
Almost every man dreamed or still dreams of buying a car. Many women have a driver's license. If the time for the purchase of a vehicle has come, then it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing, after all, no one wants to disappoint and then sell a bad car. You can choose the right machine, provided you take into account your needs in combination with performance characteristics. How to implement this in practice is discussed below.



A machine

The best machine manufacturers - which company to choose

Allowing without hesitation to buy the car you like can only very wealthy people.

The choice of such buyers often falls on the products of the most famous manufacturers:

  • Porshe;
  • BMW;
  • Land Rover;
  • Mercedes-Benz;
  • Lexus.

But the range of each concern is quite large, as are the generations of individual brands, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the most sought-after cars.

The choice, based primarily on the parameters, implies a purchase not because of the manufacturer's name, but on the specific characteristics of the vehicle. About this just talk.

The principle of operation and the device machine

The principle of operation and the device machine

Today, cities are just filled with cars. Cars allow to overcome long distances at a decent speed and carry with other passengers and cargo. It is used both for private needs and for business.

The device of each car includes a number of key components and assemblies:

1. Body;

2. Soft interior;

3. Steering;

4. Panel with instruments;

5. Glass;

6. Engine;

7. Transmission;

8. Suspension;

9. Brake system;

10. Optics;

11. Wheels.

Understanding the principle of operation of the machine will help to navigate to what details to pay attention to when choosing. The key is the engine. It is he who is responsible for many opportunities in speed and terrain, as well as its repair is the most expensive.

The power unit works due to a push from the starter. The latter is driven by the battery charge.

Having ensured the initial rotation, a continuous circular process is started:

1. Valves let in air in special compartments.

2. The fuel system pumps gas into the chamber.

3. Pistons compress this mixture.

4. Candles are sparked, flammable composition.

5. Combustion releases energy that pushes the pistons back.

6. Since all elements are attached to the crankshaft, its constant rotation is ensured.

Adding fuel to this process, by pressing the gas pedal, increases the number of revolutions. Next comes the work gearbox, where the movement is distributed between the gears of different diameters. The smaller it is, the higher the speed.

Rotation is transmitted to the wheels through the propeller shaft. Leading can only be the front or only the rear wheels. On large SUVs, this is a feature that all chassis have. In order for the body not to shake violently while driving, the suspension is activated, which maintains the level position of the car when a wheel hits the pit or a swoop on an obstacle.

The cabin is equipped with a stove and air conditioning in order to maintain a comfortable temperature in summer and winter. For movement at night used optics. Braking is performed by pressing the pedal and squeezing or unclenching (depending on the type) of the pads on the wheels.

Some cars are equipped with airbags in the steering column, torpedo and side parts of the cabin.

Types of cars



This market segment is the most affordable for the buyer. It is represented by two brands "VAZ" and "UAZ".

In recent years, their model range has expanded significantly and moved away from the usual forms in the direction of increased flow and improved maneuverability. There are already even crossovers and SUVs. These machines are suitable for commuting, on vacation or for a taxi.


  • acceptable price;
  • cheap repair;
  • there are crossovers and sedans;
  • durable thick metal body;
  • bumpers are now not metal, but plastic.


  • small engine life;
  • low tuning opportunities;
  • rustic design.

Korean and Chinese

Korean and Chinese

The next price category is occupied by these Asian concerns. The most famous brands are “Lifan”, “Hyundai”, “Cherie”, “Daewoo”.

The new car costs almost the same as the domestic one or is a bit more expensive, but there may be more devices in the cabin, and the total equipment is much better. These are cars for delivery services, taxi or as a family car.


  • cheap parts;
  • service can be obtained in any city;
  • economical on consumption;
  • a wide range of models from class A to C;
  • many models with air conditioning;
  • large size wheels;
  • beautiful body design.


  • some are more quickly covered with corrosion on the wings and thresholds;
  • There are many non-original parts on the market.



These are already more expensive cars that have proven themselves reliable and elegant. Among them are concerns: "Mazda", "Nissan", "Lexus", "Toyota", "Honda".

Such cars are bought for both family and official representative cars, elite taxis. With good care, such a machine will be able to serve its owner up to 30-40 years.


  • powerful engines;
  • huge resource;
  • saturated with electronics;
  • high aerodynamics;
  • Many models have five stars for safety.


  • more difficult to find quality service, especially in small cities;
  • expensive parts;
  • Installing a non-original part can disable the entire assembly.



One of the most expensive cars, among which are “BMW”, “Mercedes-Benz”, “Volkswagen”, “Porsche”, “Range Rover”. They belong to the elite transport and are used in the corporate sphere.

They are driven by company directors, company executives or politicians. But in Europe they produce simpler models: Opel, Renault, Fiat. These are also high-quality cars, but more suitable for family and private needs.


  • reliable power units;
  • wide model range;
  • long warranty;
  • on-board computer;
  • spacious salons;
  • many additional features;
  • high security.


  • expensive repairs;
  • It is very difficult to accumulate a sufficient amount to purchase elite brands.

Machine selection options

Machine selection options

The volume of the power unit

The engine of the car plays a key role in its ability to move in various conditions. Its parameters are indicated in several values, one of which is the volume of all cylinders. It is from 1 to 5 liters.

The higher it is, the more fuel burns in the chamber and the greater the energy release of the piston. This affects the number of revolutions and power of the vehicle. But a large volume also requires increased spending on fuel, as well as an increased transport tax:

1. It’s easy to drive around the city, especially with small children in the cabin, conveniently on small models of 0.9-1.1 liters.

2. For classic family use, suitable volume parameters are 1.2-1.6 liters.

3. When time is important, then quickly start moving or overtake another car on a limited stretch of road with an engine of 1.8-2.5 liters.

4. Confident overcoming of mountain roads, sands or soft soil is achieved on power units with a volume of 2.7 liters.

Engine fuel

When choosing a car, it is important to decide on what kind of fuel it works:

1. Diesel will be a little cheaper for the money in the process of operation. Such motors are more unpretentious and less likely to break. They are distinguished by an increased burden, which makes it easier to carry a load or a large number of people. But in speed, they lose to other species.It is well suited for working vehicles.

2. Gasoline (AI 95 and above) is a bit more expensive and such power units work faster. On the track, you can accelerate well and get to your destination faster. But their service is more expensive and more difficult. This is optimal for a family car or official vehicles.

3. Gas saves well, but it loses much of the two fuels described above. It is suitable for trips without overloads or as a taxi.

4. Electricity is becoming more popular. Engines run on battery and drive silently. The lack of exhaust and cheap charging make it a very economical transport. But such a machine can travel about 130 km on a single charge, which allows it to be used only for intracity purposes (work, shopping, relatives). When planning a route to another city, it is important to check the availability of gas stations with a socket for cars.

Body type

The shape of the car are very different. On this depends the convenience of passengers in the cabin and the possibility of transportation of dimensional items:

1. Sedan is the most common type. This is a car for 4 full seats or 5, but with a slight cramp in the back seat. These cars are chosen for families and taxis. Big sedans are used as representative cars for directors and politicians.

2. Crossovers and SUVs have a spacious interior and increased ground clearance. High traffic gives them clear advantages on bad roads, so these cars are bought for tourism, travel or just for the sake of image.

3. Pickups are similar in performance to SUVs, but have a separate open compartment at the rear for transporting goods or animals. Although beautiful tuning of plastic and helps to close it and use the car in the city, more of this type of transport is designed for rural areas and farming activities.

4. The station wagon and minivan are elongated versions of the sedan, characterized by a long luggage compartment. It is convenient for a large family of 6-7 people or for commercial transport, as a taxi.

5. Coupe and cabriolet are youth models, where more than two people are often accommodated. On these machines, it is convenient to drive to work in a busy city and park.

6. Hatchbacks are derived from a sedan, only, on the contrary, with a shortened trunk. This is an excellent option for a courier car or a family of three. It is characterized by high maneuverability and compactness.


To understand the capabilities of the motor manufacturers indicate its horsepower, which can be from 70 to 160 and higher. The indicator affects the speed of rotation, which affects the acceleration time.

For example, to quickly overtake another car, one car will need 2-3 seconds, and another 6-10 seconds. On the highway, it does not matter, but in a city where there are short stretches between traffic lights, it’s important. Another indicator of power affects traction when moving uphill or on a loose surface (sand, soft soil).

1. For unhurried movement in the city and on the highway, choose cars for 70-80 hp

2. Courier services and taxis to reach everywhere on time, need 90-100 hp of power.

3. Traveling in the mountains, fishing trips and hunting can lead to serious tests of the capabilities of cars that are successfully overcome with power parameters from 110 hp.

Fuel consumption

This indicator is influenced by the volume of the power unit and its power, but the injection system also plays a significant role.

Cars spend on 100 km of a way from 3 to 15 liters of fuel. This is important to take into account in order to understand what financial investments a car will require so that it will not be possible to use public transport after the purchase for the sake of economy.

1. For regular trips around the city (to work, to take children to school, for shopping) you should choose a model with a consumption of 6-7 liters of liquid fuel.

2. Taxis that hover over the hours, cost-effectively, will have a small consumption of gasoline 5-6 liters or gas 8-10 liters.

3. For the transportation of goods can not do without certain costs and here you need to be ready for 10-13 liters.

4. Tourism on difficult roads costs 13-15 liters per 100 km and more.

Max speed

From the indicators of speed depends on the estimated time of arrival. This is important for drawing up a travel itinerary or planning time for the day’s activities. But this is also influenced by the view of the road, on which the car will more often move.

1. On high-speed autobahn, driving at very high speeds is permissible, so you can choose a car at 250 km / h and higher.

2. Rare travels between cities, to relatives or on business can be carried out on cars with a speedometer of 180 km / h, because the permitted speed on the federal road is 110 km + a few dozen more on the error of the instruments.

3. If the car is planned to move exclusively around the city (work, delivery service), then there is a limit of up to 60 km / h, so any car will do, even with a low rate.

Luggage capacity

Although little attention is paid to this aspect, it is important to take it into account for future needs. If the size is not enough, you will have to give up some of the things or spend money on an additional box with a hinged installation on top.

1. If the car will be used for commuting, you can choose models with a boot capacity of 400 liters. The same parameter is enough for wholesale family purchases of food for a week.

2. When the subsequent installation of gas equipment is planned, the cylinder will take up a significant part of the trunk, so here choose a volume of 500 liters.

3. Regular long trips four of them require a lot of things that are easy to place in a compartment of 600 liters.

4. To transport small furniture or sports equipment to a training place is easier with a volume of 900 liters.

The luggage compartments of some cars may increase with the function of quick rear seat layouts. For this, special levers are provided. Otherwise, you have to unwind mounting seat.

Such a transformer is useful for lovers of skiing or bicycles, as well as for the frequent transportation of oversized cargo.

Wheel diameter

Wheel diameter

Passability of the machine depends on the diameter of its wheels. It affects the sensation when hit in the grooves on the road. The larger the chassis circumference, the less it falls into the pits. This also affects the speed of movement, because the big wheels will travel further at the same speed.

1. In a city with smooth asphalt, the R13-14 wheel diameter is sufficient.

2. Regular trips on the highway are best carried out on the R15-16 chassis.

3. Hunting, hiking, fishing or long journeys require R 17-18 equipment.


While the car is moving, the motor constantly interacts with the speeds. For switching the latter is responsible CAT. Acceleration is carried out by successive transition from large gears to smaller ones in diameter. Frisky overtaking or raising to higher ground occurs when gears are lowered.

1. Mechanical variants of the box imply a constant switching of the lever by the driver. This requires attention to the road and a good memorization of the location of speeds. With its help, you can quickly move or overtake the vehicle ahead. This is important for anyone who appreciates travel time.

2. The automatic unit itself monitors the engine speed and adapts to them. But to do something briskly on them will not work. This model is suitable for a quiet ride without additional stress. Often this option is chosen by girls.

Body color

This is not the most important parameter, and often it is chosen from the range that is in the cabin, but there are several recommendations on it.

1. Light colors get dirty faster, so they should be chosen for warmer and drier regions. But their advantage is good visibility in the dark, therefore, for regular trips at night, it is better to have such a transport.

2. Dark colors are not so easily soiled, which makes it more acceptable to use a car every day (work, study).But left on the side of the road with the lights off in the dark, it is exposed to increased danger from the risk of accidents.

Type of injection

The fuel supply to the engine combustion chambers can be done in two ways:

1. The carburetor sucks gasoline into the cylinders and only slightly disperses it with a thin stream. This design is easy to repair and is cheap. But the stability of the thrust periodically disappears, which requires adjustment. Influences its work and atmospheric pressure. It is better to choose this system for moving around the city, working a taxi or transporting goods.

2. The injector sprays gasoline more finely, and its structure provides a stable supply, which affects the evenness of the thrust. This is especially important during long trips so that the car does not twitch, as well as under extreme conditions (mountains, sand). But the maintenance of the injectors is more expensive.

Drive unit

Torque from the power unit is transmitted through the universal joint to the wheels. The drive and the capabilities of the machine depend on the nuances of this scheme:

1. Rear-wheel drive promotes rapid acceleration. This is ensured by rotating the rear wheels, which push the car forward. With this scheme, the transfer of torque cars consumes less fuel. But on wet asphalt, the body will be put aside. If you need to move very quickly, the same effect will occur, so rear-wheel drive is suitable for dry roads and a quiet type of driving.

2. When the front wheels are leading, it helps to maintain an even body position without wagging. The machine is more maneuverable, and it is easier to go around other vehicles or objects. But if you drive it into a high snowdrift or get into a deep rut, so that the bottom "sits", then it is very difficult to get out. This type of drive is more suitable for urban use cars.

3. A plug-in drive implies the use under normal conditions of only one pair of wheels as leading ones, and if necessary (driving into mud, sand, gravel) the second pair of wheels enters the work through a plug-in differential. When the load drops, then the automatic disconnects the secondary drive. It is very practical when traveling on fishing, hunting or countryside.

4. All-wheel drive cars have constantly involved all four wheels that spin independently, regardless of the condition of others. For example, driving on a string of mounds, the car will be able to continue moving, clinging even to one front and one rear wheel located diagonally, when other chassis can hang in the air. This is important when extreme tourism, traveling off-road or hunting.

Suspension type

Suspension is responsible for the softness and level position of the body. It compensates for wheel dips or hitting an obstacle so that the passengers in the cabin remain level and experience minimal discomfort.

When cornering, one side of the suspension presses and the other lifts the body so that the car does not fly out of the way.

There are two types of suspension:

1. Hydraulic. Made of struts with shock absorbers, where the cylinders are filled with oil. Additional springs support the body when overloaded. Springs can be added to pick-up trucks to transport heavy pets or loads. Such a suspension is easier to repair, but harder in the pits. It is more suitable for smooth roads.

2. Pneumatic. It has four racks equipped with air cushions or cameras. The design is designed not only to compensate for failures or wheel kicks, but allows you to adjust the height of the racks through the inflation or descent of air. For this there is a special compressor.

Which car to choose

Which car to choose

1. For an ordinary family of 3-4 people, it is better to purchase a sedan with a power of 65-75 hp, a petrol engine, 1.2-1.4 liters in volume, R13 wheels, with fuel consumption of 6-7 liters per 100 km, the maximum rate speed 180 km / h, 400 l trunk, carburetor injection, front wheel drive.

2. To work in a taxi, it is worth taking a station wagon with a power unit of 90 hp, with a gas installation and a consumption of about 9-10 liters, a motor volume of 1.5 liters, a dark-colored body, hydraulic suspension, a trunk for 500-600 liters, a mechanical box, front wheel drive, wheels R14.

3. For travel, choose a crossover with a motor of 1.9 liters, 110 hp, on petrol with injector injection, wheel diameter R17, maximum speed of 260 km / h, air suspension, trunk 800-900 l, with rear row layout, automatic gearbox and plug differential.

4. For the carriage of goods or farming activities buy a pickup with a diesel engine, a volume of 2.0 liters, 120 hp, wheel diameter R16-19, air suspension, manual transmission, all-wheel drive.

5. A young man for entertainment and business trips will suit the coupe with a 90 hp engine power, 1.8 l cylinder capacity, R15 wheel diameter, 200 km / h top speed, automatic gearbox, fuel injection and rear wheel drive.

How much is a car

How much is a car

1. Sedans have a price of 300,000 rubles.

2. Universals sell from 500,000 rubles.

3. Crossovers cost from 1.3 million rubles.

4. Pickups for farmers buy from 1600000 rubles.

5. The price of sports coupe starts from 1,000,000 rubles.

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