
Giroskuter got its name due to the fact that it has built-in gyroscopic sensors. They are used for self-balancing, without them it would be impossible to maintain the footrest in a horizontal position. A similar system has long been implemented in quadrocopters and radio-controlled helicopters. The invention of the hoverboard happened in the 1990s. But the start of mass production of hovercraft technology development allowed only in early 2014. Since then, there have been many models from different companies. We will talk about the best of them in today's material.




Giroskuter what company to buy



Under the Airwheel trademark, segways and monowheels are mainly produced. The first of the gyroscooters differ by the presence of a platform for hands and a seat (although there are models without it). Segways also have very large wheels, which contributes to a decent speed. Well, the main features of the monowheel can be understood by its name. The composition of this vehicle includes a large, but only one wheel. This slightly complicates the lives of newcomers who first came to the Airwheel product.



One of the most famous brands of gyroscooters. The range of this manufacturer can detect vehicles of any color. They differ in their speed characteristics. The company also produces segways, which are much easier to master. Finally, you can find in the assortment of Hoverbot and electric scooter.

Novelty electronics


The company Novelty Electronics has the widest range of vehicles supplied to Russia. It includes the already traditional gyroscooters, and their modifications, to which it is allowed to connect the pad for hands, which slightly simplifies the first hours of using the vehicle. Novelty Electronics products differ from competitors by their democratic price tag. In this regard, you should not count on high engine power - a rare Novelty Electronics hoverboard will accelerate to a speed of over 10 km / h.



Under the brand SMART produced one of the cheapest girokuterov. The cost of some even lower prices for a good bike! However, some SMART gyroscooters allow you to accelerate to 15 km / h, which allows you to cover the available distance in the shortest amount of time.

Also vehicles from SMART are distinguished by their coloring in the form of graffiti. Of course, there are more traditional gyroscooters with a black or white hull color.



Under the Wmotion brand, gyro-scooters of medium and low price segments are distributed. Interestingly, some models are endowed with additional useful features. For example, the manufacturer has guessed to embed wireless speakers and Bluetooth technology inside the gyroscooter.

Sheer trifle, but only it allows you to ride on a hoverboard not only with the wind, but also with music! A sea of ​​positive emotions guaranteed!

Top giroskuterov rating

This rating, which was based on customer feedback, includes:

  • Distance from one charge;
  • Maximum speed on a flat surface;
  • Capacity of the built-in battery;
  • The diameter of the wheels used here;
  • Vehicle weight;
  • Charging time;
  • Power of the installed electric motor;
  • Average cost in Russian stores.

The best monowheel

Solowheel Xtreme

Solowheel Xtreme

Not every person will dare to ride on just one wheel at high speed. However, after purchasing Solowheel Xtreme, you even begin to like it. This relatively small unit allows you to accelerate to 16 km / h.This speed contributes to a powerful engine, and the use of special technologies.


  • Almost the maximum speed for such a transport;
  • From one charge passes 25 km;
  • Built-in speakers allow you to listen to music;
  • The presence of LED-backlight;
  • Reliable internal design.


  • Incredibly high price;
  • Plastic case;
  • Big weight (12 kg).

Reviews on Solowheel Xtreme show that for now the purchase of this model is suitable only for organizing an attraction. Too high cost - for the money you can buy a great bike. But it should be noted that Solowheel Xtreme provides a lot of positive emotions. And not only in adults, but also in children. This is what distinguishes this model from other mono-wheels - even a child can easily ride on it.

Best segway

Uixon one

Uixon one

An excellent segway, albeit a little daunting. Also, it may seem to some that the creators endowed Uixon One with a childlike appearance. And this is despite the fact that the possibilities of this Segway are not at all childish.


  • You can accelerate to 18 km / h;
  • Able to withstand a 120 kg load;
  • The charge is enough for 20 kilometers;
  • The presence of built-in Bluetooth speakers;
  • Rich equipment;
  • It certainly will not break in the coming years.


  • Design is an amateur;
  • The cost is still tall;
  • Charging lasts 3 hours.

Reviews for Uixon One indicate that this is one of the most popular segways in Russia. It just so happened that competitors either have an overpriced price tag, or aren’t pleased with their speed performance. Also, Uixon One is distinguished by its performance - in the presence of many moving parts (wheels, steering wheel) this vehicle turned out to be strong and reliable.

Best hoverboards

SMART Balance Wheel 6.5

SMART Balance Wheel 6.5

A device that supposedly came from the future. Even the wheels here are designed in such a way as to cause just such an impression. This hoverboard turned out to be still not very heavy - its mass does not exceed 10 kg.


  • Cute design;
  • Relatively short charging time (2 hours);
  • Withstands up to 120 kg load;
  • Decent speed (15 km / h);
  • It drives about 20 km from the full charge;
  • Built-in speakers using Bluetooth.


  • The plastic case may seem unreliable.

Reviews on SMART Balance Wheel 6.5 show that people like their purchase. This hoverboard can accelerate very significantly if necessary, and you can drive about 20 km on it - only after that it will need an outlet.

Wmotion WM8

Wmotion WM8

Very good scooter, whose wheel diameter is increased to 254 mm. Unlike the previous model, Wmotion WM8 is able to withstand a person weighing only up to 100 kg. But then he charges faster - it takes him only 1.5 hours.


  • Very fast charging;
  • Able to accelerate to 12 km / h;
  • Batteries last for 25 km;
  • The presence of LED-backlight;
  • The presence of Bluetooth speakers;
  • No complaints about breakdowns.


  • Very large weight (13.5 kg);
  • Certain questions to the plastic case.

If you read the reviews on Wmotion WM8, then you stop to be surprised that hoverboards have become so popular. This model allows you to increase the speed of your movement about two and a half times. In this case, the hoverboard has a compact size - even a bicycle will take up more space at home.

You can only complain about the 13-kilogram mass - many competitors are not so heavy. But the power reserve is noticeably smaller.



The fastest hoverboard in today's collection. It can easily accelerate to 20 km / h. Only headwind is a problem at this speed - it can easily blow you away from such a compact vehicle.


  • Many options for color casing;
  • Very high speed;
  • Minimum weight (10 kg);
  • Theoretically capable of overcoming 20 km of a single charge;
  • The creators have not forgotten about the LED-backlight.


  • Charging time is not happy (3 hours);
  • Plastic case.

Reviews on the CROSSWAY SMART show that people are delighted with the speed that this hoverboard provides.But you need to understand that high speed leads to increased power consumption. If you want to drive all the required 20 km, then it is better to limit yourself a little, not much acceleration. As for the shortcomings of this vehicle, they can be attributed to a long charging time - many competitors do not need three hours to do this.

What giroskuter buy

We have to admit that on the territory of Russia, gyroscooters will long be considered only entertainment. The fact is that our streets are full of curbs and potholes, which greatly complicates the movement on such a miniature vehicle. Also, our country is known for the fact that many cities lie on the hills. Do I need to say that the power of the built-in motor is often not enough to overcome any serious rise?

1. But if you have extra money that you want to spend on an unusual thing, as if it came from the future, then buying a CROSSWAY SMART hoverboard is the best choice. This model should scare you with its speed characteristics. Believe me, accelerating to 20 km / h on a bicycle and a hoverboard is a completely different feeling!

2. Well, if for you a far more important parameter is the power reserve from a single charge, then it is better to look at Wmotion WM8. It can drive about 20-25 km. In many countries, this is quite enough on the way to work and back.

3. As for the SMART Balance Wheel 6.5, this is something in between. Here, the power reserve is smaller, but on the other hand, the hoverboard is 3.5 kg lighter.

4. Unfortunately, high-quality segways and single-wheels are much more expensive than any hoverboard. Therefore, they do not want to recommend them at all. But if you are still interested, then look in the direction of Uixon One and Solowheel Xtreme - these are the best options for investing your money.

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