
Table tennis or ping-pong is in the first positions among other sports games. He has long been fond of a wide audience and received recognition at the official level, which is confirmed by its inclusion in the Olympic program on an ongoing basis. In addition, a variety of sporting events and tournaments for children, young people and older people are organized in ping-pong. It is played by both men and women. Simplicity, accessibility and health benefits are those qualities of table tennis that attract an increasing number of participants every year. Our article will tell about the main attribute - the racket, and how to choose it correctly.



How to choose a racket for table tennis

The best manufacturers of table tennis rackets - which company to choose

Various manufacturers of sporting goods produced including rackets for table tennis. But experts recommend buying them from world-famous companies. Typically, these brands specialize exclusively in the manufacture of such products.

Specialists of such firms have already developed a lot of innovative technologies that have been successfully implemented. The higher cost of rackets here is fully justified, if you plan to seriously engage in table tennis.

For those who do not have the opportunity to read the material to the end, we have prepared a list of several popular and highly recognized brands.

  • Atemi;
  • Stiga;
  • Batterfly;
  • Joola;
  • Cornilleau.

Fans and beginners should not spend money buying expensive models. After the first months of training, the player's skill level increases many times, so he has to acquire a new racket.

It is at this stage, when you have mastered most of the technical issues, you can choose a higher-grade inventory and, accordingly, prices. For those who are looking for a specific model, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our rating of the best table tennis rackets.

The principle of operation and the device racket for table tennis

The principle of operation and the device racket for table tennis

A racket for table tennis is the main tool with which the game is played. It depends on her style, speed and performance of many important elements.

Rackets consist of the basis, the handle and rubber slips with a sponge. They are usually made of wood, which is connected in several layers. Also supplemented by titanium and carbon. On flat and even surfaces, lining with pimples is glued. It is important that the base consists of wood not less than 85 percent.

Rackets are sold in single copies and sets of several pieces, which allows you to play a whole company. Professionals purchase a separate base, linings and special glue to independently assemble the model they need.

Table tennis allows you to develop not only physical health, but also intellectual abilities. During the game, the participant actively moves and thinks. In the process, psychological stability, attentiveness, concentration, reaction and much more develop.

This sport has a positive effect on the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Muscles are in constant tone, coordination improves. Ping-pong is recommended for almost all age groups and has no specific contraindications.

Types of table tennis rackets

For beginners and amateurs (1-3 stars)

For beginners and amateurs (1-3 stars)

Racquets for beginners and amateurs are assembled in factories, after which they go into retail and wholesale. First of all, the product must have the highest level of control, regardless of whether an adult or a child is going to play. Manufacturers of these indicators are usually denoted in a ten-point or hundred point system.

It is important that the racket user learns how to hit the ball on the table faster. When the first steps have already been taken and the player began to master quick hits, you can change inventory by buying a racket, for example, with a ninth level of control and the seventh in rotation and speed. In this case, the product is better to choose with soft lining and with a sponge of at least 2 mm.

Check in the store this parameter, pressing the rubber with your fingers. If it is easy to press, then this option is ideal.


  • allow the player to gradually master the technique;
  • affordable price.


  • you can not change the lining
  • need to be replaced quickly
  • low quality
  • have few layers of wood at the base,
  • will not be suitable for performance of difficult receptions.

For experienced players and professionals (4-5 stars)

For experienced players and professionals (4-5 stars)

Rackets, designed for athletes of medium and high level of skill, are also manufactured in factories, but not fully assembled, which is why their designation “teams” appeared.

The player acquires the base, linings and glue to subsequently self-attach the desired rubber. This allows him to change the lining every time depending on the style of the game, weather conditions and other things. After the wear of the surface layer, the user also does not have to change the racket entirely.

You must purchase at least two identical copies so that in the event of a breakdown or loss of one, there is a possibility of replacement.


  • allow you to change if necessary rubber;
  • do not require replacement for a long time;
  • possess high quality;
  • have from five layers of wood at the base;
  • provide an opportunity to perform all the necessary techniques.


  • a good gaming experience is needed;
  • high cost in contrast to the finished models.

Table tennis racket selection options

Table tennis racket selection options


The most significant part is considered the basis. She is responsible for maneuverability and speed. Most often made from several layers of wood of different species. They stick together and dried under pressure.

A quality foundation ensures quick and easy learning and improvement of skills.

1. Plastic, as a base material, is absolutely not suitable for serious occupations. Such racquets will not be able to take the form of the owner’s hand and adjust to it.

2. Plywood is the best option. Models of wood with time fully adapt to the palm of the player, allowing more convenient to manage with a racket.

There are several types of bases:

1. DEF is a defense game;

2. ALL is a passive game;

3. ALL- - the universal game;

4. ALL + - attack;

5. OFF- - medium attack;

6. OFF - direct hit with force, high speed and rotation;

7. OFF + - hard game with high speed in attack.

Cover plates

These are special rubber plates attached with glue to the base on both sides. There are smooth and bumpy. Responsible for rotational speed, feed force and ball control.

Covers, depending on the skill of the athlete and the style of the game, are:

1. Different - for an active game. On the one hand - a smooth surface, on the other - studded. When serving, during the game, flips the desired overlay. There are options for destructive and attacking games. Parties often change during the whole match.

2. Equal - both smooth, similar visually. According to individual characteristics, one is faster, the other rotates better. The game does not usually turn over.

The thickness of the lining are divided:

1. 1.5-1.8 mm - a great option for generalists. Excellent control of counterstrikes, trims, top spins, stands.

2. 1-1.4 mm - well-aimed counter-shots and supports, as well as trimming with good control.

3. 2 mm - maximum thickness.An attacking game with various variants of rotation and speed.

A pen

The handle promotes comfortable finding of a racket in a palm. The right one will not slip and rub the skin. The shape of the handle will allow you to quickly master the game and improve the level of skill. Often the choice depends on the grip of the player, Asian or European.

There are several types of pens:

1. Anatomical;

2. Conical;

3. Straight;

4. Flare straight;

5. Flared

You need to select the option that best suits you. But it is worth trying all available.


In order that the hand does not get tired, the racket should not be heavy. At the same time, weightless is also not suitable, as it will catch unnecessary vibrations, and this will interfere with normal control, which will affect the final result of the match. The ideal weight of the model, coupled with rubber pads will be in the region of 150 - 200 grams.

Manner of play

There are two main styles of play:

1. Attacker (OFF, OFF +) - you should choose a racket with the necessary characteristics for speed, as it emphasizes strong and aggressive attacks. It is also important that the model is relatively heavy.

2. Protective (DEF) - choose a product with overlays that will provide excellent control and rotation, will give the ball the desired trajectory.

What table tennis racket to choose

What table tennis racket to choose

1. Novice players and amateurs should choose a finished racket with the ALL base and marking from 1 to 3 stars.

2. Experienced athletes and professionals will need prefabricated models with the ability to change the rubber pads. Marking 4 or 5 stars.

3. For better control and staging technology, purchase a racket with a DEF base.

4. The higher your level, the closer the base to OFF +. Such models will perfectly demonstrate themselves in a high-speed game.

5. Never choose plastic racquets, prefer wooden ones.

6. Products with a large number of layers of wood are much higher in quality.

7. Thick pads give a good torsion, but poor control of the ball.

8. The handle must have the shape that suits you as much as possible.

9. Choose a product with a weight of not less than 150 and not more than 200 grams.

10. For an attacking type of game, speed racquets are needed, and for a defensive style, with excellent control and rotation characteristics.

How much is a racket for table tennis

How much is a racket for table tennis

1. Rackets for the initial level will cost a modest 150-300 p. They will not be of good quality and will not provide a high level of play, but they will help you master the first techniques.

2. Models for players of average level will cost much more, from 800 to 1 thousand rubles. These products can be purchased from fairly well-known global manufacturers.

3. Rackets for big sports can cost in the range of 2,500-5 thousand rubles. Such products have ideal parameters and are perfect for professionals and athletes participating in various matches.

4. Combined rackets are also designed for players with a good skill class. For all the elements will have to pay from 1,500 to 3 thousand rubles. The final price will depend on the brand, the materials used and the layers of wood at the base.

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