
Scooters are very popular due to economical fuel consumption, the ability to drive without rights on certain models and excellent maneuverability in urban environments. It is easy to get to the place of study, work or leisure, it's nice to just ride with friends, or go fishing. Thanks to their narrow dimensions, scooter drivers never stand in traffic jams. Maintenance of a small "iron horse" is much cheaper than a motorcycle or car. But how not to get entangled in the various characteristics of this technique and choose the device suitable for the user in terms of weight, height and preferences of terrain? A detailed answer to this question is provided here.



How to choose a scooter

Best scooter manufacturers - which company to choose

In the world there are several best companies producing proven motorcycles. If you are too lazy to delve into the details, then you should choose a good model among the following manufacturers:

  • Stels;
  • SYM;
  • Suzuki;
  • Irbis;
  • Honda

But their range is so wide that it is better to read. top scooter rating. The material here will help to understand the intricate characteristics of scooters and determine the range of parameters for a specific user and operating conditions.

The principle of operation and the device scooter

The principle of operation and the device scooter

This compact two-wheeled vehicle resembles mopeds, but with a more comfortable fit and beautiful design.

The scooter accommodates one or two passengers and is able to move at a speed of 50-180 km per hour, depending on the power of the power unit. Most often, transport is used to move around the city, which is convenient at busy main streets and traffic lights, and helps in time to get to the university or to work.

Another scooter is used for riding children in the yard area, trips to the countryside, fishing. Convenient this type of transport for young and old, men and women, to go to the store or other business. The device is characterized by economical consumption of gasoline, which is identical to the cost of travel in public transport, but makes the driver completely autonomous and mobile.

The principle of the scooter is to burn the air-fuel mixture in the engine, start the crankshaft and transfer torque to the rear wheel. Acceleration is accomplished by switching the transmission reducer to sprockets with a smaller diameter.

In the engine itself there are pistons, a system of valves with trapping air and mixing it with fuel, a device for injecting fuel and an exhaust silencer. Starting the power unit is possible thanks to the starter and electronic ignition system. The generator provides current to the optics and other energy-consuming parts.

Torque is transmitted to a chain or belt that moves between two dampers. The crankshaft sprocket interacts with the links and starts the movement of the camshaft. The latter has several gears that switch to change the speed of transport or a cone-shaped variator.

All key nodes are located on the frame. To ensure the smoothness of the stroke and to overcome the pits, the front and rear forks are supplied with shock absorbers of various types. The scooter has headlights, turn signals and taillights.

When the engine reaches 50 cm3, it becomes a full-fledged vehicle, where the driver is obliged to use all the required signals before the maneuver. To control such two-wheeled vehicles, category “A” rights are required. In the case of a smaller volume of the power unit is allowed to drive without a license, but in compliance with all traffic regulations.

The scooter device includes the following key components and parts:

1. Frame;

2. Suspension system;

3. Engine;

4. Battery;

5. Ignition coil;

6. Transmission;

7. Steering wheel;

8. Muffler;

9. Optics;

10. Wheels.

Different models of scooters have their own permeability and are designed for specific operating conditions and road surface.

In the city, you can move on all forms of this transport, but driving on a dirt road and overcoming bumps and holes are not available to everyone. Long-distance movement is also subject only to a certain group of scooters. All this is affected by the volume of the power unit, wheel diameter and power.

Types of scooters

Mini scooters or with a volume of up to 50 cm3

Mini scooters or with a volume of up to 50 cm3

Such models are small in size, ideal for children, or standard. Wheel diameter can vary from 8 to 14 inches. It is not difficult to choose the device for both the child and the adult.

The main difference in this category is the ability to drive around the city and the highway without a license. Of course, no one exempt from complying with the rules. This is a good option for a teenage child or an elderly person to go shopping and visiting.


  • various types of design, from classic to aggressive;
  • there is a built-in alarm system;
  • models for 1.5-2 people;
  • reinforced suspension;
  • fast acceleration;
  • low cost;
  • there are low models for kids;
  • available with wheels 14 inches;
  • quiet engine operation;
  • low fuel consumption.


  • maximum speed of 50-60 km / h;
  • depending on the country of assembly minor damage may occur;
  • small fuel tank capacity;
  • the passenger almost hangs on the edge of the seat.

Medium scooters or with a volume of 50 to 250 cm3

Average scooters or with a volume of from 50 to 250 cm3

This is the most demanded class of technology due to the good combination of speed, power and cost.

Such devices have an engine size from 50 to 250 cm3 and their management requires a driver's license. The size of the wheels they range from 12 to 14 inches, and the maximum speed in the range from 80 to 120 km / h.

Reinforced suspension allows you to use them not only in the city, but also when traveling to the village and fishing. It is easy to get on it and to the neighboring city within a radius of 100-200 km. This is an option for young and adult people to go to work every day, perhaps even from the suburbs, or to get to the place of fishing.


  • beautiful alloy wheels;
  • interesting streamlined design;
  • good headlights;
  • hydraulic disc brakes;
  • acceptable speed;
  • average cost;
  • the ability to travel far beyond the city;
  • moderate fuel consumption.


  • rights are required, which excludes driving adolescents (14-15 years old);
  • The suspension is not always successfully assembled.

Maxi scooters or with a volume of over 250 cm3

Maxi scooters or with a volume of over 250 cm3

These models look like modern motorcycles. They have a wide trim, two full seats, comfortable footrest, and a higher windshield. Models have more power and can reach speeds of up to 180 km / h.

The devices are equipped with liquid cooling and can cover considerable distances without overheating. These scooters are suitable for long distance travelers or active young people.


  • aerodynamic fairings;
  • strong frame;
  • powerful engine;
  • good governance;
  • hydraulic brakes;
  • spacious fuel tank;
  • full seats for two people;
  • high speed.


  • high fuel consumption;
  • very high cost.

Scooter selection options

Scooter selection options

Engine capacity

The internal size of the power unit chamber is called its volume. He is from 49 to 550 cm3. The greater this parameter, the more impressive is the force from the combustion of the air-fuel mixture inside, and the more powerful the apparatus will be.

This is important to consider when choosing a vehicle for teens or people who do not have a driver's license. By law, it is allowed to drive a vehicle with a power unit volume of not more than 49.9 cm3. Other models to acquire here is meaningless and this option is optimal for children aged 14-15 years who can not have rights in any case.

1. For frequent use with a passenger or cargo, a volume of 100-150 cm is required.3. The same parameters apply to the dirt road.

2. If you plan to drive only yourself and light, then you can choose the minimum value.

3. To travel between cities at a sufficient speed together or with a heavy bag, get scooters with an engine capacity from 250 to 500 cm3. They easily cope with such loads.

Engine responsiveness

The power units of scooters can have a 2-stroke or 4-stroke device.

1. In the case of 2-stroke engines, the internal combustion chamber receives air from a special channel, mixes it with fuel, burns and releases it on the other side. It gives simple maintenance, high power and cheap parts. Such models are suitable for trips on the dirt road, fishing or around the village.

2. 4-stroke engines are equipped with a valve system and breaking the combustion process into four parts. This gives a smoother operation, quiet sound and stable traction. 4-stroke models are better suited for use in the city and on the highway.


Another factor in endurance under load is the power of the scooter measured in horsepower. The parameter is from 3 to 50 hp. The higher it is, the easier it will be for a vehicle to ride on a hill with two passengers, it will overtake another vehicle faster, or rather pick up the desired speed.

1. To ride children or go shopping for an elderly person enough scooter 3 HP

2. For everyday trips to work within the city, 4-14 hp transport will be useful.

3. Traveling between cities for long distances will be easy with a power of 40-50 hp.

Max speed

From the combination of engine size and horsepower is formed and the maximum speed of the device, which is selected based on the user. It can be from 50 to 180 km / h.

1. For teenagers, it is not recommended to purchase vehicles over 50 km / h for safety reasons.

2. Ride to work in the city easier on a scooter 80-90 km / h. The same option is suitable for country trips.

3. If you often have to get from a suburb or village to a large city and back, then you need a universal model with an indicator of 120 km / h.

4. Long-distance travelers use motor equipment with the ability to accelerate to 160-180 km / h.

Number of seats

Choosing a modern moped is worth paying attention to the size of the seat. On this depends the possibility of landing the passenger.

1. Single models will suit children or a lonely retiree.

2. Vehicles serving for commuting can be bought with 1.5 seats. This will allow you to sit comfortably every day, and go on the same transport to the market with your wife on weekends.

3. For long-distance trips a supply of things is always necessary for which there may not be enough space on a small trunk, so two full-fledged seats used for a bag or a passenger are required here.

Mass of the device

Mototechnique has a mass of 80 to 300 kg. In the process of driving it may not affect the user, but when rolling vehicles into the garage, over the threshold, it will be more difficult to put a heavy model. Therefore, the storage location of the moped plays an important role. It is necessary to take into account the installation on the footboard so that the driver can do it on their own.

1. For teenagers and girls it is better to pick up a scooter weighing 80-100 kg.

2. Adults will easily be managed by technicians at 120-150 kg.

3. Heavy models need to be chosen by strong males.

Fuel consumption

The fuel consumption of a scooter depends on the power of the power unit and the type of injection.

1. Ideal for riding children is a scooter with a fuel consumption of 0.8 liters per 100 km. Such entertainment will have almost no effect on the family budget.

2. So that everyday trips to work do not come out too expensive, it is better to buy a scooter with a flow rate of 1.3-2 liters per 100 km.

3. Fishing trips and out of town need more powerful models, so here the flow will be 3-4 liters.

4. Tour maxi scooters consume up to 6 liters to quickly cover significant distances.


To smooth the roughness of the road, there are several options for the suspension, differing in the internal structure and principle of operation:

1. Telescopic - operates on hydraulic cylinders and has two tubes included in one another. This is a very soft suspension, well suited for urban roads.

2. Pendulum - has a greater range of travel and allows you to better transfer hit in the pits or overcoming other obstacles. It is worth choosing in case of frequent trips to the village or fishing.

3. Lever - well stabilizes the excitement of the road and is the average option between the above, which is better for older people or children.

Cooling system

The power unit in the process of burning fuel is very hot. To ensure its long-term operation, a cooling system is used. It is of two types: air and liquid.

1. Air - suitable for short trips, commuting to and from work, attacks on nature or fishing.

2. Liquid - needed to overcome large distances between cities, without consequences for the engine.

Fuel supply

Gasoline is delivered to the engine combustion chamber by a carburetor or an injector.

1. Scooters with carburetor system work due to fuel leaks in a small block. Its operation depends on the quality of the fuel and the atmospheric pressure, therefore it is unstable. But the cost they have less. Carburetor models will suit children and people in age. Short trips around the city are quite acceptable.

2. The injector injects finely dispersed fuel mass, which gives stability in the amount of fuel, smooth speed and good traction. On such a scooter, you can confidently overtake other vehicles in a short time or travel considerable distances. This is the best mode of transport for long-distance trips or using a scooter throughout the day, within the city.

Volume of the tank

The weak point of this technique is the small size of the gas tank. It can be from 5 to 10 liters, and in rare cases up to 15 liters. If you forget to refuel in time, you can get up in the middle of the road.

1. In the city, where there are many gas stations, it will not be difficult to push transport to the nearest one and you can choose models with a tank of 5-6 liters.

2. It is not so easy to push transport before refueling outside the city, so it is recommended to buy scooters with a fuel tank capacity of 6-8 liters.

3. Travels require an adequate supply in order not to constantly look at the gasoline sensor and here they use 12-15 l models.


Scooters are easy to operate. Mounted on them variators or gearbox with a semi-automatic.

1. Variator - has a tapered clutch, rearranging the belt on which regulates the speed of the rear wheel revolutions. When the belt rotates on the widest part, the speed is slower. When you reach the narrow section of the rotation increases significantly. With this mechanism will be easy to cope for girls and the elderly.

2. A box with a semiautomatic device - a transition to a smaller sprocket and an increase in wheel speed is achieved by pushing with a foot of a special pedal. The speed capabilities of such models are much higher, but they require certain driving skills and are suitable for those who can not get lost, and in parallel with the control of the steering wheel perform actions with the foot.

Wheel diameter

Scooters are equipped with various wheels in diameter. Their size can be from 8 to 16 inches. When driving on smooth asphalt, the difference in tire size is not felt, but on a road with defects this will play a key role. Small wheels easily fly into the pits and more difficult to go out of them.

1. For children's entertainment and riding around the quarter, enough diameter by 8 inches.

2. Rides to work and to shop on asphalt are easier to make on models with wheels of 12-14 inches. These same indicators are chosen when traveling to the village.

3. The track requires a size of 15-16 inches.

Type of brakes

For the safety of the brakes are responsible.The higher the speed of the vehicle, the more reliable they should work.

There are several types of brakes:

1. Mechanical discs - are clamped by hand and transmit the force of steel cable to the pads that block the rotation of the disc on the wheel. The action is performed as long as the trigger on the steering wheel is held by hand. This is enough to drive around the yard or to the nearest supermarket.

2. Drum - have an internal device with curved pads inside a special drum. Their divorce inhibits rotation. The system is reliable due to protection from precipitation, but requires careful monitoring in order to change the lining in time, the erasure of which is imperceptible to the user. This option is suitable for men versed in technology. Such brakes are practical on steep slopes when you go fishing.

3. Hydraulic - work on the principle of disk, but the clamping force is carried out by a special cylinder, and not just a human hand. This is the most reliable type of brakes, suitable for girls, children and adults. Optimal on the track.

Saddle height

Ease of landing on a scooter is determined by the shape of the seat and its height.

1. For children, in order not to stretch their socks to the ground, mopeds with a figure of 650-700 mm from the ground will do.

2. Medium height people are comfortable to ride at a height of 780 mm saddle.

3. For tall drivers, it is better to find a model with a value of 850 mm.

Which scooter to choose

Which scooter to choose

1. Mototechnics for riding a teenager, for a girl, for an elderly person needs a power of 3 hp, a 2-stroke engine, a maximum speed of 50 km / h, a power unit of 49 cm3, seats x per 1.5 people, weighing 90 kg, telescopic or lever fork, disc brakes and carburetor injection. The size of the wheels is 8-12 inches and the height of the saddle is 650-700 mm.

2. For everyday commuting, you will need a 4-stroke engine, 49 cm3 in volume, a variator, 4 hp power, air cooling, carburetor injection, front disc and rear drum brake, with wheels R12-13. The volume of the tank is 6 liters and the flow rate is 1.5 liters per 100 km. The mass of equipment is within 125 kg, two full seats and a case on the trunk for personal belongings.

3. To go fishing and to the village you need an air-cooled moped with a capacity of 72 cm3 power unit, 4-5 hp capacity, 9 liters of fuel in the tank, drum brakes on both wheels, 14-15 inches in size, pendulous suspension, and a maximum speed of 70-80 km. Fuel consumption will be within 2 liters per 100 km.

4. For traveling long distances you need a scooter with a 4-stroke engine, volume 530 cm3, power 46 hp, liquid cooling, fuel injection, 15-liter tank capacity, with a semiautomatic device or a variator with a reverse, two full seats, discs 15 inches tall, 800 mm high and weighing 220 kg. The maximum speed of such a device will be 180 km / h.

How much is a scooter

How much is a scooter

1. Vehicles for children and the elderly are buying for 25000-30000 rubles.

2. To go without standing in traffic jams to work, you must purchase a model for 30000-50000 rubles.

3. Fishing trips require you to give 40000-90000 rubles. for the desired model.

4. Maxi scooters who are not afraid of distances cost 250000- 900000 rubles.

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