
The body of the car is essentially his face. Over time, its design begins to rust, especially if you do not pay proper attention to it. Corrosion occurs for various reasons, but timely care will help to avoid this phenomenon as much as possible. But the automotive industry is not in place and manufacturers are gradually developing and introducing resistant polymers, which, at the moment, are not available to everyone. For this reason, in this article we will get acquainted with the best anti-corrosion agents that will maximally protect your car from rust. The rating is based on consumer feedback and demand for products.




Anticorrosive agent of which company to choose

Even a specialist will have difficulty answering the question “What is the best anti-corrosion agent?”, Since it is impossible to find a universal product among a huge range of such products. The main criteria for the purchase can be called compliance with the stated requirements and the price that will be affordable.

We present you a list of popular anti-corrosion agents, which are placed in descending order of demand:

1. Dinitrol

2. Runway

3. Hi-gear

4. Noxudol

5. Liqui moly

As you can see, the products of the domestic manufacturer in the list does not prevail, most motorists prefer to use proven anticorrosive made by foreign companies.

Anti-corrosion agents have several varieties, since they differ in their characteristics and purpose.

The main types are the following:

1. Intended for hidden surfaces

2. Used for exterior surfaces

Anti-corrosion agents for hidden surfaces should have the following properties:

  • Have good adhesion.
  • Easily penetrate corroded areas.
  • To repel moisture and electrolytes from surfaces.
  • Soak up in any cracks.
  • Do not adversely affect the paint coating of the surface.
  • To create an elastic and strong film.
  • Have a homogeneous structure.

Those anti-corrosion agents used for the treatment of external surfaces (body, wheel arches) must comply with the following requirements:

  • Have enclosing properties aimed at protection from electrolyte exposure.
  • Have good adhesion.
  • Maximum withstand body strain.
  • Have a high elasticity.
  • Have good strength to avoid cracks and spalls when struck with small stones or sand.

We present to your attention the best anti-corrosion agents according to the majority of consumers.

The best anti-corrosion products for hidden surfaces

Among such anticorrosive agents, those with an oil base stand out. Also come with a paraffin content. This provides a constant liquid form of the composition, which allows you to thoroughly process even microcracks, which are difficult to see with the naked eye.

In addition, these tools have a long service life, but they lack mechanical strength. For this reason, they are not used to handle the exterior of the body.

Hi Gear - the best tool for the treatment of seams

Hi gear

The basis is rubber, so the coating of this type significantly increases the service life of body parts. When processing the surface is covered with a kind of film, which has excellent water-repellent properties.The tool has not only good anti-corrosion performance, but also provides protection against chemicals that are used to treat pavement. Often used to protect seams and seams.

The advantages include the following properties:

  • The composition includes corrosion inhibitors.
  • Differs in good noise-suppressing, and also heat-insulating properties.
  • Due to the excellent elasticity, even with a long period of use does not crack.
  • Suitable for surface treatment of any type of weld.

Also, consumers note some disadvantages of this tool:

  • At primary processing it is necessary to apply a double layer of protective agent.
  • It has low efficiency if the surface to be treated is heavily rusty.

The tool is in high demand among consumers who have new cars. Also, a lot of positive feedback from car owners with used vehicles in good condition.

Noxudol - providing excellent noise insulation


This tool was developed by the Swedish manufacturer Auson for a long time. This composition differs from other similar materials on the market in that, in addition to reliable protection of body elements from corrosion and mechanical effects, it provides high-quality sound absorption.

The tool is produced in two forms - one is intended for individual use, the second is used mainly at service stations. The substance is suitable for processing any body parts, including the internal elements, the bottom and other things. Mainly used to cover internal parts. The main drawback is the long-term drying of the product. Since this anticorrosive has a very thick texture, individual processing becomes inconvenient and time consuming.

According to user feedback, this tool has the following advantages:

  • A large range of protective substances for the treatment of metal elements of the car.
  • Availability of special quality certificates, production in accordance with all European standards.
  • The ability to purchase containers for individual use, and for large professional works.
  • Good level of noise insulation.

The disadvantages include:

  • It takes a long time (up to three days) to dry after preprocessing.
  • Before processing it is necessary to isolate the wiring carefully.

A large number of buyers make a choice in favor of anti-corrosion products of this brand.

LIQUI MOLY - great value for money


This product is widely known both among Russian car owners and abroad. The advantage of this anti-corrosion agent is that it has an optimal price, which is combined with high quality. Products have excellent protective properties and elasticity.

The most effective solution will be applying two layers of this anticorrosive. Manufactured facility in Germany. In addition to anti-corrosion products, the manufacturer offers a wide range of various care products for car metal elements.

Of the positive qualities of consumers say the following:

  • It has excellent anti-corrosion properties.
  • High adhesion - perfectly fits even to those surfaces that are damaged by rust and others.
  • Differs in good elasticity.
  • With high quality it has an optimal cost.

Also present are small cons:

  • For high efficiency, a two-layer coating is required.
  • Susceptible to dirt and dust, has no repellent properties.

Perhaps the most demanded means for internal processing among a huge number of consumers, including in the professional circle.

The best anti-corrosion agents for external processing

Russian and foreign markets give car owners a wide range of such compositions. They are based on synthetic or bitumen resins.Also, funds have appeared that include zinc and other substances designed to inhibit corrosion. Such anticorrosives perform various functions. The following are anti-corrosion agents that are most in demand among consumers and have a lot of positive feedback.

Dinitrol - durable protection against external damage


Produced in Germany. The company has specialized in this field since 1939, which affects the popularity and reliability of all means. The line of this production represents the means possessing high quality. It includes polyurethane adhesives, materials against corrosion and anti-gravel, as well as many others.

They are based on ortho and dinitro components, which are developed and patented by the manufacturer. Processing Dinitrol provides maximum protection for wheel arches, sills, bottom and other body elements from rust, chemical and mechanical influences. When applied correctly, protection of metal surfaces will be durable.

Among the positive qualities are noted such as:

  • It has a good level of noise absorption.
  • The composition includes high-quality corrosion inhibitors.
  • The surface after processing gets tightness.
  • Thixotropy - small mechanical damage gradually disappear on its own.
  • Excellent adhesion - the applied layer reaches 1 cm.

But only one minus:

  • Costly remedy.

Those who do not save on the compositions intended for car care, make a choice in favor of Dinitrol and speak well of its qualities.

RunWay - Reliability and Low Cost


The tool is based on a polymer mixture. Due to this, a reliable protective coating is formed on the surface, resistant to mechanical damage and corrosion. Differs in low cost.

Anti-corrosive plating of this brand is especially popular. In its composition dominates zinc. When processing reacts with the surface of the body, resulting in a strong electroplating film that has a gray tint. In addition, this tool can be used as a primer in preparation for painting the body. Great for regions with cold winters.

The advantages include:

  • Low price.
  • Excellent against corrosion.
  • A two-layer coating provides protection for up to 3 years.
  • Dries quickly.

The disadvantages of this tool are as follows:

  • Bad sound insulation properties.
  • Sometimes the spray system is of poor quality.

This composition is in demand in the northern corners of the country and not only. Thanks to a reasonable ratio of cost and quality, most buyers prefer this particular anti-corrosion agent.

What antirust agent to buy

1. To protect the exterior of the body in regions in which abrupt changes in temperature are observed, it is better to choose the RunWay brand tool. It also has a record low price.

2. Budget and quality option for processing internal parts can be called LIQUI MOLY.

3. Dinitrol is ideal for treating the body and wheel arches of expensive cars. The cost is higher than that of other compositions, but the German quality fully justifies it.

4. If you need good sound absorption in combination with the protection of internal elements from corrosion - you can safely choose Noxydol. Also suitable for professional large-scale processing and is sold in the appropriate packaging.

5. To prevent the spread of corrosion on the internal parts, if it is already present, Hi Gear anti-corrosive will suit perfectly. Users with used cars note among the advantages of good performance, provided by inhibitors, which are part of the tool.

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