
The eternal feminine dream is to always remain young and beautiful. Decorative cosmetics can bring it to life, but for a very short time - until the moment when a sponge with a cleansing agent wipes a layer of powder and foundation on the face. To remain beautiful even without makeup, you need a completely different cosmetics - caring. Properly selected face cream can prolong the youth of your skin and return it to a healthy, radiant look. But how to find it among the hundreds of jars lined up on store shelves?



How to choose a face cream

The best manufacturers of creams - which company to choose

The choice of any cosmetic product begins with the study of the lines of your favorite manufacturer. This is the right approach, as the products of different companies can react and seriously harm your skin, instead of giving the promised effect.

Within the framework of one series, all means perfectly “get along” with each other. So, choosing a face cream, try to take a tonic, cleansing milk and foundation under the makeup of the same company.

If you do not yet have your favorites, we advise you to look at the best brands that produce effective and safe caring cosmetics:

  • L'Oreal;
  • Clarins;
  • Lancome;
  • Payot;
  • Vichy;
  • Clinique.

These companies have been working in the market for decades, actively engaged in the production of medical cosmetics and conduct hundreds of studies, trying to create the best creams for different skin types all age categories. In their rich assortment you will surely find the right product.

Types of face creams



Our skin needs proper nutrition as much as the entire body. And although it does get some of the nutrients through the blood, with age it becomes insufficient. In addition, it is much more effective to “feed” the skin from the outside than to wait until the vitamin flows through to it from the inside.

Without additional food can not do if you are the owner of dry or mature dermis. In addition to vitamins, these creams also contain various trace elements, ceramides, phytohormones and other substances that allow the skin to remain beautiful as long as possible.

These products are more often designed for night care, because at this time the facial muscles are as relaxed as possible, and the cream penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis more easily.


  • Rich vitamin composition;
  • Effectively nourish and nourish the skin with essential trace elements;
  • Return healthy complexion;
  • Possess quite good water-holding action;
  • Well relieve irritation;
  • Often include components that regenerate the dermis.


  • As a rule, quite fatty and heavy, which can lead to clogged pores;
  • May cause a "delayed" allergic reaction, manifested in 2-3 days;
  • Owners of oily skin can not be left at night.

Pay attention to the composition of the nourishing cream. It is better if it is based on the natural fats of plant or animal origin (lanolin, waxes, spermaceti).

By their properties and chemical composition, they are closest to the natural secretion of the skin of the face - in contrast to mineral components like paraffin or vaseline.



It is believed that hydrating creams have a narrow scope, because they are addressed to dry skin. In fact, with age, as well as in hot climates, the need for moisture arises in all.

A cream that “seals” the precious water in our cells should contain substances such as hyaluronic acid, elastin (if your age is 30+), glycerin, panthenol, and vegetable oils.

Other components are introduced into the composition depending on the type of skin for which the cream is intended:

1. Normal and oily dermis suitable tonic extracts of green tea, chamomile, licorice.

2. If there is an excess of sebum, you should turn to moisturizing cosmetics with sea minerals and extracts of algae.

3. For dry skin, the high content of fats and oils in the cream is essential.


  • As a rule, they have a light texture;
  • Quickly absorbed into the skin without burdening it;
  • Give a softening effect;
  • Accelerate the regeneration of the skin;
  • Some creams do a good job with redness and flaking;
  • In addition to moisturizing provide good nutrition to the dry dermis.


  • Sometimes can form a sticky film on the face;
  • For winter, you need to choose a fatter cream or stop using it at all during the day.



Anti-aging creams "younger" every year. The lines of 25+ are already appearing, although the derma was considered to be a mature skin “over forty”. With the selection of such funds you need to be extremely careful, strictly following the age framework specified by the manufacturer, even if you look younger (or older) of your age.

At each stage of life, the aging of the skin takes place according to its own scenario, and in order to stop it, certain active substances must be present in the caring cosmetics. Most often anti-aging creams enrich with vitamin complexes, focusing on antioxidants and “beauty vitamins” (A, C, E and F), various acids, exfoliating old cells from the skin surface, and UV filters.


  • They slow down the aging of the skin, although they do not stop it;
  • Saturate the dermis with collagen or activate its production;
  • Well moisturize and nourish;
  • Some formulations come with reflective particles, creating a quick visual effect of rejuvenation;
  • Funds in the category of 45+ and above have a lifting effect;
  • There are compounds that can lighten age spots.


  • Taking advantage of the willingness of women to give up everything for the “elixir of youth”, manufacturers strongly lift prices;
  • There is no accumulation effect - creams work, only while they are used.

A separate line in the anti-age rulers are regenerating or regenerating creams. They “teach” the skin to be renewed independently, due to which the effect of rejuvenation is achieved and the tone of the fading derma is increased. But switching to such funds only with the appearance of obvious signs of aging, that is, at the age of about 40 years.



Some women neglect the stage of toning the skin, limited to simple care - nutrition and hydration.

In fact, the use of power creams can prevent the wilting of the dermis and delay the transition to anti-aging cosmetics for several years. Such tools are simply necessary if the skin looks dull and tired, acquires an earthy hue and becomes flabby.

Toning creams can simultaneously solve the following problems:

1. For oily dermis, they come with matting and antibacterial ingredients.

2. For sensitive skin, hypoallergenic cosmetics are produced with a soothing effect.


  • Very light and non-greasy;
  • They contain a large number of phytocomponents, complex skin care products;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes in cells and improve their nutrition;
  • They return the dermis elasticity and soften it;
  • Reduces pores on the face.


  • Formulas for toning dry skin are rarely available;
  • Can slightly dry the epidermis.

The composition of the cream-tonics includes various extracts, extracts and essential oils obtained from plants: citrus, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus, aloe, green tea or tea tree leaves.

Such products are ideal for both daytime use and for application as a makeup base.



These are “seasonal” creams, designed not only to soften, but also to protect the skin of the face from the weather: frost, wind, sunlight. They create an additional non-absorbent layer on the surface of the dermis due to the inclusion of lanolin, soft waxes and fatty oils in their composition.

Many formulas also contain zinc oxides, which heal the microcracks and inflammations that have already appeared on the skin.


  • Provide maximum protection of the upper layers of the epidermis from exposure to harmful factors;
  • Rich in nutrients;
  • Sealed moisture in the skin cells;
  • They give an instant softening effect and reduce peeling on the face;
  • Compared to other types of creams are relatively inexpensive.


  • Not well absorbed;
  • Create some feeling of heaviness on the face.

Softening cream must be used in cold and windy weather, regardless of age. Otherwise, then you have to spend a lot of time and money to restore the damaged skin.

Options for choosing a face cream

Options for choosing a face cream

Skin type

The first thing to look for on the label cream for the face - for what type of skin it is intended.

1. Dry needs more intensive hydration, while fatty may well do without it (at least up to 30-35 years).

2. For normal dermis, it is better to choose formulas according to the season - oily for winter and hydrating for summer.

3. The hardest thing would be for women with a combined type of skin - they will need to select different products for individual areas.


To a greater extent, this parameter concerns anti-age cosmetics. But even if you choose a complex tool, on the jar of which the age threshold is indicated, it is better not to ignore such an unequivocal warning from the manufacturer.

Remember that the needs of the outer skin change over the years:

1. 20-25 years - with the right lifestyle during this period, the skin looks perfect. All that is needed is to keep it in such a state as long as possible. To do this, on your dressing table should live tonic cream, moisturizing composition for the summer and protective for the winter.

2. 25-30 years - at this stage, the skin of the face begins to age under the influence of external factors. You will have to focus on emollients and protective creams, as well as daytime options with mandatory UV-filters and antioxidants.

3. 30-35 years - at this age, the skin already needs to be replenished from the outside and good moisture. Its elasticity gradually decreases, and the first wrinkles appear. Now to the main set of creams need to add anti-aging agent, and nourishing night cream.

4. 35-45 years old - the dermis loses moisture more intensively, and its color becomes dull. To restore her smoothness and radiance will help active restorative creams from anti-age lines, forcing the cells to update faster. The presence of collagen or hyaluronic acid is warmly welcome.

5. 45-50 years old - at this turn, skin aging is already caused by a change in hormonal levels and a general slowdown of metabolism. Your entire line of creams will have to be completely renewed by choosing more intensive cosmetics. Here you will need tools with a lifting effect, as well as a high content of collagen and peptides.

Application time

Creams are not in vain divided into night and day. Cosmetologists claim that the cell repair process is cyclical: it activates at approximately 17-18 hours and lasts until 5-6 in the morning.

It is at this time that the epidermis requires external replenishment. In the daytime, when we go outside, our skin is exposed to various factors, which means it needs more protection and hydration.

The balance of fatty components and water in the compositions for different times of the day will also differ:

1. Daily fluids usually contain up to 75% moisture, and oils and fats in the form of the smallest dispersed particles occupy only a small volume. Due to this ratio, emulsion creams are quickly absorbed into the skin, so that after a few minutes you can apply the foundation and apply makeup on your face.

2. In night creams, everything is exactly the opposite: these are very thick products, consisting of only a quarter of the water. Accordingly, they are absorbed for a long time, but saturate the skin with nutrients throughout the night. It turns out a kind of long-lasting mask. True, the next morning most often have to remove the remnants of fat cream from the face.

What face cream to choose

What face cream to choose

If you have oily skin:

1. For moisturizing, use light emulsion based on thermal water with a minimum amount of oils. They do not clog pores, thus avoiding inflammation. It is good if they contain salicylic and hyaluronic acid.

2. Very carefully choose nutritional formulas, preferring exclusively to night creams with vitamins A and E, minerals, fruit and lactic acids.

3. Toning cosmetics can be used from a young age, preferring creams with a matting effect and antibacterial components. Herbal extracts, caffeine, niacinamide will be useful here.

4. As for anti-aging remedies, these women are more fortunate than the rest - they will need them no sooner than 40 years. Well, if they are composed of marine minerals.

For dry skin:

1. You will need intensive moisturizing, which can provide sufficiently fat and dense in consistency creams. The same applies to nutritional formulations. Among the components of these funds should be present: glycerin, dimetikon, lanolin or urea, as well as vegetable butters (shea, coconut or cocoa butter).

2. Toning agents are better to choose among particularly light emulsions with a high water content. No extra here will be nettle, chamomile or sage extracts.

3. In the fall and winter, be sure to use protective creams with a dense texture based on wax, petrolatum or vaseline. To avoid skin flaking, they should also contain olive or jojoba oils.

4. Anti-age cosmetics will have to be applied at the age of 30, again paying special attention to the moisturizing ingredients in its composition. Also, the formula of the cream should include an extensive complex of vitamins, antioxidants and alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, citric, lactic, tartaric, malic, etc.).

Owners of normal skin:

1. To maintain the water balance, you can use the same water-fat moisturizers as in the case of dry dermis. Only their consistency should be lighter - in the form of an emulsion.

2. Nutrition will provide soft night creams with a reasonable fat content and a rich vitamin composition. Well, if the list of components will be vegetable oils (coconut, palm, olive), algae extracts or aloe.

3. In cold weather, the use of emollient creams is desirable. But it is not worth buying too fatty - enough light remedies based on panthenol, silicone or dimethicone with sea buckthorn or coconut oil.

4. Anti-aging creams start looking only when the skin will show the first signs of wilting - no sooner. Suitable cosmetics with sea minerals and ANA-acids.

How much is a face cream

How much is a face cream

1. Protective cream can be purchased at prices ranging from 100-200 rubles to 4-5 thousand.

2. Nutrient start from 60-90 rubles, and their ceiling - 27-30 thousand rubles.

3. Moisturizing compositions are sold at prices ranging from 130-170 to 20-25 thousand rubles.

4. Cream for oily skin with a matting effect will cost you from 40-80 to 6000-9000 rubles.

5. Toning creams are priced from 40-70 rubles. up to 12-15 thousand.

The largest price range for anti-aging cosmetics:

1. The cream that returns skin elasticity will cost from 40 to 20,000 rubles.

2. Fighting wrinkles make you lay out already from 200-300 rubles. up to 25-27 thousand.

3. Ladies at the age who wish to purchase an anti-age product with a lifting effect, the purchase can cost up to 30-40 thousand rubles.

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