
Non-contact thermometers provide accurate results of temperature measurement and do it in seconds. However, they do not need to be processed every time after use, since contact with the surface does not occur. The device is absolutely harmless, unlike a mercury thermometer. That is why such devices are indispensable for families with small children, as well as for medical institutions. Our selection includes several of the most sought-after models, which we will discuss in more detail. Let us highlight their features, important characteristics, as well as pros and cons.



Non-contact thermometer

THIS DT-8806H 480694 - two modes of operation

THIS DT-8806H 480694 - two modes of operation

The model is designed to measure the temperature of people and different surfaces. Mainly used in everyday life. It works in the temperature range from 32 to 43 degrees (body) and from 0 to 60 (other surfaces). The device is equipped with an LCD screen with built-in backlight.

The non-contact thermometer has the option of automatically shutting off if idle for more than seven seconds. Accurate measurement is carried out from a distance of 5-15 centimeters. On the side of the structure there is an intuitive control panel with keys.


  • high accuracy - the error is not more than 0.3 degrees;
  • fast response - 0.5 seconds;
  • remembers the last 32 measurements;
  • there is a beep and a low battery indicator;
  • large font display information;
  • you can independently choose the unit of measurement;
  • ergonomic handle.


  • relatively expensive - 2150 p.

CEM DT-8806S 482117 - quality housing materials

CEM DT-8806S 482117 - quality housing materials

It is used for non-contact measurement of body temperature, food, water and various surfaces. The model has a shockproof housing that can withstand a fall from height. It works in the temperature range from 32 to 43 degrees (Body mode) and from 0 to 60 degrees (Surface mode).

The distance to measure is 1-10 centimeters. The device allows the user to set a sound signal to exceed a certain temperature threshold. Within seven seconds of idle time, the device will turn itself off, saving a charge. Powered by two finger batteries.

The LCD screen has a built-in backlight, which simplifies work in poorly lit rooms. An intuitive control panel with buttons located on the side. The ergonomic handle allows you to securely fix the thermometer in your palm.


  • high measurement accuracy - error not more than 0.2 degrees;
  • fast response - 1 second;
  • remembers the last 32 measurements;
  • battery discharge indicator is provided.


  • relatively expensive - 2400 p.

THIS DT-608 481813 - the best value for money

THIS DT-608 481813 - the best value for money

The model is not much different from previous ones, it has the same set of functions, but it costs much cheaper. This is what has allowed many experts and users to classify it as a group of products with an optimal ratio of quality and cost. The device works in two modes: "Body" and "Surface".

The temperature range is from 35 to 42 (body) and from 0 to 60 (other surfaces). Accurately measures body, water, food and surface temperatures. The thermometer is small-sized (83 x 42 x 26 mm) and ergonomic, thanks to which it lies securely in the palm of your hand.

The distance to measure should be between 0.5 and 2.5 centimeters. The device is equipped with a backlit screen on which the received information is displayed in large type. Power is produced from one battery.


  • high measurement accuracy - the error is not more than 0.1 degrees;
  • fast response - 1 second;
  • auto power off after 10 seconds of downtime;
  • intuitive control unit;
  • acceptable price - 1200 p.


  • not found.

Miniland Thermoadvanced plus - the ability to transfer results to a smartphone

Miniland Thermoadvanced plus - the ability to transfer results to a smartphone

The model differs in that it is capable of transmitting the results to a smartphone with the help of a special application “eMyBaby”, if necessary.

The device is equipped with a light indicator that indicates whether the correct location is selected for measurement. When the elevated temperature is fixed above 38 degrees, the backlight will change to an alarming red.

Non-contact thermometer supports voice commands (6 languages). In addition to body temperature, it measures the temperature of water and air. The kit includes a soft case for storage.


  • keeps in memory the last measurements;
  • fast response - no more than 2 seconds;
  • automatic shutdown function in case of idle time over 3 minutes.


  • Russian-language voice commands may not be supported;
  • high cost - 5 thousand rubles.

DT-8836 - budget model

DT-8836 - budget model

The device is ideal for measuring the temperature of a child. Works in the range of 32 to 43 degrees.

At the end of the measurement, the device beeps, notifying the parent that it is time to look at the data. To obtain more accurate results, the distance should be within 50-15 centimeters.

The data is displayed on an informative display equipped with a backlight, which allows you to see numbers without turning on the lights. The non-contact thermometer automatically shuts off after seven seconds of inactivity, which significantly saves the charge. Power comes from the battery that comes in the kit.


  • high accuracy - the error is no more than 0.2 degrees;
  • fast response - 1 second;
  • remembers up to 32 results of the last measurements;
  • low cost - 1 thousand rubles.


  • not found.

B.Well WF-1000 - Three Uses Available

B.Well WF-1000 - Three Uses Available

The model measures body temperature in three ways: through the forehead, ear, or non-contact. In each situation, the user chooses the most convenient option. The measurement speed is no more than a second, regardless of the preferred method.

The device operates in a temperature range from 10 to 50 degrees. Measurements are displayed on an informative backlit display. Power is supplied by the battery that comes with the device.


  • high measurement accuracy - error not more than 0.2 degrees;
  • auto power off function;
  • beep on completion;
  • low price - 1100 p.


  • Included is no storage case.

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