
A good brake fluid must meet several requirements at once. First, it must have a high boiling point. Otherwise you will feel the brake pedal fail. Needless to say, this will not lead to anything good? Secondly, minimum corrosivity is required. This will not worry about the fact that the brake line can rust. Thirdly, the brake fluid must have good lubricating properties. If your car has an anti-lock system, then pay attention only to the liquid standard DOT5.1. Fourth, the product must have a high viscosity stability. Otherwise, in cold conditions, you may experience poor braking performance. So which liquids meet all these requirements?




Brake fluid which company choose

Conventionally, all existing products can be divided into two groups, which we did. The first will include brake fluids produced abroad. The second includes products from domestic companies. The difference between them is really small.

In recent years, our refineries have been coolly upgraded, resulting in the emergence of high-quality automotive oils, brake fluids and other products necessary for servicing vehicles. At the same time, packaging with a Russian-made liquid will often be cheaper, which should also not be forgotten.

The most popular in the open spaces of our country are brake fluids under the following brands:

1. RosDOT

2. Castrol

3. Liqui moly

4. Motul

5. Sintec

Do not assume that quality products produce only these companies. Again, their products simply can boast of greater popularity.

The best brake fluids produced in Russia

Sintec Super DOT-4

Sintec Super DOT 4

Sintec is the most popular Russian manufacturer of automotive lubricants. Its products are regularly advertised on television and radio stations. And buyers themselves praise it much more often than scold. For example, Super DOT-4 brake fluid does not have serious disadvantages. It does not suit just a very expensive and incredibly capricious foreign-made car. In other cases, drivers remain from this liquid, if not delighted, then in sensations close to it.

For 455 grams of Sintec Super DOT-4, they ask for a penny. This makes brake fluid very cheap. It is produced in the Moscow region, at the Obninskorgsintez plant. In the freshly packaged form, the liquid begins to boil at a temperature of 240 ° C. This is a very good result, though not perfect.

After about a year of operation, the boiling point is greatly reduced - to 155 ° C. But practically any brake fluid suffers with this. That is why it is recommended to change it, if not once a year, then at least once a year or two or two.

As for viscosity, it is maintained at a good level, even in severe frost. If you do not have a rally car, then you will not feel much of a difference in the behavior of the car in summer and winter. The problems with this product lie in the instability of quality.

Fluid produced at one time may be quite different from a product released just a month later. This is confirmed by tests of various automotive publications.


  • Very low price tag;
  • Viscosity at different temperatures almost does not change;
  • Complies with all requirements of the declared standard;
  • Enough high boiling point in the first six months of use.


  • Quality instability.


RosDOT 4

Another cheap product that fits DOT4 requirements perfectly. This liquid, produced by the Dzerzhinsky plant, boils only at a temperature of 255 ° C. But, like most competitors, after a year of use, the result becomes much worse - the boiling point will be only 160 ° C. In winter, almost nothing happens with brake fluid - the viscosity is close to the initial value even in severe frost.

The main advantage of this product is widespread. You can buy it in almost any auto shop in Russia. And still this liquid is used by domestic automakers. The Dzerzhinsky plant assures that its creation has minimal corrosive properties. In a word, it is quite a worthy product of domestic production, the purchase of which does not affect the budget at all.


  • It is very cheap;
  • In a freshly packed form, it boils at a very high temperature;
  • Good viscosity characteristics;
  • Meets the requirements of the standard DOT4 in full.


  • Not the best way to show yourself on machines with ABS.

Sintec EURO DOT 6

Sintec EURO DOT 6

The newest product of the Obninskorgsintez plant. As its name implies, the liquid meets the requirements of DOT6. “Dry” (freshly packaged) liquid boils only at a temperature of 274 ° C. Until such a parameter, brakes will be heated extremely rarely, unless you are participating in a rally and autocross. But what is most encouraging is the fact that even after about a year of operation, the properties of the liquid do not drop very much - boiling occurs at 182 ° C.

If you live in the northern region of our country, then you need to fill in Sintec EURO DOT 6. The fact is that in 40-degree frost the viscosity of the product remains at a more than acceptable level. To be precise, the viscosity at this point is 647.5 mm2 / s. The ideal result, twice or three times the performance of the vast majority of products on the market. The problem with this liquid is only that it is produced in a minimum quantity, and therefore it is quite difficult to find it in stores.


  • Ideal viscosity in frost conditions;
  • Overrides the standards DOT4;
  • It boils at extremely high temperatures;
  • Excellent lubricating properties.


  • Not common.

The best brake fluids of foreign production

Motul DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid

Motul DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid

The product from Motul fully complies with the DOT 5.1 standard. In this case, the manufacturer assures that his creation can be poured into the car, where there remained a liquid standard DOT3 or DOT4. That is, a complete replacement of the fluid is not required - it will come down and, as they say, “refueling”. However, it is better to go only on the Motul DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid, preventing mixing. In this case, you definitely will not face bad brakes.

In the first hours and weeks of use, this product boils only when heated to 272 ° C. This is an excellent result, achieved only with very long braking, and even then not on every car. In the "moistened" state, the boiling point traditionally drops - in this case, to 185 ° C. But this indicator is not as easy to achieve as it seems. The fluid is designed specifically for machines endowed with ABS. Also, the creators have achieved that the viscosity of the product when the temperature drops to -40 ° C does not exceed 820 mm2 / s. This is also a very good indicator, which should be enjoyed by all residents of the regions dominated by long and cold winters.


  • More than meets the requirements of the standard DOT4;
  • Even in the “wetted” state it boils at high temperature;
  • In cold weather, viscosity increases slightly.


  • Price not like every motorist.

Castrol React DOT4 Low Temp

Castrol React DOT4 Low Temp

The best choice for a resident of Norilsk and any other northern region of Russia. Even with a frost of -40 ° C, the viscosity of this product is maintained at 650 mm2 / s. This makes the product compliant with the DOT5.1 standard.But why does the manufacturer point on a packaging and in the name of a less demanding standard? Apparently, this is a marketing ploy that allows you to sell the product in a more popular segment.

As for the boiling point, it is 265 ° C for the freshly packaged liquid. If you do not drive on the autodrome in Sochi or near Moscow, then this will be quite enough for you. Everything is in order and with the boiling point in the "wetted" form - it is 175 ° C. This means that most motorists will not notice any problems even after a year of operating a vehicle with this brake fluid. It turns out that you only need to change it every two years. Unfortunately, the liquid is not without flaw. It consists in packaging the product. For some reason, the manufacturer did not start selling liquid in a liter bottle - there is only a half-liter container.


  • The minimum viscosity even in a hard frost;
  • High boiling point even after one year of use;
  • Meets even more stringent standards;
  • Ideal for cars with ABS.


  • There is only a half-liter bottle;
  • Price does not suit everyone.

Liqui Moly Bremsenflussigkeit DOT4

Liqui Moly Bremsenflussigkeit DOT4

This brake fluid may not like for two reasons. First, it is packaged in a bottle that looks like some kind of cleaning agent. In short, this is not at all like a product from a world famous company. Secondly, in the store is difficult to pronounce the name of this liquid. However, is it necessary to do this when even auto shops are now creating in the manner of supermarkets? Otherwise, this liquid does not have serious drawbacks, it fully complies with the standard indicated on the packaging.

Fresh fluid boils at 230 ° C. If she spent about a year in a car, the boiling point drops to 155 ° C. In short, everything is very typical. The problem with this product lies in the fact that it cannot be used in the cold winter, since at sub-zero temperatures the liquid begins to significantly get stuck. Residents of Moscow and the Krasnodar Territory may well be satisfied with the purchase, but somewhere in Syktyvkar it is better to forget about the product from Liqui Moly.


  • Anti-corrosion properties - at a height;
  • Not very high price tag for a foreign product;
  • Does not affect the technical condition of brake hoses and seals;
  • Decent boiling point.


  • After a year of operation, it is recommended to replace the fluid;
  • When freezing becomes too viscous.

What brake fluid to buy

1. If your finances are limited, then you should pay attention to the domestic product called Sintec Super DOT-4. A bottle of this liquid is very inexpensive, and if the product is inferior to foreign competitors, then quite a bit.

2. RosDOT-4 shows itself even better - the product of the Dzerzhinsky plant. It conforms to the same DOT4 standard, boiling only at a temperature of 255 ° C. Viscosity in winter is maintained at an optimal level, although it is better not to fill this liquid in a car with ABS.

3. The best domestic option is Sintec EURO DOT 6. The brakes work perfectly with this fluid even in a terrible frost. In this regard, the product is recommended for purchase in the northern regions of our country.

4. About the same characteristics has a more common brake fluid Motul DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid. But not every driver wants to give that kind of money for a half-liter bottle. And yet, such costs will have to go if your car is equipped with an ABS system.

5. Castrol React DOT4 Low Temp is the winner on all fronts. If you have decent money, then buy this particular brake fluid. It boils at a very high temperature, and does not become viscous in very cold weather. Such a liquid can even be used at the North Pole.

6. If you live in central Russia or even in the South, and you only need imported brake fluid, then pay attention to Liqui Moly Bremsenflussigkeit DOT4. It is relatively inexpensive, while its properties may well suit you. It is contraindicated only to residents of the northern regions of the country.

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