable for people engaged in extreme overclocking of processors or video chips, for them the difference in a couple of degrees will play a big role. Before applying the paste, you need to clean the surface for contact from fat.

Based on various reviews, we have formed the following positive aspects of the tool:

  • Huge thermal conductivity;
  • Always stays in one condition.


  • High price;
  • For application requires the highest accuracy.

Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut [TG-C-005-R]

Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut TG C 005 R

This tool is the flagship of the German company and is in great demand among overclockers. The product line of this company includes not only thermal paste, but also liquid metal with thermal pads, which are supplied in sealed branded bags.

Included is a syringe with a volume of 5 grams, a syringe tip, cotton swabs with degreasing wipes and documentation. During the application of liquid metal on the device, the tool perfectly falls on its surface, sticking to it, and after heating it leaves a minimal layer. Thermal conductivity is 73 W / mK. Liquid metal has excellent current conduction and is quite aggressive to aluminum.

Based on user feedback, we have formed the following positive characteristics of the thermal interface:

  • Huge thermal conductivity;
  • Excellent equipment;
  • Good viscosity;
  • After warming up, the minimum layer remains.


  • Conduction current

What thermal paste to buy

1. Arctic Cooling MX-4 is the most common tool for PCs and laptops. High efficiency and low cost allows the paste to occupy a fairly high rating among all users.

2. Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut [TG-C-005-R] is an excellent tool for overclockers who overclock processors and video cards. Huge thermal conductivity and a large amount of funds will allow for a long time to keep your device in excellent shape.

3. Glacialtech IceTherm II - thermal interface with a high degree of thermal conductivity and an average level of temperature differences. Suitable for users who monitor and care about the technical condition of their device.

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