
Having decided to install bimetallic sectional radiators in a newly-built country cottage or to replace old cast-iron equipment in a city apartment with attractive and efficient modern models, a person faces a difficult choice a priori - what kind of batteries to buy. The proposed rating of the best bimetallic radiators of various models for apartments and country houses will be an objective adviser in this difficult task. After all, when compiling it, preference was given not to equipment with a loud name and not so much technical characteristics as to the number of praise reviews collected by the owners of one or another model of bimetallic radiators satisfied with the purchase.



bimetal radiator

Bimetallic heating radiators of which company to buy

Sira group

sira group

The brand from sunny Italy, which many experts in this industry attribute to the ancestor of bimetallic equipment. Having started its triumphant march across the planet at the beginning of the second half of the last century, the company at this point has many production sites, much of which are located outside the country. Such a success with consumers, the brand has earned, offering high-tech equipment with elegant external forms and effective heat transfer. Orientation towards the needs of people is not the only advantage of the company. Today, the efforts of the brand are aimed at the release of resource-saving equipment, coupled with a claim to the protection and restoration of the environment.



Another Italian brand that the Fardelli brothers founded in 1971. In the early stages of its development, the company produced exclusively aluminum radiators. This fact is simply explained - at that time, energy resources in Italy were very expensive, and with equal consumption, aluminum radiators provide 4 times more heat than cast-iron or steel batteries. However, having entered the Russian market in 1994, the company had to master the production of bimetallic radiators. The fact is that the domestic heating system is in some way different from the Italian one. For example, the pressure of the working medium in our pipes is much higher than in European countries. The equipment of this company corresponds to domestic GOST. In addition, the company gives an unprecedented warranty period of operation - 25 years!

Royal Thermo

royal thermo

A brand that owes its origin to the merger of the British corporation Industrial Investment Fund Ltd with several construction firms from Italy. After a couple of successful deals in the northern regions of Italy, the British believed in the rapid development of the real estate market and began to invest in the production of radiators for water heating. Until 1998, all brand products were aimed at meeting the demands of the domestic market. However, at the turn of the millennium, it became necessary to develop the markets of Eastern Europe and in particular Russia. Today, heating equipment adapted for difficult environmental conditions is successfully implemented in the post-Soviet space. Evaluating the products of the brand, experts say that the company confidently occupies a leading position in this industry in terms of price-quality ratio.



It is also an Italian brand, founded by Silvestro Niboli in 1970 in the province of Brescia. Naturally, the history of the brand is directly connected with its creator, who almost 50 years ago left a small production of elements for chandeliers, with the firm intention to engage in the development and production of cast under pressure radiators under his own brand.

Today it is a dynamically developing company whose products are well known to many consumers around the world. High-quality equipment and constant production of new products, coupled with a realistic assessment of the market and the course of its development make the company competitive.



Domestic brand, which began its activities in 2002. The design development of bimetallic radiators of this company was carried out together with experts from Italy. Production equipment - lines for machining, casting under high pressure, and so on, also come from Italy.

A distinctive feature of radiators of this brand is high heat transfer, which allows them to be installed even in large premises. In general, the company's products - the perfect combination of European quality with the vast experience of Russians in the use of heating equipment in climatic conditions close to extreme!

Ranking of the best bimetallic sectional radiators for the home

The presented rating of the best bimetallic radiators is a product of the analysis of reviews by satisfied owners who rated specific models in the following categories:

  • functioning complaints;
  • degree of heat transfer;
  • heat carrier sensitivity;
  • resistance to pressure drops;
  • possible number of sections;
  • build quality, parts and color;
  • ease of installation;
  • design solution.

The best bimetallic radiators with 500 mm center distance

The choice of heating equipment with 500 mm spacing for the rating is not accidental. The vast majority of modern residential premises have fairly large window openings, and the distance between the window sill and the floor is, as a rule, not less than 60 cm. Therefore, bimetallic radiators of this qualification are most popular with the population.

Royal Thermo PianoForte 500

Royal Thermo PianoForte 500

A lot of positive user ratings for this Italian radiator on the, which fully confirm the reliability of the design, long life, original design, puts it in the first place of the rating.


  • heat emission from 740 W to 2590 W (depending on the number of sections);
  • the number of sections varies from 4 to 14;
  • Power Shift technology that increases heat transfer;
  • steel collectors are designed for pressure surges in the system up to 30 atmospheres;
  • resistant to the most aggressive coolants;
  • wall and floor mounting is possible;
  • original design;
  • warranty from the manufacturer - 10 years.


  • quite high cost.

In general, as the British say - we are not rich enough to buy cheap things. Therefore, in this case, the price matches the quality. Special emphasis is placed on the availability of technology Power Shift - the presence of additional edges on the vertical manifold, which significantly increase the heat transfer model. In addition, in addition to the basic white and black colors, the buyer can order other tones or RAL palettes.

Rifar monolit 500

rifar monolit

Domestic development, which deservedly occupies the second place in the rating in terms of the number of collected laudatory reviews in its favor. The peculiarities include the technology of the same name used in the production process - the sections are connected by means of contact butt welding.


  • monolithic design that allows operation in the most demanding conditions;
  • heat transfer from 784 W to 2744 W;
  • grade sections - from 4 to 14;
  • high resistance to aggressive coolants (pH 7 - 9);
  • there is a lower connection;
  • warranty from the manufacturer - 25 years.


  • expensive for domestic product;
  • no odd sections - for example, 5 or 7.

However, in general, the radiator of this model collects only positive reviews.Moreover, management companies strongly recommend it to use, due to the high resistance of the model to corrosion and a long guaranteed operational life.

Global Style Plus 500

Global Style Plus 500

Once again, the Italian model, which has collected a significant number of enthusiastic reviews in his address. The inner part of the radiator is made of alloy steel, and the outer is covered with aluminum alloy.


  • high strength;
  • maximum working pressure 35 atmospheres;
  • pressure testing - 5.25 MPa;
  • heat emission in the range from 740 W to 2590 W;
  • equipment - from 4 to 14 sections;
  • pH value (aggressiveness of the coolant) - from 6.5 to 8.5;
  • warranty from the manufacturer - 10 years.


  • heat transfer drops slightly as the coolant temperature decreases.

Satisfied owners purchase this model with extremely positive assessments - high resistance to pressure drops in the system, the presence of silicone gaskets between sectional joints prevent leaks, the adjustment works steadily, and so on.

Sira RS Bimetal 500

Sira RS Bimetal 500

Another Italian, appreciated by the domestic user, as eloquently speak reviews.


  • high strength - working pressure up to 40 Bar;
  • heat transfer from 804 W to 2412 W;
  • equipment - from 4 to 12 sections;
  • resistance to the coolant is expressed in pH from 7.5 to 8.5;
  • warranty from the manufacturer - 20 years.


  • high price.

Well, that's what premium class! In addition to satisfactory estimates regarding the technical characteristics of this model of radiator, the owners are satisfied with the purchase and note the unique design - smooth, curved shapes, the complete absence of sharp corners.

Fondital Alustal 500/100

Fondital Alustal 500100

It is also an Italian engineering marvel that won the approval of Russian users, which affected the number of positive reviews.


  • heat transfer from 191 W to 2674 W;
  • complete set from 1 to 14 sections;
  • high strength - working pressure up to 40 Bar;
  • the most aggressive coolants are not terrible (pH 7 - 10);
  • warranty from the manufacturer - 20 years.


  • simple design.

In general, an insignificant minus, due to the fact that this model is a continuous water chamber. On the other hand, there is an internally anti-corrosion coating, as the owners of this radiator note, and a move pattern that prevents the system from airing.

Which bimetallic radiator to choose

In conclusion, some tips on how to choose a bimetallic radiator so that it does not disappoint, but meet the expectations placed on it.

So, here are some obvious criteria for choosing this type of heating equipment:

  • manufacturing firm;
  • indicators of working and pressure testing;
  • structural reliability;
  • easy installation and connection;
  • power and heat transfer.

Well, having adopted the stated information, one can safely assemble on the way to the nearest specialized shop and acquire a high-quality, stylish bimetallic radiator.

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