
A new car battery is bought for several reasons. First, the old one could fail or almost completely lose its working capacity. Who would like to “light it up” every morning? Secondly, such a purchase is necessary for the restoration of some very old car, you got one way or another. Thirdly, a new battery is required if you have installed some serious power units on the car. For example, it can be a powerful audio system or a winch. Let's get acquainted with the best models, the acquisition of which does not disappoint at all.




Car battery which company choose

Now car batteries are made by a huge number of companies. At the same time on the market there are three most common standards for car batteries. Gel products cost the most money, work at any angle of inclination, and their performance remains even with regular deep discharge.

Lead acid batteries have been around for many years. They are cheap to manufacture, but they can be easily put out of action by multiple deep discharge. And AGM-batteries can be called something between a gel and a standard battery. They do not work only when turning upside down. Unfortunately, they are afraid of overcharging and deep discharge.

In Russia, car batteries from the following companies are in the greatest demand:

1. Varta

2. Yuasa

3. Bosch

4. Akom


But high-quality products are produced not only by them, in what our today's article will convince you.

Best gel car battery

Optima Yellow Top 55 Ah

Optima Yellow Top 55 Ah

Gel batteries produced a minimum number of companies. The greatest demand is the products of the American Optima. Everything comes from the fact that it was this company that developed the ideal technology of spiral laying of plates and patented it. The products of this manufacturer are well recognizable not so much because of the colors, but because of the characteristic round cans.

The starter current of the battery Optima Yellow Top 55 Ah reaches 765 A. A battery of a different type can only dream of such a parameter! It is in connection with this that motorists who install a powerful audio system make their choice in favor of this model. Even at the highest volume of sound, a voltage drop will not be felt. Also, the product is praised for resistance to vibrations and overloads. And, finally, this battery is small and light, which also causes positive emotions.


  • Small size;
  • The minimum weight (19.9 kg);
  • Works in any position;
  • Not afraid of serious overloads;
  • It produces electricity with a very large amperage;
  • Very long service life.


  • Not everyone can afford;
  • Specific requirements for charge conditions.

Best AGM-batteries

Tudor AGM

Tudor AGM

Volumetric engine cars have one major drawback. Under their hood there is often no room for a large battery. Fortunately, technologies are developing, the size of batteries is gradually reduced. A good example of this is Tudor AGM from Exide Technologies. This is an excellent battery that perfectly shows itself on machines with a start-stop system. Such a predisposition contributes to the short-term recoil load of 680 A.

The battery is designed for machines with a volumetric engine.On a standard car with a 1.5 or 1.6 liter engine under the hood, you simply do not appreciate all the advantages of the product. He has another flaw. The battery quickly consumes all its capacity. Therefore, it should not be bought by those people who regularly turn on the built-in acoustics built into the car at full volume if the engine is not running. In short, this is a specific battery, which should be remembered.


  • It can shortly produce a large current;
  • Very quickly takes charge;
  • It has a compact size;
  • High reliability;
  • Ideal for cars with a start-stop system.


  • There is no point for use in the "small car";
  • Afraid of a deep discharge;
  • Capacity under load drops very quickly.

Bosch 5951

Bosch 5951

The German company Bosch not the first year makes various components for the car. One of her best creations at the moment is the Bosch 5951 - a battery that is notable for its extraordinary resistance to long-term discharge. Even if you drive your car extremely rarely - you can be sure that you will definitely not run into a dead battery. And yet the AGM battery is able to quickly charge while the vehicle is moving.

However, the product is not without flaws. Firstly, some motorists may not have enough capacity, which here is only 56 Ah. Secondly, a certain sadness causes a starter current, the strength of which is only 480 A. And yet there is no so-called control "eye", which allows you to find out how much the battery is charged at the moment. All this allows us to recommend installing the product only in small cars.


  • In normal operation, the service life will be very long;
  • Almost does not discharge when inactive;
  • Almost instantly picks up the charge;
  • Relatively low price tag.


  • Do not recharge and allow deep discharge;
  • Small capacity;
  • Show yourself badly on a car with a large engine.

Top Lead Acid Batteries

Akteh (AT) 55A3

Aktex AT 55A3

This battery is made in Irkutsk. It is intended primarily for domestic cars. However, it is also used by the owners of some cars, under the hood of which the 1.6-liter engine hides. With this parameter, the starter current of 425 A is enough. It is noteworthy that a car battery shows itself well even in severe frosts, which is proved by the tests of specialized publications.

Unfortunately, in Irkutsk they do not know how to create masterpieces. The main disadvantage of the device is that it very quickly consumes its capacity. If there is a generator in your car, you may well not reach the nearest car service center. But this deficiency is present in almost all lead-acid batteries. Usually they do not pay attention to it, since deliberately dropping the battery “to zero” is required only in extremely rare cases.


  • Serviced battery design;
  • There is a built-in hydrometer;
  • It produces a large starter current even in the cold;
  • Adequate price tag;
  • There are modifications with different capacity.


  • Discharges quickly;
  • Do not discharge "to zero";
  • The strength of the starter current does not suit everyone.

Multu Silver Evolution 55 (450)

Multi Silver Evolution 55 450.jpg1

This battery is produced by the Turkish company Multu. Until now, its products have been the leader of the Russian market. It should be noted that the Turks regularly improve their car batteries. Silver Evolution 55 (450) is almost ideal, here the manufacturer squeezed everything out of lead-acid technology. The Turks produce plates in a special way, thereby seriously reducing the self-discharge of the battery. It also led to the product's resistance to sulfation. All this allows you to operate the battery for a very long time, regardless of the conditions of use.

Strangely enough, profile editions seldom give a palm to a given battery. This is explained by the fact that with single trials competitors show themselves better.But with constant use, they regularly make themselves known by some or other problems. And the product from Multu works stably, providing a 420A starter current. The driver rarely remembers the device under the hood. Against this background, even the fact that the battery is maintenance-free is completely annoying - the owner does not have access to the filling plugs.


  • The battery boasts sulphation resistance;
  • The price tag is quite reasonable;
  • Long service life;
  • Almost does not discharge at rest;
  • There are a hydrometer with a color scale.


  • Capacity equals only 55 Ah;
  • Starter current is not the strongest.



In our country, there is not much point in looking towards car batteries from a foreign manufacturer. Domestic companies are also doing their job well. We have already mentioned the product from Irkutsk. An excellent alternative to him is TYUMEN BATTERY STANDART. The battery produced in Siberia shows itself well both in summer and in winter. The product produces a starter current of 500 A. This allows you to start the engine even if you have filled the oil with a low-temperature viscosity of 15W.

The product from Tyumen is intended only for serviceable machines, including those with a powerful engine. If you install it in a car that “eats up” the battery at night, then you should wait for trouble. The fact is that this battery does not like planting "to zero" - during such operation the active mass of the plates is lost, after which the working capacity decreases. By the way, in the shops you can find several modifications of this battery. All of them from each other in the first place are distinguished by their capacity.


  • There are versions with different capacities;
  • The starting current has great power;
  • Pocket for many car owners;
  • Surely works even with severe cold.


  • Discharges quickly enough;
  • Strong sensitivity to deep discharge;
  • Short life.

What car battery to buy

1. Optima Yellow Top 55 Ah can be called the perfect choice. Yes, this gel battery is specifically charged. But this is his only serious flaw. Otherwise, this product shows itself in the best way. Especially strongly we will recommend this battery to those who are going to get powerful car acoustics.

2. Buy Tudor AGM recommended for those who own a car with an engine that exceeds 1.8 liters. Owners of such a vehicle will appreciate the possibility of a short-term electric power output with high amperage. The disadvantage of the product is only a quick discharge.

3. Bosch 5951 - on the contrary, designed for small cars. This is evidenced by low capacity and relatively low starter current. Among the advantages is the fact that products from a German company rarely fail, serving its owner for many years.

4. Residents of the Far East, Siberia and other northern regions can be advised to buy Akteh (AT) 55A3. This battery works stably even in terrible cold. This fact is confirmed by testing a variety of automotive publications.

5. If you are interested in lead-acid battery, then pay attention to the Multi Silver Evolution 55 (450). This copy will not require its replacement for a very long time. It can also boast a low level of self-discharge.

6. TYUMEN BATTERY STANDART should arrange car owners with almost any motor, since the battery has a high starting current. But do not hope for a long duration of use - each discharge “to zero” will inexorably reduce it.

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