
Today's young people are becoming more and more interested in giro scooters. These vehicles, if they can be called such, are no longer something of a kind of fiction. If you live in a large city, then you will be able to find at least a couple of hoverboards in the nearest shopping center. But if you make a rash purchase, then you may regret it. First, get acquainted with our material, in which we examined all the subtleties of choosing a vehicle.



How to choose a hoverboard

The best manufacturers of hoverboards - which company to choose

In theory, even a nameless Chinese company can release a hoverboard, as it is not using particularly complex components in such a device.

If you want to get your hands on a quality product, we recommend that you pay attention to the following brands:

  • Smart Balance is an American company founded in 2005 and producing thousands of all kinds of hoverboards annually. Most often they have 10-inch wheels, but there are exceptions to this rule.
  • Wmotion - under this brand not only hoverboards are produced, but also segways. Some models are able to travel from a single charge up to 45 km!
  • Airwheel - this company made a bet not on girokuter, but on segway and mono-wheel.
  • Hoverbot - under this brand a variety of hoverboards, segways and electric scooters are produced.
  • Novelty Electronics - in Russia, finding products under this brand is almost the easiest. Basically, under these are manufactured those gyroscooters, to which you can connect the platform for hands and thereby simplify management.

If you want to learn more about the products of reputable brands, we recommend that you read our article “rating of the best giroskuterov».

The principle of operation and the device hoverboard

the operating principle of the hoverboard

Any hoverboard looks quite simple. It has wheels of one size or another, between which there is a platform for legs.

In fact, this platform is a balancing pedal - your forward bend orders the device to move in the same direction. If you tilt the right leg only, then turn right. When you tilt your left foot, a left turn occurs. In short, everything is simple - you just need to learn how to keep balance.

The work of the vehicle batteries provide. For the most part, it depends on their capacity how many kilometers the hovercaster will overcome on one charge. But it also affects the weight of the person, which should be remembered - so do not trust the figure specified in the characteristics of 100%.

Also included in the device are gyroscopes, two electric motors and some other smart components.

Some hoverboards (mostly those with large wheels) come with a handle. In many cases, this is not a steering wheel at all - rather, it’s just a playground. Almost always it is removable, because you can ride without it.

Types of hoverboard

types of gyroscooters

It should be noted that many people consider all unusual vehicles deprived of understandable controls as gyroscooters. In this case, we can say that such devices differ from each other quite strongly in their design.

  • Giroskuter - this word refers to vehicles, suitable for the description posted earlier. That is, a hoverboard must have two wheels and a foot pad between them.
  • Segway is actually the same hoverboard, but already with much larger wheels and a platform for hands.
  • Monowheel - but this device can not really be considered a hoverboard, even though the same principles of management apply here. The fact is that only one wheel is used here, and therefore it is rather difficult to maintain balance.

This is the main principle of dividing the hoverboard among themselves. But this does not mean that such vehicles differ from each other only in design.

Hoverboard Selection Parameters

hoverboard selection parameters

A wide range of hoverboxes would not exist if these devices did not have different characteristics. Please note that some parameters will have to find out by visiting the official website of the manufacturer, as online stores are silent about them.

Wheel diameter

The most important parameter, which is measured in inches or millimeters.

Mini-scooters come with tiny 3-inch wheels. The maximum diameter is 20 inches - huge subways are equipped with such wheels, which cannot be called portable.

The most popular are products with wheels whose diameter is 4, 6, 8 and 10 inches. From this characteristic depends on the use of transport, and its speed. It is clear that small wheels will not allow acceleration to very high speeds, and they are also afraid of all kinds of potholes.

Wheels with a diameter of 8 or 10 inches help in overcoming small obstacles. They are also equipped with a rubber chamber, due to which vibration is damped. And still such wheels promote overcoming of a strong inclination of a surface - up to 30%. But the gyroscooter with similar wheels has rather large sizes and big weight that not everyone will like it.

Max speed

It is also a very important parameter for any vehicle, including a hoverboard.

If this parameter is large, you will be able to cover long distances in a shorter period of time. But if a hoverboard is bought only for entertainment somewhere in the park, then almost any model that accelerates to 10-15 km / h will suit you.

As mentioned above, the speed primarily depends on the used wheels. Therefore, only the segways can be pleased with the largest parameter. They can accelerate to 20 km / h, and some models manage to exceed this number!

Maximum load

Some hoverboards may seem too fragile. And indeed, each of them is designed for a specific maximum weight of a person.

For example, only people whose weight does not exceed 35-40 kg can use a children's scooter. The rest of the hoverboard also have some kind of maximum load.

The largest weight is usually maintained by segways with large wheels and a large foot area. Some models are able to move even plump man weighing up to 130 kg.

Hoverboard power

Sometimes manufacturers of this type of electric transport indicate an overstated reading of maximum load and speed. However, the power of the engines, they always indicate the real. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this parameter.

Some manufacturers indicate the power of the entire hoverboard. Others write what power each motor has. Do not forget that there are two of them in the hoverboard - each of them rotates its wheel.

If the power of electric transport is high, then it will precisely cope with any tasks. If the power is low, then consider the option of buying such a hoverboard is not worth it. On the other hand, a similar device will consume less power.

There is a possibility that from one charge it will be set in motion for a long time. But this does not mean that you will go far - the distance to be overcome depends also on the speed, which cannot be high at low power.

Travel range

The characteristics of almost every hoverboard indicate how far it will go when the battery is fully charged. However, you should remember that this parameter is always approximate.Usually, measurements occur when electric transport moves on a completely flat surface without tilting, when there is a person with minimal configuration on it.

In real life, a person whose weight is far from the minimum will use the hoverboard. A good hoverboard will be used to overcome some heights. In this regard, the distance of the trip will necessarily be lower than that specified in the specifications. But you can still be guided by this parameter - when comparing one model with others.

Having a steering wheel or pad for hands

Giroskuter were born relatively recently. Before that, only costly segways existed. They had very big wheels and a powerful engine. Also at their disposal there was a steering wheel.

As for the devices we are considering today, they are most often sold without a rudder. Even segways in some cases have a platform for hands, which in no way helps the management - it only contributes to easy balance retention on the way.

If you are looking for a high-speed hoverboard or segway, then be sure to choose a model with a platform for hands or a wheel. It can be removable or not - it does not matter at all. Otherwise, you can fall at high speed, causing damage to yourself.

If a hoverboard is purchased for entertainment, then a hand pad is not needed - you will hardly ever use it.

Other characteristics

Some models are equipped with all sorts of additions that have no relation to the movement.

For example, there are gyroscooters with Bluetooth speakers. They allow you to have fun in the park, while listening to music.

Even more popular are scooters with bright LED backlighting. It serves not to illuminate the road, but only for beauty - at night a trip on such electric transport looks spectacular!

Do not forget that such additions take away the battery charge, even if not too much. Most often, you can do without such in-built stuff. What can I say, even the alarm does not always need a hoverboard, because most often such a device is stored at home or in the office.

Pay attention to parameters such as charging speed and weight. After all, no one wants to carry a very heavy hoverboard on the stairs. Long recharging also does not please. Although nothing can be done with it - high-capacity batteries usually require connecting to an outlet for a period of three hours or more.

What giroskuter choose

what giroskuter choose

Most often, a hoverboard is purchased for a specific purpose:

1. Will you go to work? You need a segway that can cover a distance that is twice the size of what takes the way from home to work. Although in theory it may be less, then you have to recharge your electric transport near the workplace.

2. Want to have fun in the park? You need a simple hoverboard with small wheels. It will be perfect if he has a pretty LED-light.

3. Do you want to buy a gyroscooter for your child? Pay attention to children's models. But remember that a child will quickly grow out of such a toy - then it will have to be sold.

4. Need a vehicle for a large enterprise or office center? In this case, you must purchase segways with a platform for hands or a wheel. It is the easiest to learn; any employee can handle it. But the purchased model should not be very powerful.

How much are gyroscooters

cost of hoverboard

The cost of a hoverboard directly depends on the quality of its performance and the installed components:

1. For example, children's models that cannot travel more than 15 km from a single charge can cost 10-15 thousand rubles. Such gyroscooters are low-speed, to an adult they seem boring.

2. But this can not be said about the models sold for 20-35 thousand rubles. Usually for such money they offer quite worthy copies that can withstand the weight of almost any person, as well as those who are able to accelerate to fairly high speeds.

3. Segways and monocoled are the most expensive. Decent electric transport of such types can not be bought for less than 40 thousand rubles. But there was no other expectation, because this is already a real transport that will not be used for entertainment.

4. As for the price ceiling, it does not exist. After all, new technologies are born every year, with the help of which manufacturers of gyroscooters improve their creations. And a hoverboard capable of something completely new will certainly be worth more than all its competitors.

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